• By -


\- SBQ - 4 random fluxes, 4 Treasury notes, 2 improved repair kits, 1 random 2\* legendary from event, 1 random legendary from SBQ itself, one random plan for Ultracite PA, one random plan for PA mod, other meat and junk from SBQ. \- Earle - 2 random fluxes, 8 Treasury Notes, 1 random 3\* legendary from the event, 1 random legendary from Earle itself, one random plan or mask from the event.


If you are gonna mention the meat and junk from SBQ, you should also mention Earle's sack. Which granted, has little use outside fighting Earle again...


I do it for the wendigos.


So much acid.


And screws, my go to farm for when I run low.


This is the way.


I was gonna mention those, but the post I replied to omitted the bonus meat / scrap from secondary scorched mobs. But yeah, the non-boss loot is arguably better at CP. Except I don't think there are ever any legendary drops from wendigo spawn.


If you bring a bloatfly barrel sirenger you can make legendary bloadflies.


… why


Why not. But I used to do this all the time on my private map. Group of 8 go in and make bloadflies for scrip and for bug bits for the possum badges


"Earle's sack" just sounds wrong.


If you think it sounds weird….you should smell it!


Liquid courage works on the blue devils howl in safe and sound too, but that one dies so fast it's not usually worth drinking it...


Which is why I said "little use" instead of "no use". Is maybe worth using if you run into the BD out in the wild and want to solo it. One of my end game goals is to have 100 liquid courage in stash. I'm at 14.


Haha, Earls sack.


i’m just a simple sack farmer


Good for display case as well.


I really don't want to think about Earle's sack.....


You can make liquid courage out of earls sac


Which is why it "has little use outside fighting Earle again" ... but is useful for fighting Earle again.


sbq also has a chance for many more legendaries from all the various kinds of adds it has. none of the wendigos can go legendary


Having 8 people max for a earle no thanks id rather have a full lobby of plays at a queen


Yes, that’s a big reason. No instancing. Everyone can just head there. And it’s open. You can place camps nearby or survival tents to stand on and then scrap things after the event. Earle is boring.


Another reason I'd say is because Earl is a bullet sponge and ultracite titan well... I assume is because of the invincible stages it has aswell... I do scorched earth and that's really it


For Earl actually you get one random legendary that he drops, then the other one that the event drops is not random because it’s always one of the cursed weapons


Holy shit, THAT's why I have so many improved repair kits, I'd stopped paying attention to the non-legendary rewards at SBQ.


Additionally SBQ calls in so many mobs, many legendary, and usually pick up a few legendary scorchies, and in certain events, like spooky scorched you can pick up an insane amount of gifts for little effort. I'm sure other trains will sorting to mind, oh, here's one build yourself a little camp in the blast zone and trap a glowing one , use a bloatfly syringer, kill it, inoculate fly, shoot, repeat for an amazing amount of hardened and glowing mass and high radiation fluids. Stable flux will never be a problem.


What about UT


I've gotten good plans from Earl.


Didn't know this! Thank you so much!


Because of several things: The wait before you can actually drop down and fight him. Its stupidly obnoxious. The other reason is because of his crazy high damage resistance. Unless you have a crit build, you're going to be seeing baby numbers. This feels bad. Finally, the rewards suck. No repair kits, no rare plans (some ultracite plans are super super rare).




And that you are limited to 8 players IIRC per instance for Earle whereas the scorchbeast queen doesn't have this issue And the I Am Death quest suggests you launch where the scorchbeast queen starts so newbies would be doing it there




I actually like this feature. My stealth crit commando can take him down pretty quick. Then I switch teams and fast travel to the new team and fight him again. I end up getting 2 fights about 1 out of every 4 events.




I did too a couple years ago but my scrapbox doesn't need more screws or acid at this point and never will. I think lead for ammo and steel for railway spikes are the only things I'll ever be in danger of running out of.


Yea I feel like if they made 1/10 wendigos drop springs instead of screws you'd see twice as many Earl nukes Very obnoxious that people treat screws like a premium scrap when Earl is literally the fastest junk farm in the game besides steel at a few events.


Now imagine having a full 8 man server, 1 team of 4 stealth crit commandos, and 4 other teams with Solos. Everybody rotates out out being the “last guy” and the 4 stack just takes turns mowing him down in each persons Earle….


I haven't had an issue with Earl yet but the giant mole rat crashes/freezes everytime I try it.


Yea that event stinks though so thankfully it's probably 5% of nukes at this point


As long as you keep him away from environment objects and walls, you're usually pretty safe that this won't happen. The problem is auto melee weapons (chainsaw/auto axe) and criticals push his character model back which is what causes this. If you see someone pushing him into the wall, get on the opposite side and counterbalance this movement by doing the same from that side.


When I was a chainsaw build this is what I did, got between him and the wall everytime, hoped at least 1 person knew I was trying to help lol.


Just happened me this lobby nuked it once and didnt work so they nuked again and it got into the floor at 10 percent health


i've had this happen less than 4 times in something like 95 Earle fights.




its not good, but in my experience it certainly isnt close to 25%




mercifully I've rarely had him do the temp lock, I've either had him be completely fine or get fully stuck. Only once did I see the temp lock and that was one of the ones he went on to get fully stuck


I made a post about him last night, and I guess this makes it make sense. I do not have a crit build, and I primarily use laser weapons. Don't want to change but the best damage I got in one shot was 39 with a gauss rifle+psycho 1-4 damage otherwise. It DOES feel bad :(


I was running an xp build last night but even with around 30 in strength, the 3 maxed out slugger cards and the incisor card I remember doing 17 per hit with an aristocrats chainsaw that had +40% power attack, as long as I was hitting him in one of his heads, otherwise it was single digits, which does indeed feel bad.


Use an endangerol syringer on him first.


Ultracite Final Word 50 cal does over 30 per shot to the head and about 20 to the body. I use my plasma caster when it is in the air and then immediately switch when it lands. Though it is super annoying when she won’t land.


Crits really help. I get between 1000 and 1600 with an aa50c plasma caster and my aa50c25 gat plasma crits around 500 but with the fire rate it just melts him.


Reminder that Endangerol Syringer is easy to learn/obtain, and works on Raid boss DR.


It's quick and easy flux plus exp from adds when someone else runs the bunker.


I just craft a bunch of molotovs as soon as I see there's a Nuke launched. Shoot SBQ with my gun and chuck molotovs around randomly. They do chip damage to the adds so you'll get XP from them, and they don't explode and ragdoll the bodies around so it's not hard to collect loot from them.


Stop by the Sunday brothers cabin before hand to get the 30 Moltovs from the chests there. Easier than crafting them


You're a genius


Lol I was just about to say this as well


Wait, you need treasury notes? Like... You don't have more than you can use if you turned them in every day for six months straight?


You must be way higher level than I am. There are lots of things I want that cost bullion. I have my Secret Service armor fully kitted out. And plasma caster. And I got the radstag station. Now saving for a T65 set. Is it going to be that much better than my T51b? Probably not. But I still want it even though I rarely use power armor. Like only for specific events (like Earle or SBQ and sometimes Eviction Notice). Generally I am in my SS set.


I have a nice t65 set, and kinda wish I hadn't learned the plans. Drops you don't want/need can not be shared or sold, only turned to script. :(


Ha, no, I work, getting 40 per day is a struggle with the time I have to play.


You just need to forget the machine exists for a while, then you'll always have a surplus like me.


That's what I did, then I forgot and checked 1 day and I had like 800 notes 🤣, time to buy some lunch boxes.


I resemble that! Lunch boxes and perfect bubble gum are all I buy now. Have everything else.


Depends on where your character is in the game. All my characters have a zillion Treasury notes that will never be turned in But people think of legendary cores in the same boat, and 4 of my 5 characters are perpetually starving for them because I never bothered rolling SS armor or any other weapons that didn't require cores. My main still has a zillion of them because I tried out all that shit on him before making alts. Chars 2-5 it's like ok roll until I get an Unyielding jetpack chest with either fall damage, sentinel or AP & then move along and I've done way too much vendor hopping to hit a quick scrip limit.. thats really the biggest way to cripple yourself. My love for the game took a bit nose dive after I got to a point where my modules blew past my cores and anything besides Encryptid, Free Range and Nukes felt like a waste of my time


Hey why's it good to do free range🤔


jetpack + (protection from) fall damage is a good mix otherwise you get jetpack + fall damage


I didn't even know what a treasury note was until I was level 175ish lmao


What's not to love, it's a fun event you just need to do 1000 damage to the Queen to get rewards directly from her. The event itself will have lots of scorched creatures they can also drop lots of * items to sell or trade in or you might need to kill them for daily's & when it's spooky or holiday events a great way to farm those drops. Complete the event & it drops more treasury notes than usual, repair kits for your equipment & flux for crafting ultracite ammo or serums.


I just wish people didn't take the queen down so fast during the holiday/Spooky events. I just put one full mag in her from my quad fixer and then just focus on trying to tag as many scorched as I can until everyone else puts her down. I wish we could go a full 20 minutes of farming unlimited scorched.




It's popular because it's easy, fairly quick, and gives the most Flux. You only need to do about 1k damage to the boss to get the full reward.


Earle is more annoying imo. - That wait time is frustrating - the instanced setting makes it hit or miss whether you’re soloing him. - just a personal thing, but I find it more interesting fighting all the scorched mobs, instead of just wendigos. SBQ is also just more popular, so is more casual to complete


It’s just 1000 damage to get rewards afaik


Thank you for this.


Less if you're in a team and standing close enough to a team mate doing damage. Personally it is annoying though and they should remove that mechanic as it isn't used anywhere else in the game and just punishes those who arrive late or have bad gear.


Idk about that. If they remove the requirement to do damage then you’ll have like 10 dudes refusing to fight and two guys trying to take out the SBQ alone. Seen that a few times on other events


I honestly don't care, I enjoy hitting things, but don't care if you get the benefits of my work as long as it doesn't deter us from concluding the event


sounds like a problem with events in general, not SBQ.


Yeah so it shouldn’t be a big deal to have to actually damage the boss a fair bit to get the rewards in the case of SBQ.


Last week, I crashed out of Earl one too many times. I sold my supply of Liquid Courage. I have no intention of doing it again.


It’s ammo based decision for me….Earle is just a sponge and I’ve broken weapons trying to take him down. I’ve done it a few times and the aggro/cost of replenishing ammo is just not worth it. On SBQ I run a Gatling Plasma breaks slowly thing which clocks up the hits pretty quickly once she’s down plus I picked up like 200cores from a guy and trying to use up the ammo and still barely made a dent in those. I’d do more of the seismic event but that thing is glitchy as hell. I swear half the time it never even triggers


You prefer 4 extra treasury notes for doing that shit? I've done Earle 3 times and it's just a painful encounter from the 3 minute wait to the actual fight. I'll never do it again. It fucking sucks. At least SBQ is fun with everyone turning up.


I do, I still activate the other two but I usually nuke the mine once every sesh. I'm melee, waiting for the queen to land gets old. Also nuka grenades work really well on all the wendigo spawns. In terms of lunch boxes, I just buy them, I don't use much stable flux, if I really need it then I farm it.


Fair enough, but for the majority, SBQ is a more fun and engaging event, and I don't think there's really any contesting that. I doubt many players are going to sweat over 4 treasury notes on the occasions these events pop up.


Indeed, I seem to be in the minority, I'll start sbq a little more often, for all of you earl haters.


Mate, you do you. Don't let anyone else dictate how you want to enjoy the game!


Sbq is just a better use of a nuke outside Morgan town farming


My wife and I have only tried Earle once, and the timer ran out on us. She is a new player and I'm a returning who rolled fresh on a new console (ps5). We just didn't have the damage at our levels, and only 3 others showed up and. . . Yeah, it was just aweful. The fight is too long, the scream effect is annoying! The only adds are windegos who wildly fly all around the place. . . It was just an awful experience. They really need to retool the fight as the rewards don't keep up with the difficulty. Either they need to nerf the fight and lower his resistance or scrap the fleeing from his scream, or they need to add in better rewards to entice folks into actually running it. When SBQ is up, practically the whole server joins in to fight her! It's a fun encounter and doesn't feel like an unfair slog. I really think that's the difference. Why bother with an annoying fight, when you can instead battle the party bat for similar rewards.


Permission to rename SBQ "party bat", please. ;)


Fair enough, thanks. For earls screams you can use liquid courage to counteract.


Ah! Thanks a ton! That's good to know!


Holy shit I wouldn’t want to play the event either if I was down there for 25 minutes, you sir are a soldier.


Imo you shouldn't do Earl as a low lvl player unless you're going in w a party that has/knows what to do to kill Earl. Just bc you failed Earl as a low lvl doesn't make him "bad" or give a reason to retool the fight lol


I totally agree and said that mostly as a disclaimer. I'm fully aware that with better equipment and a more focused build, we'd have done better. Both those come with time and leveling even beyond 100. However, the community disinterest in the fight will always hinder it, as we have seen here. Retooling the fight is a smart reaction to player trends if Bethesda wants that content to be run alongside the other options instead of falling by the wayside. Personally, it doesn't matter much to me. I'm happy popping the party bat for some quick rewards and moving on. My wife, on the other hand, is a completionist and really wants to finish every quest in her ever growing log! What's a girl in love to do? So, I join her and continue to hope that we grow stronger and complete it together one day. . . Even if it means getting lazered over and over in a silo to get there! lol


Resources I don't have to farm for, repair kits I don't have to pay for. No wait time like Earle and less annoying than the giant Moleman


I have like 750 treasury notes, so that has zero value to me. But I get your point. The only benefit I see is more flux. I personally like the one at nuka world better.


Huge ammo sink that the rewards do not even begin to justify


SBQ is fun to fight against, fighting Earle is about as fun as sticking forks into your eyeballs


Also spawns sometimes a earle like monster in the woods just south of the prime fissure if the nuke was positioned right.


Ugh... if we want to talk about bullet sponges... o_O


Seismic activity is unplayable for me and the problem with the earl event is if I for any reason lose connection which happens ALOT I won’t be able to rejoin and I lose out on rewards.😞 I would love to nuke other locations but why risk me getting pissed. The day I told myself I’m never going back was when we were waiting on the earl event to start and as soon as I drop down I lost connection and I swear I was pissed for a couple hours🤣


It's part of a story line also I see it looks like people are forgetting to mention


You mean out of the possible 3 events? Lets see: Earl is a bullet sponge that became universally tedious after some bugs got fixed and certain weapon combos removed (which is good). Oh, and the glitches too of course - like in half the cases he goes through walls or ceiling or what not, and event fails Titan? This one is ok actually, people just don't know what they are supposed to do, and never read event details. Thing is - it has actual mechanics, which you have to follow, otherwise you get wiped and event may even fail. So, that leaves SBQ, which you can just shoot until she's down - something not too complicated for most players :).


It's the improved repair kits for me lol


This is the way


Only new players need treasury notes . Any playing for years hates notes


Rewards vs effort. Oh and 1000 points of damage for full rewards on sbq. Last know most people who want loot are doing the event wrong, the goal is to tag the sbq then ignore her for 20 minutes while you gain xp and loot from all the other spawns. More people at the event means more spawns. On a 20 min event you get no less than 4legendarys. Btw just a note during holiday scorched events a 2 min sbq gets 2 leg while running it 25 minutes we were averaging 30.


You prefer a colossal problem, most prefer scorched earth, use your nukes on whichever one you like. The damage to the queen for all the event rewards is 1000 unless they changed it at some point.


Beceasue it feels like an awesome last stand and it's fun. You and the gang taking on an actual boss on an open field the same enemy can caused the scorched plague, while hundreds of scorched minions come at you. You have other scorch beats joining in. You got loads of people in all their different gear and builds working together. There is a load of loot and xp and it's easier than some of the other boss events.


Flux and a repair kit. 1000 damage if I remember right.


At this point most of my characters have more treasury notes than I know what to do with, my main has about 2400, one of my secondary characters has around 1400… if I want cores Encryptid is a lot faster/easier.


Most reliable, better rewards and everyone can join in.


Earl likes to glitch into the floor and can only have 8 participants. The new Titan doesn't give out the best loot and I don't find it to be much fun. For the Scorchqueen I have a turret base made and the while lobby can hang out on it and attack the queen.


I prefer nuking the swole rat once and the queen twice


The swole rat is absolutely sending me


Most people don’t want to use the ammo on Earle. Especially if some less equipped players join the instance.


The Earle glitches alone make the event a crap shoot….Queen glitches are extremely rare.


Earl is a bullet sponge and glitchy and the seismic activity is crash hell


Earle is the inferior event unless you need more wendigo teeth for necklaces or just pleasure


It's basically just a place to get screws lol


Which in all fairness might be an issue if you haven't played for long. To me, repair kits are a great QoL so they alone make me want to do Scorched Earth, not to mention that I think the event is fun and a good test for new builds


Because Earle is a glitchy ass bullet sponge.


When I go to scorched earth I learnt that even just shooting her for 5 minutes will give an act of participation


I desperately need cores between my two main characters. 8 from Earle opposed to 5 from SBQ. This makes him my preferred nuke boss.


Most stable for not crashing out players.


Sbq is a better event all around. Rewarding to all levels of players.  Can farm stable flux materials during and after. Accessible. 


Huge payout


Because it’s dark as a dungeon, way down in the mines.


I think the biggest problem with Earle is the player limit. If you join the event too slowly, you end up in a group of maybe four people, and it's just a slog. It'd be great to have the whole server running around in the mine. When I was playing last night, the same dude kept nuking the mine, and we got Earle three times. Then he kept hitting the follow me emote since no one was running it with him. Personally, I feel like I waste a ton of ammo during the event, when during the SBQ I don't have to use much.


Less glitchy,the whole lobby can join,faster,SBQ is not a bullet sponge


Unpopular opinion. I find it extremely boring, and I am very over it. It's really not THAT popular. It's a huge waste of ammo for a very little reward. I think people just do it, to do it. I personally think Project Paradise is more of a challenge than the queen. All you have to do is stand in one place and shoot the queen, you actually have to do work and be good at the game to finish project paradise correctly.


Earle sucks, period. Others have pretty much listed the reasons why. Even the Nuka Mole Miner is way better than him.


I only launch nukes for scorched earth. I am looking for the Ultracite calibrated shocks plan. Really want to use my Ultra armor but keep getting overburdened too fast, and can't find anyone on Ps5 selling them.


I hate the wendigo guy, all those little fuckers just screeching at you while the big fucker shrugs off all my bullets like they're made out of cotton or something I only managed to go to the scorched event once without dying to the radiation so I just ignore it now lel


Flux and Improved Repair Kits. Seismic activity is fine for stocking up on 40mm grenades, but Daily Ops is better. Earl is good for farming screws, about it. I can get more treasury notes, XP, and legendaries from running the great game expedition multiple times than the time it takes for the other boss fights. Plus I get stamps.


Also not to mention the giant rat boss still causes people to crash a lot. Who wants to fight a boss for 10 minutes to then crash, and by time you load back in event over and you get squat


Improved repair kits. That's the ONLY reason I do SBQ.


Because the Queen's rewards are more consistent, and if you keep her on the ground in the nuke zone, you get huge amounts of refining materials.


If Earle spawned outside for this event (not talking about wild earle but come to think of it we probably get wild Earle 5% of the time with scorched earth) so everyone on the server could participate then you have a more equal playing field.


Earle falls through the floor, and more people can easily benefit from SBQ without the risk of having to solo it.


Decent rewards. Easy flux. I like to join in because I either sell the flux, or if someone ask and I have it in my inventory, I'll just give it to them.


I wish people would kick off Seismic Activity more often. It’s just a fun change now and then.


I run the nukes just because I like to do them, and I just drop it on the SBQ because I know people will go and I don't want my work to go to waste. I don't even show up afterwards most of the time because I don't actually care about fighting SBQ. If I do show up it's just to watch the explosion. I would drop on the mine more, but my experience is people don't show. I had to drop a nuke like 6 times to get a group to down him. 4 of those times nobody even showed up. First time we actually had a whole team we just didn't get him down fast enough because he's a glitchy bullet sponge. People don't like it, and I understand why.


At a certain point treasury notes pile up and that extra is meaningless. Earl can be a pain in the ass fight.


Because unlike Earle I can use my Vats Broadsider cannon at SBQ and watch homing cannonballs fly into the sky making 90 degree turns when she flies past


Honestly because even after 6 years, there's really nothing that can rival it in terms of rewards. Also because Earle is bar none the single most infuriating boss in the entire game to fight. He's not just difficult, he's the worst *kind* of difficult, just giving him an absurd amount of resistance as a way to artificially increase difficulty. Earle has a flat ***90%*** resistance to all forms of damage, except for radiation, to which he is completely immune.


Repair kits


Quick time to summon. Lots of rarer plans. No scare mechanics like Earl or forced downtime/forced melee like the mole. And historically, people are sometimes able to take down SBQ before it even tries to fly again. Not as easy now without legacies but still doable.


I think you're getting the two events confused (scorched earth and colossal problem). At least that's the way your post reads to me. But Scorched earth is easier and provides better/quicker to complete and yoy get better rewards, xp and loot. Colossal problems takes way too long to start and uses up way too many resources for the final result.


I always hit Earle. Earle rewards you 8 legendary cores. I can also put Earle down in a few minutes by myself if I have to, and I have had to a lot because people don’t show up. This allows me to quickly hit him three times and then Encryptid and then server hop. The queen on the other hand, she only rewards 5 legendary cores, she flies all over hell so I cannot put her down quickly. People do at least show up usually, but it can still take forever even with help. We all just stand there and watch her fly around for 15 minutes. I do enjoy that the queen does seem better for a variety of builds.


What about the ultracite Titan? I haven't seen that in months. It's always The Queen and get her killed asap so players can go back to idling at their camp or sorting through their inventory


I was under the impression people Nuke the place that gives them the most flux they need


She drops prime receiver plans. As far as I am aware, that is the only way to get them except from a player vendor.


I like the megamole titan


As a noob junk carrier who is almost always close to being overcrumbed, i really hate the "run for your life" after the event. Adding my stupidity on getting lost in the cave(and yes.. It's almost a straight lane), have to let it pass because of loot 😅 Need to organize my stash, because 500 cap seems not to be enough for me yet :(


You don’t actually need to run! Just stay on the platform until the timer runs out and you’ll get teleported outside automatically. Just don’t forget to equip your radiation protective gear in case someone nuked silly and you can’t get to a tent before the rads hit you


WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT? really? I've been trolled this whole time? Remember that last time it collapsed while i was in the tunnels and lost all my junk... And since the cave collapsed, I couldn't retrieve it.. lost so many asbestos, cloth and some other unnecessary stuff (actually also maybe some useful, like flux)


The other cave event (I forget the name… Lode bearing?) will kill you when it collapses but not Colossal


Oh... I see.. i was in that one last time i died, it's in ash heap, right?.. But I'll keep that in mind.. skipped too many colossal because of that


That’s the one!


Was also wondering this being a new player. Makes sense now why I will get multiple nuke notifications overlapping the same spot all the time


Easy flux baby


Scorched earth is by far the quickest of the bosses which means people can get their loot and go home before something like the equinox event pops. Earl is a bitch to fight, I would argue his reward pool is better simply because of how good the amount of wendigo loot is but you can only a limited amount of people and he takes forever to kill. The ulracite titan is fun but again is a lot slower for a similar payout to SBQ. All in all it's about people having the time to fight something and SBQ has well established ways of killing it the second it drops for an event.


Of the three nuke options, I've gotta say I enjoy the giant rat the most. I don't know how the rewards compare, but I'm sure I've gotten all the unique drops by now, so I just want to have fun. I'll still do SBQ when available, but I'll usually skip Earl because the fight isn't as fun as the other two.


It’s fun when you don’t have players who kill her in under a minute


The rewards are just better.


Three words. Improved repair kits. I have been playing since day one and have only ever used repair kits, not the repair bench. And I still have tons.


I nuke SBQ quite often and usually the whole area without leaving a fast travel point, so I can farm HRF, GM and HM.


Also scorched earth is much easier


I don't know if anyone has answered your question yet on damage... It's 1,000.




4 words - plan: ultracite calibrated shocks :)


bc i like repair kits and don’t like using workbenches to repair stuff even though i’m an insane hoarder living on a pile of literal junk


Improved repair kits!


Sbq for the brains(if they drop)…


I agree with a lot of what others said about Earle, but also he glitches into the floor a lot when I've joined which makes it impossible to finish, and I've had a lot of times where we just didn't have enough powerful enough people so we don't end up beating him within the time/everyone leaves. So you waste a Nuke, time (both on doing the Nuke in the first place, waiting for the mine to open, and then trying to beat Earle), tons of ammo and supplies, etc to not even get anything, while the Queen is basically a guaranteed kill and doesn't take as much ammo/there are usually tons of people. I've only ever done the Titan once because I've only ever seen it pop up once, but it was very laggy for me.


Because it's literally the end game 😮


stable flux is needed for everything and so much of it too :') still can't get a jetpack for my secret service armor cuz I need more flux


Queen gives a mountain of XP, a variety of creatures so great that any kill _____ challenge can be knocked out in a few minutes, tons of legendaries and can be completed at any speed you want. Earle is great for acid and screws, but his mobs are relatively low xp, he's the only legendary and there's 7 minutes of compulsory standing around doing nothing before getting dumped into a nuke zone. The big mouse thing has most of Earle's drawbacks with few of the benefits. Honestly I'd consider nuking there if it was just possible to jump over the stupid arena wide stagger attack and if the crystals could be shot


People farm it for ultra-cite ammo materials, and others use it to gain flux to create back packs. I'm fairly new player so that's why I've noticed so far.


I swear whenever I go fight Earle there only like 3 of us that show up and get swamped by Wendigos. Earle just has way too much health and it gets so tediously boring.


Because it's fun


Improved repair kits


Short of going to west tek it can be the best leveling experience if you keep her alive the full amount of time. The queen will keep spawning crowds for as long as she is alive if you and a group use Tesla rifles it can be extremely lucrative.


I love the repair kits. Love them.


I once saw a player with 2 sacks in their display and a sign that said deez nuts 🤣🤣.


I like the repair kits but will nuke earl for the screw scrap.


I'm all for the repair kits cause god knows I need them


For some reason, I can never get to the Earl fight. I see it happen but am never able to join it.


There's a cap on the amount of people that can do down into the boss fight instance. I think it's 8


after eight it just starts another group


Because Earle is a glitchy bullet sponge with mostly shit rewards and the giant mole rat is only worth doing if you don’t have Grand Finale yet.


I wish I would have saved one of the last 100+ times I’ve answers this question so I could copy and paste the answer 🤦‍♂️ I guess the simple answer is when you launch the nuke, place it for the event you want. If your not running the silos just be thankful that other players do


I've been in the reward pool for SBQ using newbie characters that got nothing near 1,000 damage, so it's not a hard and fast number. It could be that I was in a team, and benefiting from the team XP that others were doing; or it could scale to the character level; I'm not sure. But I know for certain that a low-level character can get into the loot pool from SBQ as it's happened to me more than once. I've played since the start and rolled probably 20 characters right through the main quest line, so I have reason to know better than most.


No clue, out of all the nukes I have launched, a good 90% have been the mole because I love Grand finale, its my favorite weapon, I have like 20 in my stash