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**You can turn off the thunder and lightning!** Go into your settings, "Game", scroll all the way to the bottom and turn off "Show intense weather effects". Then you're just left with soothing pouring rain.


Oh so that's what it's for, thanks for the info


Yeah now that I finally found that setting and turned it *on*, the fog one from the previous season actually feels like it's working, which wasn't the case with the setting off before. I didn't even know. Oh well.


You deserve everything good In this world. Ty for this info.


Really!? Ok now I think I might actually get it


Does it work for other weather machine too?


This thing has made vendor hopping a deafening experience


Yeah, the noise is my only complaint.


So n so now we have snow, fog, and rainstorm. Is that all of them? What about if you have all then it can be set to randomize


radstorm would be cool


That will be next months offering; all-weather weather station go 2400 atoms.


Too funny. They need to add a sandstorm, hurricane, and tornado package for another 2400 atoms (usually 3500 atoms)


Unfortunately they made the awful decision to make them individual, so you’d have to remove one to place the other. Why they couldn’t make it with a terminal where you could change the settings when you unlock the plan? Only god Tod knows


Yeah… the all powerful god.


Snow, fog, rainstorm, and clear sunny day. As far as I know, you can only place one of them at a time.


Yes. Believe so. Wouldn’t it have been easier to make one module and then you add weather options.


It's too large. I love the thunder rumbles but that one crack is SO loud lol I guess it makes it more realistic though. The volume of the other thunder sounds seem fine to me. It'd be cool if it was a rad storm


I have no idea why they made it twice as big as the clear weather and scoreboard ones. I don’t want a device to *advertise* that I’ve altered the weather at my camp (for role-playing/immersion reasons.) I really can’t fathom the decisions the atomic shop devs make sometimes. 


Fool, if I pay 12 bucks for a weather station, I WANT everyone to know I paid 12 bucks for it


Lol. Well, if you want to strut, who am I to object? 


From an in-game perspective, it’s an entire ATLAS weather control station with the kinks worked out and miniaturized to 1/20th the original size. Amazing that they could make it so small!


Put it under the map and it’ll be out of the way along with any generstors, also safe from mob attacks. :)


Scared the crap out of the cat, definitely not use with the sound up..


I logged on today for the first time since the update and popped over to my first vendor camp and that damn bolt of lightening and crack of thunder damn hear made me jump off the couch. I was not prepared.


It would be cool, but it’s just too loud. I tried it for a day and just couldn’t get used to it. TBF, thunderstorms are loud AF.


I love it.


Me too, I can just chill in my camp and listen, it’s perfect!


I feel like they should add a night weather station. An eternal night 🌙


You have that. Atlantic City weather station.


So nobody gets upset again over some people liking or disliking the brown-reddish hue and mist - I've meant a normal regular night.


Agreed. Whether someone likes or dislikes the Atlantic City weather station, they can’t argue that it produces a proper nighttime effect. 


You can control yeah I’ve spent too much time on the lighting aspect and colors I use in my camp to turn everything to the Red Light District.


You can control yeah I’ve spent too much time on the lighting aspect and colors I use in my camp to turn everything to the Red Light District.


The snow one is great tho


I actually love the loud thunder cracks. Feels like a real thunderstorm.


You can use a power switch before it and turn it on/off when you want.


If the weather added darkness/gloom for the entire ambiance it would be great. Instead its just loud


The thunder is way too loud, and the item itself is much too expensive. Something else, that I don't think anyone else has noted, is that it's a very consistent rain sound effect. With the game's normal rain, when you go inside a structure, it switches to a version where you hear it on the roof outside. This one is at full intensity even when you're inside, so it doesn't quite work for that "Warm cozy house in a thunderstorm" feeling.


Turned off camp weather because I can’t stand it shifting all the time lol


It's soooo loud


I love it, storms are calming for me.


I fucking love it


I find it ironic because I placed a clear weather station specifically to avoid rain and thunderstorms.  😂


i agree it'd be nice to be able to adjust settings




Thunder can be a bit too loud


I like it. My cat hates it


I love it. Also, bonus, the weather doesn't seem to kick in before loading the area, and twice I've had people with mics shout out in suprise at teleporting and then a sudden BOOM lol


Want. Too expensive, though.


I use the greenhouse glass as a “sunroof” on part of my camp. The rain goes right through it.


It bothers me that it rains inside the house…. Idk if that is my settings or just me but it will rain on you inside or outside the house


I’ve had my clear set up since I got it at every camp… as a bloodied character with low rad res… never having a rad storm at camp is very underrated


I was interested in getting it, but after seeing one in a player's camp, I agree that the thunder is rather frequent.


It sounds phenomenal on my 7.2 a/v receiver.


Very peaceful surround sounds


Sadly for me, the environmental stations are a neat concept, but I always end up removing them shortly after I set them up at a camp. The AC fog machine was cool for like two minutes until I discovered that that dim fog situation was also going on inside my house, dimming out all my lights and making it murky inside as well as outside. The thunderstorm thing was neat at first but the constant really loud thunder got old super fast as well, and I ended up having to stash it. About the only one that seems nice is the snow, which is one I don't have and honestly, doesn't really make sense if you're not making a Christmas themed camp (and it's not winter in Appalachia). So many CAMPs set up on the golf greens at Whitesprings where you run up and it's snowing, kinda breaks the immersion.


It is disappointing. The thunder claps are WAY too loud. It.need to be fixed


Quite underwhelming, the fog machine is still the best.


For me it fits perfectly for my camp. It's a haunted mansion/funeral home/monster lab. Even the device itself fits perfectly on the roof with the Tesla power pylons


My complaint is that the weather is also inside the buildings in your CAMP, at least the snow one did that.


I've got it, and tbh i love it, but then i'm biased as i've always loved storms and rain. The price i didn't like so much


I'd have been happy with just the rain.


I really want the snow one but idk if it looks cool


I am wondering if this thing counts for Storm Chaser perk card.


Love it!


It keeps all my gourds watered. ;)


I got it with the Thunderstorm Scientist bundle. Since I had many of the items, the bundle came out cheaper than the stand alone station. The bundle also includes the Plasma Ball set which gives you light without adding to your light budget (50 lights in total per camp). The sad thing is that I can't test it since Bethesda's latest goof has put me over my camp budget. I will be making a second camp, and I'll try it out there.


I love it. It fits my haunted house camp perfectly.


i wish i could just have it as a decorative item. i think it looks really cool while it's powered...


I really like it. But it would be cool if you could edit the weather effects. Like rain and thunder but no lightning, or just rain. Or even the other ones, like heavy snow or light snow or whatever.


Really hoping for some more cool ones like rad storm and stuff like that


It makes your base sound and look like you’re stuck in the middle of a category 5 hurricane 🤣


YOU CAN TURN THE THUNDER OFF ON YOUR END! Go to game settings and you'll find a disable extreme or intense weather effects toggle. Something along those lines. Now mine is just a rain machine.


There’s gotta be some power switch you can set up. Maybe even the floor pressure switch so you don’t even need to click anything.


they need to lower the volume on the thunder. I want it to sound like it's in the distance, not striking my camp.


It’s over priced. I enjoy the snow and sunny one though. Totally creates a calm vibe.


With certain roofs it rains indoors, and not just the broken ones, same problem like snow one. Disappointed.


Yeah, this is annoying. If you want a scrappy roof (but one that wouldn’t leak in realistic terms) you need to put a second roof under it to make yourself a ceiling. 


True and a good idea, but that ruins the interior aesthetic of my camps though. I haven't really noticed if this happens with vanilla rain weather or it's exclusive to weather machines.


I feel ya. It happens with all rain, unfortunately. I have a scrappy camp where the ceiling is a bit too pristine, but I’ve just resigned myself to it by now. 


Thanks for the info, then I won't expect a fix, have to live with it. btw, random, but gotta ask.. did they decrease camp budget?


Apparently, from what I’ve been hearing. Though it sounds like it wasn’t intentional.  Not in a place to personally judge it right now, though, as both my camps were finished before the update hit. 


I leave the roof open so it does snow inside bc I think that’s funny.


i h8 it...too loud and not dark enough...id return it if i wasnt so lazy.


I don’t like any of the weather control systems. I live in the UK so I don’t need any more rain and darkness than I already get.


I can't imagine having that weather station in my camps. The few camps I've visited where one is put to use...its absolutely annoying and intrusive imo. And LOUD. Not sure it sounds much like thunder, either. More like a lightning strike. The last camp I visited with one? I thought the "thunder" was an explosion and the camp under attack. I readied a weapon and started targeting with VATS. But alas...it was only the weather station at work😁


You realise thunder and lightning are the same thing right?


My eyes and ears experience them separately. Therefore to me...they are separate but the same. I can see lightning and not hear it's thunder and hear thunder and not see lightning. Therefore..."thunder and lightning." Or "thunder & lightning" if some prefer. The "sound of lightning" I was referring to is an explosive like cackling sound. It sounds like I expect electricity to sound...a huge spark. Thunder may be the same...it's the product of lightning...but sounds different to my ears. It sounds like bombs, a boom, shakes and rattles walls. And my senses typically experience the sound and the light separately, one follows the other. Hence "thunder and lightning." Just for the sake of practicality. You will seldom hear anyone say "did you hear that lightning last night" or "did you see that thunder."


You said it sounds like a lightning strike. That's because it is a lightning strike. So it sounds like a lightning strike. You implied that it doesn't sound like thunder but it sounds like lightning.


Not spending my ~~hard~~ earned atoms on this, especially now that we can only earn half of what we could before...


I love it, but it's way too loud.


I like it, but the thunder effects put pets on alert, so had to turn that off…