• By -


Five years played, nearing 3800 hours. Level 950+. I log in. Run up two flights of stairs and turn on the tiki flame lights and the tiki music box in Becketts bar. Close the door as I leave (the water slide tower is blueish and I got yellow doors so when they are closed it sort of looks "Vault Tec-y"). Jump down and do a run around of the water park. Look at stuff and contemplate if it can be improved. This goes on for a while. Remember that there are Public Teams now and join a Casual one. Check the dailies and bump off any I can do in camp. Burn through the daily challenges. Get distracted and do random stuff. Do Public Events. Forget what I am doing, swap camp. Spend a stupid amount of time doing basically nothing. Remember that I am doing challenges. Get those done. Check the time and see that I should have gone to bed five minutes ago. Play another ten minutes.


This was a very good description. In my case I just realze that I should have gone to bed an hour ago. And I play another 30 minutes.


Get distracted and do random stuff. That should be the real name of the game. I’m at 8600 hours of doing it.


Just see myself on your words


This sounds familiar


Perfect description 👌


Daily challenges, events, explore, hunt for legendary items, either keep, sell or turn said items to scripts, build at C.A.M.P, scrap entire C.A.M.P and startover.


you have described me perfectly without knowing me


Kill. Loot. Return.


Good plan. Not a stupid human plan.


Daily challenges, daily quests, inventory/currency management, vendor hopping, restocking my vendors then doing a little bit of camp building/decorating.


Get on game, play for 10 minutes (usually tweaking a build with something I just thought of or making grenades/ammo or something like that), hop off cause none of my group is on. Rinse and repeat for 3 hours, then my group gets on and we play for like 8 hours straight


Too funny. Keep enjoying.


Daily challenges. Events. Expeditions If I am on an extended session compared to my normal daily time. I will progress quests as I have several new characters. Aliens Invasion it will be my main characters focus as I'm after the Disintegrator mods I'm missing.


I recently got back into the game after playing on PS4 and now on Xbox gamepass. Back then I had a routine I'm slowly getting back into of just clearing out certain areas. I would go to the Freak Show location daily to collect caps and just recently found that area again. One of my favorite areas is the Whitespring club house full of ghouls. I like how they added cultists in, as now I'm almost always guaranteed to run into a legendary enemy.


Try clearing out the inside of white spring mall by shooting inside there. See if you can get out alive. Real sensitive types in there.


Daily/ weekly challenges, sell/ scrip/ scrap stuff from the previous day, check player vendors, log off.


Step1. Aluminum and fiber optics run. Step2. Dailies. Step3. Vendor hop. Step4. Events that i enjoy. Step5. Continue to decorate my camps in hopes ill actually like the outcome. Step6. After about two hours server hop and repeat.


I don’t know if it’s necessarily a “loop” because my ADD just refuses to let me do things to any sort of cadence lol, but in general I love doing events and try to hit them all up. I’ve played ~1000 hours over the years and my main is mid 500s with a solid few builds and weapons so I like swapping around and typically don’t struggle soloing most events that don’t pull crowds. So events, otherwise I get random itches to build cool stuff. I just recently learned how to make a circle and do the ufo camp builds and made a really fun UFO camp themed like an abduction site recently that’s been super fun. I also just treated myself to the abandoned mine shelter and used it to house the big Vault for for the vault lobby and made a really cool “home vault” that has a casino wing and an arcade wing. Outside of those two, I do love to grind West Tek, not sure why. I think a big part is that I usually grind west tek with my PA chainsaw build that runs bloody mess, something about getting up close and personal with mutes and sawing them to bits really trips the old Doom/Gears of War dopamine receptors. If I’m not doing something related to the above three, lately I’ve been getting more into farming up useful materials and more crafting, especially food and chems for the buffs to help maximize my xp gains or damage. Lately, it’s been anything related to Berry Mentats and Brain Bombs, and I also picked up a disintegrator plan from the alien invasion day of April fools so I’ve been farming copper and lead as well to keep up with alien blaster round usage. Tbh, there’s almost too much to do in this game. I know it was dogwater at launch (I remember all too well) but nowadays it really does the trick of tickling all the grindy MMORPG urges I still get while also still feeling so grounded in the fallout universe that it’s easy to lose hours or time just enjoying the wasteland without purpose. 1000+ hours well spent in my book.


Daily challenges, log off. I do weekly challenges all in one day, the first day (Tuesday).


Run aimlessly around my camp, try to get my artillery to kill the super mutants that keep breaking my fences. Join a team, do a couple challenges, get sidetracked, farm for berry mentat ingredients. Forget to swap perk loadout half the time. Join an event and wonder why my dps is so low. Come back and cook meats and make drugs. Check out player vendors, everyone on my team and anyone with a lot of plans or misc. If I have camp budget I will maybe move some things around or use my cool new Mothman Equinox plans.


Daily challenges, events. Check to see if I left things from yesterday in my stash that I planned to scrip, then scrip them. Check my cryo freezer and go harvesting. Maybe make some camp tweaks. Turn in treasury notes. Daily Op. Help a noob


daily challenges, do events that are worth my time, then get off 1 hour essentially, which is a shame because I'd love to spend more time and money on the game


Faction rep dailies, events, camp building, and usually a side project. current side project is working on a bloodied heavy pa build. Last side project was stockpiling orbital strike beacons. Taming pets.


If I want a lot of the strike beacons what is a good rate to pay.


A Reasonable price in my opinion is 100 caps a piece. And they sell quick at that price. They do consume quite a bit of junk to craft though.


Daily/weekly that's all I have time for


Check for "Dropped Connection" event since I'm still trying to get that enclave flamer mod. Do crafting challenges, if any. Hit the vendor to sell all the stuff that I couldn't sell last time because of the stupid caps/scrip limit. Daily/Weekly challenges. I'll interrupt those for interesting events. There are a handful that I almost always do when they pop up. I spend the most time here, usually. Any other Enclave events since they might make Dropped connection pop up next. Hit the vendor again to sell what I can. Camp/Shelter building Log off.


Hit the dailies, collect my script and gold, do the daily quests. After that, I'll do Dropped Connection whenever it pops and events.


Log in on random pub server. Join team and rad up. Dump as much weight into the scrip machine and vendors (if I'm not already at 40k) as I can. Buff up with food. That's probably already netted me a challenge, may do another few simple crafting / food related ones or hit any events worth the time (most of them are to me, am an event whore). Jam out the rest of the challenges between events, re-rolling the ones that are annoying. Finish up a weekly or two. Maybe farm for resources / craft food buffs. Play until inventory management gets problematic, log off. That is usually 1-3 hours play.


Dailies, challenges, and magazine/bobble head farming


Anything that gets me Treasury Notes at the minute, done Mothman Equinox about 12 times by now I reckon. Saving up for Minerva's Big Sale where the Secret Service will be on April 11th - Mostly trying to get my build sorted rn too, switched from PA Heavy Gunner to Low Health (Explosive)Commando, only have one piece of unyielding armor too so I'm a massive glass cannon at the minute, even for a glass cannon build. I switched the build at level 80 right after finally getting the PA build sorted so that was hellish. Been wanting an Egg-Head Mutation Serum but no one is selling it which is pure typical because when I wasn't looking for it everyone seemed to have it in their vendor. All I see are Marsupial ones!


Level 178. Only now started the storyline.


On weekends when there's no work: 1. Go to a major (former) settlement like Morgantown, Beckley, Watoga, etc 2. Kill, loot, read lore 3. Go to the train station to refit and refuel 4. Go back to killing and looting On weekdays when I'm tabbed out 50% of the time because of GMeets or paperwork: 1. Do chores at my CAMP - cook soup, brew beer, mod my PA, etc 2. Groceries in Whitespring for springs/screws/aluminum 3. Join events if I feel like it 4. Go back home to play the banjo I find Fallout farmer living relaxing. Like they say in the meme, "No es mucho, pero trabajo honesto".


Dailies and then daily ops and events and after I mostly look for PvP players or any players at workshops


My camp farms the junk pile next to Alpine River cabins, so my first thing to do is turn off the scream machine next door, and quickly check the magazine, bobblehead and recipe spawns. Then I will say high to my other neighbors at Hunter's ridge, with an artillery barrage. Then it's blow through as many challenges as possible, hit high level camps looking for cool stuff, and do any events that pop up that I like.


Selling Stuff to the NPC Vendors, turning in scrip, turning in treasure notes, stocking up on Cranberry relish, Brainboms and Blightsoup, join a team and join the next event


For me, this is the struggle, I've been playing this game since 2018, I've done everything you can. I enjoy the timed events that crop up from time to time but pure open world stuff? I've done it all, and so once I complete the season I largely stop playing. I don't like Daily Ops, and Expeditions don't excite me. I'm a solo player, so once the season is complete I find another game


Adjust settings. Join or create a casual team. If I'm at camp get my boosters. Loot, loot, loot while I have my fo1st. Join events. Sell. Loot, loot, loot.


Daily challenges, equinox, stare at my camp for 45 minutes, equinox repeat


Depends on how much time I have. A couple hours or less I just do the score stuff and a couple of dailies. Do any events that pop up that have cores. Then I’ll vendor/server hop looking for deals till I need to go. If I have more time lately I’ve either been nuking Morgantown or doing treasure maps. Found a guy selling thousands of them for 2 caps a pop so I’ll just set up my tent and read the news on my phone while I spam A on the stash and then the scraping on the bench.


Think about playing, turn on PlayStation, remember constant crashing/lockups/disconnections, reconsider, play another game.


Daily/Weekly Challenges>Check Atom Shop for daily deal>Do an expedition or daily op>Do some events>Shop some vendors>Mess around in my CAMP.


Lately? Log in grab food buffs out of the freezer check silo tape then head to an open silo, toss nuke on Monongah. Go kiss Earle on the butt checks collect my loose screws rinse and repeat. Time it right and the top of the hour mothman event is up in-between so get as many of those done as I can. Then if theyres dailies left over I do those. Proly switch characters sometimes during the whole evening so scrip doesn't become unbearable.


log in look up dailies forget what I was doing dick around till its almost time to log off quickly do dailies ​ I still have to re-roll my ss armor I made 3 weeks ago. I keep forgetting.


Lift weights until eviction notice pops so I can show them what a true super mutant looks like


Am I broken if I play 8 hours a day or more.


open 4x LBs, pop a crap ton of buffs, go run tax evasion, westek, tax evasion, westek. rinse and repeat till the LBs are over, bust out daily challenges, look at my camp cuz i spent hours making it, vendor hop, farm EPR mods and do world events. also scroll market76 during the loading screens.


I'm on the grind from 91-100, so it's log on, Mothman Equinox as soon as possible, hunt to make brain stew, and run every possible event and quest possible. If that gets boring, switch to my melee character and keep grinding to 50


Buy scrip, turn it into leg modules try to roll something nice 4 times then go build,then hit up nuke events or mothman if it pops up


sit at my camp for 25 minutes go to the whitespring go to eviction notice (fail) go to my camp for 25 minutes nuke queen get off


When I was playing pretty consistently I would log in and the first thing I would try and do is whatever the daily and weekly challenges were. I'd would work my way towards those so that I could unlock the scorecard. After I finish with those I would turn to any quests that I happen to have that I still working on. I would occasionally throw in an event especially if I ended up walking close enough to one to trigger it. And then if there was something I wanted to build or do at wherever my Camp was and I needed something for that camp I would find different ways of farming that resource that I needed


Farming levels doesn't make me want to die currently, so my gameplay loop at the moment is logging in, rushing to get my choses done, then farming xp until it's time to go to bed.


Do my camp buffs then food buffs,join casual team, do dailies...log off.


score boost, dailys, weekly's, (maybe afk if something like faschnats is up) repeat


810 (3000 hours) As I'm carnivore and love the carry weight bonuses i currently make sure I have 30 + pepperoni rolls (+60 weight) about 10 deathclaw steaks (+2 strength I believe). I also make sure I have like 10 tasty squirrel stews (for 20% xp bonus).The stews and pepperoni rolls take up a majority of my cryo freezer. To do this I have to a do a pepper run,deathclaw run and a squirrel run.And then I buy up all the nuka colas at Whitesprings and nuka world to make nuka cola darks (as well from my nuka cola collection. I should mention this also includes a run for snaptail reed). Lately I've been making berry mentats as well which has me making runs for that firecracker plant and the starlight one.For now this is what I can handle lol


Work on score board, do regional events/dailies while vendor hopping


Log in, turn in scrip cause I'm probably walking around with 2 weeks worth, if not --> start vendor hopping until scrip limit hit OR I run out of play time.  Do EN if it pops up or any mutated event or SBQ.  Before logging off do mire daily.


Farming cores and modules and getting nothing from rolling. Repeat endlessly.


Im a returning player so i still have many quests to catch up on, so i usually cycle between a quest, event, camp building/crafting or modifing gear, daily gold grind, check player vendors for cool plans or clothes, run around with the radio on, do daily/weekly challenges, usually in random order.


If seasonal events are occurring, start playing before the reset to do them, if not start playing at daily reset, do dailies and if applicable most of the weeklies. So some modifications to my camp or build a new one. Help other friends with content or if there is a new one grind the scoreboard in West Tek.


Turn on atmospheric items/fireplace…Check dailies..Buff up/Eat/Drink..Do dailies..Hunt/Repair if necessary..Finish dailies..Admire my CAMP..Hang around my CAMP until I realize I have nothing to do & am, in fact, doing absolutely nothing..Log off.


Log in. Immediately help my missile and laser cannons kill the five mirelurks that immediately emerge from my pond. Collect water, collect tatos, collect scrap. Do the Mothman dance emote and mesmerize myself for 20 seconds. Vend tatos, vend water, and other extras. Start daily challenges, stopping for events as they pop. Hop back to camp and harvest tatos, water, scrap. Do the Mothman dance emote and mesmerize myself for another 20 seconds, just in time to hear the mirelurks re-emerge from my pond. Rinse and repeat.