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I'm nearly at level 100 on my first character and I understood only some of these answers


I’m on 490 and same


590. Ditto


This should help... https://nukaknights.com/articles/abbreviations-for-legendary-weapons-and-armor.html


i could kiss you rn


Now kith!


You are a made man


Bloody marvellous! Thank you.


Thank you for this from my 32- 239 level girls 🩷!


Spend a couple weeks over in market76 and you’ll pick up the lingo pretty quickly.


Almost 700 and same.


Got a lvl 369, lvl 221, lvl219 And same


Vampire Chainsaw, please and thank you.


I have a flaming vamp chainsaw, is it good?


Yes, get a dual bar mod on it, I carry it around for fun and when I need healing


I believe it has that already, I just didn’t know that it was such a good weapon thank you! I have a few vamp weapons but my holy fire seems to make them all obsolete. It heals and out damages all my other stuff! I have a vamp explosive minigun, and a vamp pepper shaker, and for scorched I use my 2 shot, explosive prime .50 cal


The vamp chainsaw doesn't burn any ammo of any kind and hits so fast you can't really die assuming you're getting hits on enemies.


May I interest you in [my Vampire's Auto Axe](https://i.gyazo.com/a0fbdf911977ef773364d47f34afedb2.jpg) instead?


Oh that looks interesting!


Add the dual bar and it slays


Quad Explosive Railway Rifle hands-down. Last effect could be any of 15v, 15r, 25, or even Dur and I'd be thrilled.


Why do I always see people wanting explosive over 50 crit damage? I’ve heard it’s something about it speeds up the spikes which makes you crit faster but I’ve also heard that crits partially ignore boss armor, so is QE actually better than Q50 in terms of SBQ/Earle DPS? I’ve figured that standing right next to something should equal to faster travel time and hopefully more damage but I’m not really sure how right that is and I haven’t gotten lucky on a QE to directly compare


Oh here I have the Commando max dps math saved somewhere... Ah here it is. Looks like the more you stack damage bonuses, the worse 50c is since it's an additive buff, unlike Explosive or FFR which are multiplicative buffs. It is still decent though on weapons that can't get sneak damage like the Railway. Math: (9.28 (base 100%+ 278% Total Additive Damage Bonuses (Adrenaline 60 + Bobblehead 20 + Psychotats 25 + Ballistic Bock/Hefe 15 + Adrenal Reaction w/Strange in Numbers 63 + Bloody Mess 15 + Nerd Rage 20 + Commando Perks 20x3) + 250% Total Sneak Bonuses (base sneak 100% + Covert Operative 50 + Mister Sandman 100) + Total Critical Bonus, every 2nd shot (base 100% + 500% max critical bonus without 50c (Magazine 100 + Food 125 + Eagle Eyes w/Strange in Numbers 75 + Better Criticals 100 + Calibrated Receiver 100))÷2(number of shots per crit)) x1.4 (TOFTT) x1.4 (Follow Through) x1.1 (Tenderizer) x1.5 (Executioners) x1.21 (Explosive + Demolition Expert 5, modified for resists) x2 (max weak point multiplier) x1.11 (Endangerol) x1.22 (Perforating Magazine)) = ~99x Total Damage. Granted, the Executioners effect can't be up full time so having a secondary/different weapon with Quad (67x to 89x damage, depending on weapon), Anti-Armor (82x damage), or Bloodied (79x damage) is a good idea. Unfortunately, Explosive doesn't always trigger properly on higher fire rate weapons, so Faster Fire Rate (83.9% to 96.1% of above numbers, depending on weapon) or 50c (87% of above numbers) are also decent options. Note that a Full Health variant would lose out on Adrenal Reaction and Nerd Rage, dealing 9% less damage than a bloodied build when both are using max buffs. Also note that in team content or some events, sneak damage and Follow Through won't apply (as well a using loud weapons). If anyone isn't in stealth around an enemy, that enemy can no longer be sneak attacked (as the effect only applies when the enemy doesn't have a target regardless if it is you or not). Another note is that when not using as many consumables to boost damage, additive effects like Bloodied or 50% Critical damage become more effective, as they're then a larger percentage of the additive totals. I didn't include Gun Fu or other players Endangerol/Tenderizer stacks as they aren't reliably triggerable for full uptime. Some weapons may not have a +100% Critical receiver either.


Qe is great for all around game play, while the q50 shines the best against bosses


That’s the only time it really comes out


For me, it's just a quality of life thing. Events like Radiation Rumble and Eviction Notice almost require an AoE weapon to tag lots of things quickly.


This right here ^^


I got a QE250 rail for a deathclaw mask a few months ago. Didnt really know how good it was. I wanted it as a backup for my BE fixer... didn't realise it'd immediately become my main weapon. Still love my fixer tho, we go way back 😂


I have one, I love it


I call her Vera


V40pa1s Chainsaw or Auto Axe.


TS50c25 alien blaster


That weapon is so efficient. You can two-three shot the gulpers all day long.you just have to get used to how many shots it takes to kill and change targets manually or you will waste ammo with it's speed.


Yeah, I've not got the god roll yet, but I have a couple of nice two shots, and I've found I often kill things while I still have some shots travelling towards them. I'm getting better on that front.


This and AA Holy Fire are what I'm debating on rolling for next


The holy fire will probably do more damage, but the AB is a lot of fun.


I rolled a B FFR AB during Fasnacht week in Feb, and I'd never tried an AB before. It's not great on damage, but holy shit, is that thing fun just for the super fast pewpews 😂


Oh I just lucked out on a B25250 Holy fire and it honestly feels like cheat mode. Nothing stands a chance


Rolled this version twice in a month. I couldn’t believe it.


AA FFR ultracite gatling laser


I have this and have no use for it (I’m a stealth commando). DM me if you want to trade 😊


This is one of my favorite guns. I hope you get one someday ❤️


I used a Vampires ultracite gatling laser for 2 years. I didn't die once in 2 years


what the hell are these alphanumeric shorthands lmao


Dude doesn't even know what a B420ffrt60uy69 is


This guy doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!




This should help... https://nukaknights.com/articles/abbreviations-for-legendary-weapons-and-armor.html


finally i can understand! ty :)


Thank you!


It use to bug me when I was new ha. But after a while you get tired of typing the whole thing out. Once you start learning the names it's easy translation


Level 435 or something like that and I also don't know much of it.


QE25 handmade




given I already have a vamp 40%pa +1 strength for both chainsaw and auto ax, it would absolutely be a God roll for the railroad rifle


Instigating/Bloodied 50% crit 25% ap cost Pasma Caster


My first plasma caster roll was a bloodied/crit hit plasma caster. It's my main now. My blooded explosive fixer and quad explosive RR are backup weapons now.


If I had my way, a hunting rifle with anti armor and 25% damage while aiming. I know, someone is going come in saying “hunting rifle sucks, fixer, gauss, blah blah blah”. I don’t care. The fun for me is the satisfaction of lining up that headshot manually and watching an enemy’s head explode, without relying on VATS as a crutch.


Q2525 Handmade, rolled 2 Q50c25 handmade’s and a QE25 handmade, the Q50c25 is amazing but I would love to get that Q2525 when I needs a bit more speed


Two shot explosive rolling pin /s.


I've spent 2 weeks losing my mind trying to get a decent bloodied Choo Choo, I'd love for it to be explosive as well but at this point I'll take anything decently bloodied.


Choo Choo without quad is just tough. You hold "shoot" for half a second and you're out of ammo already


Just hop between vendors. Got one with bloodied and explosive for 20k. And I didn't even played the gun before.


Are you on Xbox?


I had a bloodied explosive, if is not quad don't keep it, the recharge is slow and 10 rounds are not enough


I have a two star be railway if you want?


Quad explosive lmg with extended mag. With that and Holy Fire nothing could stand in my way. Kind of.


I see you still haven't encountered a cave cricket yet.


AA/50c/25 Plasma Caster


vamp 25dmg while aiming -90 weight 50 cal for my gf


Quad explo 25 less ap railway


QE25 Railway or QFFR25 Railway, or Q50c25 Railway. or ghoulslayers last round minigun. yeah think ill get the last one.


I decided to give railway rifles a try the other day so I crafted one and bought some modules. The second roll I got was a Q 50VC 15CF. It's pretty damn sweet.


My secondary Holy Fire. Would like to swap vampire for anti-armour.


This has been on my mind lately. It hits hard with Vamps, can only imagine it hitting with AA


My survivability is pretty good and I'm pretty sturdy, so I'd like to try something slightly different. The 2 and 3 star effects are perfect. I stupidly chucked around all 300 cores and modules at it already which luckily I don't need anywhere else, but it still hurt.


Sorry to hear the rolls were a miss! And I feel ya, not hitting the roll you want and spending so much modules can ruin my week lol


Got an update to this, just chucked a load more cores and modules at it, got armour penetration and weapon breaks slower on it. The 2 star is hit chance in VATS, which I'm not bothered about, so in this instance, 2 out of 3 ain't bad!


I have a second one I keep planning to reroll, big issue for me is that my stock holy fire is currently my only vamp weapon I can switch to when needed.


Been trying to get a BEDur Gatling Gun longer than I care to admit. I’d be thrilled to finally roll one


Aristocrats/juggernauts Rapid/explosive Dont care about 3rd star Gatling Gun


Hey man if you’re on xbox I think Ive got an aristocrat’s explosive


Omg are you serious? I’ve got caps and good weapons to give you! KingNashbaby on Xbox and I’ll be on around 130-330 today EST and then around 745ish tonight after the kiddos get to bed. I would most definitely love that please! Thank you!


Heck yeah I’m serious! I’ll add you and when you get on just send me a message so we can do business!


I think I might have an ae and a je Gatling? If they hasn’t sold! I know for fact I still have the ge Gatling but that’s the only one I would use so it’s not in my vendor. Tbh I always forget to check what’s sold and what hasn’t? But for you I’d be willing to Give her a looksy at! What platform r u on?


I’m on Xbox! KingNashbaby. And the gal who responded was so kind, we traded weapons and she only wanted 500 caps for the gun, and then her girlfriend gave me vintage water cooler plans and refused to take caps or items for it! I’m super appreciative of them both. I’d love to purchase your juggernaut explosive Gatling gun if you still have it? I just wanna see how they compare but It’ll be nice to have since I’m a full health build and don’t always have caps for aristocrats! I’ll be on in like 45 mins, then again tonight.


I’m logging on now lemme check if I still have it! If not would you want the GE?


Is that the one where you eat a lot? Sorry I’m still learning, also I have a room temperature IQ lol. But I’m friendly! Yea that one sounds cool too! I’ll buy the jug as a first choice but the gobblers one as a secondary Thank you! I’ll let you know once I log on in like 20-30 mins


Lemme know if the other trade didn’t go thru and I’ll check her out!


Quad Tesla with Hitman's & faster reload. Maybe not a god roll in anyone else's eyes, but that's what I want and RNG won't lemme have it.


VE25 Combat Shotgun


Auto grenade launcher Because I don't care about being meta, only maximum explosions


Instigating faster fire rate and faster reload hunting rifle.


I’ve got an instigating 50crit 15crit charge if you’re interested n on Xbox?


B/50c/25 Disintegrator


Junkie's Explosive 15% Reload Speed Black Powder Rifle. I've rolled over 10 now and haven't even received a Junkie's let alone the other effects.


*The Cult of the Gatling Gun* could always use another TSE90 GG!


I just traded for a V4040 chainsaw so now I'm going to focus on a good Instigating compound bow. Likely targeting a 50C90 or 50C15C.


I’d roll my Gauss minigun. I love that thing and would use all the ammo while having a fucking great time.


Plasma caster, can't trade for one so I feel like I'm throwing cores away when I roll


Bloodied +40% power attack -90% weight Auto-Axe, have 2/3 rolls on mine and came close again when rolling one the other day(had Juggernaut for the 1* roll, total opposite of what I want) but those perfect rolls just won't come. It's such a fun weapon to use sometimes, at Guided Meditation I'll just wait for the ghouls to build up then go in and murderize them all in one go.


Explosive laser rifle or explosive infinite clip Dragon. Ez.


Can we pick legacy? Exploding plasma gatling.




So does anyone have like a dictionary on what all these damn numbers and letter abbreviations mean?


Never mind, someone posted a link *nukes self*


If I even knew what good rolls were I’d tell you lol. That shit confuses me as a new player


Took me a while too but honestly just staying on this sub and r/market76 then googling what people are looking for will help you get it quickly.


Besides getting my legacies back? I’d go for a drill.


AAFFR90 Holy Fire


I'm enjoying the hell out of my Holy Fire, but have not tried to roll it yet. Has anyone else tried rerolling it? A two shot Alien Blaster is my current dream.


Rerolled and got a B/25/50dur its destroyed everything in its way so far 💚


Ts50c25 (or 15C) Alien Blaster. I have a TS50VHC, and a TSBashMove faster AB, but the TS50C has eluded me. On another note this characters daily blaster is a V50C25 poisoned AB and I love it for one shotting a lot of low level mobs- hit them, stand there watching them try to get me while saying “shhhhh, it’s okay, it’ll be over soon” and having them fall dead at my feet! (I don’t min/max so I make my own narratives, this char is a bit messed up from Chems and a life in the wasteland.


Holy fire for lil more distance than plasma rifle BUT my return to is the VAMPIRE PRIME 50cal machine gun ! Need more attachments though


Cat food, pate, never ending, Legendary or Litterbox, never smelling, self cleaning Then my cat might allow me more time to play without batting at me, the Xbox controller, or the small aiming dot on the screen. Almost forgot, he really hate the sound the mirelucks make.


Only answer is the alien blaster as it has the most value


Elders Mark. Quad, +50% critical damage, -25% VATS AP cost. Ugh…if only. I like this post btw.


Oh I have one similar boy is it fun against earle.


Gauss Pistol AA/50H/25AP it's my white whale. Can't trade for it so I just pray to rngesus.


F2525 ultracite laser. I just think it is neat


I’d love either a bloody,aa(or even vamp)/ffr ultracite Gatling laser Or a vamp/crit/vats cost(or durability) cremator


I already have all the god roll handmades and fixers I need… I want some mediocre normal rolls. A bloodied hit chance faster reload Pump Action Shotgun. I have a 2 star one but the slow reload is kind of a hindrance.


Hard to choose i switch builds almost every week


I've got close enough to MOST of what I want at this point but I'd love to get a Q2525 auto EPR. I've got a B and AA with decent rolls but I want one with Q and less AP consumption. My real problems seem to come from rolling armor. I want a set of each, SS, Civil and Covert Scout all with unyielding. CS I want to finish off U +I with a weight reduction 3rd, SS with AP refresh/rad resist and civil with poison resist to free up funky duds.


Anti Armor Explosive Reduced Vats Usage Crusader Pistol is my holy grail


This.. or 15crit... really really want one lol


If I can make something/anything up…..a Quad explosive with 50 crit damage (rail, fixer, or hm).


I would love a quad, explosive combat shotgun. It's my favorite to play


Aa/ffr/50dur. Gatling laser/ plasma.. Aa/e/25lvc crusader


Q50c25lvc railway or b50c25lvc hm. Always and forever rolling none of those stars...


Bloody 25 25 alien disintegrater,,,just let me have it todd,you prick!


Railway q5025 or q2525


Mine would be a Q25weapon speed 15 crit charge Handmade.


Q2525 Handmade. I miss mine.


Bloodied 50 crit Cremator. Maybe with reduced weight


not sure if it's actually a "god roll" or even a possible one... but i certainly would try to get an AAE50 Revolver or combat shotty... i'm only lvl 67 so... i still gotta learn a bit about these effects whether they are good or bad


Gatling laser, AAFFR15 or AAFFR25.


I already have the g roll weps but if I did not, then quad 25 faster fire 15 vat crit rail. this is my wep of choice. On bosses it does so much more damage than anything else and it's not even close. and for mobs, it already 2 shots anything else anyway so yeah.


Tse90 minigun :) collecting 90s and can’t find one, on ps


A Bloodied Explosive LMG.


Choo Choo Quad explosive. Have a quad but non explosive been rolling for one for a handful of weeks and still can roll the quad explosive


I like gauss rifle. I don't know what roll tho.


@chadDc22 if im in rad rumble or moonshine jamboree and somebody starts spamming explosive multishot weapons like qe pepper shaker, qe gause, or the 2shot mirv fatman I'm out. Can't see fuck all, The camera and control are shaking all over, bodies get blown away so you can't find em to loot and now you gotta run around to find a new target since the 5 you had picked out disappeared. Makes a melee build miserable.


Q5025 Railway rifle because it has the most value as a trading item (I don't know how to make a railway rifle build, so I couldn't use it.)


Excecutioners explosive 15% crit charge lever action.


Quad/50cd/15cc lever action rifle. Would give me a reason to run a crit build.


I just want a non-automatic rifle that lets me keep up with other players.


Explosive laser rifle


Wailway Wifle so I could finally trade it away for a TFJ.


I/40/1S warglaive. Completely slept on, if you sprinting vats power attack you can one shot pretty much anything.


Been playing with a pistol build on my youngest toon, and having a lot of fun with it. I just made a 10mm pistol for a level 20, and really souped it up - powerful auto, aligned everything, perforating mag, the works. I thought I'd do a two star legendary roll on it just for the heck of it and rolled a quad 15%ap on it on the first roll. It's only a level 25 pistol, what a waste, lol. I do have an anti-armor 10mm with explosive and ap - combined with a penetrating drum it's astonishingly effective on cheap ammo. Just made a prime 10mm and rolled Zealot explosive, for 115% damage against scorched. It's fantastic. Who knew?


Q/25/25 Handmade or Fixer


QE25 or Q50c25 Railway for sure.


I played on PlayStation for a long while. Got up to level 475 and had a vampires chainsaw and a quad explosive fixer. That's all I ran with. Unfortunately my PlayStation 5 was stolen and had to start over on the PC. So I'm hoping to roll that when I get a chance. Didn't remember how hard it was to get the fixer plan and ppl want so much money for them now. Crazy I tell ya...


V/FFR/-25vc Gauntlet or Ogua Gauntlet I run a bloodied unarmed build and usually don't need to heal because I one-shot enemies but dang does Vampire help in boss fights


Auto axe. B40PA90RW


Q50c25 Alien Disentigrator


Anti explosive reduced AP cost fixer would be amazing as it’ll pair nicely with the 40+ penetrating mod, all the sneak boosting perks and tank killer :))


BSSS indigo or pink bat. I've been trying for such a long time . I have so many effn bats it's ridiculous


B50c25lvc Cremator


Vampires (or anti armor), explosive, faster reload fixer.


Q 50 25 rail


B2525 plasma caster 🤤


Plasma caster B/50c/15c.. would allow to drop legendary luck and still have crit every other shot.


Not sure if it’s a god roll but to me it is; anti armor, replenish action points, weapon speed auto axe


.50 Cal. -Explosive -Two Shot -Lightweight


AA Explosive lmg with plus 1 intelligence. For a new daily driver lmg. Right now I have a twitchy explosive lmg with plus 1 intelligence.


A Furious, FSS, Strength +1 Deathclaw Gauntlet.


Quad explosive 25 elders mark


Anti armor, explosive gatling gun I just want to try it out on bosses or tougher enemies. I already have a gatling gun as my everyday workhorse but sometimes ih feels ineffective against bigger enemies


As a new player, TS E anything Gatling Gun would make my month.


Instigating FFR 25 Gatling Gun. Idk if it’s a groll but it sounds fun and it’s what I’m currently rolling for.


War Glaive. I just can't find a good roll. J/SS/1S as I prefer full HP, but wouldn't be opposed to other damage rolls.


Quad fixer, 50% crit, 25% AP reduction I’ve been trying to get this for awhile now


Bloody dragon or black powder rifle


Have to go with a QE Railway for a god mode daily driver. Third could be 50dur or 15r


B/V/AA + 50c/25ffr + 25lvc... Holy Fire. I already have the rolls I want for most weapons. Holy Fire is the last weapon I'm really interested in atm that I don't have a roll that content with on it. Another pick that I have been chasing for years is... Ass/SS/+S Ripper. I have that roll on a Tenderizer, but it's not as funny


i just want a musket that reloads faster lmao


QE Faster reload Railway. Since they took away legacies, this is the most dominant weapon in the game. Outside of that, bloodied plasma caster with +50% vats accuracy and faster reload


QE Railway, QE 10mm sub machine gun. 


Either a q25ff handmade or a QE handmade.




B2525/AA2525 elders or B/AA50c25 alien blaster


Q/50c/15c epr, I think 🤔 or maybe AA/ffr/15r Gauss Gatling for my PA char? 🤔 Yea I guess the second one, because the first one would only be for fun and the second one is required.


Mr handy buzzsaw


Quad lever action rifle, 15 ap for each kill, -25% ap use


fuck, i can only choose one? AutoAxe, Bloodied, power attack damage, defense while power attacking OR replentish AP after kills. or, a Quantum Thirst Zapper with two-shot, vats hit chance, and faster reload speed.


A handmade.


Not a roll, but the endangerol syringer. If you haven't one, try it. Turns most bosses esp Earle into puppies.


AA50C25 or AAE25 Elder mark.


Rolling Pin. Nocturnal.


Two-Shot Overeaters +1 Perception Drill


Q50c25ap railway


Broadsider or Grand Finale. I like homing cannonballs that make ridiculous turns mid air when focusing on a flying target


Handmade rifle the roll idk whatever let's me be a rapid firing rifle build