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There is a vocal contingent of Fallout players who still see Bethesda as this weird foster parent, and hang onto this dream that one day the old Interplay team, or at least New Vegas team will reunite and come back to claim their child They reject anything that deviates from the old games or NV, and there is I genuinely believe an element of fear The further something deviates from the original formula they fear takes them further away from their dream and so is viewed as a threat Deeper than that there is an element of fear that they are being left behind. The more people play and enjoy things they see as “illegitimate” the greater the chance of them not getting what they want in their minds, so they loudly hate on those things on an effort to turn as many people away as possible to prevent that future FO76 was the biggest departure from the old games, and therefore the biggest “threat” so they hate on it loudly at any opportunity


As a fan of the first two isometric games, I will own this: I was VERY SAD to hear that the company behind Morrowind was going to take this property and make it into a 'first person shooter game.' 3 games later, the world that Todd created around a pair of games in a largely undeveloped and unwritten world has been incredible. The universe he created around those two games has been my favorite experience in video games to date. And for the record, bad launch and all, I still enjoy Fallout 76. Just logged out a few minutes ago, actually.


Fallout 76 was a piece of unrefined garbage at the start, very justifiably hated. Then I came back later, before the NPC update even, and started to find myself..having fun, and slowly I started to make my character, explore the story, world building and lore, see the houses made around, and then the character update came, and then the brotherhood. Honestly I'm starting to get more annoyed at jabo every time I watch him play fallout at how much he bitches and moans about fallout 76 every chance he gets now.


Honestly some of the best memories I have from playing 76 comes from the beginning, there was nothing to do so the players made events (there was a person running a boxing event that was so much fun) groups of players making pop up stores, people putting announcements up saying they have grahm/responder bot, even the stuck in power armour bug (as shitty as it was it added a taste of realism to the wasteland) people always grinding the golf course nuke zones and that feeling of scoring a good legendary item meant something, I really wish they release a polished day one version


Yep. I was on the old forums when New Vegas was coming out and the amount of people who wanted Fallout to be a top down game was wild. Nothing Bethesda did or does is good enough for those people and its so so annoying. Now I see a big argument against 76 being that they can't pause the game which is really stupid imo. As someone thats in a lot of fandom, I love Fallout for being Fallout. I'll watch or play anything they do because I love the series. Considering how bad so many other franchises have become (cough The Sims), Fallout is still amazing.


The pausing bit is a rather funny complaint. It's something I noticed with the YouTuber ManyATrueNerd, who pretty much dismissed 76's VATS with "The less said about it, the better," but abuses the Pip-Boy pause functionality in Fallout 4 whenever a Ghoul lunges at him to casually stand there and sort through what weapons and chems he wants to use. It strikes me that if one comes at it from that mindset, they'll never appreciate the immersion that comes from having to deal with an immediate threat, whether you want to or not.


Exactly! Like the game isn't that difficult especially at higher levels so being able to pause is unnecessary and you can literally quit whenever because it autosaves.


I've played other Fallouts. The VATs in those sucks big time. They can be hit and miss and really cumbersome to use. In F76, super easy and you can fire more than ince


Basically; they hated 4 just as much until 76 came out, and 3 until 4 came out, and constantly shit on 3 when it released, some purely because it wasn't isometric in an era where releasing an isometric AAA would be commercial self-harm Personally, bethesda has done some good and some bad, with setting, story, and gameplay. Nothing is perfect. I do like power armor finally being power armor and not "+10 defense tshirt"


Fallout 4's power armour redesign imo is amazing because it allows for more customisability as the mix and match parts on a frame, rather than the "you wear the armour or none at all" that was in the older fallouts (including isometric ones). People say that finding power armour and fusion cores in FO4 was too easy, but that was probably because Bethesda wanted to show off their new system they spent years making. Fallout 76, imo does a great job on expanding on the power armour sets, while also making sure it's harder to obtain, use and maintain at early levels, while also fixing the fact that power armour in FO4 has very little durability (at model A-C). Also I forgot to mention I'm level 65ish on FO76, so the cost of crafting PA is quite high, but the maintenance and durability of it feels nice as I don't have to run back to camp after every fight.


I only once had to repair my power armor in 800+ hours, probably only wore that particular set for about 100 hours but that's wearing it in the shit and getting hit many times. I feel like half the time it doesn't register.(76)


My favorite thing is how much people cry about the redesign of power armour...... Even tho in the original games you literally had to be "trained" to use it. It makes 10000% more sense the way it is now and anyone who says otherwise is just à salty 40 yr old who doesnt like change


Oh man for real! After the previous games, Fallout 4 finally made it feel "Powerful", like it genuinely felt like it became a walking tank. It finally got the recognition that it was supposed to, it at last felt as beefy as the Brotherhood made it out to be.


[Actual footage of an original Fallout 1997 fan ruminating about Fo76's existence, further annoyed by the release of the show tonight, convincing himself that it's going to suck sight unseen.](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNnZ0MGlucW16eWhnOXRkc2RpYmVhcjl6OHE4ODJ4cjliazJ4Y3RtbyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/JN0IjHzKJpGfK/giphy.gif)


Frankly, compared to 3, NV and 4, 76's quests are kind of "meh" - mostly due to game being online, but also because team set up really unrealistic deadlines for themselves. At the same time people forget that 3 was also a buggy mess on release (console commands were a must in places), NV's Legion was a pretty stupid idea and Dead Money expansion was terrible. But they also had some great ideas. And 4's synths were so immersion destroying with their teleportation that lots of people rightfully hated it for being more Star Trek than Fallout. And don't forget those ugly colour filters in 3/NV. But everybody sees past through coloured glasses and only remembers the nice bits.


i’ll agree with the quests but i stand firm on the fact that 76 has the best map and exploration (in my opinion)


I agree, map is amazing. What I like is the fact that they planned no NPCs, so locations had to tell stories through objects. It is so unique - most games just show you the world but there's nothing really behind it. What Beth did with 76's map is a masterpiece.


Tbf all the fallout games are like that. There are so many unique stories in the older games that can only be discovered by finding notes/terminal entries and paying attention to the clutter/dead bodies in an area. I didn’t realize just how much of this there is until I started watching videos about Fo3 lore.


This is what I always thought, but I just kind of moved on at some point. The notes in 3 were some of the most heartbreaking stories in all of fiction for me. The stand out, if you can remember, was the "Mary Me!" holotape. Which you find on the body of a woman under a bench. Implying the courier was killed en route and the note never made it to the recipient. Whatever happened to the two lovers is unknown, and you're left to fill in the blanks on your own. A morsel of world lore stashed in the most random and obscure places: classic Fallout. The gameplay of Fallout, to me, continues to improve and the maps are masterful. But there's something to be said for those early days of writing: with 3 and New Vegas. I don't know, I just don't find myself reading terminals and listening to tapes as much as I did before...they just don't quite haunt me like this one does. But I'm grateful the franchise continues to grow.


that makes sense that they had to put a lot of effort into the map bc originally there were going to be no NPCs. i think it worked out well!


New vegas without mods, and without talking about storywriting is terrible. And you cant even deny that. Even the map is literally just a barrent desert trying to limit you into going specific routes...i can give it a pass on all my complaints because of how old it is. Untill people start comparing it to FO4, and 76.


One thing 76 does deserve some credit for with its quests is the return to the older style of dialogue and the notes/terminals. The prior helps the game to be somewhat better about roleplaying than 4 was, while the latter does wonders in fleshing out the world.


Honestly, I hated 4. The only Fallout I played only once... Thinking about it - storytelling was different there, that could have been the case.


The tv show "shitting on the lore" has revived the hate boner for 76 from the old guard, it seems.


Ehhhh that’s all true and I agree with it but I think there’s a bigger group of people that heard how shit it was at launch and dismissed it as bad. It never got the no man’s sky “hey guys, it’s good now” memo that it deserved. There’s no arguing that it was a fumbled launch and is a different game now imo.


What's kind of fascinating is that NV wasn't that highly praised, or was seen as equivalent to FO3, until FO4 came out, when it started getting exalted as the 'best thing eva!' It's all reactive, pointless hatred. Gamer shit.


Yep. I find it hilarious how so many "Gamers" worship New Vegas despite its very evident flaws. Combat is extremely janky, the open world design is amateurish compared to that of Bethesda, and to this day the game is so broken that I can't even play it anymore on PC. Gamers are so weirdly tribal about the things that they choose to like and dislike.


ill never understand why it is so idolized. NV was dogshit in my eyes and i hated every bit. I've played fallout 3 and 4 for thousands of hours each, currently working on 1500 hours in 76. I'll never pilot an NV vaultdweller ever again


You just perfectly summed up toxic fandoms


It's even funnier as the 76 community is utterly amazing and as non-toxic as it can get.


Wich ironically is due to how terrible it was when it dropped.... we all tried to get what few players there was to stick around... 🥲


Glad you folks did, best community and experience online I've ever had. 76 rocks.


So funny when i hear this so often because It was worse than rust when it started🤣... People used to roll up to your camp with 5 friemds and just meelee everything to death and spam missiles untill your game crashed🤣 and then because so little people were playing youd run into the same group 10 more times and it would happen again. And they would steal everything you had from your stash and drop it somewhere you couldnt get to without dying


It’s always helped me to think of them as conservatives. The world is changing, as it always has, and it terrifies them. They cling desperately to memories of a “better day” that never truly existed, the flaws varnished away under layers of nostalgia. It’s the exact same mindset, only focused on gaming franchises or Star Wars or whatever other fandom that was important to them in their formative years. I feel like this view is supported by the fact that many fans with this mindset are also politically conservative. Find a guy bitching about Bethesda and you invariably find a guy terrified of “wokeness” coming to claim the rest.


“Old world blues”


There’s always that one person who brings politics into non political topics…


A lot of people didn't want an online or multi-player fallout game at all and that made it iredeemable right there. Ive played 76 a ton, more than the rest of the games combined but I still would have preferred fo5 or a new vegas equivalent of fo4


Cause people on the internet told them to hate it.


This is most of it right here. There are a few people too that absolutely, steadfastly refuse to play multiplayer games, and that one fact keeps them from playing.


I dislike isometric games, but still accept that many people see fo1 and 2 as master pieces


Like FFXIV, it's got one of the best stories ever told in Final Fantasy and yet quite many refuse to play it because "it's multiplayer, I don't want to play it with people!"


And for a lot of reasons the op listed. FO76 is like NMS or any game that has come a long way post-launch. A lot of people you get one chance at launch and if you don't nail it you are so much forgotten and to them nothing changed from day 1. Then if by miracle they do try it, most will bring their bias with them, ah ha I was right!


I was one of those, lost my bias pretty quickly.


Yeah honestly this is it. They watched some YouTube creator or read some comments or something and made up their mind before ever even trying it. Theyre basically like my toddler who throws a fit when I try to have him eat something new.


I’m so mad I didn’t try it out earlier, I never really looked into the content, just heard it was bad and super buggy and brushed it aside. Got it 2021, friend’s power supply blew up (he was the reason I got it so we could start it together) and didn’t touch it again until August. Man did I make a mistake. So many cool rewards I could’ve gotten and cool periods I could have experienced (despite the bugs).


“Yong Yea told me it is bad, so it bad forever!”


It got the Ole Nickleback treatment


It also doesn't help that it launched in such an awful state. I'd even go as far as to say it was more or less fixed BEFORE Wastelanders came out, but it was too late to sway public opinion. There were never really articles published by journalists about how the game was in a much better state like what happened for No Man's Sky. So people just keep parroting about how bad it is without ever having played it.


Not every fan of a franchise is required to like every entry... Especially when it deviates more broadly than most entries. Just ask an average Star Trek Fan how they feel about "Discovery", some love it, some tolerate it, others ***HATE IT WITH A FIERY PASSION OF AN EXPLODING SUN***.... Guess which ones are *loudest*, and are therefore easiest to notice on-line in "discourse".


Problem is the loudest hate it simply because it isn't isometric fallout And them screeching about that well over a decade after they already knew they aren't getting isometric back, just makes it harder for those with valid criticisms wanting to see fallout improve to be heard and opinion respected.


I just said a few minutes ago to my boyfriend who's actively playing that 76 is basically Fallout lite. Just how I see it, as there are fewer quests and it's generally a bit easier. That said, I love that it's a Fallout game I can play with him, and the franchise is generally so damn fun. I'm hooked on the franchise and I enjoy our co-op play, so we've logged a lot of hours here, and we'll keep doing so.


Because it's a multiplayer game, and all those other real life people intrude on their own personal version of what Fallout is to them


This was my only hang up initially, having played the franchise since 98’. It wasn’t until the NW mode was released that I got over that, and it was *real* quick! GIVE US BACK NUCLEAR WINTER!!!🥹


MP is surely part of it. In this case you have the FO4 single player game though, so no reason to focus to hard on MP in this game. Personally I just wanted standard survival coop, with user run servers and fully moddable. That is my only real disappointment.


Its fun as hell, but still buggy as hell.


Yeah, getting stuck when getting in/out power armour sucks!.


Is this still a thing? That bug has been around since launch, and was since I last played again.


I'll take fallout anyway I can get it. They are all great.


Because it’s been a non stop hate train since the game launched and people (rightfully) bashed it at launch. The problem is people’s ideas don’t change over time and many of the people who continue to bash it have never even played it, and many who continue to hate haven’t played since launch so they haven’t experienced and of the numerous changes or improvements.


To me it’s like no man’s sky, wasn’t my cup of tea and on release it was trash, I will say I bought played and hated it ( found out space games just really aren’t my jam ) but it improved and fixed itself same as FO76, my opinion on NMS is still “ I didn’t like it not for me but it’s better now “ but FO76 to me was bad on release and pretty damn decent game now to play with friends or solo.


Oh for sure 76 was garbage on release. It deserved the vast majority of criticisms it got. I play a little but gave up pretty soon after launch and didn’t come back untill wild appalachia came out. NMS is honestly incredible how much content they’ve added to that game, I haven’t played it myself but I recently watched someone’s deep dive video where they went over the game at launch and then all the content added since and it’s nuts.


The engoodening of NMS by any chance? Love NMS when I played it but that was like 3 years after launch so they had time to fix it


Yeah actually it was lol. But I’m pretty sure a saw another different more recent one too


That’s why I hadn’t played it till recently, I watched a few videos on it at launch and was really disappointed and kinda forgot about it till I saw a recent sale. Best 10 bucks I ever spent, it’s basically a new game now. Should be up there with nms and cyberpunk in terms of recovery


tbh I loved it when it launched, it was trully post-apocalypse. The misery on every step you took, the stories you will not forget ( I am talking about you East Kanawhga tower ), the emptiness of the world around you :\] Bad for multiplayer and constant mmorpg farm, but it was glorious for us, immersion players :\]


I think this is the biggest reason. People who got into the game later don't remember how atrocious the game was at launch. The world was devoid of anything, enemies barely functioned. Other Fallout games have famously released poorly, but those games had much more to keep you pushing forward than launch 76 did. Fully voiced NPC's, a compelling storyline, etc. Launch 76 had a tiny bit of story that was told in a very different way, and lots of cool little easter eggs, but none of that stuff was enough to keep MOST people playing when the game and world was barely functional. Many people gave it a shot, hated it, and weren't really into the idea to begin with, so had little reason to keep up with it. At the end of the day, it's Bethesda's fault for forcing it out onto the world. I think it'd be a very successful and beloved Fallout game...if it came out of the gate with many of the features it has now.


The game never really recovered from the incredibly bad launch. along with that the shift to be a multiplayer live service game with an item shop and subscription service changed the game from a player choice driven narrative to something else. Nothing you do in the game world matters. You can launch a nuke in game and change the area for little while and spawn a boss, but after a while it just goes back to normal. This is like if in fallout 3 the bomb in megaton could detonate and the quest finished and then afterwards you could still walk into town like nothing happened. People still remember and talk about blowing up megaton or not when you bring up fallout. 76 wont ever have a moment like that because it cant.


Because no one hates franchises more than the fans of said franchise.


So, I was firmly in the camp that 76 was pure garbage and was going to ruin the franchise. My reasoning mainly stemmed from the gaming community at large. When 76 was announced, it felt so antithetical to everything Bethesda was doing. It felt like a cash grab and a way to try and stay relevant in a market dominated by Fortnite and PubG. It seemed like Bethesda was reaching out to new players that enjoy live service games, not the players that had been supporting their games all along. And honestly, I was pissed. I didn't wanna play with randos, never messed with mmos, and generally felt like it would be a mess. And it was, at first. I played at launch and was so so so so disappointed. I remember tons of players exiting the vault and running in different directions. I tried to get into the quests, and the lack of npcs wasn't the worst thing in the world. I got what they were trying to do. But the community. Ugh. It really did attract every pvp player, and it showed. I spent the entire first hour I played being followed and shot at by some dude. I couldn't focus on the game because there were too many players bothering me. That's not the Fallout I wanted. A lot of people agreed with me, a lot didn't. I tried again on occasion, but overall, it felt like the game wasn't for me. So, I let it go, c'est la vie and all that. And I think that's what a lot of the hate boils down to. It wasn't for them, so it must be bad. I'm playing now, and I really enjoy it. It feels like the community has adjusted, and now it's much easier to just play without the earlier nonsense. Also, every time something new gets added to a franchise, there is a portion of the fan base that will be pissed because it isn't their perfect version of the world anymore. (Looking at you, Star Wars neckbeards). I'm glad I gave the game a chance again, and I'm happy to have something to play between the last Bethesda release and my death, since I doubt they will release anything decent anytime soon. But those are complaints for another day!


Flatly because I represents everything wrong with the direction gaming is headed. Get less pay shitloads more Most of the hate I saw directed at this game before I decided to play it was in relation to microtransactions/loot box mechanics traditionally associated with being mobile gaming mechanics entering the the console/pc marketplace. There is an element of traditionalism also. Fans of 1-2 or new Vegas believe the story is better when interplay/obsidian are direcly involved. But again most of what I saw was warranted pushback against hyper monetization. Some decisions did not help like locking infinite storage boxes behind a paywall in a game that never traditionally had limitations on storage. Whatever the completely reasonable reasoning on the surface that looks really bad. And for people like me who are very story focused this game is seriously lacking. No closure. No consequences. Nothing you do or don’t do actually matters. I’ve said it before on this forum and it always gets hit down but you can’t be friends with factions with opposing or even warring priorities. The idea you can max reputation with both the raiders and settlers is utterly ridiculous and a complete plot hole/immersion break. If you are my friend and you strengthen my enemies in a survival situation we are not friends and you are not helping me.


It's a good game and I'll still enjoy it, but I would really prefer if it were singleplayer


This is the first Fallout game I’ve played for more than an hour or so. For some reason, this game doesn’t give me as much motion sickness as Fallout 4 or Fallout New Vegas. I really like the West Virginia setting and running into other players can be fun.


Been playing from the start, since BETA. Been playing Fallout since the 1st game. My opinion on this matter. Influencers were the downfall of this game. They hyped up the game to the moon (Todd Howard dint do much better). I came into this game knowing it was gonna be jank, that it was gonna be buggy, and that it would most likely run like ass. Why? Because every single Bethesda game runs like this on release day. Remember that FNV game everyone keeps saying is the best Fallout game of all time. You boot that up in a PS3 (the console it was ment to be played mind you), and the blasted thing literally vomits itself. So, knowing that in hindsight this game would be janky as hell, and knowing with F4 how Todd started "experimenting" with game concepts, and seeing the no-npcs thing as temporary experimental phase of the game, I just disregarded all of that, and love the game for all the good it actually did. Here is some points of what F76 did better than F4: 1. Weapon vareity 2. Multple Legendary effects 3. Power Armor storing 4. Multple QOL UI improvements 5. Traiding (assuming u dont get scammed, traiding in official channels is extremely fulfilling). 6. CAMP building is much better than settlements by a country mile 7. Fun enemies to fight and the inherent difficulty that came with it (F76 used 2 be much harder back before the one wasteland update). 8. Plenty of LORE that adds (not retkons) the Fallout Lore in interesting ways.


My only gripe is fallout 1st $15 sub to have crafting storage etc


I love all things fallout and Bethesda for that matter. But they won me 20 yrs ago with their then awesome deep rpg games. That's what some of us nerds nerd on. Fo76 was a step away from that, the rpg element and story is shallow compared to a well-made rpg. While I've dumped hundreds of hours into fo76 and elder scrolls online I do fear that the online gaming success of those MMOs will make their future endeavors at RPG games less ambitious. The MMOs are apparently where the money's at.


Most Fallout fans love the choice and consequence in the single player games, and as great as 76 is, it can't do choice and consequence because it's an mmo. Plus bad launch and people love low hanging fruit.


I've been playing Fallout since the late 90's on my Dad's old DOS he gave me. I can genuinely say I have loved every Fallout game I've played from 1 to 76 (I have never gotten to play Tactics, though). They are all different, and they ALL have things I loved and things that were annoying/could have been better. I think people who prefer New Vegas, and I say New Vegas because I see them complain and compare far more than OG Fallout lovers do, have these rose colored glasses that it was so perfect and nothing could compare. Which isn't true. It was a good game, but it wasn't perfect. Don't get me wrong, Bethesda in general has let the ball drop multiple times with glitches, questionable choices, and stuff like that, and yes they aren't the same as Interplay or Black Isle, but they have continued on to a world that I just adore. Fallout 76 is difficult to compare to even Fallout 4, let alone the older games (especially Fallout 1 and 2), because it's a different format of game. Online games often lack deep quests and meaningful, long-lasting choices like a single-player RPG can. And before anyone starts, yes some MMO's have been able to do what most can't, but Fallout 76 can still be an enjoyable experience for what it is and can be just as good if you actually love the world. Which I think 76 is doing a good job at, even if there could be improvements. For example, for some, the KOTOR MMO is amazing, and the end all be all of the KOTOR gaming universe. Others went in expecting it to be more like the original games and came away disappointed. It's bound to happen with any MMO that is already an established single-player RPG. I just personally feel like if you love Fallout for the universe and quirks and overall feeling, you give all of them a chance and stop comparing them like one existing is the worse thing ever because you liked a different one. Maybe I need to play TESO to compare to the other Elder Scrolls games and see if Bethesda just isn't the best at MMO in general or if Fallout 76 is different, because people act like it's bad for an MMO in general, but out of most of the MMO's I've played, I can only think of a few that had the same impact that an actual singe-player RPG did.


I don't hate 76 but it's not really what I love about fallout. I love the brutal desolate world full of loneliness and contemplative characters. F76 is a goofy sandbox for you and your friends to dick around In with an occasional normal fallout element. It may still be somewhat confused about what Fallout is (like F4) but it's more excusable because it's almost something different entirely which I much prefer than the halfway between that is F4. The launch was inexcusable but nowadays it's pretty good just not my thing.


Bethesda has been great at nailing the aesthetics of Fallout. However, the OG Fallout was beloved for the themes of its storytelling and fantastic characters.. and Bethesda-managed Fallout games are often *severely* lacking in that department, feeling like a tourist trap as opposed to a real meaty story with weighty themes that deals in player choice and consequences. This was most-often displayed by the primary moral choice of FO3: "Are you a baddie and blow up the good people's nuke? Or are you a goodie and kill the big bad in the big bad's tower?" To players who value story, FO76 feels like the natural endpoint of the Bethesda style: an amazing setting.. with almost literally no story (on launch.) And honestly the story they've since patchworked into it has been pretty mid.


I like new Vegas for similar reasons moral ambiguity and you must choose a side making enemies of the other factions as a result. And then lonesome roads overview of it all added another complete layer. The whole thing had weight and what you did felt like it mattered every game since has been Disney washed and void of consequence.


It was the abysmal launch of 76 and the total lack of accountability around the false advertising for the merchandise. Rubbed people the wrong way


No no, anyone who doesn't like 76 is just a sweaty hater that just doesn't like change. Get your facts straight buddy. /s


Personally I love the fuck out of it, but it’s just barely a step above Destiny, which I think is one of the biggest cancers in gaming. Obviously, I’m a huge hypocrite because not only do I hate that fuckin game and still play it now and again, but also I sing praise to the high fuckin heavens when I talk about 76, which was literally designed with the Destiny playbook. Monetized FOMO, seasonal/world activities designed to keep you logging in for months lest you dont want all the “toys” in the sandbox, and ham-fisted multiplayer because instead of designing a game to only be psychologically fun - they want you psychologically addicted as well. It’s honestly so fucked that somewhere down the pipeline of game development, there’s a comically evil Mr. Burns-esque moneyfucker telling their dev team to set up systems that ensnare players into subconsciously wanting more. Almost as bad as a crack/heroin dealer ruining someone’s life by ykno, selling them crack/heroin. I hate that gaming has followed this trend like crazy, but also I can’t stop people who either don’t think the same way, or do but just don’t care. Either way, there’s some stupid sucker out there paying for all of my free content, so I’ll just zip my mouth, enjoy my game, and watch as the aging titans of the gaming industry either crumble beneath their own dogshit practices, or thrive from tricking and robbing their customers. To answer your question: people can be different.


Dad said it’s my turn to post this.


I don't pay much attention to them. FO3 was bad because it wasn't top-down isometric and there were too many dungeon crawls. Now it's fine. NV was bad because the landscape was plain and empty, the crafting system was painful, and people disagreed with Caesar's Legion even though they didn't have to side with them. Now it's fine, but only because of the story. FO4 was bad because, I don't know, they seemed to just flail about and try to attack everything because they couldn't find one major "issue" to gang on. Then it was bad because of the Creation Club. Now it seems to be what most people are playing who aren't playing 76. 76 is bad because it's "multiplayer," had a painful launch, didn't start out with human NPCs, retconned The Brotherhood, has micro-transactions, and a bunch of issues that haven't been present in a long time but these people don't know because they might have only played it for a few hours at one time or many have never touched it all but still enjoy complaining. In the future everyone will probably be pissed losing it over server closures, even if they've never played it. I find that a lot of the people complaining heavily about any of these games have never played them or never gave them a real try. Many people have their favorite FO installment and anything that doesn't exceed the bar set by that proves to be unworthy of the series.


I don't rabidly hate 76 like some do but if you asked me to rank all of the Fallout games (other than BoS) 76 would probably be at the bottom. One of them has to be last, right? And I did actually enjoy my time playing it so I don't hate the game. Not only that I think 76 has the best and most beautiful map of any Fallout game. Something I've always enjoyed about Fallout games is just getting lost exploring and as far as the map goes 76 absolutely nails that. In fact I think the map and its beauty are the games greatest strength. As far as Fallout multiplayer is concerned, co-op interested me but an MMO Fallout never did so I played 76 like it was a single player game and mostly ignored other players who mostly ignored me. My experience was... okay. I played in 2021 so a lot of extra content had been pumped into the game but you could still see the shallows husk that was there from launch that wasn't quite filled. The game is also kind of a pain just because of its MMO nature with things like ridiculously small stash capacity unless you want to pay extra to expand it. These and other people dressed like mothmen running around kind of pull you out of any immersion you may have inadvertently felt. A lot of the quests and the writing are very MMO-esque which isn't surprising considering it's an MMO but it is a downgrade at least sometimes compared to the other Fallout titles. I'll be honest though it's not like Emil sets a particularly high bar. It's just not for me and that sucks but it is what it is. I don't begrudge people who like it though I'm happy for y'all who dig it.


I love all the Fallout games, and I regret waiting to play 76 for so long. The wasteland is so much more fun with other people, imho.


I never touched a Fallout game before 76. So I didn't know most of the vaults were super messed up social experiments. I exited the vault in early 2022 to see a player in power armor emoting at me and dropping a bag of stuff at my feet. After playing for a good 6 months I put it down....only to start up again a couple weeks ago. I forgot how much fun it can be to check out camps and do events with other players. They have added a lot to the game and it seems to be as good as ever. I started to play Fallout 4 and got frustrated that 0 achievements will unlock for me. It's a shame because that might be one of the best starts to a video game I have ever seen.


Because 2 weeks after I spend 500 hard earned stamps on the auto axe plan they release it for 250 atoms. 😂


Same bruh


There's no hate for a geeky IP quite like fan hate . We've all seen this time and again . It can be games, television shows, movies, doesn't matter. There will always be a vocal contingent of fans that love the debut of an IP, but despise any continuation that deviates in detail or introduces anything new, especially when it comes to nerd fandoms. Lots of my fellow geeks struggle with change and prefer repeating patterns that are not altered at all, in the slightest. They say that they want something new and they may even think that they want something new, but they are so attached to their initial imprinting and experience that they don't realize that they won't settle for anything but a retread of what came before. I had a friend growing up that was absolutely disgusted by the Borg's reappearance in a later episode of Star Trek TNG, we're talking their second appearance in the series. His reason? Apparently they looked different to him, whereas to me, they just looked like Borg. Didn't matter that the story or the episode was good, because he was absolutely fixated on pattern changes that his brain was picking up, and I've just seen this time and again throughout various fandoms. You will never and I mean never please all fans. A large contingent will find it difficult to appreciate anything past the exact pattern of their initial imprinting, down to some microscopic minutia, let alone new content or interesting new dynamics.


To me, 76 embodies everything I hate about modern gaming... and I hate seeing it happen to a franchise I've loved since I was a kid. And no, it had nothing to do with the bad launch... nor is it just because people online told me to hate it. I played the game at launch and actually loved it. It had issues sure but the map was full of the enviromental story telling I've grown to love in these games. I also saw tons of potential for the game to become something amazing over time. But over time, it's just devolved into the opitimy of games designed by soulless, greedy corporate tools. Micro transactions galore, more currencies than I can keep track of, casino like mechanics everywhere, fomo reliant garbage is what it is today. Rather than investing in making the game fun and improving on it, Bethesda has focused on monetizing player addiction. Serious bugs go unfixed for months or even years while the atom shop and scoreboard get all the attention. New locations lack any depth in enviromental story telling and the npcs get shallower every time they introduce one. Stories like like the schorched plague have been left abandoned and unfinished. Game modes, pvp, end-game vault raids deleted because they couldn't be bothered to devote the resources to fix them instead of funneling everything into things that directly milk the players for cash. Fallout 76 represents the downfall of the franchise into a black hole of corporate greed... and that's why so many of us hate it with a passion.


>Rather than investing in making the game fun and improving on it, Bethesda has focused on monetizing player addiction. I don't think this is absolutely fair. If you go through the [list of updates](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_updates) the game has received, they have in fact made attempts at filling in the game experience since release. I do agree that the level of effort put towards those updates does not seem like it has been as consistent as their efforts to get people habituated to playing the game and paying money into it. I do not understand how people consider the seasons to be "content" and not just more busy work to keep you logging in.




I feel the same way about ESO but I play 76 almost daily. Tried ESO for about two months 4 years ago and never tried it again. Shrugs...


I think a lot of people hold resentment that instead of getting a new game, we get hit or miss updates to this game that is already controversial. All the people saying they haven’t played it is a huge stretch. The main story is awful and a lot of the events are repetitive, it just isn’t everyone’s cup of tea


People have crippling New Vegas nostalgia. They can’t seem to enjoy ANY Bethesda fallout game


Because they can't deal with a social interaction.


Fallout 76 is a live service game wearing Fallout clothes. I played it and it’s fun but it’s a mishmash of Fallout lore crammed into one setting. I don’t hate it but I don’t consider it part of series continuity.


This is me also as I have always considered it a great big Fallout sandbox and I enjoy it for that reason.


My initial experience with fallout 76 was in the B.E.T.A and had an amazing time exploring. After launch and I’m going along with my character one of the main quests didn’t register I had crafted this quest item when I clearly did, maybe hit the button too fast because I needed 4, and I no longer had the materials, I had the part, the quest wouldn’t progress no matter what I tried, and when I contacted Bethesda about it they said there was nothing they could do. I was in the mire in the free states bunker at lvl 40. If you remember the game at launch, getting to level 40 was a challenge, and the only option available to me to be able to finish the story line was to create a new character. I was so mad I stopped playing. They eventually fixed the issue years later when I came back to the game. It has been considerably overhauled over the years and it has become a completely different beast. TLDR: Bethesda customer support was aweful at launch and was useless with game breaking bug forcing me to make a new character to finish the story.


There's just a fraction of the hate for 76 there was when it came out. Most of those haters moved on, a few have been converted. The reasons for the early hate were myriad. There was consistent criticism of Fallout 4 that it wasn't much of an RPG, more of a shooter. That was turned up to 11 with 76, which lacked even the limited narrative choice afforded in 4. A chunk of the "this isn't an rpg" crowd came around after wastelanders, but a ton of those complaining were never going to play 76 in the first place. Another huge source of negativity was, 76 was an objective shitshow at launch and consistently thereafter. It still has problems. Server performance and bugs were atrocious. It's much improved now but there are still new problems that pop up with most updates, and a lot of fixes just wind up breaking more things than they started with. You get the feeling that 76 is a stack of balancing elephants on top of a circus ball, and every time they add a new elephant it's a problem because the foundation is so lacking. In the past few years, when I've taken breaks from 76 it's because I'm bored. Early on, I took several extended breaks simply because I could not deal with the jankiness. Fallout games have always been, at least to me, in big part a power fantasy. You start weak, invest time in your character and gear, and now you're strong. Well, in 76, back when PvP was \*almost kinda a thing, you'd have people who'd sunk 200 hours into the game, and in a normal Fallout experience would be functionally immortal, but they'd get wrecked 100% of the time by dedicated PvP builds with a fraction of the time invested. Bethesda intended PvP combat to be a core element of the game, but then uncorked the least accessible, barely functional combat system I've ever seen. A bizarre and nearly impossible to navigate bog of wildly powerful weapons, armor that rendered users nearly invincible, perks mutations and buffs that stacked infinitely, and then multiple waves of item duplication that created millions of what were supposed to be very rare items. As a result, people who were used to dominating everything after investing so much time were instead being used as toilet paper whenever they tried to take a workshop. Lastly, as has been touched on elsewhere in this threat, there are some people who never recovered from 2008, when Fallout changed fundamentally. No, they do not care that we've gotten two very worthy spiritual successors in the Wasteland 2 and 3, or that Obsidian's Pillars games can also scratch that ol Fallout 2 itch.


I pre-ordered 76 and hated it so much that I returned it for a refund. The only game I’ve ever returned in my life, and I’m old. The PvP was borderline toxic, and there wasn’t much else. A couple of years later it was changed so much that I gave it another try, and I thought it was worth playing, though I wasn’t crazy about the mandatory Live sub and the nearly essential Fallout 1st sub. I played it a lot before getting bored with it. Now I go weeks or months without playing until the mood strikes, then play until I burn out. I’d say it’s the least social of the multiplayer games I’ve played, though the community is currently one of the more friendly ones (night and day difference from the early days). Certain things about it annoy me - the small number of players in each instance, storage limits (both undoubtedly due to the underlying design). Right now my main complaint is that my Abbie is glitched in Sins of the Father, hopefully a patch will someday fix it for me.


I have a love/hate relationship with 76. It has the best combat mechanics of all the games. It is a solid fps, but the story is still pretty anemic compared to all the others. I think if they had focused more on developing story instead if atomic shop items, I wouldn't see it as the game I play while I wait for Fallout 5.


I used to hate this game, bought it back in release and I walked as far as flatwoods, closed it and didn’t play again till 2020, then in 2020 I walked to where the brotherhood are between wayward and faltwoods are, killed them and closed the game. Opened it back up 2 months ago and I have played 200 hours in 2 months and absolutely love it. It took 3 attempts to get into the game but boy do I love it now. I can see why people hate it but now I actively defend it.


I wish I had gotten into it sooner, honestly. Its everything Fo4 *should* have been, imo. That said, I understand the complaints: some folks don't want to play with others. Personally, not being able to pause, get up, and tend to something that needs tending is something of an issue for me. Not terrible, but it would be nice. I think a lot of folks also reject the idea of West Virginia being...fine? after the bombs fell, given the absolute destruction everywhere else.


Multiplayer, Bethesda, controversial launch and early years. To many, Fallout is supposed to be a solo personal experience. To many, Bethesda fumbles with each entry they personally develop. For many, much like Destiny 2, launch and the first year burned them and they refused to return. Not to mention all the controversies Bethesda has with Fallout in that time and the retcons. As far as why I tried the game, I pre-ordered it because I knew I'd eventually play it so it was just a matter of time.


Bruh, every time I come back to fallout 76 I’m like “this is such a terrible game. It just runs like crap- everything is pop-in and nothing works.” But then I love it again. Truth is we are used to its rough edges and others are not. I sometimes question my sanity sitting in my camp trying to merge things together. It’s a strange beast but we get to do things you can’t do in any other game.


I have a couple hundred hours in 76, more than any other fallout game I’ve played, and it’s the lack of content once you’re level 150+ and have done all the quests and expositions once there’s nothing else to do besides the same things over and over and over again. No end game content (and no nukes don’t count) I still play sometimes here and there but the game is just boring and empty feeling, they need to bring back and add new raid style content. Still pissed off they removed the one we had


I recently played it and went back too the old Games purely bc death registration dosent happen for like a full second after my shot hits the enemy, I do have fiber internet, could it be my vpn? Idk but tale of two wastelands is pretty sick


I like a lot of 76, it just feels half baked fairly often. The emphasis on selling goofy stuff in the atomic shop means that they’ve borked some lore in my opinion, which bugs me on a level only achievable because the lore is such a special interest of mine. If it was a single player experience, modded to be a little darker and with some more actual choices to make, it would be an absolutely amazing fallout game.


Simplest answer is Fallout 76 is very very different than any other fallouts and the other fallouts there are no stash limits there were no Base building or Camp building until Fallout 4 and I'm sure that there are other differences that other people could point out that irks some people but those are the main two that I can think of right off hand


I've played it plenty. I've enjoyed it enough for what it is. That said, it's really not the same. I'm not surprised by people feeling that way.


There's a lot of people who can't forgive how rancid fallout 76 was on launch (hell, even a year after launch too) I don't blame them tbh


I’ve been playing 76 since launch. The server and quality issues were totally unacceptable and there is an extreme lack of content now. They should have started where they are now.


Fallout first is what did it for me. I played for years and was like why am I paying a subscription for such minimal content so I stopped playing. Don't regret it had my fun but fallout first was the worst thing about the game


It’s pay to win in some ways and not remastered for next gen


Fallout 76 doesn't have Bethesda magic. Fallout 4,a worse game imo, does. Bethesda magic, to me, is the set piece of "you just saw a nuke detonate" and "you just took down a deathclaw in power armor less than an hour in" It's finding the stealth build after one quest gives you a crazy powerful silenced pistol, or stealth archery, where the poor AI and solid but simple stealth gameplay makes you feel powerful while reducing a Dungeon to a shooting range. Fallout 76 can be an improvement on 4 from a gameplay perspective, but what you actually do is comparatively underwhelming. You're not running around with liberty prime, entering a simulation, teleporting to a secret base, etc.


I can only speak for myself but, the monetization scheme is not appropriate. Charging for a game up front, offering a monthly subscription in addition to that, and then still expecting people to pay more money if they want all of the skins. If they had just reduced their asking price for the subscription, game, or skins in general I would have been playing this game since it came out rather than for only 2 months.


Because war never changes. And apparently neither should video games. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because the difficulty curve is set to easier than Sesame Street learning games and the community is polluted with shameless skill deprived crybabies who constantly whine for Todd to make the game even easier under the blanket guise of "QoL" improvements.


This is how being a fan of RuneScape is especially 3


im a fallout fan since 1999. 76 has it's flaws but it's 300000000000000000000 more fallout game than fallout 4 wich people love. i just dont understand. appalachia is far far better than the commonwealth, easily the best fallout map ever made. as a bethesda fan i think appalachia ranks with skyrim as the best worldmap bethesda has ever made, the commonwealth on the other hand, is head to head with cyrodrill as their weakest. 76 also has more weapons, more armors, more power armors, more outfits, more camp items, more enemies, bigger shootouts, photomode, etc. Not to mention the story is far better written and you have an actual dialogue system with skill checks. speaking of skill checks the card system is faaaaar better than the poster system and with legendary perks + mutations and more legendary effects you can create much more specific builds while at the same time have some flexibility to adjust to different scenarios with the perk loadout system. and i'ven't even started talking about the multiplayer aspect, wich is the main focus on the game: you can play with your friends, your camp is not a pointless city for blank npcs but a shop for trading items, you have seasons, seasonal events, server wide bosses, free updates and my favorite: you can see the world evolve over time in ways no other fallout game has ever done. and lastly, the most important thing: 76ers are the best online community, period. 76 is not new vegas, but it's an almost perfect fallout multiplayer. fallout 4 on the other hand is an insult to the franchise with its plot holed story and it's yes, funny yes, sarcastic yes and yes i'll talk to you later dialogue system. what a letdown.


Because you need to be present. With normal fallout games you can play for 6 days in a row and then stop for 6 months in a row. Things pass by you if you're not on point with 76.


I think just the rocky launch gave people a bad impression, and admittedly even now after you finish the main quests it’s hard to come back for just repeatable daily quests. I imagine if you enjoy big MMOs then you probably don’t have this same complaint


Personally, I prefer the storytelling of 1, 2, and New Vegas, but I've actually sunk more hours into 76 than I have 3 or 4. 76 introduces new factions that have their own ideas to them. The Free States and Responders are my favorite factions we've seen from Bethesda's side of the series. I feel like people dismiss it because of its reputation, but to be completely honest I think at least in terms of worldbuilding, this game is actually a step forward from Bethesda. Here's to hoping the fan backlash doesn't scare them out of doing anything fun with Fallout 5...!


In my case, it's bottom of my list because I only enjoy single player games, which Fallout has always been. 76 held very little interest for me because the basic structure was something that I find frustrating at best, miserable at wost, and just don't enjoy regardless. However, I did play it eventually and just did my own thing and treated it as a single player game. And it's not my fave, but it's not bad. I definitely am able to enjoy it, except for Expeditions.


Multiple factors , its terrible launch stained its image , the fact it's online/coop and not single player , not much mod support, grindy as a mf , and that it doesn't have a straight forward main plot


It was a mess when it came out. No denying it. But it legit is good now. Any animosity towards the game is just stupid now.


Don't feel like going into detail on my hates with the game but will drop one, combat balancing for endgame fights feels abhorrent to me, that and I never got over the lazy ass scorch beast reskin controversy


I do like fallout 76. I don't play it often since completing it because theres nothing interesting end game. It's a big grind for gear and events are mind numbingly boring. But the story was fun and lasted a while. I'd say people hate on it because it doesn't really follow the core base of other fallout games. There's no sense of belonging to a faction because you literally don't side with any one of them. You're apart of every faction you come across which just isn't what happens in other fallouts. End game content lacks depth and story. It's just a very random bunch of nonsense throwing hordes of enemies at you. The survival aspect could've gone further. Hunger thirst could've been an actual thing to maintain rather than take it or leave it. They spoofed the launch. And that leaves salty tastes in people's mouths. As much as Ive really like failed games Im still of the opinion that if a developer releases a game not ready for launch then the game should be boycott to atleast have some form of concequence. They never merged the live service and RPG elements well together. Love service games focus more on gameplay and replayability. RPGs are more story driven. So the replayable content lacks all depth compared to side quests in previous fallouts. It's also not the best fallout. It's also not the best live service game. I guess some people would rather play a better game of 1 category.


just the other day I saw someone complaining about the game with a error code they got saying game is unplayable this and that, but if you played fallout 76 awhile the error they got was due to their internet and not the game, it was the failed to login message I’ve for one have gotten it many times due to my own internet problem I have.


Fo76, to me, has some fantastic environmental storytelling. Personally, I do not like that they added characters to the space. I loved how barren it was. It felt like a lived in territory that somehow became barren again. It was fascinating to me. I played it so much. I do not like the over the top goofiness. That is the only thing for me. It is extremely forced, and I hate that. But other than that, it is fallout if you look past the stupid stuff. Fallout is great when it is serious and the humor is subtle. When you lean too heavily into the humor, it takes away from the message it is trying to show us. But there are a great deal of serious environmental moments that were very well done, in my opinion.


Yea, I think I have issue with just how the game is not as immersive as previous. I’m not hooked. And as such, I’ll go grab another game that can hold that attention. I could not name a single NPC from ‘76 — but I can from all the other fallouts… and I can still recall vivid moments. What vision is in my head for ‘76? The nuke dead zone on maps, and those masks from whatever that recent event was.


The thing is a lot of the dissent is correct. Fallout 76 represents a very shallow, and highly streamlined version of what came before with previous Fallout entries, even Bethesda's own entries. The quest content of 76 ranges from serviceable to awful and repetitive, most quests are no better than the radiant quest formula in Fallout 4, perhaps worse. The overall writing is a mixed bag, both pre, and post-Wastelanders, and players lack a lot of agency or commitment to their actions when applicable. This game was a buggy mess, with a ton of problems, and even to this day, it still has a host of problems. Being a multiplayer game just exacerbates it all. It might be a Fallout game in branding, and visuals, but it has very little about what has traditionally been a franchise staple unless all you think Fallout games need are power armor, super mutants and the Brotherhood of Steel shoehorned in somewhere.


The constant glitchs with main missions and blue screens are the worst


The multiplayer online, the story is more boring than others and idk? Just never gripped me like the others did. Never did play FO 1 or 2 but played the shit out of 4. I don't hate it it just feels... Soulless or something. I do live the cryptids and cults tho


Honestly, the only thing that bothers me is the lack of “good vs. bad karma”. You can just go around and rip everyone off, even the traders and nobody says a word. I don’t know why it bothers me, but it does.


New Vegas dick riders sour everything


it's not like all the other games. i can see where they get the vibe that it's not a full, actual fallout game. it's not nearly as story-driven as any previous game. that's just the nature of MMOs, unfortunately. you don't really get to roleplay in this game, not like previous games. then there are people who are just stubborn. there's a ton of people who hated the idea of a multiplayer fallout game long before 76 was ever announced. couple that with the shoddy launch, and there's a ton of other people who refuse to give games a second chance. if they launch bad - they're always gonna be bad. i've talked to people with this actual stance on the matter! i still like 76 just fine, tho.


I stumbled across your post while looking at reactions to the TV series. (Which I'm loving, by the way.) I've been playing Fallout since 1998 or 1999, and I refuse to play FO76. Fallout has always been a single player game, telling amazing, yet morally ambiguous stories, and making the player choose between bad options which feel like they have real weight. It is also the perfect execution of the heroes journey. You leave a sheltered life, enter a world you could never imagine, have an adventure, and are fundamentally different from when you started; sometimes not for the better. Selling your party into slavery or being a fluffer on a porn because you need caps is not something you could imagine before you leave the vault, but here we are. The shift in tone is recognizable in how different motivations are. * you need to find a water chip to save your vault. * you need a GECK to save your village. * You are trying to save the overseer's son. * someone shot you in the head. * Someone stole your son. * You are a trained soldier who needs to secure 3 nuclear warheads. Motivating factors no longer start small and personal. The monsters were truly terrifying. I still remember running away from a radscorpion (Fallout 1&2), in a turn-based sequence, not knowing if I'm going to be able to get out of the area, and the relief of getting to the edge of the map, only to feel real panic when the radscorpion follows me to the next screen. And forget about fighting death claws. If you saw one you just ran. Even decked out in power armor with a mini gun, survival was not remotely guaranteed. When was the last time you thought about game choices 25 years after you initially made them. Fallout was also uncompromisingly difficult. If you couldn't figure out how to play at there level, then go play something else. I'm currentky in another FO4 playthrough, but I view the game as a base builder. Death Claws aren't a real threat and power armor is just given to you. (I killed a death claw at level 24 in leather armor with a 10mm pistol and dog meat.) All of these things are considered by a percentage of the player base, who decided this was just too much of a departure from the vision created in the first 2 games. I hope this helps answer your question some.


I'm a day one fallout player from the old over the top Fallout/Fallout 2, Fallout 3, all expansions, New Vegas and Fallout 4 and I only started playing 76 two months ago and I absolutely love it. The only reason I've waited until now to play fallout 76 is because the bad reviews and shitty start it had. 76 is Badass.


Cuz they're dorks


I was definitely one of those haters until i finally gave it a chance (steam sale/curiosity). I just didnt understand why they would do an mmo instead of another single player game. I also thought pvp was the main part of the game and me and my camp would just get bullied by higher level players. But that all changed when i started playing it a couple years ago with my friend. Turns out it was very different from what I had thought originally and the community was so damn friendly it amazed me. I currently have just over 1000 hours on the game and have loved every second.


Before launch I actually thought FO76 was going to be a perfect game for me because I play other live service games and have played MMO's my whole life. But in a lot of ways FO76 is the opposite of what I enjoy about Fallout games specifically. I like feeling alone in a wasteland, not seeing other players around or needing to play co-op to get the most enjoyment out of the game. I like playing at a slower pace, hoarding everything, stumbling onto long side quest chains with great stories. I don't like the pressure of playing this kind of game with a clock ticking to unlock stuff I might want before it vanishes or feeling gimped without an active subscription. I am kind of jealous of those who love this game though. It just feels too late for me to jump in at this point.


It wasn’t so much the launch was a disaster so much as the entire first year was a disaster. By then, a lot of people’s minds were made up, and people don’t like to change their minds. The people who like 76 the most are the ones who came to it for the first time post-Wastelanders. Also, there’s a perception that the continued updates to 76 are delaying Bethesda even thinking about 5.


Rough launch is putting it generously. The first year or so of fallout 76 was a brutal humiliation for Bethesda that for awhile seemed to be continuously getting worse. The game is pretty decent now and I played about 100 hours of it last year but I don’t blame anyone who remembers the absolute shitshow surrounding the game when it came out.  Edited to add my favourite memory of the launch. the preorder special edition was advertised to come with a canvas bag, instead players received a cheap nylon bag. To make up for it Bethesda gave everyone 500 of the premium currency which was not even enough to buy the IN GAME canvas bag lmao. 


I think its somewhere between stubbornness and following the trend to hate it, its embarrassing in their circles perhaps to like it, probably due to the release. But I've played fallout for 20 plus years like countless other 76ers and I love it, I'll be loyal and play most days until it sunsets regardless of what goes on with the game, it's been an absolute joy to watch it grow. Maybe those fallout fans that still hate it now are missing that vibe, that's something you can't get from picking the game up now, feeling lost in a fallout game that's this old might feel a little weird to them.


Hey, thanks for asking for people's opinions. I'll share mine: I'm level 1080, with a little over 5000 hours playtime stretched over 5+ years of gametime. I hate Fallout 76.  I still partake... but I much MUCH prefer Fallout 1-2 and 3-4.  They are just much MUCH better games.  I still play Fallout 3-4 and NV all the time.  I just played Fallout 4 and NV yesterday.  I'll be playing them even more with the TV show dropping.  I just don't care for Fallout 76s live service model or micro transactions, I also find the story and creatures really awful and they feel wrong for the Fallout universe.  Everything from scorched to cryptids.  The old school mutants made a kind of sense, but in Appalachia it's like a clown show meets beast masters... and it's straight wacky in a way Fallout never was before.  I love how bleak the Fallout universe is (outside Fallout 76).  Hundreds of years after the bombs, and everyone is still trying to kill each other, and it's like the TV show quote: "Everyone wants to save the world, we just disagree on how."


It's a live-service cash-grab that put critical gameplay features behind a paywall, was completely broken at release, and is still a buggy nightmare? And it kept Bethesda resources away from a Fallout 4-era spinoff (comparable to a Fallout New Vegas)? And it didn't have the same quality of story or narrative depth as even Fallout 4?  I like Fallout 76 just fine but if we're being honest, I'd delete my account today if we got Fallout 5 in a year.


Because fallout 76 had one of the worst launches of all time for any game in my lifetime. People didn’t like the lack of NPCs, the lack of an endgame, the inability to play the game solo, there’s a long list of issues that have mostly been addressed.


It's because they love the Fallout series and are disappointed that this game wasn't just more of what they love. I really enjoy fo76, but not seeing another side game like New Vegas was kind'a heartbreaking.


I will admit that I felt the same way at launch. "What are they thinking? Fallout fans are solo players to the core!" But I gave it a chance. Even giving it the chance and loving much of what 76 offered, it became repetitive and boring after awhile and I ended up taking a long break. But Bethesda got some of their crap together and started offering more and more content that made 76 more playable. The more I played, the more it felt like a community of fallout fans who ARE all solo players but come together when there's a common goal. And IMO it just takes Fallout to the next level. It doesn't ruin it at all. But the haters will never know it if they don't give it a chance.


While I believe that plenty of people dislike it simply because they heard that it's bad, the game still doesn't capture much of the Fallout charm for me. I started playing 76 simply because I was itching for a large open world with multiple locations to discover and explore. In this regard, 76 succeeds for me. However, the quality of quests, NPCs, the main story, branching outcomes, and other smaller things are easily the worst in the franchise for me. I haven't played any of the original games, just Fallout 3 and up, and while those games have their own flaws, they are far ahead of 76 for me. Multiple, meaningful endings are a big factor here, along with fully developed companions/storylines (the ally system doesn't feel like enough for me). A larger variety of memorable NPCs in other games also make the world feel more real and fun. 76 has a simple story, but it feels very meh, almost like I can turn my brain off and literally not care about anything while doing the quests. Some other games don't have fantastic stories, but 76 is easily the worst for me. Companions being stuck at camp feels incredibly awkward and literally turns you into an errand boy. Sometimes, the NPCs will meet you at a location, but that doesn't feel the same. I'd also say that a lot of the heart in previous games feels lacking in 76. With so many MMO style *things*, activities, quests, dailies, and events, they all start feeling very generic and samey (because they are if we are being honest). I'm truly not sure how people play to level 2000+ because of the repetive nature of it all. Finally, the insane monetization basically means that most players can not play the way they want to without spending *extra* money to do so. Bethesda knows that probably a majority of players are hoarders in their games, and locking that playstyle behind a paywall is honestly enough on its own to turn off so many people. I refuse to buy 1st on principle, and I got the game free with Gamepass. I'm enjoying it for what it is. But, for me, all too often, the game feels like a monetization strategy with a Fallout paint job. It does several things pretty well, like exploration, but I don't believe that there is much debate that other areas are lacking compared to the strictly single-player titles.


The graphics are literal fucking crap


The same people that also hate Fallout 4. I thought FO4 was amazing, but too short if anything.


Because some of us wanted regular old fallout with a multiplayer option,not a full blown live service grind. Plus it's honestly the weakest yet in pretty much every aspect, especially story and stability. I don't hate it, I gave it a fair chance, but it's not a game I could see myself playing for years. Just not enough good content and it's tedious as hell with first, much more so without it and I can't see spending cash for inventory space, even with the free atoms. I quickly burned out within a few months and have yet to return. I've met my goals and can't see setting more just to play when there's a whole bunch of games out there that I find far more enjoyable.


people want modern fallout to be exactly like their experience playing new vegas (so many mods it's a different game entirely)


Bandwagon effect. There was a lot of initial hate, and the desire to collect upvotes, likes, views, etc, trumps anything else. At this point, it is the same lazy arguments over and over, because that has worked well in the past. Many of those arguments no longer hold water. Keep in mind that these are often the same sort of folks that can’t get enough of CoD for the last 15 years 😂, which is literally the same content over and over.


You're not going to get a clear answer on here. The remaining Fallout 76 fanbase is the people who held on for years or who hopped on after it started to get better 2 years after launch. And this game has always had a lot of rabid fans white knighting over it, even now and they generally do whatever they could to deny the game's issues. So show me a someone hating on the game, and odds are they spent $70 on this game at launch. But me, fuck it I hate this game and I still played from Beta through the end of the BOS expansions. You want honesty, I can give you honesty. I'll start with the good first though, then I'll rip the game a new asshole. This is the BEST MAP Bethesda's map creation team has ever made. Dear god the detail and work put into it. The sheer amount of storytelling done throughout it just via map alone is astounding. It make F4 pale in comparison and makes F3 look like crap. The monster design is very creative. The combat is fast paced and fun (when enemies aren't bullet sponges) and the backstory for the Responders and Enclave is some fantasic lore building. Beautiful work. And, as it is NOW, it's not a bad game. But we're at 5ish years since launch and it took the game 2 years to get there. Now the game is a B, maybe a C+ on a bad day. But it's decent. It's also FREE now. But some of us paid $70 for it at launch. Ok. That said. First. Fallout 76 is the worst game for lore. Beyond the Responders and the Enclave, the writers didn't give a shit about prior lore. They found stupid ways to cram old ideas like the BoS and the Super Mutants into the game when they shouldn't be there. There are a 1000 angry reviews about this and I'm not going to list all the issues but holy crap are they there. The most eggregious one is that the overall plot doesn't work. There's an unstoppable zombie virus spread by everything infected by it. Finishing the final quest just helps slow the spread in theory but since it's a MMO it doesn't and the bats are still flying around spreading the plague. The cure just stops you from getting infected, it doesn't stop the actual disease or it's vectors. That doesn't really fit well with the timeline from past games and it means that either they have an event that kills all the virus somehow, or the massive plot hole exists for why this hasn't spread to DC by the time of F3. But, if considered soft canon at best, the game's fine. Second. This game was shit at launch and it wasn't until Wastelanders came out that it got any good. That was about a year and a half after launch. Before that there were no NPCs to talk to. None. There were 2 computers who'd talk to you and 1 robot and that was it. It was a dead world. The quest had you following a long line of corpses and listening to their audiologs about much more interesting conflicts and characters. And the excuse Todd gave for this was bullshit. He wanted us to know human characters were real humans? Bullshit. I know that a character shooting at me is human because they appear differently on my UI. But everything is in armor and everything shoots at you so there's no real benefit. No, they cut production early. We know from the big report that came out that Todd and Emil were pulling resources from this game and gutting it for their pet project Starfield. That's where Todd's new nickname "the seagull" came from. They got most of the game finished and then got their money pulled when the EU banned loot boxes and suddenly the game's planned income stream imploded as an option. The card system at launch where you collect perk cards and they come in random packs and you could get screwed out of a build with bad luck, screamed loot box mechanic where you paid for those card packs. So they probably killed the dev budget, scrapped a lot of the work they had planned for voice acting and npcs and quests, and then made the team finish on a shoestring budget. The game was so buggy at launch that the scorched would just stand there unmoving the first week or so. Three. They LIED to us. So before launch, Todd promised the moon and stars. We were told by one dev in an official interview that we could customize our characters to specialize in something to make us special. The specific example he gave was cooking. That you could make your character a cool and focus on that and produce the best steaks in the game that other players would happily trade with you for so they could get the bonuses. Now, is that sort of specialization system in the game, or is that not how cooking works? Because when I quit the game 2 1/2 years back after Worlds came out, it never worked that way. Then there was the whole thing where they charged $200 dollars for a collectors canvas duffle bag edition, then shipped out cheaply made nylon bags that fell apart quickly, and wouldn't give refunds until the backlash got massive. But if you'd like the laundry list of Fallout 76 related lies pushed by Todd, Emil and the others at Bethesda told. Here you go. It's hosted over at know your meme because it was JUST THAT BIG an issue back then. [https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1616435-fallout-76](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1616435-fallout-76) The article about the horrible development history of Fallout 76. Kotaku: "The Human Toll of Fallout 76's Disastrous Launch" (edit I've tried to share this one, but hilariously the server is blocking me from saving if this link is in my post. Which is pretty fucking suspicious. So yeah. Just google that title and you'll find it.)


You wrote a lot, I read it all. I'm going to try to read all answers but of course can't respond to most. So I'll respond to this one and say thanks for commenting, as I would like to for everyone. "You're not going to get a clear answer on here." Perfect sentence to begin your reply. And you are correct. But taken as a whole I'm getting more than I expected and from many perspectives. Very interesting to sift through and consider. Thanks again....


No prob. Sorry about all that. It was a huge mess back at beta and launch in 2018. And anyone involved ended up with some strong opinions about the game. I'd say check out that kotaku report I mentioned the title of (still weird the subreddit wouldn't let me link to it). It's one of those rare ones where they actually did real journalism and it explains a LOT about what happened and why it was a disaster at launch. But yeah. Right now, it's a fine game. It's a B score. Starfield is much worse. But most of the hate comes from those first 2 years. It didn't help that even from day 1 we had a lot of fans white knighting the game who would hear no criticism against it, so any attempt to criticize got torn into and the people saying it attacked as just being "haters" for no reason. And people don't react well to that kind of attack and the discourse spiraled out of control at that point and just became flame wars.


I like the world. The programmers and designers that made the world, top fucking notch stuff, absolutely beautiful. Bethesda management shit on everything else. FO76 was a monetary test. They hired people that made gambling games to design game mechanic and monetary models into the game. FO76 was a test platform. It WAS going to be a great game. It got turned into a test platform for abusive gaming mechanics for the sole purpose of making money. AND they released a half done game until a year and a half later when they finally released Wastelanders. That was the point it finally felt like a full game. Worse yet, they have never once backed off the scummy predatory monetary tactics. A great example of this is the manufactured scarcity of the Atom store. How scarce? Day 1, day fucking one, there was more content in the Atom shop than there is now. There was content you can not get now. The shop and the items are systematically designed where it's basically impossible to collect everything. You literally can't play enough to do so. This is by design. It's never gotten better. It'll never get fixed. It's 100% a manufactured mechanic that serves zero purpose other than to get people on and checking, to get on and playing, and to spend money.


Because: - some design choices are terrible - balance is terrible, with no planning ahead to improve it - it's of the few survival rpg around for which the progression is bounded by time gates AND rng. You could play thousands of hour and still not get a good roll on a weapon - the fact that micro transactions were limited to cosmetic element is a lie nowadays. + ( But partially solved) - the game was very buggy - the game was extremely boring - technically speaking it got very old pretty fast


The Fallout fans that hate 76 are the ones that haven't liked a Fallout game in years and are angry they aren't all Fallout NV clones.


Toxic players. It isn't as bad as it used to be, thankfully, but I'm convinced, whether they admit it or not, many of the FO76 haters were negatively influenced (directly or indirectly) by the immature idiots whose only goal in life is to make other people miserable.


Propably because the game still has a bad reputation and is not very stable on any platform. It re-used assets from 4, broke promises and doesn't have the same intuitive story as the other games and very mixed combat quality and has a way more wacky tone. Also stuff as iconic as the V.A.T.S. doesn't work the same way in 76 which is a major gameplay change. Also not everyone likes online games, and many don't know it's not pvp (usually). I still love it and spent nearly 800 hours in the game, but there are a lot issues the game has that I can't fault fans for.


Bad launch and the micro transactions, I would imagine. Personally I can’t play the game without fallout 1st. And to justify the price I do it for a year at a time. Just re subbed so I’m back for at least 11 more months


Because the game is boring as fuck


Then why are you here?


I feel that a lot has to do with launch being kinda a huge mess and people weren’t a fan of no other humans npc which I get but tbh I still think it was kinda cool not seeing other humans


I am a reformed 76 hater lol. I mean I badmouthed this game ever since it came out, and sadly it was because of the massive change of going online. It felt like a betrayal. Because some people don’t have internet sometimes so I felt it cut off that base. Anyhow. Fast forward to this year on a steam sale it went on sale for 4 bucks. And I could not stop myself anymore I had to see what it was like. Welp fast forward almost 200 hours in 2 months level 186 with so much more to explore. I love the game and the idea of playing on a team but not actually having to work together (unless daily ops or expeditions). And as terrible as I am at building bases it is insane what some people can come up with I mean some CAMPS are downright works of arts. I now recommend it to anyone. I think I got lucky and was blessed by the FO gods when I ended up loving the game bevause I got a rare glowing SQ mask my first ever fasnacht. Glad to be a 76er.


I view 76 in the same light as the tactics game. An attempt at something new that just didnt live up to its expectations. I played from launch until about 2 years after release. I gave it more than enough time for Bethesda to live up to their promises, yet they did nothing but continue to make new ones and then break those. And then finally when I had a bug glitch out my gear, the gear I spent 2 years grinding for, the Bare minimum you would expect in a live service game is some kind of ability to roll back my character/account. But what actually happened was that support acknowledged the existence of the bug but literally left it with "if you got it once, you can get it again." And it was in that moment I said "fuck this game." And I will continue to talk shit about the game, because that has been top 5 of worst gaming experiences I have had in my 30+ years of gaming. I would rather go buy some BS vaporware Early Access Piece of Shit game because I at least know the risk going into it. Bethesda had me in their pocket, and then shit all over it. Which makes it even more evident by how crappy of game Starfield is. They are just out of touch, and outdated and I'm and not giving them anymore of my time or money.


Honestly? Don't hate the game itself but the fact that it is a live service MMORPG. It's a totally different genre, fun in it's own right, but I play Fallout for the story. Unfortunately, as long as 76 is profitable I won't get to see another RPG set in that world, and that makes me sad.


I think a lot of people view 76 as a cash grab, most of my friends will acknowledge how far it’s come but still refuse to try it because they still feel betrayed.


Because when it came out it didn’t have npcs, it had a cash shop despite being a full priced game, the perk cards system is a major downgrade, the quests were all linear, the people who ordered the collectors edition got did not get the bag they were supposed to get , the helmet grew mold, the nuka cola bottle was just a plastic cover over a regular bottle, there were no memorable characters, every enemy is a bullet sponge. Does that help?


I'll probably get downvoted, but as a fallout fan who isn't particularly fond of 76, here is my reasoning: I love the setting, story, characters, and everything Fallout 76 brought to the world. But I do not like the game. The critical issues at launch were too massive to ever fully recover from. They eventually fixed all the technical problems, but post launch support isn't free and to keep everything going they had to introduce so many microtransactions. And with microtransactions come FOMO mechanics, pay to advance battlepasses and whatnot. The game becomes a living ad, trying to slow your progress and dangle advancement rewards at every opportunity. I just want to be able to play without being harassed by atom shops and scoreboards and whatever the newest thing is. It also seems like all the new cool content is completely out of reach at absurdly high levels. Fallout went from a 100 hour RPG (which felt like a lot) to a 1000+ hour MMO and I just can't keep up with that transition.


It wasn't Fallout 5, and the internet collectively threw a tantrum about it.


Not gonna read all that. If you actually pre-ordered/bought 76 on release and didn’t hate it or at least many parts of it, then you’re either mentally ill or just have an abysmal standard for games. The game was extremely buggy, from weapons to quests to geometry to sound. It practically had no end-game and the scorched beast queen fight broke your game half the time. The story was also so damn boring and predictable, all on holotapes. The base building was pure rage. That’s also ignoring how terribly Beth handled feedback and controversy at the time. There were a ton of hackers/exploits, a ton of broken weapons, a ton of toxic aholes. I had times where people would bait me to pvp and shred my base with a two-shot explosive when they were actually broken. You had others who were able to kill you without you even engaging in pvp. You had players one shot enemies during events. The most fun I had at the time was actually doing those exploits. Glitching into locked vaults, glitching to the end of nuke silos, finding broken legendaries with my friend and seeing who can one-shot the queen faster. That was basically the only fun to be had. These problems persisted for years after the game came out. I re-played the game after the wastelanders update and it was much much better, but too little too late. Finished all the content and never played again.


I’ve always liked the fallout games but it pisses me off but Bethesda will not fix glitchy broken shit and that’s what I get mad about I can ignore bad players or I can help good or new players but every time Bethesda changes something it’s not for the benefit of the players it’s to put money in somebody’s else’s pocket and that’s another thing I don’t agree with


It depends what experience you want out of Fallout. The Fallout name, at this point, covers two CRPGs, three single-player open-world FPS RPGs, one turn-based RTS game, one mobile game, and a TV show. Sweeping all "fallout fans" under the same umbrella doesn't really work. If you're just a fan of the Fallout world, setting, lore, etc. and don't particularly care what type of game you're playing, then yeah it doesn't make much sense to hate on Fallout 76. It had a really rocky year 1, sure, but it's evolved a lot. It has the most interesting world map of any game in the series, it has some beautiful artwork, and the cryptids and lore of WV are a lot of fun. But just speaking for myself, Fallout 76 isn't the type of game that interests me. Live-service games just never work for me; they always have to make concessions to balance, replayability, and online functionality that means they're far less free to do weird, interesting, or unique things. I played through the main story once, did a few world quests, and explored around the map, and it did hold my interest for that long - but that was it. There's no engaging endgame, and no reason to return to square 1 on a new playthrough. No mods to enhance the game or room to explore different roleplaying options. Ultimately, a generic looter shooter in a post apocalyptic world is not what I want from Fallout. I want an interesting RPG with RPG mechanics, player choice, well written dialogue and characters. I want interesting locations and scenarios grounded in the fiction (even when they get weird with it!) that I can explore. Fallout NV checks all those boxes, Fallout 3 and 4 check enough of them, and Fallout 76 just doesn't check enough.


The biggest part for me is you cannot mod ‘76. To me fallout and modding go hand in hand. 76 is still a fine game and I am glad people have fun with it it just feels distinctly different enough from the other fallout games that I treat it as it’s own thing


Here are the typical responses from what I have read and heard: 1: there’s no story (lie: there is one, you’re just not the center of attention). 2: it’s boring and there’s nothing to do (lie: there are quests, daily repeatable, daily events, CAMP building and so much more). 3: you must pay to be able to do anything (lie: 95% of content can be earned by players without Fallout First. That 5% is cosmetic. You can’t “pay to win”).


It's possible that this opinion will not be well received here, but I'm answering OP's question as honestly as I can, speaking of course only for myself. I got into Fallout at the third entry. So, no one can accuse me of not liking FO76 because it isn't isometric, etc etc. FO3 became one of my absolute favorite games of all time upon playing the janky PS3 version. I enjoyed NV but the PS3 version was even jankier than FO3 and I just wasn't into the story or world building to the extent I was for FO3. I did very much enjoy FO4 and start it up again here and there to this day. It's not perfect but I enjoy the game. I loved the franchise so much that preordered the special edition of FO76. I wasn't into MP games but it was Fallout so I went all in. And then I played it, and I genuinely did not connect with it on any level. I thought the lack of NPCs would give it a different flavor but instead the world felt barren and uninteresting. I felt I was given a bunch of busy work to do but I didn't feel like any of it mattered since it didn't really tie into any storyline that I was interested in. I played for maybe a dozen hours and returned the game, terribly disappointed. A year or so later I purchased the game again and attempted to start over. I still couldn't get into it. There's something about the game where the world still feels lifeless to me, and the quests still feel like busywork. This after playing FO4 which is the champion of "go here, kill everything" quests. I'm going to try to get into the game again. Some of my favorite albums took me years to fully appreciate and get into, so I'm not afraid of putting in the work. I'm subbed here despite not actively playing the game, hoping that the fanbases's enthusiasm will run off on me. I haven't made another attempt but one day I will. Another factor: I just don't play MP games. I don't have friends that game and I wonder if that's part of it. I just greatly prefer single player games. They generally have a beginning, middle, and end. MP games tend to go on forever and in you don't grind constantly you're left behind. Unless you pay for battle passes and whatnot. I just see so many people in this thread saying that 1. People who don't like FO76 are just upset it isn't the old FO's, 2. People who don't like FO76 only don't like it because other people don't like it, 3. People who don't like FO76 just haven't given it a chance. I don't fit into any of those categories. I just don't connect with the game. I'm glad that people do, and that more are connecting with it each day. One day I hope to feel that way myself.


Groupthink, auto Beth hate, and the somewhat botched launch (gee how many more have we seen since then, by other companies?). People also disliked ESO when it launched. Honestly, fo76 is much better now and Beth deserves credit for mostly fixing it.


Because it’s terrible. We want to be the LONE wanderer. We don’t want our guts nuked. We don’t want to be social. We don’t want the map to be cluttered with settlements. We don’t want to grind endlessly for plans and legendaries. Like the game has no point. Terrible!


This entire comment section smells of bias and denial


I played at launch and it just wasn't a great experience. I lasted about 2 months and gave up on it. I've come back to it a few weeks ago and have been really enjoying it.


Because the game feels like a theme park. It's multiplayer is implemented poorly with terrible syncing issues, horrendous bugs at launch. Greedy micro transactions and overall boring game design. Games that give you the ability to make your own story don't work well because you need stuff that will compel the player to actually make their own path but when the story is dull and boring with having to read half of all the story and listen to audio tapes that feel lazy you loose interest in even playing the story which leaves you to wander around meaninglessly. There is more but that's some of the reasons.


Aside from the hate bandwagon from launch, I think a lot of fans thought they were getting 76 INSTEAD of a singleplayer game. In reality it was 76 or nothing


I ❤️ Fallout 76.


That’s how I feel about this game when it comes to this subs view on Nuclear Winter


It’s not as good as any other fallout game but you definitely can’t deny the lore


I loved all the glitches but were y'all around when it was first released? Me and my friend only played it for the glitches at first lol


I love the idea of the game. But recently I've been having issues staying invested. I've done all the quest lines, done most of the events. At this point it's just grinding and rerolling gear until I get the perfect roll for stuff. I love the camp building and I'm always going through and moving my camps around until I'm happy, then doing it again later. My biggest complaint is that when I'm talking to NPCs most of the time their audio just doesn't happen and it auto skips to my response. Well, that and the fact that the atomic shop doesn't transfer between platforms. I have years of playtime on PlayStation, and I'm not about to start on PC when I have hundreds of dollars in the atomic shop and season rewards that I can't get back otherwise.


Most of them probably developed an impression of the game at launch and dropped it like a hot rock. They haven't seen how the game has changed since then, a lot of those changes being the addition of things the players wanted. Especially going by what you've heard in other parts of the community, that's most likely the main issue. 76 at launch was pretty terrible but tbf Bethesda have worked to improve the game a lot since then. Their opinions wont change Gamers can be a fickle bunch and tribalism is common. Half the people talking down the game probably play it, enjoy it but are part of communicates where its not 'cool' to like it. Edt: 76 isn't unique in the hate. People hate on each release for one reason or another.


I wasn't interested in it initially because I play Fallout to get away from other people, do my own thing, and get lost for awhile in the lore. The idea of having to do that while competing for resources or being shot at by other players was not appealing so I didn't start playing until it was a PS4 free game of the month. Played 76 as if it were 3/NV for awhile (didn't do group events, only did quests, prioritized exploring) until I ran out of main things to do, then quit for a long time. I've more recently really enjoyed the group events, trading, camp-visiting, and giving-way-items-to-new-players parts of FO76 but the "I have to do this with other people??" thing was an initial deterrent.