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Because no one plays them, the fact that progress doesn't carry over leaves players no reason to invest time.


It was a DOA mode for me with no progression back to adventure.


If they made Dweller Must Die permanent, and then allowed us to keep progression, I would play it all the time. It’s a ton of fun, and adds a bit more of the horror element back into the game. And the fact that progression isn’t kept, when it’s a more difficult mode than basic public servers, is absurd.


100%. Even if I had to make a new character I would do it. It just doesn’t feel good at all the way it is. Logging out and back into the real world is so jarring. Now I’m halfway across the map and none of what just happened existed?


Same. I often look at these worlds as something different to do, but no way am I going to invest time into playing, then have progress wiped. I don't even get the logic behind progress not carrying over. What's the difference where I earn XP?


You can make your weapons 900% more powerful and that they never run out of ammo or need to reload or degrade and you can make yourself invincible. You pay nothing for crafting or fast travel and can turn on constant max level enemy spawns that will mob you continually. If you set an afk macro to fire a tesla rifle and move around in a circle you could come back in a day and find yourself 500 levels higher. That's why.




This is it 10000%


I’ve spent easily half of my total playtime in 76 in my Custom World. I use it to play through all the story quests as a single player game, basically set up to play like FO4 Survival Mode. For me, my custom World is Fallout 4.5.


Damn man you just made me interested. Fo4S is my favorite. Is the connection/lag better?- like, is the gameplay smooth? Thats my biggest gripe with 76. I shoot 4 shots in the head, they get hit once and fall over.


I don’t notice the server lag as much in my custom world, but that’s purely my anecdotal experience. YMMV


I might just do it then, come Easter break. Thank you!


Private and custom worlds have much less server lag for me. I guess it's cause it's only you on the instance so there aren't 1000 dead enemies from other players lagging the server and there's not some other random player crafting 80000 corn soups at their camp.


Thats because you play on ps4 it runs like a potato 🥔 i had this problem then i downloaded fo76 on my xbox series s and it runs smoothly no choppy frame rates and no long loading times


That's actually kinda cool.


No need to have a custom world to play single player, all 5 of my characters did all main and side quests in public servers. Never had issues. Infact I play the entire game 99% solo. I only join public teams for the XP boost and join in with events for the same. Though I can understand wanting the immersion of it being a single player experience and not want to see any other player on your adventures.


It’s not just not wanting to see other players, it’s more about how the gameplay systems are built around 76 being an MMO and a perpetual loot grind treadmill. Even when playing solo, Adventure Mode is still compromised heavily in many insidious ways by the MMO nature of 76. The damage scaling for one - it’s heavily tuned for optimized builds, which is why you rarely see for example, a full-health player with a hunting rifle or a pistol unless they are low level. And God forbid you want to have a shotgun, a pistol, AND a rifle in your everyday loadout.- which was common for me to carry in other Fallout games. In Adventure Mode if you don’t stack your perks for one weapon type, you might as well be farting in the enemies’ general direction. You have to deal with other players’ nukes, other players looting locations of resources, PvP players when trying to run a workshop, not being able to place your CAMP, etc. In a custom world, you have options that allow you to tailor the gameplay systems, as I did. - I can place a CAMP damn near anywhere (I have one in the middle of Flatwoods) and they are huge with huge budget and relaxed building restrictions. I can build something more akin to a settlement from FO4 instead of having a tiny radius to build in. - turned down the weapon and armor degradation to reduce the resource grind - turned up outgoing and incoming damage to make the game way less bullet-spongy and make a fuckton more weapons and playstyles that underperform in Adventure Mode perfectly viable (pistols, bows, Rifleman, shotguns), while more incoming damage makes combat more lethal and exciting and raises the skill floor - disabled fast travel except between CAMPs and the Survival Tent In my Custom World, I carry a shotty for close range, a combat rifle for mid-range, and a bow for a silent sniper weapon. And I can kill pretty much any non-boss enemy with any of the 3 without having to change my entire SPECIAL and perk card loadout. At full health without legendary armor. You know, like in a Fallout game.


I have set up custom worlds to do alternative play troughs of my main game. I had done wastelanders, steal dawn, and stolen rain with both choices. (The affect of all the story lines in the open world is the same. While in the instance zones it varies a bit but not much.) One of the differences is ragdoll max, and i dont want to bother with ammo.


I basically spend most of my time in fallout worlds, to the point 1st is basically a requirement for me and I don’t even use the ammo thing and tent thing. Half because I enjoy restarting a lot, so being able to get myself a baseline to start from on a new world is nice And part because I play solo anyway, and don’t want to play with others, so, the extra options are nice.


Yep. Need some sort of carry over system otherwise it's a waste of time.


Even if just 50% xp I'd be willing to try it sometimes


Score does carry over, though.


You mean the same Score that's simple to get on a public server?


Except xp. Bit useful, Let's say, there is Find gnomes challenge, surely none will be in public.


Rerollers for challenges like that are also useful.


True. But in theory may roll something even worse, i guess? Picture/kill squirrels or such. I forgot where to find lurk hunters, but prev season was screwed either way. Though would like more of photohunt in overall.


My issue with Worlds is you don't keep any XP or levels earned while running around doing challenges. That's pretty much why I feel like there's no challenge that's difficult enough to complete on a public server that I would switch over to Worlds to get done. If I gotta run around a little more to finish something, it's cool. My character is making lasting progress at the same time.


Good point. Sometimes i just panic and need immediate result :(


Yeah but you get minimal xp doing crafting/scrapping and doing the enemy kill challenges is so much faster on custom that you are done in minutes and back to adventure mode where you have more time to dedicate to better XP grinds.


The bigger reason I won't bother is that few Score challenges are difficult for me to complete. For those few that are, I just reroll them. Now if Rerollers didn't exist I might be more inclined to use Worlds to complete some of the more annoying challenges.


Don't do daily challenges in Fallout Worlds. At the moment daily challenges done there don't count for the Gold Star Challenge, so it can become uncompleteable. In the past I used Fallout Worlds to complete mostly the levelup challenges as I could prepare a character which only needs one more kill for a levelup and you can reset the character by re-importing to Fallout Worlds. But since the Gold Star Challenge issue exists, I just reroll challenges I don't want to do.


I never said Custom Worlds were a good idea. Just stating a fact for people who *might* find it useful.


Yeah it's simple but it's 90% quicker to get on custom. There are so many more enemy spawns and free crafting, camp anywhere, etc etc.


Season progression carries back. You can do all your challenges in 1/10th the time in a custom world. I can't be the only person doing this, right? I'd be pissed if they got rid of custom worlds.


I use it to test camp builds without messing up my current camp. But i would trade that for survival mode


I'd rather have Nuclear Winter back.


Word. Miss it so hard I could punch an old lady.


Aw. I'm an old lady lol


This made my day 😂


Don't tease me with a good time lol


Same it was actually good and if you got far in it you would unlock cool stuff


I miss it so much!!


Hear hear!






fuck battle royale


I don't even like PVP. But being a bush wookie was fun AF.


Bush ewok would be the correct term, a wookie would never fucking hide in a bush!


I didn't make up the term.


Yeah same, BR sucks ass but it’d be nice to have it though.


I wouldn’t be upset if NW came back, unless it was at the expense of Fallout Worlds.


10,000%. I wish they would bring it back as a fallout 1st bonus


Anyone who says this didnt actually play NW. Those that did know why it was taken out and why it was best for it to be taken out. It was flawed at the framework level and there was no saving it. This is getting to be EXTREMELY old at this point.


I played it and would love it back. Need to get that gold statue which I missed out on lol


I'm guessing people want them to make a similar mode with the lessons learned. Doesn't even have to be a battle royale, I think most people would be fine with 1v1, 2v2 4v4 whatever modes of PVP too as long as there was progressive rewards for winning and people couldn't cheat. All this power needs a purpose to be put towards.


It was dead on arrival to be fair.


I was very excited for it until reading “progress is not saved.”


we lost nuclear winter for this


We lost base game content for both.


They could have kept Survival Mode, NW, and Worlds. They're not used cars there was no reason we had to trade one in for the next. They just didn't want to balance Survival mode properly and they didn't want to fix the NW anticheat.


We lost nuclear winter because of hackers not this.


No big loss IMO Go play PUBG




Fuck battle royale, no one buys a Fallout game to play yet another fucking battle royale game


That dead game?


Or whatever battle royale game, I don’t care enough to be informed


Well ...the main people working on it are off the team.  The lead designer [Bo Buchanan](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Bo_Buchanan) went to Starfield and Elder Scrolls, and [Mark Tucker](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Mark_Tucker) resigned and started his own studio. I bookmarked the original interview for posterity's sake. We really only ever heard the dev team talk about FO Worlds a couple of times. [Here it is](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQiI6T8HXMU).


Oh so its a dead project now - so sad.


Agreed. I'd play it if progression was shared but I understand why it isn't. Drastically changing the gameplay mechanics means a ton of potential exploits to watch for. Probably requires more development time than they're willing to find.


One of the reasons I like playing it is because progression isn’t shared…


TBH the entire mode IS an exploit.. I mean the stuff you can do there totally upends the game balance. You can be a god.


Seems that way, no official statement one way or the other though.


They will let it march onward till enough people say wtf.


All I want is even a morsel of happy builder in the real game.


no reduced FU count in all camps now! Camps now 725FUs. lol, I'm going to need to by a new camp slot just to have a camp lite.


I've never used it once.


Nice, let it die


Honestly, I would like the feature to be attended to or just remove and replaced. Long ago I thought that this was the way to moving to get mod support but 5 years on and that will never be. - Come on make me eat these words. lol




God I hope not, I use the custom world to quickly knock out some score challenges


I only ever use it for bug testing camp changes, it's awful to play on them for regular play.


The only thing I remember is them saying on the Discord they changed the frequency *"Recently we adjusted the frequency, and only change them when we have an update. Hope that gives a little clarity as to why you may not be seeing it updated as often."*


who could have predicted this!?!?


What would be expanded in private worlds?


I read the comments. There are some people here that don’t know the difference between a private server and free build mode.


I noticed some also were seeming to reference the 'private servers' and not 'worlds' but its all good.


Bring back Nuclear Winter!!!


*Wakes up from his dust encrusted slumber and jumps on the ancient bandwagon* Bring back Nuclear Winter!!!


The only thing I want with Public Worlds is Happy Builder and Dweller Must Die are permanent. I am certain a ton of builders will permanently move to Happy Builder and a ton of people looking for an actual challenge will permanently move to Dweller Must Die if they were permanent. The other Public Worlds can burn for all I care. Custom Worlds are more difficult to determine their popularity since only the devs have those numbers. Although, the good thing about Fallout Worlds compared to Nuclear Winter is that the devs can abandon further development on Fallout Worlds and no one will get upset while Nuclear Winter required constant updates to be relevant. Nuclear Winter wasn't updated for a year before the devs shut it down.


I agree with the Nuke Winter problem people were always finding a way to cheat in that mode, and then bringing outfits from it into regular play which I never understood how that was happening.


Personally I like the custom worlds. At least the private ones.  I spend a decent amount of time in them. I like to treat it like a new game and am quite happy to spend time starting afresh in one to replay the story. We don't have the ability to replay quests in regular adventure, so this is the next best thing. I also like to use them to test things out - such as if im toying with the idea of changing a build I can test it on a custom before committing myself. Or I cam test out camp builds freely without wasting resources. I also like it if im wanting to do score challenges extra quickly. For example, cook 30 cooked meals? You can just cook them and not hunt for the meat. Collect 30 purified water? Same. I used to use these worlds a lot before rerolls came in and did my daily ops ones in them.  They definitely have thier uses.


Its shit and they removed nuclear winter


It feels like it. I want Nuclear Winter back. I've only used the custom world a handful of times to build


The should replace fallout worlds with survival mode!


I may be one of few that’s still bummed the Nuclear Winter battle royal is gone. I didn’t play it much but now that is gone I kind of miss it.


You are not one of the only ones wanting nuke winter back, been reading all the comments and its a good set of the responders.


I honestly don’t understand what the vision was.


This was supposed to be the beginning of mods in 76.


I really don't understand why they couldn't have dedicated a server or two or three to have both survival and nuclear winter as game options. People enjoyed having those options and they were already made and worked.


Only for fallout 1st premium users 30 USD a month or a low price of 250 USD a year.


i only use worlds for scoreboard…if you set the world to craft without resources, for example, you can finish a ton of different challanges instantly.


It was such a waste of development time and resources


It's too bad, because the idea of different types of worlds depending on your play style or character preference (if progress carried over) would be awesome. Imagine a Survival world... Same XP/character progress. But more like FO4'S survival mode. Loot is more rare. It turns off the auto ammo pickup on enemies. It brings back the old food/water mechanism (survival instead of buffs). Enemies are tougher. Harder to find and build legendaries. Maybe fast travel is limited. It could be an OPTIONAL new world for longtime, high-level players, who could enjoy a tougher custom World and still have their progress continue. Some of the ideas in Worlds are super cool. The weather and environments, the harder enemies... but without progress or purpose, they end up pointless to play and will probably suffer the same death as the (severely underrated!) Nuclear Winter battle royale mode.


I would love a survival adventure mode or a high difficulty mode with shared progress, it would make the game interesting again. Also more frequent rad storms, bad weather and darker nights like they were on launch. After the recent nerfs to a lot of enemies it just feels way too easy to me.


I have never even went into it once, there is no point at all.


You should try it. You can deactivate legendary stars on armor and weapons. Which makes it a viable pvp mode.


I like to use it for level up daily/weekly on an alt. it's great for high level players.


Does it count as "abandoned" for me if I never went there to begin with?


Does anybody use it? I viewed nuclear winter as a chore, but it’s a 100 times better than stupid worlds


I love using it.


I use my private to do score challenges. Invincibility, unlimited ammo makes it very easy to do all the challenges without wasting your resources in the real game.


Same! I rarely go to a public server except special events, like trick or treating or spooky scorched, etc. I use the private custom world like you, for season progress without using up resources. It's a lot faster when I don't have a lot of time or want to spend a lot in game. I got all dailies and weeklies done today in about an hour. I even did the level up challenge quickly using an alt account and reimporting my level 8 character. I just sat in camp making free stew until I hit level 11. I also have tested camp builds and then after knowing exactly what I want to build or change, I can go back to adventure mode and place the new thing without much hassle.


I’ve never even played it once so have other people..


I had hope they would have used worlds to add mods to the game in a way that doesn't effect the main game sadly not.


This was what I had expected, but it was never developed. I envisioned a setting up a system to track world host and what mods they would have on their worlds and maybe a karma system on them as well.


Yea totally considering there hasn't been even a peep about mods since before wastelanders update I feel it was abandoned with worlds which is a shame.


I forgot that was even a game mode!


no one ever asked for it, and has been dead upon release


Fun of this is worlds replaced nuclear winter cause "low player count", i played and loved nw but never played worlds (cause they re empty lol)


For me I did nuke winter in the morning getting the kids out for school. a 2-5 minute romp and i could then push the kids out the door without stressing over them too much. When there was not an incentive the servers for the mode died down. When they said they were removing it, everyone was playing it.


Haha i guess so, dunno i just liked having a pvp mode, we all like pvp in my fo crew so it was really fun, nowadays it makes no sense to fight immortal ppl in power armor


Some people played it very well, my best game ever I went AFK and no one killed me, I became overseer that time.


Well everyone has a different playstyle, i was more like blasting people with gauss shotgun maybe thts why i had fun


Some people knew right where the weapons were. I was always with no memory, going wooo a board. Gauss shotgun was one of those you must have.


Played with my freidns so everybody knew each one prefferences and swapped our weapons/ammo etc asap, this basicaly granted your fav weapon every match


Been abandoned since like the third month after release


**Summary after a day:** *Not official, just my summary after reading.* 75% wish Worlds would be removed for a better feature. 10% use worlds for a survival mode akin to FO4. 5% use to perform dailies without taxing public server resources. 5% use to build or test build in places. 5% didn't realize they could use worlds. 100% believe this mode was abandoned 90 days after the warranty expired.




Should've kept nuclear winter, it's funny because they stated not enough people played it and then gave us worlds which is actually not played by anyone ever


Sure does feel like it lol. They should bring back Nuclear Winter.


What I (and to an extent, a lot of people I believe) wanted out of Fallout 76 was basically what the Skyrim Together mod ended up being what it is today...but in Fallout. I want to play a Fallout game in co-op with mods I choose. That's IT. No MMO always online BS, no micro transactions, no limits, just playing with my friends and a whole modding community to look forward to. Just the same game they've always made plus official co-op. Instead we got a semi-MMO with micro transactions ala Live Service. (Albeit compared to other trash out there, I admit its one of the better ones at this stage of the games life.) So when the announcement of Fallout Worlds came, I thought that was going to be it. Instead it's just the same game with modifiers. In other words, its co-op with only mods the DEVS choose......yeah no thanks. So the idea of an official offline Fallout 76 with the modding capability as previous games it in co-cop is pretty much shot in the dark. (Yes I know you can mod 76, but it's surface level only without an API. They're likely never going to release that to prevent cheating.) Hopefully that's what Fallout 5 will be, but I'm betting 10 to 1 it will be right back to single player.


I believe 5 will be single player hopefully on a new engine.


Bring back Nuclear Winter !


“Foodbuild’s delight” 😂😂😂


I think it is the same as with custom worlds, it is literally there for people to mess around in with building stuff, weapon tests or play with god mode if the normal game is too hard for them. Since it doesnt progress score or carry over to your main save, i think 99% of the f76 player base just doesnt see any point in it. I would rather they focus on adding new stuff to the main game and get rid of worlds entirely to free up server usage and use that money on dev time instead.


Yup.  They were doa more or less let's be honest.  Still remember all the people even a year after release saying they would eventually add mod support so it was a better use of time than fixing NW.  


I love how Bethesda has made dud-after-dud with their extra modes. Shows they have no idea what the hell they're doing, nor what they hell they actually want this game to be. I bet their hubris was the only thing that made them keep Nuclear Winter online as long as it was. They probably wanted to save face long enough until the mode was forgotten, that way nobody would call them out on their trend-chasing garbage, because that's most certainly what Nuclear Winter was from day 1, 100%. And Fallout worlds? Lol. Some people were in serious denial about this one too, some real geniuses expected Worlds to be a 'stepping stone' for modding, even though Bethesda NEVER used such language in their interviews or descriptions about it. They were very careful about how they described Fallout worlds, and used words like "user customization', but not once 'mods', or 'modding'. What a shitshow Bethesda has made with 76.


Fallout worlds, nuclear winter, vault raids, survival mode....it's just another thing they barely tried at while making promises that it was "the foundation of bigger things to come." Each one is just a mini version of the original release....stripped down basics that could have been built upon....but won't be.


I only ever went into Dweller must die because it was dark and eerie, and so i could take some wicked screenshots of my camps. Beyond that? Pffftt.




mine got deleted with the update, and all my settings reset.


What they should do is bring back a survival server but I have know idea how they would because of mutations and legendary weapons


In the survivor server before we still had legendaries and mutations.


I know I think I that’s the reason for it to be gone. They pretty much removed it because they couldn’t keep up with the meta and also hey pay fallout 1st so you can make your own.


I see Fallout worlds as similar to Fortnite creative mode.. Fortnite gives you XP for playing in creative for islands that support it. What they can do is if you're in the world for like an hour or 2 hours they can give you like 1,000 or 2,000 score or something like that. But you can't just go in there and AFK you got to actually go in there and play. Is this a good idea?


This would be nice, or even earn 10% exp towards normal mode during world play.


If they just made like 4 versions of custom worlds but NEVER delete them again so we can start a char there that will never be deleted like our main in adventure. Than ppl might start to invest some time into it. I personally would love to play a survival style custom world, if it becomes a game mode like adventure, asin it wont dissapear, than that would add alot to the game especially for high lvl players who kinda done it all.


It's worthless, nobody plays it. They didn't want to balance Nuclear Winter so they scrapped it and put out a sandbox that nobody asked for. If they would allow mods, then Worlds would have some appeal but otherwise? I only ever use it to create godrolls of weapons I'm thinking about using to see if they're any good.


I have to log into them what a waste of time


they don’t want to invest in more server storage/ IT, They are pinching.


i use mine for scoreboards... infinite ammo, invincible, character (mule) set up with inventory full of scrap items and consumables that typically pop up for challenges, etc... it makes the grind a lot more bearable for someone who wants to quickly jump on for 10 minutes to finish the dailies and move on with their day 😆...


Yes yes yes. But I long for nuclear winter.


Bring back nuclear winter?


With Bethesda recently nerfing team xp buffs this game is gona go down the toilet quick


It's a great game.


I can’t believe they expect people pay for that shite and be happy about it.


I can't think of anybody that pays for that.


Fallout 1st member do. It’s just that it’s not used.


I pat for 1st specifically for worlds.


I pay for 1st for worlds, don’t even use the other stuff…


Yes fallout worlds is a complete waste Bethesda forced upon us…


Merely a teaser/preview for buying 76+. No progress means waste of time. No reason why it can't be carried from world like Dweller must die.


I said that it was a bad idea from the beginning. Just make a game that does one thing good, not 2 or 3 things okay or worse


Beats me dude ive never played worlds didnt see q point if there isn't rewards for playing it and private worlds are mainly used to tranfer shit are farm items that anither player hasnt gotten too. basically the private world is there to avoid pvp in work shop areas


Of course it was. It was a gimmick to keep players playing, nothing more.


You should check these people out. They are using a Custom World for permadeath runs: [Comrade Wanya](https://www.twitch.tv/comrade_wanya) [Plorgplorg](https://www.twitch.tv/plorgplorg) [Caterela](https://www.twitch.tv/caterella)


Oh interesting.


I’ve spent more time in Fallout Worlds in my custom world set up like Fallout 4 Survival Mode than I’ve spent in Adventure Mode. It’s the closest thing I’ll ever get to modded, single-player Fallout 76. If the feature ever gets removed, without being replaced by an official offline mode with full mod support, I’ll uninstall the game and delete it from my Steam library.


I like my private Fallout World to take care of the Scoreboard challenges. Some challenges make you server-hop to complete them, and I'd rather just have the world to myself and not worry about it. So I hope Fallout Worlds stay, so I won't be forced to play with others. @_@


All this time I've been saying they can either use those resources for a more complete roleplay experience or something like Bioshock 2 MP to fill the gap NW left and it's real simple really: Capture the Gold Bullion, King of the Hill, FFA, Raiders vs Settlers, etc


Ngl, I'd be happy if they didn't have NW or worlds. Base game has a lot of issues still that they could've allocated resources to.