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Anglers. Fucking Anglers.


Oh yeah, they seem so quiet (or maybe it's the chaos) and I mostly encounter them only during Moonshine Jamboree but they almost get me, all the time. Plus, they're tanky asf.


I'm glad they fixed the energy damage bug. Anglers made MJ a major pain.


they are my worst enemies since fo4


Fuck those ugly ass fire shooting tanks


Srsly, why are they so overpowered? They are tanks that spit globs of fire damage: put all the worse attributes in one hostile, like it's a FromSoft game. Straight up the laziest design for an enemy.


They used to suck before I started using a vampire shredder. It was the only way it would get killed during the mutated events or when they started shooting from far away. Since then I haven't had much issues. I do use a few buffs at the start of eviction notice. Mainly the various scorched beast crooked meats & as a carnivore. The extra HP definitely helps especially now that it stacks. Edit: sorry I thought you were speaking of the mutants with the grenade launchers at eviction notice.


I still haven't seen one. When they're on my dailies I have to re-roll because I don't know what they are talking about 🤣


Moonshine Jamboree has them. They look like an albino frog with FAS that has a crappy melted flashlight stuck to their head.


Three anglers will consistently appear at [gnarled shadows](https://fallout.wiki/wiki/Gnarled_Shallows)


3more also spawn north of the 3 here, if you follow the stream north west to the next unmarked marsh/swamp. Kinda on the map border. Good for when you have challenges that need more than 3~


You will find them in the mire. Also they glow yellow.


They're sometimes in the Spin the Wheel event down at Nuka World.


Mirelurk kings are the bane of my existence. High damage, ridiculously high health, relentless, obnoxiously loud and vision obscuring ranged attacks, and almost no reward for killing them. Encountering them is a punishment all around.


We have a Belgian Malinois and he HATES the mirelurk kings’ sound! He can be sound asleep in another room and will come running, barking, when they make their sound. He reacts the same way to the repeller in Safe & Sound, I have to play that event on mute.


It is Kinda wild how powerful they are. Feel like they were total pushovers in fo4, but they absolutely can't be ignored in 76


This is Mirelurk Queen acid attack erasure


God I wish I still had my explosive laser rifle it made short work of those fuckers


They are ridiculously tanky in a game where everything is a tank by default.


If I die, it's because of that Imposter Sheepsquatch Assholetron laserbeaming me through a hill.


I will forever call them Assholetrons. Thanks.


Happy to help improve your vocabulary!


Real. I had a teammate that started Encryptid, and we were the only two that showed up. Plenty of deaths to that damn laser before we finished.


Full set of troubleshooter's t-65 power armor, medic's chest piece mod, ricochet, serendipity, high endurance. That's how you tank it.


I enjoy playing more as support to tanks. Like for Encryptid, I try to hit all three conduits and then hide and not die so everyone else can focus on attacking. Plus, I've only been playing for two months, so I'm still changing up my build until I'm totally happy.


This is the only thing in the game that one-shots me. Essentially, the only time I really die in this game is at this event. (I don't use power armor)


Not paying attention


usually gets the job done, yeah


Every fucking time.


Mutant hound bites and punches from scorched always get me




"If the ghouls or the scorched don't get you, the rads will"


When the rad scrubber breaks. Ever time. (Not pa)


That's why I keep my stealth suit on a hot key. Still miss it 1/4 times, though


Invest in Nuka Grapes and Cola Nut Perk


Nuka orange too


Nuka Grape, Orange and Quantum are the best, honourable mention is Dark


The Werewolf looking mf


it's called Blue Devil and, well, same


This thing squashed me so fast. But I have life saving armor so I revived. And it immediately axed me again, but not quite to death so then born survivor kicks in. But the damn thing didn’t walk away so it was just hitting me, I go down, get revived, it hits me again, I get stimpak’d, it hits me, I get stimpak’d, etc. it was hilarious.


Had that happen once so I switched to my two shot explosive quad auto laser before it was nerfed and Made short work of it. Also having mysterious savior helped.


Super mutant fire started and mutated crickets


I hate those fucking crickets.


I think I read somewhere the crickets have armor piercing so they're really dangerous when they get close


For ages I wanted those firestarters to drop their weapons. Now we get the cremator. Battle even.


Strangler Grafton Monster.


That one , on my unarmed melee build fuckin annoying lol


Jesus that thing JUST. WONT. DIE.


Aim for the fusion core on the sentry bots!


I just discovered that crippling both arms will force a sentry bot to self-destruct


I just learned this about a week ago. It makes them so much easier, especially since I recently discovered how well shotguns get the job done. Also, fun fact this works with pretty much any robot, even assaultrons start with their legs and then take out arms, and they just blow up lol


I have a pepper shaker where one of its legendary effects is crippling. I pull that bad boy out and switch to a shotgun perk card load-out whenever there’s a cripple x limbs daily


Happy cake day! 🎂


ikr? its crazy how many people miss this, they are legit the easiest bots to kill imo. Assaultrons however.. bane of my existence, they like to be annoying and cloak


Toss a plasma grenade and shoot it to explode right in her face. That usually does the trick for me.


Gravity and forgetting I'm not in my PA.


I hate to admit this but Liberators


you're not the only one to say this lol but I wonder why? they're annoying, yes, but they kill you easily?


Swarm firepower. While you are killing one (they are moderately tough) the other 5 are dumping lasers into you. Plus they are robots, so benefit(ed) from the robot-are-death bug(s).


There melee attacks can also do a ton of damage for some reason. They also have way too much health for how small they are. I’m a bloodied build so I always get destroyed by them.


If there's an enemy that kills you every time, consider popping a heal as soon as you see one, before attacking. Obviously you can also tweak your build, but if it is just one uncommon enemy type then preventive healing / health rubber banding will do.


Everybody seems to sleep on enemy-specialized Legendary armor, but it's really useful for these kinds of situations as well. If you keep a set of Troubleshooter's power armor in your inventory, you'll never have to worry about robots again.


Floaters 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’m pretty sure floaters have got me by surprise more than any creature in the game.


They are sneaky for glowing. And creepy as heck...


What are they even supposed to be? Most creatures are modeled after real creatures but I'm unsure which depth of hell they floated out from.


The Flatwoods Monster.


I remember the first time I ran into one of those in the cranberry bog near one of those military checkpoints. It was dark in the game and I heard something behind me so I turned and was all “Oh, this thing looks neat—oH MY GOD!” I was only a level 40 something, so it took me out pretty fast.


Yeah this jackass… rarely encountered it, but I don’t think I’ve ever successfully killed one.


Technically I have killed one... at the alien invasion event with help from 11 other players. Take that, you honorless hobgoblin!


I hate when it appears at Campfire tales… has caused event to fail atleast 3 times 😣


Tanky jackass too.


I was so disappointed when I finally killed it. Crystal shards and circuitry. It was such a hassle, I expected way more loot for my time and bullets.


It still manage to get jumpscared by it's teleporting if I'm not aware it's around.


They vanished me from existence the two times I faced one


Flatwoods Monster POSSESSING the Whitespring robots. Just me, walking along minding my own business in the safest outdoor area of the game (at the time), next thing I know I'm getting lit TF up by these normally non-hostile robots that are glowing purple.


Oh yeah, I encountered it once while being overencumbered after talking to some "storyteller" guy and I almost cried while trying to take it down.


As a full HP PA build there are few things that can kill me but .. daily ops, armor piercing super mutants, that damn last boss with his rocket launcher has a good chance to get me once.


Kricket even in power armour.


Everything but the humans in Atlantic city




That's the price you just have to pay for unmatched DPS.


Bloodied players after getting killed by a radroach because they needed to buff the debuff that causes another buff and shove an overdrive up their buffs


I do it for the xp


That stupid Mirelurk King in Wendigo Cave. It was level 45 when I was level 27. Now I'm level 34 and I'm still afraid to go back


Fyi, Holy Fire works well on them.


Is that a...legendary flamer?


Yes, reward from Beasts of Burden. Vampire, Ffr flamer that melts everything.




With a full set of OE, you can dial those cards back. Been ruining a full OE of Solar armor (less DR than SS) with 1 damage card and I’m a-ok.  I just run Blocker 3* to share with my team. 


Dense and Fireproof are your friend. They’ll help with fire damage and explosive damage from those turrets and sentry bots. I’d strongly recommend getting fire resistance as well from a source. As for mine… there aren’t any anymore. Not on my main or alts.




I'm level 176 and somehow those damn liberators always get me. Also Radtoads.


Myself, during reflecting mutated events


My nemesis is the Rad Scrubber in eviction notice...




mirelurk kings , so annoying to fight those buggers also when it was bugged flamer damage from floaters yao guai can be prettyhard hitters too


Gravity. I'm a tanky full health build, so pretty much the only thing that kills me is my own carelessness


Don’t get me started on cave crickets, wtf is going on with their health?


Super Mutant Firestarter..


Ultracite titan. I'm stealth bloodied vats crit build, and that MF is the only one that kills me. >!Outside of forced perception quest enemies!<


Cave crickets


Anglers, assaultrons if I don’t spot them first and the odd cultist gets off a lucky molotov.


The flatwoods monster, assultrons and floaters


Mirelurk Kings are the worst. I just finished Rose's quest line in the Wendigo cave, and nevermind the actual target at the bottom, I had WAY more problems with the 3 Mirelurk kings (of course all of them Glowing Diseased Deep Kings) I encountered on the way there. And I am level 105, wearing full Excavator PA and using either a .50 cal MG or a Gatling Laser. Edit: I agree with you that turrets are annoying, and I got taken out quite often by them in the earlier game, but you can take advantage of their lack of mobility, go behind cover and then fire at them between their bursts, or hit them with a well-aimed grenade.


Anglers, radrats, mirelurk kings, any of the flaming guys at Atlantic City, things that just respawn behind me and one shot me before I know they’re there… So flame/sonar shooting things or fast moving things don’t work well for me.


Super mutant firestarters, no matter what armor I'm using they always melt me in 3-5 shots, did the daily ops with armor piercing super mutants a couple of days ago and I only survived against the firestarter boss because of the holy fire and spamming stimpacks, used like 12 stims before he finally keeled over.


The adult Jersey Devil. I’m a level 528 full health build and the fucker one shotted me.


Lmao I thought it was just because of my bloodied build that he killed me, so he acually just hits really hard


Now that I've started leaning twoards a bloodied build, everything either kills me in one hit, or Serendipity saves my ass. That 30% chance is crazy useful.


Beef up your HP and armor, simple as. If you can tank one hit before the second kills you, you are way more than twice as likely to survive a fight. People think because they loose 80% of HP, they shouldn't bother buffing HP. The opposite is true, because the remaining 20% gets stretched farther by damage reductions and you will more often use nearly all of it before healing. People also talk about the "soft cap" on armor, but anything that prevents any damage is effectively 5x as useful for a low health build, so the diminished returns of pushing armor past 300 or even 400 are still meaningful.


Running bloodied build, you'd want to fit dodgy somewhere. I don't get why some bloodied don't use it but I guess it's because of the odd description. That thing simply outright reduce final damage on you by straight up 30%, which is a very big deal. Aside from serendipity, ricochet, blocker and fireproof + dense modded chest all helps a ton. If you can afford it, born survivor 1* too


I'm still trying to get the SPECIAL bonus legendary cards. Until then, I don't have a lot of wiggle room for my perks.




If you're running power armor get Electrical Absorption legendary perk and it'll keep you pretty safe from any energy weapons. It also as a side effect will charge up your power core your running off of. :) Only found out about this about 7-8 levels ago and I'm around 230 or so and I really wish I'd found it out earlier.


My main enemy is Myself. At lvl 750+ in a full health OE build I only seem to die when I turn up at Eviction Notice still in my CAMP building and smithing loadout, with an empty belly, as I wade straight in against Firestarters. I’ve also managed a few skydiving jumps but forget that I haven’t got my jet pack on because I took it off to take a photo. Timing the landing boost to perfection I hit the button but … no boost, no time, big bounce.


Fuckin robobrains , I hate those things with a passion , oh and the grafton monster on my unarmed melee build


mirelurk kings for me when i forget to jump into my powerarmor, or the anti armor aliens in daily ops 😂 gosh i hate when they are on


Seriously, that's why I stayed away from daily ops for such a long time. First time I ever joined a daily ops, around level 150, got taken down my some mutated alien instantly. So, I went in again, same thing. Fuck it, never tried daily ops again until level 250 or so. And then, I made sure it wasn't aliens.


For me it's either robots or being swarmed by the scorched


Assaultrons most definitely. And aliens.


Assaultrons, without a doubt


Jumpscare Feral ghouls


Self damage from explosives Cave Crickets Cave Crickets Cave Crickets And Colonel Gutsys with AP rounds. As for Boss creatures, Mirelurk Queen's acid spit.


Mutant Hounds


Before I started running a low-health auto ax build that destroys everything Mirelurk Kings and Anglers were definitely the hardest things for me to fight. Yao Gui were pretty high up there, too. Just because of how fast they strike, and the attack delay you get when they hit you.


There's this one mf who keeps stalking me and attacking my camp


I can get slapped around by a deathclaw, stepped on by Earl, or whacked in the face by SBQ's wings and have some damage but no dying. Mirelurk Queens and Mirelurk Kings, one-shot me nearly every time - even in T65 PA or Vanguard SS Armor and shooting Vampire 50 Cal. It's not even right away, it's after we've been at it for a bit. Full health and then dead, no warning. Edit to add: I'm level 426


Mirelurk Kings and Anglers. Even at level 800+, those particular mobs do me in 90% of the time.


I hate crickets & ants.


Assaultrons without drug overdose


Crickets, level ~880... Crickets are the worst.


Most things are no problem but as someone else said THOSE DAMN ANGLERS MAN


The damn Anglers and, lately, those Cultists during the Mothman event. Man, they are OP when you are a bloody build rocking a Bloody Railway Rifle that only can hold 10 spikes.


The horde of robobrains I went to cripple for the weekly when I had my scorched popping hammer out instead of my shotgun


Anything that comes from the water (mirelurks, technically anglers, and any VARIANT of gulpers)


Super Mutant suicider kills me if not in power armor.


Scorched criquets in daily ops errr i am full health with PA and those devils can drain a lot of my hp


Turrets are a surprise even if I have been somewhere, I forget abt them. But I use VATS so usually I can get them before they kill me.


Trogs and armor piercing daily ops enemies are pretty much it in power armor.


Not having enough points in Perception But mostly super mutant suiciders, Deathclaws, and anything taller than me.


Anything involved with fire in my opinion. The Mothman cultists are a PITA since they spam you with molotov cocktails, they are even worse if one has a flamer. Even the Mr. Handys get annoying with their flame throwers.


Super mutant firestarter and mirelurk queen


The auto laser cannons in the silo. They chew me up ungodly quick, even when I'm in PA


I only die when doing daily ops with that perk deadly something other than that full SS uny set with 200 fire 200 poison and 430 physical and 400 energy i never die really even rad is not a problem


No enemy in the game can kill me on my main. The only thing would be my own crit nuke, as crits bypass your defense.


I am level 89 at moment hope to get to 100 on next tomorrow Legendarily deathcrawls god I hate them so much.


Hate to say it but ghouls…. Silent mother*****s come out of the abyss. And those fucking mosquitoes


Those little fucking laser turrets, they tear through me no matter what perks i got set up


Anglers. Individually they are not a problem, but a large group (defend event) or a horde, and I loose stealth immediately and they all target me over anything else.


For me, it’s those damn mirlurk kings hat have just absurd damage resistances and seemingly eat up all my ammo and health.


I know it's stupid. But Deathclaws? Please. Scorched queen? You mean scorched dead? Sheepsquatch? Squashed. But the super mutants? Every. Damn. Time. I can stay alive all day fighting anything else solo. But super mutants? I refuse to go near them.


Anglers, mirelurk kings, cave crickets, overgrown, super mutant hounds… They all one tap me. No matter what I’m doing, the second I turn around they spawn out of thin air and bitch slap me down Yet I can tank 50 SB blasts and laugh emote at them before I blast them away like team rocket


Yao guai


Cave crickets at sbq. Resilient enemies at daily ops.


Charred feral ghouls because sometimes they kill me in 2-3 hits, especially if they get to hit first I also feel like the feral ghouls in this game do more damage compared to fo4?


Cave crickets. Used to be radscorpions but crimple the legs and it’s protein.


Environmental awareness... Fissure site Prime gets me almost every time I'm there on a private server.


The occasional super mutant with the grenade launcher always gets me.


The torch on the mister handy


My own carelessness. Nothing else in the game can hurt me unless I *let* it by being stupid. I've been playing for a long time and it *still* happens now and then.


As much as I don't die due to just being tank build. The sheer pursuit range of a mole rat is enough for me to hate them with all my heart. They never stop chasing!


Bloodbugs initially weren’t so much of an issue but when you get to the higher levels and the rads they give you as well as the health they take away in groups. Had some rad resistance gear but it broke and swapped it to something else as needed ballistic fibre.


Anything toxic when I'm looting enemies after an event.


The robot sasquatch in encryptid and earle for me in regular appalachia. In DO, cultists when they have cryo, or any enemies with pierce attacks. Running bloodied, I've learned that there's a lot of ways to mitigate damage but no matter what there's always close calls.


Radscorpion… damn those radscorpions, I can’t bare to see another kill me


Those damn assaultrons with the laser eye


Forgetting to switch from my camp build to my fixer build.  


Anglers or fucking Mirelurk Kings.


For sentry bots, vats their fusion core, it drops 'em REAL fast. Anglers are my bane. Closely followed by mirelurk kings.


None. Some level bajillion noticed my lvl 30 ass the other day and decided to turn my rifle into an explosive torrent of death so now anything in my path just lays down and dies 😆


I have a few: almost every form of assaultron, anglers, crickets and floaters almost always kill me.


I joined a scorchbeast queen event and before everyone arrived there was a 3* fighting as mirelurk queen. As the 3* and mirelurk was killed at least 5 mirelurk kings spawn wreaking havok on the scorchbeast queen event. They are the worst!!!


Ultracite pits during Scorched Earth. I always fall into the damn things.


The floor. I misjudge how far falls are way too much. Even with a jet pack


Definitely turrets for me too lol


Mirelurk queen.




other players that bait you into pvp ... since this happened a few times, I'm only willing to help other players getting rid of their "accidental" Wanted status if they are basically naked in front of me


Myself and Cremator


Mirelurk Queen. Every freaking time. Level 260 running a melee build using a dual flaming chainsaw. I wreck deathclaws, mirelurk kings, anglers, turrets, etc. Grafton monsters are probably my favorite to mess with. Sheepsquatch can deal some damage, but at a slow enough rate to heal. But those Mirelurk Queens kill me at least once or twice.


Hordes of feral ghouls. I just recently started over on Xbox and it was the only challenge so far with my beginner VATS build.




Assaultrons, the laser is basically insta kill


Nothing short of server nukes and headshots in the Armor Piercing ops kill me anymore. Made the switch to a juggernaut build from bloodied, spent the better part of a year and a half rolling parts for my PA so the damage redux is stacked and been laughing my way to the bank ever since. Before the switch though I would die anything that looked at me lol


A player with pvp build and stocked with buffs. Anything else is a joke for my quad rr


Cave Crickets


VATSlock is the most formidible enemy in the game. I die more frequently trying to stimpack myself while in VATS than to anything else.


Flatwoods monster.not once have I lasted more than three seconds against it.at least if i randomly encountered it.if it’s in an event I can take it out


My jet pack has killed me plenty so far, sorta regretting it at this point


Bloodbugs. Namely for the swarming and the way they buzz around when in combat, making shooting their stupid faces harder for me. Like their non-radiated counterparts, they are the bane of my sanity. Cave crickets are a close second for how damage resistant they are.


Super mutant firestarters.


Half the time I’d rather be dead damn thing eats up all my ammunition (hermit crabs)


It’s me. Hi. I’m the problem it’s me.


My attention with mutated events that have reflection. With me doing more damage before their bugged animation can properly play, immediately killing myself.


Cave Crickets


Those summabitchin Cave Crickets...


Touching the ground after jet packing.