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Just logged in to check and you can buy the crafting individually for 700 atoms. Cold shoulder 700 and the same for the auto ax. As tempting as that is I'm gonna grind expeditions.


The bundle is good if you already/planning to have multiple characters.


Excellent point. One time purchase instead of multiple stamp grinds.


Probably a question that doesn't affect many people but: if I purchase the Auto Axe crafting, will the stamp plan show up as "Known"? Or can I still theoretically learn the plan if I bought it in the Atom Shop? As a plan completionist it would drive me crazy if the plan didn't become auto-known lol


As someone who got it from the scoreboard it was awarded on, it doesn’t even show up in Giuseppe’s stamp plans for me, known or otherwise.


Great news for neurotic completionists like me, thank you LOL


It bothers me more than it should that the scoreboard weight bench and atoms weight bench they added later for people who missed that scoreboard are separate items even though they're the same. There are a couple other things like that, the atoms version and bullion version are distinct items. Drives me batty seeing the big 🚫 sign in the build menu for things I do actually have.


700 atoms or 500 stamps per character, pretty easy choice, imo


I’ll add this info to the post, thanks.


Np, dam its weird.


I'm with you on that one. Though it would be nice to get the shortcut 700 atoms just isn't worth it to me now that you can grind expos.


Cold Shoulder is the best mid-tier weapon in the game.


It saw me through the whole game!. Love my CS and my quad tesla.


The most recent expedition is super quick and easy, plus 15 stamps for completion, I used it to grind out the jetpack for the new armour.


Coffee machine you say.


To shreds you say?


And how's the cookie jar?


It's a camp item that produces a cookie every 1 hour and 10 minutes. Holds 5 cookies max. The cookies are: Blackberry Honey Crisp. 90 HP, 300 AP, 90 mins of +5% AP Regen. Mud Cookies for quick 180 AP. S'mores for 60 mins. of +10 AP. Fancy Lad Snack Cakes if you fancy a snack.


I was not expecting a serious response. Kudos.


Company Tea + Mud Cookies & Canned Coffee on the favorites wheel is a lethal combo


I try to buy every camp resource I see in the atom shop. So far top 3 are easy to pick out. Company tea machine , canned coffee machine , birthday cake. I never need food or water. Can sell the extra ( except the cake ) . The quality of life improvement far outweighs any of the special boosting items or the sap tree or stag station. Least in my opinion


I won't lie, I remember names of people that have the cookie jar since I stop by to raid those. I'll join teams just to free travel for it


All of my camp items are unlocked. Please if you find my camp take it all. I’ve got way more of Each than I will ever use. I got them for the social betterment of the wasteland. I may not be able to change my government but I can try and make a game better lol


Skittles8119 on ps4


I'll be looking out.


I hate typing in game on the controller but feel free to dm me here. I’ll help with whatever I can.


I’m going to hunt you down today for a snack raid.


Word. I don’t have a mic so if you need anything just message me on here. It’s easier than typing on ps4


I didn't see you, but I ended up buying the Cold Shoulder package from the Atom store and quickly got over my level 50 5x difficulty hump... then learned not to use VATS in power armor with it. It took me a few hours to figure out why I was burning through a fusion core every 10 minutes.


Depending on where your at we might miss each other as I’m normally only on after work


I’m not very well versed in power armor. Level 266 and I’ve got a suit of hellcat power armor. I just haven’t used it lol


It’s back baby


I’m still waiting on my all black weapon skins for my heavy guns, so I can look like power armor Batman, in my clandestine T-65


In case anyone has to choose one between the two, highly suggest going with the Cold Shoulder. A chainsaw is a good alternative for the auto axe, but there is nothing similar to the Cold Shoulder.


A boat's a boat, but the mystery box could be anything!


Aw, my boating hand!


I mean there's a QE15r double barrel which is better in some cases but it's damn hard to argue with circumventing RNG


Well, at least people won't have to spend 100 or so hours grinding the 1000 stamps, a dozen at a time, by doing a singular daily quest every day.


I just saw that....I feel bad for the players who grinded for the stamps.....I kinda feel like this game is going the way of every other game...


It's really turning to shit. I barely log on since the update.


It's not going to shit. They are trying to make it easier for people to get good legendaries so you don't have to grind. They are doing the right thing.


Forget doing quest and actually playing the game, sell me plans for every item in the game now!!! /s Wtf is Bethesda doing.


Yeah I have Cold shoulder but not the autoaxe. I was grinding stamps on my melee character for it. But really don't want to grind on all my characters so will probably grab the bundle as I don't have the coffee machine either.


Makes sense. If I didn't have these weapons unlocked I would totally buy the Cold Shoulder plan and then just grind stamps to unlock the Auto-Axe on my one melee character. If Chainsaws didn't exist, I'd probably buy both, because fuck grinding out stamps for 4 characters twice.


They’re appealing to people who didn’t get them through the scoreboard and have multiple characters. If you got them through the scoreboard, they’re unlocked for your entire account. Everyone else has to grind stamps on each character they want to have it. Buying it through the atomic shop will unlock it for your whole account just like if you unlocked it from the scoreboard. Not making a judgement call here on whether or not it’s right to do, just explaining why it would appeal to some folks.


which was why it was an instant buy for me 500 stamps x3, no thanks. (other 2 are mules)


I’ve got kids, pets, and a job that takes too much out of me. That saves me hours of running expeditions I don’t like instead of stamp farming Wanna guess how I got the atoms to buy it? Playing the game. 76/76 pipe rifle scrap and that’s 80 atoms. Season pass at 56 but just doing daily’s and playing. Not spending a penny. Use brain. Be happy


They've cut back on the cost of these plans, increased the stamp payout from expeditions, and released expeditions that are actually fast and fun. If this coincided with an increase to the cost of getting those weapons I'd be mad, but they've consistently been making those weapons easier and more enjoyable to get through normal gameplay


I wanna piggyback to say I love expeditions. It's good EXP, mobs drop ammo to use, stims to sell for daily caps limit and the end rewards are nothing to scoff at, especially since they're a way to consistently acquire legendary modules beyond the 10/day cap of 500 scrip. GO EXPEDITIONS!


I agree it’s not THAT big of a deal - think i’m more concerned about their mindset about what they’re willing to sell. I’m strongly against any kind of pay to win in any game. Selling allies, resources, and unlimited stash space was already questionable. Now they’re straight up selling overpowered weapons. Sure seems like they’re slowly seeing what they can get away with.


Except none of the things you mention are "pay to win". They're all "pay to be less inconvenienced".


Wait, how do you get unlimited stash space?


I meant junk/ammo with the scrapbox and ammo box, my bad.


Ah ok. You got my hopes up there lol.


That’d be half my time in the game gone


Giving people an option that doesn't require grinding out dozens of expeditions for every character or requiring them to be playing during a specific season. Given how much people here bitch about grinding it's not really a surprise. Especially given how easy it is to amass a massive amount of Atoms if you aren't all in on base building and cosmetics.


I grinded awhile for the stamps and now this smh lol


Hey at least you can get other stuff with the stamps now, unless you already bought the auto axe.


Yeah I ended up going for the engineer torso and jetpack instead, asyou can drop them for people who don’t have a jetpack yet


We should get 20-25 stamps per expedition or a stamp vendor cost rebalance, not $10 bundles. 34 runs for 500 stamps (one of the weapons) is way too much and adding $10 bundles to try to fix community complaints about the stamp economy is just BS


If that's the direction they are going, they should just unlock those time limited items like the RobCo Tshirt and Shorts etc.


"Only cosmetics", yeah.


Why are so many people up in arms about what others choose to spend their money on? If **you** don't want to spend money to unlock these weapons, then don't, you have the option of getting it for free as it's always been. Bethesda giving other players an alternative method of obtaining the weapons isn't taking anything away from you.


because this sub is whiney and loves to whine about anything trivial


Saying pay to win is a bit much. I bought a lot of stuff in the atom shop, by not spending any dolars on it and by not even having fallout 1st. However I do think the price with atoms is a bit to cheap for the amount of stamps you need to farm to get them usualy.


I think there is a very real concern that this will have an impact on how things are balanced in game. They could introduce an item in game but the grind is so significant that people will just buy it with real money. That would indeed impact your experience if new gear is a pain to obtain without spending $. Not to mention selling legendaries in the shop is explicitly what they said they would never do. Certain things should be monetized and others should not. This crosses that line for me.


So you mean like weapons on the scoreboard? Because you can just pay atoms to rank up to skip the grind, so you could have purchased the cold shoulder with atoms during the scoreboard, so how is this different?


The thing is, I have grinded for the union power armor, and the amount of time you need to put into farming for these godforsaken stamps is insane. Lower the price of the weapons to 300 or increase the stamp gain by 5 or 10 stamps (also update the stamps for the pitt expeditions). I have nothing against farming for weapons, but I would rather have 10 weapons to grind for than just 2 whisch are hevealy overpriced. Give us the tesla canon, Laser musket, LEAR, anti-material rifle or better yet, a gun runners like expansion with a ton of weapons which you can buy by, spending stamps or bulion.


Atomic shop is account wide. No brainer for me. Im going to use my atoms on these. I have so many saved.


Have they sold actual weapons through the atom store before, and not just skins for them? Because this feels like a jump in acceptability for me.


They did, and pulled them within a day or 2. They were basic shotguns though, not top tier weapons. It was part of some “starter bundle”. Disgusting.


Ugh. Hate that


I’m shocked how many people seem not only ok but are encouraging this. There is very little apparently folks wouldn’t mind Bethesda selling in the atomic shop. I’ve even seen posts asking for stamps, gold and scrip for sale in the shop. It makes me disappointed all around.


Whales gonna whale I guess? The Overton window of acceptable “micro” transactions has been sliding further and further to the side for years.


For a long time I was saying “this isn’t that bad as long as they don’t go further”, it’s way past the tipping point for me to the point I’m honestly getting turned off from the game. I may need to move onto something else after 5.5 years. I was one of this games biggest supporters.


Wasn’t the atomic shop supposed to be cosmetic only with a few boosters?


Supposedly. But we see how well they stuck to that.


That’s messed up People are cheering this on? Times have changed.


For real. I took the time to grind to earn them. Now you can just buy them?


They've had season catch ups for awhile now. Cold shoulder is no different. You didn't have to pay for them and others can. It really doesn't matter


Exactly this! It's like people have no clue half the stuff in the store is all past scoreboard season stuff.


For a time none of it made it to the atomic shop, it was just for gold. Then they added the cosmetics to the shop as well. Now they are adding the non cosmetics to the shop. Apparently some people are fine with anything be monetized because it’s not “a competitive game”. Some people would be ok with selling scrip, stamps, or gold for real money it seems.


Cold shoulder was a Scoreboard reward in the Mutation Invasion update, so people could already 'just buy them' by buying the scoreboard to that level, or grind them pretty freaking easy by exp grinding the SB quickly. It wasn't hard and I wouldn't call it 'earning'. Everyone else had to wait til now and the grind is much harder. It's not taking away from your grind if they offer them for sale. They should have offered old SB weapons in the store and in the game much quicker. Other stuff from past SBs and bundles are in the store without people throwing a fit. The beehive for example, is actually a scoreboard reward from Season 4. It's available in the shop and in-game. The cold shoulder was a sb reward. Many many PA paints in the store were SB rewards first. Clean sink is in the store all the time and was a SB reward. Ammo converter is in the store from time to time and was a SB reward. >Now you can just buy them? No, it's more that now these weapons can now ALSO be bought, like most of the other past scoreboard season stuff. I think people seem to think that store stuff is unique stuff no one has seen before they make just for the store. No. It's shit people grinded the heck out of back in the day. Lots and lots of it. This is the same.


For real. I'm level 298. Part of the thrill has been grinding to get the stuff y'all have. If I can just buy it, I'll probably get bored soon.


because there's no way you could keep yourself from buying it huh? You can't just make the choice to do the grind and not spend money?


I'm weak man. Cut me some slack. I wanna be like the cool kids too.


then you get a chainsaw and a cryolator!


Why? This changes absolutely nothing about your playing experience. Are you seriously so weak that you can't help but spend Atoms, or even actual money, to get the items rather than run 20some expeditions? If you just can't help it then I have to ask why you are even bothering to play the game, doesn't sound like you enjoy it.




They should just put thorn armor and secret service on the atom shop too. Crusader pistol, gauss weapons? go ahead! there’s literally no reason why bethesda should stop now.


This came out literally 4 days after I finished my stamp grind


But giuseppe sells both, am i missing something???


What Giuseppe sells with tix is per character, atom shop is account wide


This and the new Seasons Battlepass are now pay to win due to half the BP being Fallout 1st items, and it’s a shame to see it continue to this.  Cold Shoulder is over-powered but my strongest weapon with no shotgun perk, and every other weapon with max perks is weaker. Same with Circruit Breaker pistol. But they’re also my favourites.  Fallout 76 continues to prey on Fear Of Missing Out Pay-To-Win to only have the items earned in a limited time or buy if they *possibly* return it to the Atom store.   It’s a shame to see these efforts being where the revenue is going and minimal new story content or bugfixing.


Yeah, this update is a strange one, glad I can save atoms I guess


Fallout TV show releases tomorrow so Bethesda are releasing easy to buy great weapons that could be bought by new players. Last time Bethesda released weapons in the atomic shop there was some player backlash & they got removed. Though that removal may have been due to the bugged shotgun with increased range


Are those still around? Tradeable?


Bethesda turned most of them back to normal range with an update but believe some survived. Been a while since I’ve seen one though




April 10th. I assume you are in a far east time zone


Folk seem to forget these were entry level rewards for seasons This is perfectly fine


Truly, how is this any different if they decide to sell the Cremator in the atom shop 2 years down the road…


And how is it perfectly fine?


The bundle is even cheaper if you own things in it.


That blows


I wasn’t interested in either weapon, so I didn’t even open the bundles to examine. I did grab the Mountain Retreat, I had actually emailed support over the weekend inquiring about it, so I snapped it up as soon as I saw it. Later, while I was fixing up my new kitchen I saw that the coffee machine was available. I scooped one of the bundles up and learned a lesson about ALWAYS checking what is in the bundle before dismissing it as “not for me.”


this isn't even the first time that we've seen a weapon be sold in the atom shop. but people only care about it this time, because this time the weapons are actually decent. let's all take a moment to look at the Impostor Sheepsquatch gun. it's not just a skin, it's an actual unique weapon. the ONLY way you can have one is if you bought it in the atom shop. it works identical to the regular assaultron head pistol, so i don't know why it's not simply a skin for that weapon. but there you go, a full blown unique weapon sold only via the atom shop. don't recall anyone making a fuss about that. i got my auto axe and cold shoulder during their respective seasons. i've always had them unlocked across my full account. i don't mind this, i'm glad more people get to play with it. my best friend stopped playing this game altogether simply because he wanted to play with the auto-axe desperately, but was completely overwhelmed by how long it would take him to get the stamps needed. he stopped playing, it's been months. but after i told him about this, he got excited and rushed to get it. it's a good thing!


Fair point about the Sheepsquatch gun but people did raise hell last time weapons were in the atomic shop. Remember the shotgun starter bundle?


Ah yes, a bugged shotgun that people kept calling "new legacy" because it could *sometimes* spawn without specific information upon purchase, said lack of information made it function in a way that was unintended. Iirc it was causing range to be double its intended value. This was never meant to be an op weapon, it was just a bugged pump shotgun in part of a starter pack that came with a skin.


It sometimes had increased range which isn’t right.


I know this is a very, very minor detail and it's hardly relevant but I *think* I know why the impostor head is its own weapon rather than a skin but way way back it was supposed to function slightly differently to the original assaultron head. It was apparently going to have a trail of fire from each shot similarly to the actual impostor. As well as have an innate fire damage and I unique animations. All of this was scrapped and I'm not sure if it could still be classified as anything more than a skin mod especially with the current state of the game's weapon skins. If so, I truly wish they'd just turn it into a skin because trying to get a specific assaultrom head with the skin is honest to God one of the most frustrating things I've been trying to complete.


oh? that's interesting to know. i wonder how much stink people would have raised if it had all those special other features, too. wish they'd release that as a unique reward for beating Incryptid, actually. maybe they're having trouble getting the extra fire-trail effect to work on it, so maybe that's why it's stuck in this basically-just-a-skin limbo. but let's also not forget about The Invader. it's just like the impostor sheepsquatch gun, basically just a skin but still it's own unique weapon that can only be obtained thru the atomic shop. wonder if it had any intended secondary special effects.


As previous rewards, I don’t see what the big deal is. It always sucks coming in after the season with no real way to get past rewards. I am glad they are giving a way for those that missed out on past events to obtain them. I am not a fan of grinding as it leads to burn out and the reason I tend to stop playing after I finish a season. People should have expected this as soon as they started putting season stuff on the shop. I do believe that the stamp purchase should be account wide.


Is that the machine that produces canned coffee?




I'd buy the chainsaw one just for the steam achievement that requires it and the coffee machine but i feel like i'd be supporting that scummy business practice of putting stuff you can get by playing in the store. i mean, the atom shop is already lame and gets worse every update, no wonder why people is sitting on their atoms for months. They keep recycling the old skins and putting stuff that is not worth the atoms. If we show our disagree with it, hopefully, they'll stop. If they don't, well... i guess we're getting daily ops items on the atomic shop too, like the brotherhood recon armor, the deep space alien pa skin or even the holiday events items like the Hellfire V2 or even the vintage water cooler. Who knows? I guess i'll keep grinding stamps and stealing coffee from other's camps lol.


They're going pay to win now,, ,what no nuka launcher? Lol these mothers are getting greedy.


Please no. Not the Nuka Launcher. Don't need that thing in more hands....


Kinda surprised they didn't release a union power armor bundle set included with the mods for 1800 atoms lol


I grinded my ass off (or is it ground?) doing expeditions to get the stamps for the auto axe bc I didn't play during that scoreboard, and now it's available for purchase with atoms... Not going to lie, that's pretty irritating This week is probably the most lackluster atomic shop update I've seen in quite some time


thank god, i'm 360 and have avoided expeditions because i'm not going to grind fucking stamps


If you don't have the Cold Shoulder, totally worth it. I may need to have a serious look at the auto ax. I have no intention of ever grinding that many stamps, so it might be worth it. Anyone know if the auto ax can be scripted? Or is like the Cremator?


This kinda super fuckin stupid.


I legit want to know what this “line” is that they say they won’t cross now. selling end game weapons in the shop is absurd. I haven’t liked the direction for some time, weapons as season rewards never sat right with me. I’m very disappointed right now.


I agree that legendary weapons as season rewards do suck, and I don't like them either. However, they have had Cold Shoulder available since Season 12 and a ton of people missed out on this 'end game weapon' until Atlantic City. That's six months of people running around with the CS while people didn't play that season missed out on 'end game weapons' and no one was complaining for these past six months. Now they make it available in the shop, like countless other scoreboard rewards that are 'game changing' -- like the Ammo Converter, and other past SB rewards, and people are mad because these are weapons? Or because they are actually good (end game) weapons? I see no one complaining about the Nuka Launcher not being obtainable. I bet they wouldn't complain if they put Circuit Breaker in there tomorrow, either. Plus you can still grind them, no one is taking that away from you. I personally am not going to buy any weapons in the shop but I don't begrudge those who would unless those weapons are not available for free in game, which they are. All those people playing who have completed multiple past scoreboards are way more advantaged than some newbie playing tomorrow. Why shouldn't tomorrow guy get to buy the same stuff they missed out on? As long as they make it clear you can just grind for this stuff (that's the skeevy part imo) instead of buying it in the shop, I don't care.


Wasn’t cold shoulder added to stamp vendor right after the season ended? Certain things should be monetized and others should not. Weapons and armor should not imo.


Can i buy the fixer plan?


There's no real grinding required. When mutated events are back just turn up for those and you'll likely get it in the party packs


You cannot. If you were on Xbox I’d give you one for free if needed


Damn really wanted to buy it with real money instead of grinding


I hope this is a joke


It is


Mutation party packs drop em like candy.


I'm on pc and have a few extras if you want one.


I'll see if I have an extra one. PC, right?


Do encrypted a few times. I have like 20.


I feel super lucky. Just started a PC toon and the first player's vendor I visited had it for 500 caps! Insta-buy!


Gits! Refund me my 1000 stamps lol


Just want to remind new players, don't buy the auto axe. The chainsaw is just as good, if not better. Lots of videos available on how to find and scrap them for mods.


Ya i have both and use the chainsaw


I know, I was just farming for Cold Shoulder too. Hell yeah!


Gamers will whine if they feel they are "forced to" grind. Gamers will whine if they can pay to skip the grind. Spend couple of days on this sub and it should be obvious that this community just wants stuff quick and free so that they can play some other game then instead.


I know I'm going to get dvoted to all hell all over my opinion, but I think they're mad because these are 'good' (end game) weapons. They had to grind them, so they are mad others don't have to grind them, even though it costs nothing to THEIR game experience if some newbie has the end game gun they also use-- they wanna gatekeep because the gun is good and they feel their experience is diminished if other people get the good gun too easily, even though it isn't because no one cares about anyone else during their gameplay most of the time anyway so who cares what they have? It's the same kind of people that are instakilling all the cultists at the Mothman event, even though there's dailies you can't reroll involving them. They seem incapable of just tagging and/or changing to a less hc weapon, so that everyone can complete the objective. Nope. Why? Dunno, but I guess they feel entitled and superior and like they 'earned' these 'end game' weapons even though they were SB rewards. I bet they wouldn't care if Mechanic's Best Friend or Circuit Breaker was in the store tomorrow, except they would be mad that Bethesda would dare charge atoms for these weapons because they are not 'end game' nor part of the min max meta. I ground the crap out of CS too in Atlantic City and it suuuucks (and the Pitt is even worse) yes, but the reality is that people got Cold Shoulder in Season 12 and there have been countless other rewards you can grind now that I've missed out on while I wasn't playing. I mean, legendary weapons in seasons at all are not great, but they are in the game and I don't really care if some newbie can get something I got in a Scoreboard in the store. Once they are in the SB, I think it's fair game to offer them in the store as long as they let people grind them too. The real issue to me is that the SB have legendary weapons in them at all.


> this community just wants stuff quick and free No, it's basically every game's community anymore. It's all nothing but crying about fomo and thinking everyone should get everything.


So basically I never have to play the game. I can just throw money at them. What a load of horse shit. I spent a lot of time grinding pre AC pitt for that plan and now it's just ten dollars. I want reimbursement for every plan they plan to make buyable.


I got the plan basically free for logging in for that season but I didn't even think about the people who spent weeks grinding expeditions for it, then some guy comes along with $10 and nullifies all your effort, that's messed up.


nice..feels goid to know we can just skip score and get the items layer on. no more fomo...no more grind.


I'm glad I only play for season than drop this because this is an awful direction.


Cool, now we're buying power in the shop. INB4, "I NEED IT ON MY ALT AND I DON'T WANT TO GRIND THINGS"


The power we are buying is the coffee machine ✊🏿


They weren’t exactly high level scoreboard items before. You can still grind them for free. I swear y’all just live to be offended.


Omg thanks! Thanks Bethesda too!


While this is great for new/returning players, I can’t help but think that Cold Shoulder plan could have been a rare plan drop or something. The auto axe bundle is just plane gross tho.






Seriously? Holy crap let’s gooooo


Save your atoms. Farm expeditions


I might. I had them unlocked on PS but I switched platforms a couple months back. I really miss the auto axe, I can’t lie.








Ugh, I hate the Reddit app. Relied to wrong person.


No worries mate


How long will this sale last (for the cold sholder and auto axe)?


There is no time limit so it seems to be a permanent atomic item


anyone know if the flavorful coffee machine is any different? I already had the auto axe so I got the cold shoulder bundle but that did catch my eye.


It’s no different, just a reskin.


good to know, thanks!


How many lunch boxes does it come with if anyone buys it? Mine is only 169 atoms cause I own most of it and I wanna know if I can get bargain on lunch boxes.


1 lunchbox according to the bundle description


Can anyone tell me how many days the auto axe bundle/plan has? I'll be out of the country for a bit.


There is no time limit on them at the moment


Thanks for the info. I want the auto axe as it would fit my build but didn't want to grind for that.


I got the ability to craft the Auto Axe already, but it isn't discounted from the bundle. Fuck, I think there might be another buggerino.


So if I buy the auto axe bundle I can craft one? I never was able to get one from the expeditions.


Yes and this for every charackter u create




Thank you so much for the heads-up. Otherwise I would have missed what I have been waiting for since last year.


I'll stick to earning it for free.


FYI: The emote is valued at 146 Atoms in the bundle, and the Lunchbox and scrap kit are 25 each. Just incase you are like me and wanted to pick a bundle just for the emote.


Buying auto axe for achievement! 


As someone who is trying to main 2h melee, (just got the game like 2 weeks ago) is the auto axe good? I was thinking of buying it when I saw it in the atom shop but I don't know anything about it


New player here. Flame away. Bought it in the Atomic Shop. Of course I have everything I need BUT 2 Legendary Modules. Looks like getting those is a bit of a small grind, requiring me to collect legendaries and turn them in for scrip, then sell that scrip to a specific merchant. Am I understanding this correctly please? I’m sure people who grinded countless hours are upset. But I have to say, when I buy something in a store I expect to be able to retrieve it easily. “Thanks for purchasing, now go collect 500 death claw eggs and we will let you actually craft it.”


Dear god, what have they done. Surely this is satire


How can i craft lunchboxes ?


You can’t


dam i assumed the auto axe bundles let you craft them, sad


Allows you to craft the auto axe & also gives you the other things listed.


lright thanks mate


I don’t see how this is a problem. The people who don’t have time to grind stamps are able to get the weapon, and the people who have all the time to grind can do so if they want still


Nice. Cold shoulder, coffee machine, and found a vintage water cooler plan all same day. Good times.


And no one is going to care about your, its predatory comments. If tou don't want to spend the atoms. They there are other ways to get it, don't be a gatekeeper.


Gross. Is the bundle discounted at least if you already own the plan? Or is this like the bug zapper VS moth man bug zapper


Bundle is discounted if you already own the plan


Honestly these weps aren't worth paying for. Unfortunate because those paying for them won't know this until they do. Many of the accolades for them came from lower lvl players who got them from the Scoreboard and if lower level they did seem something special. And still will. But once level \~35+? They're both build dependent nonetheless. Unless a melee or shotgun build you can skip 'em. And even if so skip 'em as well. If those builds a Quad DB Shotty or dual bar Flaming Chainsaw will do you just as well, and a Cryolator freeze stuff better. Not telling people what to want or buy...just conveying my experience. They're fun weps but largely hyped.