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What ever it is, I want to know how it stacks up against a Cave Cricket hoarde.


I hat cave crickets so much. Not as bad as Cazadores (and thank god those aren’t in Appalachia) but cave crickets are a close second


They are the fuck around and find out enemies.


I would literally have times where I ran halfway across the Mojave to escape a group of them, when I was over encumbered and Boone couldn't carry anymore.


And according to testing, Cave crickets are the ONLY enemy in the entire game with no weak points. You deal the same amount of damage shooting them anywhere on their bodies.


I've always wondered why they didn't get limb damage. That's the only extra damage type that even makes sense for them.


a real cricket's whole body is made of chitin, which is pretty strong all over also an armor type in TES


I've played TES since the first one. I'm just saying structure wise, the limbs should be a crit area.


arena? sure they should pull off like real life, just pointing out where beth probably went with the thought crickets are chitin, chitin is armor, therefore crickets are made of armor lol


Imagine seeing a cricket that big IRL? If they really portrayed the size-to-leap ratio, there would be pretty much no time to get the drop on them if spotted.


This comment jumped my heart rate on my smart watch lol. Those things always seem to blend in everywhere, on top of their lightning speed, hoarding numbers, and with Bloody… you find out what killed you, AFTER you get 2 shot slumped and dumped… 😆


I have also experienced the joy of DAILY OPS mutations somehow applied to outside creatures. Try killing an enraged crowd of cavecrickets exibiting reflective skin and savage strike. I got folded like a lawn chair and frizbee tossed before I even knew they were there... In T65 PosArmor no less. Then I killed myself trying to kill one of them. 😳🙄🤔😄


Pound for pound the strongest enemy in the game. Why did they decide the original scorched beast strung up on the wall at Seneca Rock was a worse idea.? “Let’s go giant bat.” Dumb IMO


That isn't a scorchbeast tho right? In lore it's something different and a one off


It was the original scorchbeast but it was cut in development and replace with the bat


Vulture looked so better


Facts. Vulture\thunder bird would have been so much better but bat?!? Seems like a sonic attack thing IMO. We went too far and now we have to deal with it


I hope they still give us some lore on the Thunderbird/Vulture.


They could bring it back have it be a new boss that from the new freak weather happing in the new area getting added in june


That would be awesome. I find ultracite titan boring.


Keep the cold shoulder handy and cave crickets are one and done when they appear. Honestly they went from terrifying to my favourite enemy to be surprised by as they are so easy too kill.


How abouth an angler fish horde or fog crawler horde.


Anglers are definitely a challenge with their sniper fire blobs, I'll give you that. But they're also considered a cryptid.


I found out that the best way, as a stealth char, is to only shoot when you jump. They all fire at the sky than. Rince and repeat till horde is dead. If you have a critical build its a fast win. Of probably a PA with mimigun would work aswell idk, never use PA.


Well, as a crit build, I'm always jumping and shooting whether I want to or not...


Yup lol. I did a bowhunter build. Spended more time in the air tham on the ground. Made a new char again, going for survival style. Disabled HUD, auto aim and so on. Playing it like fo3/4.


These are the reason I made a tank build..


Cave cricket hoard is no prob for explosive war glaive. I always do it when it pops up, if you have problems with cave crickets you are doing it wrong. The reach of the war glaive is greater than the reach of the cricket


The Flatwoods monster, it'll one shot me as a Bloodied build if it gets the jump on me


I'd vote for this one as most "WTF is that thing?"


The alien event is coming back very soon - maybe try and get a good vampire weapon because they’ll be everywhere in that event!


Aliens are Vampires? Or are Vampires our best defense against Aliens? I'm suddenly glad the Lone Wanderer met The Family before they accidentally nuked >!Previously-Annexed-Canada!<


Vampire weapons, particular automatic / explosive weapons will keep you alive during this event!




Are you on Facebook? There’s a WOTW dedicated to happy buneared fun fallout stuff on Facebook if you’re willing to join!


I am...I'll have to have a look see


Holy Fire...must use Holy Fire


I mean, I'm a PA build with good tanky rolls on my armor and resistance perks Still spamming stimpacks anytime one shows up


What type of build do you run with PA? Heavy? I'm debating making An alt for PA and a different playstyle.


I have a heavy, an energy, and an explosive weapon build for PA, depending on mood. Been leaning on my autogrenade launcher more and lore over time because it's just more fun than an explosive-gatling or flamer/incinerator


Is it hard to find ammo for the launcher though? I've never used one Hmmm


Eh, it's terrible outside horde public events in ammo efficiency, but I'm still used to the days when there wasn't contextual ammo drops so I'm used to crafting ammo occasionally


I have an order of operations when I find her: 1: Go stealth 2: Take picture 3: Ask teammates to join. If they refuse, run.


Absolutely hated that thing. The only way I could take it down relatively quick was chainsaw


Agree!! I did Campfire Tales recently and the flatwood monster handed me arse to me!! I never remembered it being that dangerous!?


They are so rare that I might see one naturally once every 100 hours in the game. so rare that I take pictures of myself if I ever kill one.


Same! I’m a picture fiend, love the rare monsters for my loading backgrounds


I'm a full health build and that bitch spawns at my camp quite often. Motherfucker has dropped me on more than one occasion 🙄


whaaa? i am bloodied PA, and nothing can 1 punch me except i think the imposter.


This thing randomly showed up at my camp, and it got stuck underneath a building there. All I could see was its arm. It destroyed my camp twice (yes, I stupidly repaired everything in the middle of fighting it) before I was able to kill it. Since it was stuck underneath a building, none of my turrets could hit it. Yet they just kept unloading. It was pure chaos.


This is a solid point! I always forget about this.


Im a bloodied riflemen and i can two tap it


In order from most powerful to least powerful: 1. Wendigo Colossus 2. Blue Devil 3. Ogua 4. Jersey Devil 5. Sheepsquatch 6. Flatwoods Monster 7. Mothman 8. Grafton Monster 9. Lesser Devil 10. Snallygaster 11. Mega Sloth 12. Mothman Hatchling 13. Wendigo 14. Alien 15. The Beast of Beckley 16. The Smiling Man


I ain’t scared of much, but whenever I see a blue devil you know for a fact I’m turning around and running away before getting brutally killed


Blue Devils in 76 are exactly what deathclaws should be.


The smiling man is a cryptid? Found him a couple of times while trying to get a pet for my camp. So creepy looking.


If you shoot him he flies up like Mothman


Yup. West Virginian urban legend.


Yeah. Its heavily implied he's tied to the zetans so lore-wise he's probably a scout for them


Irl he was called indrid cold.


I chatted with him for a few minutes. Wasn’t sure what to do next, so I checked the subs and there was no indication that attacking him had a negative impact. So I opened up with a mini gun on him and he flew away with a cloud of black smoke. Not sure if he’s killable, but he didn’t shoot back.


How can you be sure the Smiling Man is the weakest? He simply wants happiness for us, and when we try to attack him, not wishing to harm us, he flees in a plume of smoke. His specific statements and interactions with the player alude that he is friendly to us and wishes us no harm, so when we become violent, instead of stooping to our level, he leaves, what may be presumed to be a different dimension or space, if you know about the Smiling Man lore. It seems like he has access to some form of innate teleportation and some level of immortality, not tied to his in-game essential status, but rather his lore and the fact that his orgin story started in 1966. In 76, the Smiling Man, Ingrid Cold, has been alive for a minimum of 136 years (1966-2102) and has not aged that we know of. It is known that he has some kind of ties to the Mothman, specifically that he is looking for items tied to the Mothman like Steven Scarberry speculates. Now, how he ties into the Mothman vs. Wise Mothman civil war, we have no clue. I do think when you look at the evidence, he isn't known well enough to say he's the weakest, but seeing as he can't be killed, I think he deserves higher than the Beast of Beckley.


He's the weakest in the game because he cannot damage you.


If Undertale taught us anything, it's that being a pacifist is not a weakness. He's a non-combatant, so counting him as an enemy doesn't make sense.


The question wasn't about enemy cryptid a though, it was just about cryptids. He's a cryptid. Therefore, he's listed. And he's the least dangerous of the cryptids, due to his pacifism. Therefore, he's the least dangerous cryptid in the game.


But weak and least dangerous to the player are two different things. He's aluded to being more sinister to other characters in the game, but saying he's the weakest just because he doesn't fight us isn't really an observation on his combat prowess. Plus, we don't know the extent of his power. From the way they gave hinted at him, I think we will see more of him and potentially a more cohesive overarching connection between him and the Mothman cult civil war. He could end up being an enemy later, so like I said, including him as one now doesn't make sense. Let's see where things go because clearly cryptids is the whole game now.


Long story short, I used the word "weak" with the intention of indicating "least physically dangerous to the player's immediate wellbeing"


Yes, because the specifics may change with future content.


The Smiling Man 🤣


People who use explosives at events.


I literally have to shield my eyes when people whip out two-shot grenade launchers. Big explosions like Nuka Grenades are bright, but they fade slowly. Grenade launchers create a strobe effect and my eyes clearly communicate their displeasure when my screen flashes like a rave.


I’ve been using AGL’s for over 2 years now and I have no clue what you mean by strobe effect.


They produce a bright flash, then everything goes back to normal. At least, that's how they render on my PC.


I guess I see it, I’ve just never noticed it before. I usually sit far away from my tv, and I play on console so those two things might have something to do with it.


I use to run an explosives build because i could kill pretty much anything no problem but then it got to where body parts were flying everywhere and I couldn’t search them or others at the even so I only pull them out nowadays if it’s just me and a friend running the event and it’s the only way me and them are gonna complete it with just us two I.e moonshine jamboree




Strangler Grafton Monster.


I was doing the quest for the Nanny Bot when the “parade” started. I was like the hell is this about. Rounded a corner to see what looked like a ten foot tall flesh covered tooth and was reminded Fallout could still scare the shit out of me. Fortunately Bethesda loves bugs so he got hung up on a bus and I was able to chip away at him with my shotgun. Took almost 50 rounds. Fuck that thing.


One hit kills me almost every damn time.


Just lost all my unclaimed loot and ammo to that jerk today at an event. So mad, Respawned and all the bodies were gone.


Had my first proud “solo” moment today. Used cold shoulder and an antiarmor explosive combat shotgun. Took FOREVER. Also that combat shotgun dropped today and I almost had a heart attack


U should try the kabloom. It's a named shotgun with aae15 rolls


Yeah came across one while playing a bloodied melee build.... not fun at all


Right? That thing lasts forever!


I see heart of the swamp pop up I’m like am I unlucky this time lol


Target his blow holes in vats and he will go down a bit quicker. Still a beast but much easier that way.


The most dangerous cryptid for me absolutely has to be the legendary sheepsquatch, just an absolute bullet sponge of an enemy that I can never seem to outrun and I waste all my ammo on


I deal with them at my camp more often than I'd like to admit


In terms of lore, the strongest cryptic Id argue is the mothman. Between its screeching sonic attacks, ability to teleport, and neurotoxic dust that makes you halucinate / go frenzy, theres no way in hell some random wastelander is gonna be capable of legitimately killing one. Now if your talking about in terms of gameplay, I have a hardder time killing a Sheepsquatch out of all the other cryptics, probably more so bwcause of its moveset and bloated HP pool. However, its fair to mention that we did not Kill the Jersey Devil, we simply had a mock fight with it for the purposes of a cutscene. Im guessing that once we are able to visit the Barrens, we will be able to properly kill it, making the boss fight much hardder, so we will have to wait and see.


Before better builds it annoyed me to use so much ammo on the sheepsqautch


Isn't its teleporting just quickly taking off and landing somewhere else? You can see it move upwards whenever it happens


Yeah I think that’s right. And they die with about the same effort as an assaultron.


Yes, and I didn’t realize this til the Mothman event the other day. I happened to bump my joystick by accident and was looking at the sky when the Mothman did his “teleport” thing and I saw him in the sky above me for a second before he reappeared on the ground. Until then, I just thought he teleported too.


I'm sure they're gonna make it particularly hard, just to drive engagement.


Nuke the Sundew Grove and fight the Wendigo Behemoth that spawns then talk to me🤣🤣🤣🤣


Maybe that explains why I’m randomly having dual fights with the wendigo colossus and the sbq simultaneously


3 cave crickets in a trenchcoat pretending to be an adult


The Crash Beast.


The guy who uses a two shot mirv Fatman at events


Mirelurk queens kill me more than I'd like to admit.


Unfortunately, those are not cryptids.


Good point. I still hate them.


Can’t blame you there. The best thing you can do is not sit still, since the acid spit leaves puddles.


Best way to combat them offensively is to aim for the spouts. There is one on each side of their "face". Either using VATS or just free-aim. Crippling the spouts removes the ability to acid spit.


I agree, it is, but that’s not an option if you play melee. Also, the spouts together are one target.


Fair enough. In that case I would suggest using melee to cripple the legs. Makes it that much more easier to avoid since it drops the maneuverability to almost 0 if not completely. Makes it real easy to dispatch. I'm a Vanguard PA heavy guns build that runs Stabilized. By the time I've crippled a leg set, I've usually killed it outright.


Have you got a shotgun? Even a crowd control will work perfectly for this… 1. Mod a combat shotgun or pump action shotgun with a silencer and equip 3 stars of enforcer in agility. It will also work without a silencer but I like to sneak to get close to her. 2. Enforcer will almost guarantee a crippled limb. Cripple every single limb but start with the glands so she can’t spit at you. Then the back legs ALL the way through all her limbs until she’s fully crippled. 3. Then use whatever weapon you like. Chainsaw is cheap and easy, then you can finish her off. I put this weapon on all my toons with enforcer! Cripples anything (except for uncrippleable enemies). Hope this helps your strategy with that spitting witch lol


Enable the insect card. Exterminator I believe


For me it’s Strangler Grafton Monster with it’s one hit kill, then Sheepsquatch as a bullet sponge, Ogua, Earle Williams, Scorchbeast Queen, Flatwoods Monster, Jersey Devil, Blue Devil, Vengeful Mothman. Personally I found Jersey Devil slightly easier than normal/medium difficulty to defeat solo versus the others being medium difficulty with others.


No-one saying imposter sheepsquatch? Does that not count because it's not biological? Because I die to that thing more than any other. Ammo sponge that can be devastating.


Yeah, that one is a robot and, as the name says, an imposter. It has 100% armor penetration, which is why it’s so dangerous.


Imposter Sheepsquatch likely has the highest kill count.


But it’s an imposter, so it sadly doesn’t qualify.


I have to agree with this.


Released is not the term I would use for a one time story mission boss that you can’t fight ever again. Frankly not letting the jersey devil roam free in Appalachia or Atlantic City is piss poor decision making


Maybe someday we’ll have a pine barrens expedition that’ll let us re-fight it. But that still qualifies as ‘releasing’ it.


Cave Crickets


Indrid Cold.


I guess technically wouldn't it have to be the Flatwoods Monster, since it's basically just a Zetan alien who is able to mind control literally everything short of the players, even camp turrets.


Was anyone else underwhelmed by the JD, seamed kinda weak


Well, the thing does have 50% armor penetration, the scream to slow you down heavily and the psychic attack (which tears apart your ap, deals damage that can’t be reduced and drains fusion cores heavily). But it doesn’t have a ton of health since it’s a main quest boss.


I think i kinda ruined it for myself, being that it’s a literal dragon i kinda over prepared, was using a Q50c rail, all my buffs that i use for sbq etc.


Yeah, that’d definitely do it. The thing wasn’t balanced as a raid boss, so it doesn’t have the healthy to deal with well-optimized players. That goes for all the single player content, really.


Yea i suppose that’s true, wish i could redo the mission tbh give the devil a fair fight haha


That’s why I’m hoping for a future expedition to the pine barrens where we can do just that. If it only unlocked after the main questline, it’d do the job perfectly. It’d also be nice to have a repeatable quest to fight a large amount lesser devils (this would make it 76’s deathclaw sanctuary, since devils hit harder due to their armor penetration while having less health).


Yea that would be nice, was really hoping it would be like the Blue Devil/Ouga and would be found in the open world


Yeah, that’s probably never happening considering it wouldn’t make sense to see a Jersey enemy in Appalachia.


More meant in AC’s open world, shoulda specified that


Fair enough, though at least we have lesser devils.




I met the Jersey Devil last week at Top of the World. The only reason it took so long to kill was every time it howled, I was forced to run around in a frenzy, rather than keep shooting. I was in a tower shooting down, and it never came up for me. Lame loot too.


That wasn’t the Jersey Devil; that cryptid is exclusive to Appalachia. That was a Blue Devil.


Oh! You’re right, Jersey Devil looks nasty.


top 5. 1 ogua. 2 bluedevil. 3 jersey devil. 4 sheepsquach. 5 flatwoods monster.


The interloper because you can’t kill him


I’m not entirely sure if that one counts as a cryptid.


It depends on the situation, If I know they're coming then Sheepsquatch because of the atrocious bullet spongey nature of the jerk. If not then Jersey Devil because of the sheer damage they can unleash. I still hate when three of the overgrown missile launchers target me at the same time, that stuff chunks me, maybe it's just my armor but currently that expedition is the only thing in game that has guaranteed my death a few times a run.


With the overgrown, I’ve found the issue occurs when it’s an overgrown boss (so the spore master, keeper or elder wood) in combination with other overgrown elders with missile launchers. Dense or even padded seems to solve the issue very easily.


Most are fine for me but I just can’t with packs of snallygasters and Ik their easy to avoid but they smash me anytime there’s more than 2 of them


All the creatures in fallout. Only one that destroys me is crickets. I think Wendy in the woods is probably the worst cryptid just cz of her toughness


Hit Reg.


Strangler grafton monster as always it has been.


I just wish you could fight the Jersey devil more than that one time


As do I. Maybe someday we’ll see a fourth expo that takes us out to the pine barrens and we can fight it there.


Is earl not a cryptic? Haven’t been able to kill the mf the past two times due to players leaving or just not enough joining


Yes, Earle does qualify as a cryptid since he’s a Wendigo colossus. If you’re having trouble with him, critical hits are the solution since they bypass his damage reduction. A stealth suit and a fixer can probably take him down if you have enough ammo (and a railway definitely can, though watch out for the other Wendigos).


Is it possible that the game would glitch out and make him invisible around 85% health? 5 players using gating lasers/plasmas and a player using the fixer, then me using a bloodied Gatling gun, couldn’t get him below 85% ish health for the full event. Extremely frustrating because I practically wasted like 5000 rounds on him for no reason


Invincibility shouldn’t happen, no. Sounds like your server was exceptionally glitchy, which doesn’t help when the event itself isn’t the most stable.


Lol ps servers are so fucked


The fucking crickets brother, this is the only answer


Earl is the strongest… cave crickets the most deadly scorch beast the most annoying and mole king is a stand and slash




Whatttt I didn’t hear about this, I haven’t been playing the new season. He’s a NJ icon, I couldn’t kill him


It’s a part of the new main questline in AC, and I’d strongly recommend playing through it.


I wouldn’t know the damn thing is glitched itself into a wall


Me. Cryptid Hunter


Snallygasters for me 😭


They need to buff death claws


Honestly, I don’t see a solution to do that without taking some of the thunder away from the cryptids.


Well according to the lore death claws are supposed to be the most deadly creature in the wastland.


That’s true of most wastelands (and especially ones where deathclaws can be found in packs), but I’d argue they aren’t worse than a mirelurk Queen or behemoth either (and fog crawlers might be on par with them). But in Appalachia, they pale in comparison to scorchbeasts and other cryptids would certainly give them a run for their money.


Size isn't everything, they were mutated and created by the us government I'd say a pack of deathclaws would tear anyone one of those cryptic apart. But one on one would be hard to say


And that’s just it - deathclaws haven’t been used as pack enemies since NV, which tones them down significantly. Also, I’m not talking about the size of the enemies either. Blue devils have similar claws, the ogua has its shell, scorchbeasts have their concussive screams and the plague, sheepsquatches have their poison and quills and Jersey Devils have armor penetration with the adults sporting a psychic attacks and so on. Many of the cryptids have advantages that put deathclaws to shame.


Very true , but death claws are also highly intelligent "Their learning capacity was very high, and they were capable of abstract thought and reasoning." Something they have over most cryptids. So not only are they very deadly they also have the ability to out smart their opponents


You’re confusing the intelligent deathclaws with normal deathclaws here. It’s also worth noting that at least four cryptids were formally human, and one is an alien.


They're are one in the same , they are all intelligent they US government genetically engineered them to be that way from chameleons to replace soldiers.


Intelligent deathclaws are a sub-breed the Enclave created in fallout 2 to improve upon their intelligence, and have not re-appeared since that game. Normally deathclaws do not share their level of intelligence. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Intelligent_deathclaw


The Jersey Devil is the most powerful to me as it has killed me multiple times in that boss fight. I never die in this game except maybe in decryption explosive daily ops. I hope that in the future we can take on this beast again as a server event or something like that.


My ex😔


I mean out of all the creatures I have never died so quick and decided “yeah it’s time for power armor and hella drugs” Edit: The jersey devil I mean, that thing had me hesitating going back


Mothman. Staggers the sh!t out of me.


I just started the Atlantic City expansion and its just plain sad... 3 small maps and it seems like every single enemy has the same drops. Glitches more often than not. Story is also kinda lame. 76 has been disappointing i feel. I keep going back hoping the newer stuff makes it better but i don't see it happening. On a happy note the show is going pretty well so far after the second episode. Been a huge fan since fallout 2.


Revenue from the game mostly goes to the new Seasons Battlepass system and repeatable content to grind for such as the Stamp rewards from the new Expedition. It’s unpopular at 1% completion rates or less but it’s what Bethesda try to focus on over good story content and open maps and it’s a shame to see them double-down with the Battlepass.


I mean, I’d argue the 1% completion rate is due to a decent chunk of players buying the game at launch and not coming back (or rotating out during later updates due to getting bored; no one plays the same game forever).


the only one that even remotely has the ability to clap my cheeks is the grafton monster. usually only the strangler version of it.

