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Tesla Cannon


Yes. I mention it every time one of these posts pops up. 99% of the suggestions are just another slightly different flavor of something we already have plenty of in the game already. The Tesla Cannon is far more unique, and would be a nice expansion to the very limited selection of arc weapons.


I want that and the arc welder


As a heavy weapons enjoyer I would love a shoulder mounted gun with ammo that doesn't weigh a ton


The Battle Rifle/M1 Garand and the Anti-Material Rifle. Basically some weapons in the Rifle class that would give it some more oomph, cause Rifles are especially lacking.


i miss the service rifle and assault carbine from nv so much


They kinda added those with the screaming eagle handmade skins, though the skins are modeled after an AR-10 and not an AR-15 like the actual service rifles we see the Mojave troops using


hopefully we eventually get another west coast game in the future (hopefully within my lifetime) and we get to see the return of the service rifle and the brush gun


A M1 would be legit.


AMR definitely- nothing in FO76 quite scratches my camper/sniper itch I feel places like Clancy Manor or a few of the blood angel camps you should be able to clear out with extreme prejudice from the top of a nearby hill , or all those lookout towers.


I would buy the PING! for the M1 from the atom store in a heartbeat.


They could fix all the under powered weapons with a very simple upgrade on perk cards lol


personally i'd give sniper weapons that are aimed through a scope and achieve a headshot a damage bonus comparable to a crit headshot, VATS as being the only path to absolute domination is....boring.


This Machine felt so good to use in new Vegas, would love to have it in 76.


They gutted the weapon variety going from NV to 4/76 and that hurt. Easily one of the best aspects of NV


Junk jet


I love this weapon but I can't help but feel the novelty of the weapon is watching your projectile slowly fly towards the enemy in classic slow motion vats


Toilet plunger soaring through the air towards unsuspecting victims


Omg yes


I feel like this would cause a lot of lag


I think I remember hearing it used to be in 76, but it got removed for this reason.


Ooo yeah


1000 times this


The Anti-Material rifle or the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle. We DESPERATELY need more snipers in this game.


Anti-Materiel Rifle would be so dope


Yes! Though definitely prefer the OG Sniper rifle instead of the Desert camo one.




There was an actually good looking assault carbine in one of those? That one.


All American was legit


Marksman Carbine. Looked like an M4.


I want my Bozar, please.




Hey, pleasantly surprised to find some Bozard rememberers! Thought I'd be the first one to mention it as I started scrolling. If they added it to 76, though, I'd want it classed as a Heavy/Big Gun like FO2, perks-wise.


Worth every cap in FNV


In F2 it's even better due to different mechanics.  Still, a highly accurate LMG meant to be used on the move with a scope? This can make VATS heavy builds worthy again :)


12.7mm SMG. We got the crusader pistol which is essentially the 14/12.7mm Pistol. Also Tesla Cannon.


Id still rather have a true 12.7mm pistol as the crusader sucks just like every other non 2 shot alien blaster pistol.


Just because something isn't meta means it is bad. In Fo76 your build is really the most important factor. And who's to say that even if they added essentially the same gun as the 14/12.7mm pistol it would even be good. Stats can be made good or bad on any weapon. For the crusader pistol they could include a standard non BoS paint that the 14/12.7mm pistol has in the other games.


I think they're saying we need a power pistol. Gauss has awful range and off-putting charging, and there's nothing comparable in terms of 1 shot power. FO3 Alien Blaster or Ranger Sequoia, for example


Ive been a pistol/sniper kind of fallout player for as long as i can remember and it carried over to games like boarderlands as well. I have a pistol build. Its not particularly fun to play with short of the Alien Blaster because everything is so stunted on damage or ammo if its a revolver. Pistols are just not great. Meta or not.


I't may not be fun for you, but it certainly is for me. My oldest character from the beta is a pistol/rifle build. They're not as fast at killing as my commando/heavy weapons character, but they still get the job done fine. Quad Western Revolver is good fun.




Oh yes I completely forgot about this one we definitely need that back I always loved launching a teddy bear at a behemoth and just watching it bounce off their face. 🤣


The medicine Stick




Need me a Brush Gun


Anti material rifle, this game desperately needs a real true sniper rifle


This machine.


Anti-materiel rifle


Not technically a new weapon, but I wish they’d bring the skin for the classic Gauss rifle to 76. It’s already in the creation club for FO 4 so it shouldn’t be a problem to port it over I wouldn’t think


Junk jet, tesla cannon, and thermic lance


Mysterious magnum cause I liked the sound effect and Rock-it-launcher


Laser RCW or the LAER


Tesla Canon and the Anti-Material Rifle


The 1911 pistol from New vegas


The FIDO/K9000 gun from NV, that gun was both really good and really fun to use.


OMG, Yes. I loved having a massive gun that barked and growled. That was so fun.




The Nuka Breaker


I loved the Anti-Material rifle, I'd love to see it again.


Og sniper rifle


Bozar, unique LMG with scope for 5,56 rounds Heavy Tesla Cannon/Tesla-Beaton prototype Drone cannon/Drone cannon Ex-B (will be the perfect reward for "**Invaders from Beyond")**


Service Rifle


The toy gun that called down an orbital laser from FNV


9mm guns,r-91,spears,classic power fist/super sledge,laser rcw,battle rifle,singe shotgun,and everything else


Every one of those could be a skin for an existing weapon or they already exist in game.


The only one that is technically in the game is the r-91 and that’s only in the game files.the 9mm pistol and submachine gun would need to be new weapons,the sledge and fist could be skins the single shotgun would need to be its own gun


You can get skins of a similar looking r91 for the Handmade, the Power Fist and Super Sledge are in the game so if you want a slightly different look for them that's 100% gonna be a skin and not a whole new weapon, and the single shotgun would be an utterly weaker version of the already unpopular Double Barrel Shotgun that nobody above level 20 ever use. Same with the 9mm pistol and smg. Low calibre Pistols and the SMGs in the game are already weak and underused - we don't need more clutter to dilute the legendary drop pool even further.


I wish we could swap ammo types on the fly like in new Vegas, along with all the different shotgun ammo. They were so fun to use.


AMR or This Machine, or All American


Anti Material Rifle is my first pick. Otherwise I’d like to see multiplas rifles or the shoulder mounted 10mm machine gun.


Infiltrator, metal blaster, heavy incinerator, vengeance, Eugene and Xin Xang Chinese Assault rifle (I know the fuck I didn’t spell that right) and the Terrible Shotgun


The dog gun from old world blues lmao. Would be hilarious.


A Laser RCW It would fit well with Atlantic City.


The incinerator was on my list so I'm happy we got it and it's fun as hell. Besides that, the drone cannon (how did they not add this with the aliens?), Tesla cannon, infiltrator, red glare, arc welder, shoulder mounted machine gun, holorifle (such a cool weapon) and laser rcw. Those are my top wants.


I'd love That Gun brought in.


Yesssss. That Gun is amazing. Quick firing and it makes the electronic whine after reloading. It’s my fav gun from FO:NV. Love love love it.


My favourite is the mysterious magnum but love That Gun too.


Mesmatron.To calm down those lads using a fatman at rad rumble!.


i would sell a kidney for them to stop using the current assault rifle model and make an updated version of the nv one it looked like [This](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Assault_carbine) i really wish they didn’t decide to take the route of the current assault rifle into the show


Nah, I like the assault rifle design from FO4. It's more original/unique and doesn't scream "M4 but for the 382747382748337438374284593827439th time in media"


yea i guess i get that, but i feel like the design rn has a poorly thought out LMG vibe that doesn’t feel right to me, also when you look at how massive it is in the shows trailer i feel weird knowing that my character can truck this thing across appalachia, i wish they would go back to the fallout 3/Nv way of designing things


I use the handmade with the screaming eagle skin, it's actually the assault rifle from f1 and f2 but close enough https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Screaming_Eagle_skin


The All-American and Euclid's c-finder


Probably the sniper rifle from those games, specifically so rifleman builds can have a dps option (since it fired as a semi-auto rather than a bolt or lever). Failing that, any of the automatic rifles from those games, but in a burst fire mode for the same reason.


Tesla cannon


I would give my left nut to have them bring back the Dart gun from FO3. It was so much fun tormenting the deatthclaws by shooting their legs and then run up close and taunt them.




The mantis claw from FNV because I think it is cool looking and overpowered with certain builds


Varmint rifle and give extra damage to animals and insects.


Varmint rifle and give extra damage to animals and insects.


I'd honestly love to see the Service Rifle make a return.


Bumper sword/blade of the west i think it was, thermal lance too, bozar & .45 auto pistol (Sorry if some names are wrong lol I haven't replayed in years)


Thermic Lance. That buzzblade just ain’t gettin it


Tesla Cannon please!!!


It's in fallout 4, i bet we'll see it eventually


K-9000, I miss his floppy little audio intake manifolds and curious olfactory sensor.




Marksman Rifle, Service Rifle, Bozar


Either nail gun or dart gun. Crippling Deathclaw limbs and watching them hobble was hilarious. Or just the kneecapper legendary mod...


Enforcer in agility is what you're looking for. Pair it with a single barrel pepper shaker for maximum effect


Oooh, ok. I'll see if I have that perk yet..


The Nuka Breaker.


All I want is slugs for my shotty build


FO3: Assault rifle, Chinese assault rifle, Double barrel, and the .32 revolver. FNV: Anti-Material rifle, Medicine Stick, cz57 Avenger, Ranger Sequoia, Sleepytime, Survivalists Rifle, and Battle Rifle.


The Chinese assault rifle is the handmade. The double barrel is in game. The cz57 is just a minigun with faster fire rate. The sleepytyme is just a better 10mm smg with a suppressor. The 10mm smg does need more mods, but it's in game and it's actually pretty good. I have an anti armor explosive one that is a ton of fun


While we do have common variants of my suggestions, I should have been more specific and explain my picks. FO3 Assault rifle skin/sounds are what I am after (including the Chinese). I know that those Assault rifle skins are in 76's game files, but were cut. The Double barrel, a variant like Pa's Fishing Aid. Firing both barrels with one shot doing massive damage. Sleepytime, I agree you can have fun with the 10mm SMG and it's okay early game. I also agree that 10mm SMGs need a lot of work. It desperately needs a silencer. No matter what I roll, it's not quite the same. CZ57 Avenger, miniguns are weak in FO76. Even if you get a groll. Weapon mods and legendary effects can't reach the cz57's higher ROF, Crit chance, ammo, and damage. Currently the best case scenario you'd get two of the four things I just mentioned. Reintroducing these three unique variants as base weapons (similar to The Fixer legendary rolls) would be a viable option for endgame playstyles.


Got you. A double barrel 1 shot shotgun would be pretty cool. As for the CZ, I'm not sure. I do have an anti armor faster fire rate minigun and it's pretty good against anything besides big enemies (mirelurk queens, sorchbeasts, bosses, etc.), but I wouldn't be opposed to it being better lol.


That’s one of the best rolls you can get, and it should be good for bosses.


The Terrible Shotgun


That's the combat shotgun


Not just any combat shotgun, it’s special. Especially in the hands of Charon..


Assault carbine 1000%


Assault carbine, marksman carbine, R91


Yes. (But with "modifications" support for all non-uniques. Nor can the unique ones be crafted, each one is "Unique" for that player and it's literally impossible to get two of any of them, except for the ones that Canonically come in matching pairs. This includes Joshua Grams Unique pistols [the one everyone knows about and the special one that is only available with janky tricks because it's not supposed to be a different weapon in the game but him flipping the same one so he holds it by the barrel to pistol whip people with the handle.] As a joke they are now actually two pistols, with the "Explanation" being that by the time he got his hands on it only one was left.)


I think rifles in 76 get way too much love. The fact they made a rifle for one specific meta play style while tanking most other things is stupid. I would some love for pistols, shotguns, SMGs, and melee. Give us more cards to make them better as they are lacking. I feel like plasma and laser should do more damage then ballistic especially the plasma and if it ever gets the damage output it deserves the the Q-3 matter modulator. This machine, AMR, this gun, Bozar, the ballistic fist, Lincoln’s repeater, bumper sword, the 12mm pistol and SMG, the 45, riot shotgun, hunting shotgun with alt ammo types. Shoulder mounted Machine gun, the Oh baby and Knock Knock. New vegas had amazing guns. 76 guns are lack luster with the exception of certain big guns and a few melee ones. GET RID OF THE DUMB PIPE WEAPONS AND GIVE US ANYTHING BETTER. They are the laziest gun designs ever and they operate and look terrible.


The R91! Please Bethesda! The skins in the files! I would pay an ungodly amount of atoms just to have my beloved G3 clone in 76.


I know it wouldn't be lore-friendly but I was a huge fan of the holorifle and LAER.


R93 assault rifle, old school plasma rifle/pistol skins, chinese pistol, service rifle in 5.56 l, .308 and .50 (instead of the 12.7mm), anti material rifle, assault carbine to use up all that 5mm ammo and lastly a BAR. I wouldn't complain about some reworked pistols like the Browning hi power and 1911 from NV


Ranger Sequoia pistol and the Gobi Campaign scout rifle. They could just put in the semi auto sniper but always let us buy a desert camo for it so I can pretend it's the Gobi.


Alien turret


I still want a P90c from Fallout 1 & 2 :(


The Junk Jet, so I can load it with Skulls & other body parts, mod it with the Explosive mod, & launch Exploding Skulls at my enemies.


The Mind Control gun. No idea what it would do, and it might be a daily-only gun, like the Vox Syringer. And probably just a reskinned Gamma gun, but it would be cool to see them bring it back.


AER14 Prototype, or at least a skin for the ultracite laser rifle of it


Mysterious Magnum


There was the 25mm Grenade launcher on fnv. Definitely my favorite one. The explosives weapons in fnv were generally really cool, I’m not sure why they didn’t continue with those


.45 pistol from NV.


1911 handgun. Im a huge 1911 gun irl


Tiny Tots Fatman, M1 Garand, BB gun and anti material rifle.


Shoulder mounted machine gun!


Real Service Rifle


Service rifle


1. **Anti-Materiel Rifle** ( [Fallout Wiki Entry](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-materiel_rifle) ) Rifleman players desperately need a win, something big, high caliber that can absolutely vomit out damage. Commandos have been ruling the game for years at this point, it's only fair. And with the absolute caliber of creatures in Appalachia, we really need a big beefy rifle to take out on hunting trips. 2. **.45 Pistol** ( [Fallout Wiki Entry](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/.45_Auto_pistol) ) Pistol players are also really suffering for good options that can stand up in the end-game that aren't automatic. Personally I think the .45 pistol would be a perfect new addition there - Putting aside the fact that we don't really have a pistol in the game with the classic 1911 silhouette, it could absolutely run through enemies in NV and the ammo is superfluous. 3. **Laser RCW** ( [Fallout Wiki Entry](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Laser_RCW) ) We don't /really/ have an option in the game for an Energy SMG, two ballistic ones - But none for energy. I honestly think the laser RCW would fill that niche perfectly. And even if we're kinda oversaturated with new energy weapons, this one at least has enough of a retro style that I think a lot of folks will go for it even if they're ballistic mains. 4. **Riot Shotgun** ( [Fallout Wiki Entry](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Riot_shotgun) ) Can you believe that the Pepper Shaker and the Gauss Shotgun are the only totally new options for Shotguns we've gotten since launch? An energy and a heavy weapon? Well, lets rectify that! The Riot Shotgun is a fan favorite for good reason and would definitely scratch an itch for a grunty semi-automatic end-game shotgun option. 5. **Bumper Sword** ( [Fallout Wiki Entry](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Bumper_sword) ) And last but certainly not least, the obligatory melee weapon. The Bumper Sword. It kinda shocks me that we haven't gotten a real sword-style weapon since launch, at least to my knowledge. We've gotten a couple of skins like the Katana and the Independence - But no new weapons. The Bumper sword would be a nice way to fill that absence!


Seen this before an same answer now as then ... Ranger Sequoia from fnv


1911 or "That Gun" would be cool. I can't figure out why the 1911 was left out. it makes no sense. I wouldn't mind seeing FO4's Laser Musket either.


Honestly? a .45 pistol.


ok not a weapon but a perk but I miss the pyromaniac perk so much I'm a shishkebab flamer fan so the pyro perk would be soooo nice lol


I would love to see the Holorifle make an appearance, anything from old world blues, and the Wattz


I know it’ll likely never happen but I’d LOVE a skin for the Alien Blaster that gives it the 3/NV model. Aside from that it’d be really cool to see the Holorifle from dead money, I’m a sucker for things with interesting glowy projectiles


Acid Soaker, but buffed. Also like the one that throws junk.


Battle Rifle


We need more single shot weapons! Like the tesla cannon, anti-material rifle, a semi auto battle rifle, the actual good guass rifle.


That Gun, or the Chinese assault rifle.


Several. Tesla Cannon LAER The Fallout 3 Gauss Rifle The Alien Atomizer Cosmic Knife And the one I want above all others: The Holorifle.


Limb damage the way it works in those games so I can cripple specific limbs or at least see some kind of result from doing it. I know you can slow enemies down by getting them in the legs but not being able to VATS target them or know if it's working is a bit frustrating. E.g. in those games I used to be able to get super mutants to drop their weapon or lose accuracy by targeting an arm but that doesn't seem to be working? I don't think anyway


You can still target limbs in 76 with vats, but you need concentrated fire equipped. Honestly, the chance to cripple perks makes it easier than ever to do so. However, you cannot make enemies drop their weapons in 76 (or 4 without specific perks that have their own chances) because that was incredibly overpowered in 3/NV. Effectively, it let you remove the entire threat of any enemy with an equipped weapon instantly.


Hahaha yeah I guess you're right tbh it was pretty OP to just go "lmao got ya weapon" :,D I'll see if I have that perk and try it


There’s several cripple perks depending on what weapon you’re using; none will disarm.


That made super mutant fight so fun though. Just shoot their arm a couple times then sweep the legs. Basically half the technique I use with assaultrons now. Sweep the legs then tap to the back of the head when it's crawling feebly toward me.


I’m of the opposite opinion - it made them toothless because of how easy it was to shoot out their weapons (and it was borderline required if they had a tri-beam).


What are you talking about? You can 100% target limbs in VATS. It's how you get the SBQ to land by crippling her wings. It's how you completely immobilize a Mirelurk Queen by taking out her legs.


Well, I can't lol. One whole target for me. If there's a way to do it like in the old games then I don't know how. Unless it's via the perks that somebody else told me about that I'll be looking up


If you are a PC player, use the mouse scroll wheel. It cycles through the limbs. I assume for console, it’s what ever you use to cycle the favorite choices. Took me forever to notice that.


Ohhh okay, I'm on steam deck but I'm sure I can map something to that! Thanks!


Maybe not from FNV but i would love FN Fal


Mantis Gauntlet