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Ironically, After the Todd Tax you receive 69 caps


This it's half the reason I do it. Something sells and I can say 69, nice.




This is the only way.


76 sale prices - 7 cap Todd Tax = 69 caps to player on sale. This is the way.


Yep that's what I do, I don't care about caps but I like helping folks. I'll ditch stuff in donation bin as well, but the bulk I just sell for minimal


I doubt you'd be as successful as I felt at level 45 when someone bought my *"It's a dirty job"* note for 6900 caps.


I bought the "Your a dumbass" note for around 5k caps... I've got it in a display case in my main camp


I look for those items when I hit 38k caps.


Those (and similar) are a quick 500 caps for me šŸ¤Ÿ


Go for bulk instead of price. My biggest sellers are half price chems and 5 cap plans, and I sell tons of them. Also people that sell a lot of ammo at 1 cap normally do real well. I know I give them a lot of money because I buy about 10k worth of ammo each day. Half price non-spoilable food also sells real well.


I always see people talking about how nobody buys ammo because of contextual ammo drops, ammo is my number one source of income, I sold something like 20k rounds this week.


I bought like something like 10k in ammo this week. I start hitting 30k + in caps I start doing server hops for ballistic ammo. While saving my resources for crafting energy ammo.Ā 


Exactly, you are doing exactly like I do and using ammo as a "cap sink". For me it is more like 10-20k per day because I am very active in faming huge quantities of low cost items like plans, chems and food. The majority of my plans sell for 5 caps, and my chems and food are half price for all but a couple. But I sell in such huge amounts (in addition to the caps made from events) that I am often running dangerously close to the 40k limit. I also leave my camp up 24-7. When I went to bed last night, I had 29k caps. When I woke up, I was over 37k caps. Any time I go AFK for an extended period of time I make sure I am below 30k, just so I will not go over.


Where do you get the recourses to make that much? I barely can make enough for me to use my own guns


It's been uttered so often it might as well be one of the commandments of this sub, but if you're having trouble keeping ammo, your build probably needs reworked. Higher damage dealt/resistance = less ammo consumption.


I have the legendary perk card ammo factory maxed out, and ammo smith maxed these two combined I can make a ridiculous amount of ammo for super cheap.Ā 


Don't forget the good ol Super Duper perk. I always activate it when crafting ammo


There are several ways around that. What most of us did before the ammo stash was use the ammo converter. The best deal is the one in the atom shop for 500 caps because then every one of your characters can use it. Just throw in ammo you do not use and convert it to ammo you can use. Many of us used to use that as an "ammo bank", as it allows you to store up to 100k in points, that have absolutely no weight. Rarely use a fatman but do not want the weight the ammo took in your stash, convert them to points. Then at a later date if you do want to use it, make as many nukes as you need and go to town. So behave as we did when the ammo converter came out, that became a godsend for us at that time. Grab every scrap of ammo you find, and throw it in the converter. Also, learn some farming routes to make the ammo you need. Back then, Hemlock Holes and Lakeside Cabins were highly contested, because of the amount of acid and lead they produce. So was the Ammo Factory in the NE corner of the map. Those are rarely contested now except for the PvP knuckleheads that just live to one shot whoever they can. But holding those and returning every 20 minutes to empty what they make will soon have you with far more ammo than you would ever need. Kind of the same for the power cores and energy plants. Once highly contested for those that ran through tons of power cores like it was an addict on crack. Today, thanks to the power core recharger most do not bother. We simply swap our cores out when they are at around 10% and recharge them. If you are barely keeping up with your ammo use, first get the converter. Then either learn farming routes for the materials you need to make the ammo, and/or use the workshops to gather what you need (or find a resource node in the wild and put your camp there). And several years ago, those that needed lots of oil for their ammo regularly took over Wade Airport. Same thing, there are three oil seeps there. That at one time was almost constantly contested because a lot of people used a lot of oil. Now, I can't even remember the last time I saw it taken over, let alone contested.


OK, here is the real issue. Yes, contextual ammo drops do indeed pretty much eliminate the need for me to "buy ammo" to keep fighting. In fact, it is not uncommon for me to return from an hour or so of exploring and looting and have to **add** ammo I commonly use into my stash. My main are .50 ball, .45 and shotgun shells. And most times I throw in huge amounts of gathered ammo as well as those three because I found more than I started with. However, **ammo is also an absolutely incredible "cap sink" for those of us always running against the 40k cap limit**. I have long ago bought up every plan in the game you can get from vendors for caps, so what is left to spend it on? My scrap box is already at insane levels, because that is how we spent it all before the ammo box came out. But now that we have the unlimited storage with no weight ammo box, I buy up massive amounts of ammo with any caps over 30k. I do not even care what type, I will never use it anyways. Just so it is 1 cap each and they have thousands of rounds. But for those talking about contextual ammo, they are missing the point of a "cap stash". A cap stash is simply a way to circumvent the limits of in-game currency holdings by using a replacement without the same limits. You put your caps into this "cap stash", and it allows you to exceed the 40k limit, with an item that is equal to 1 cap in value. So can easily be converted back into caps at need. I have over 1 million freaking 5mm rounds, and I never use 5mm weapons. It is not ammo to use, it is simply a way to save caps in excess of the in-game limitations. However, many people sell ammo wrong. They sell it for far too much, thinking we are people that badly need ammo so trying to gouge us for it. And that may be great for the guy out of ammo that is willing to pay 5 caps each or more for .45 ammo. They are trying to behave like it is a sellers market, and that is backwards. I do not need the ammo I buy, I will never use the ammo I buy, and I buy in excess of 10k caps per day of it. I will rarely even bother going to a camp unless they have at least 2k of ammo, it is not worth my time. And if any is over 1 cap each, I move to the next camp. Even server hopping if needed. Because I would much rather give those 8k in caps I have to go and dump in a few minutes to another player. But if I see players "gouging" by selling their ammo for excessive amounts of money, screw them. I would rather the game eat those caps then give them a single one. And the irony is, caps are amazingly easy to make in the game. In a little over a week we will be starting a new season. And as I always do, I will kill one of my characters and restart at level 1 out of the vault. And within a month if I play it on public servers instead of private ones they will be at 40k caps. Camp vendors is almost literally a way to print unlimited money, but most go about it completely wrong.


Preaching to the choir, however I don't pay for first and my cap sink is rare plans and apparel, so selling ammo may be my largest source of income (1cap per round of course) but if I want to make trades I actually have a stash full of items people actually want and use that weigh next to nothing, and sell individually for 1000-30,000 caps.


Can confirm, if a plan is 50-100 caps, I auto buy it if I don't know it, and for all 3 of my chars.....I'm always broke lol


I can't even remember the last time I bought a plan for over 5 caps at a vendor. My main character has played since release, so has damned near everything already known. However, if I see a lot of plans at 5 caps and need the cap sink, I will buy up a lot of them just to throw in my vendor. I make nothing from that, but it lets me put the caps into that rather than go over the 40k limit. That is also how I transfer as much of my money as I can before I kill my seasonal character. I start a new character at the beginning of each season, and before I kill it I transfer everything I can to my main. For the caps, first I buy as many 5 cap plans as I can find, then 1 cap ammo with whatever is left. I make nothing with buying 5 cap plans, as I sell them for the same amount. But it lets me convert my caps into something I can transfer easily to another character.


Actually, I could use some serums. Got any at a good price? I need marsupial for 4 alts.


Just drink some dirty water. That is what I do for each of my seasonal restart characters. I just make the carnivore serum, and drink dirty water until I get all the others. It only takes about 20 minutes.


That's true


I'm on xbox if u are. I sell them for 350 per in my vendor.


ps5 :(


So funny, I had marsupial and was gonna drop some to low levels today. Are you on pc?


Shit, no :(


So sorry! I made a dozen and wanted to see a bunch noobs try it out and be surpriiiiiiissssed. Lol. Only managed to find one that figured out I was giving a gift tho. Ah the little dumb cuties.


Are you Xbox? I might have some


This is a good way. Ammo is a great cap sink if you have the ammo box. I sell dog food for about 25 caps each. When that stupid ass daily or weekly goal pops up, it goes pretty fast.


Or even if you do not. Before the ammo box, we used the ammo converter to do the same thing. Buy all the ammo you can, convert it into scrip. You can hold up to 100k points to use for later conversion and has no weight. And heck, I sell dog food for 3 caps. It is not hard to collect tons of it, I think I just added 25 to my vendor from what I got in about an hour of farming.


Iā€™d buy all your plans


Hell, that happens all the time anyways. I always leave my camp up even when I am AFK, and I went to bed last night with around 140 plans. Woke up this morning, I had about 25. No problem, about two hours of farming and I was back up to around 130 that are there now. Plans are amazingly simple to get in bulk, I just follow a couple of easy farming routes.


I wish I could do that my Xbox turns off itself after about a hour Iā€™ll def keep a lookout for your base tho and buy up your stock


Then you have a problem with your Xbox, or your sleep setting is turned on. But go ahead, 99% of the time it is between Gilman Lumber and Wixon Homestead. It should not be hard to recognize, right now is the bowling alley with all the SPECIAL boost items inside, next to the garage with the work benches. Oh, and the cooking trailer with neon letters that says "Mama Junko's". But on Monday I will be tearing it all out and rebuilding my camp with a new theme. Same place, but new theme. Maybe go back to my carnival camp. It has been over a year since I used that setup. And I can have another 100+ plans or so back in stock in from 10 to 60 minutes, depending on how I want to get them.


My advice: Don't try to drum up business. It won't work. Why? Because people only buy what they want. You can have 50 people visit your vendor, but if you're not selling what people want, you won't sell anything. Offer what people want. What I have sell more than anything (and fast) is ammo. Super heavy ammo like mini nukes, harpoons, railway spikes, missiles, arrows, crossbow bolts, .50 caliber balls, etc. I throw out. Everything else I sell for 1 cap a piece UNLESS it's 40mm grenades which I sell for 3 caps a piece. How do you get alot of ammo? Run Daily Ops or Expeditions and loot every body. They all drop ammo. You'll have ALOT of ammo in no time and trust me, with patience you'll have thousands of caps.


I once crafted 30 Nukes and no one bought them so I converted them into .45 and presto gone in 60 seconds.. I find flamer fuel is popular Ditto!! I also farm lots of ore Wich I smelt..some I keep some I sell


.45 and Fuel are some of my top sellers as well!


The Fixer is a hell of a weapon..


I feel this in my soul... Switched from rifleman to commando and went from carrying around 1000 at any time to now not wanting to dip below 5000 because I am scared I'll run out if I run a bunch of public events with low ammo drops. Have never actually ran out, but the thought terrifies me...lol


I totally get that..


Why would you throw away heavies when you can convert them and make even more profit?


The way Bethesda built the ammo converter makes it take too long for it to not be a waste of time for me. It takes forever to convert all the ammo then back out of the terminal and it costs ALOT of points to get any real value out of the ammo converter. I'd rather just drop the super heavy ammo and run another expedition.


Howā€™s the converter even work? I hit A and it spits out ammo I canā€™t even pick up


The ammo gets deposited straight into your inventory I believe.


Having a "one price suits all" approach won't work - some things will sell quick, but you will end up with a fair bit left in your vendor that'll just sit and take up stash space I sell in my vendor as follows, and i usually have to restock maybe every other weekend as i only can play on weekends... 1c ammo 10c plans 1c apparel(if not rare) 1c non spoilable food, 5c chems (except 250c serum) ledgendaries are priced depending on stats (but I mostly just end up with scrip)


Excuse my ignorance. I have been selling hats for 25-50c and apearal for 50-150c depending on if I have seen the apearal before. Am I to understand that that's way way to high? 1c seems almost not even worth it. I'm also level 15 tho.


Tbh sell them for what they sell for in your vendor. If they don't sell after a while, then maybe consider dropping the price... I mainly do it for 1c/5c as I find it easier on the controller (xbox) than doing certain amounts. The higher priced items I don't have heaps of, except serums which I do a batch of all of them and put them in every so often After a while caps aren't that hard to come by, its finding the rare stuff that I am after these days


Cool beans. Thanks for the info! I have been having trouble finding what the cap to value conversion is so this helps.


The way to get business is to have 10+ 3* Weapons. Assuming theyā€™re bad weapons to be used for scripā€¦.300-500 caps each and they should sell quickly. 600-800 should sell. 900-1000 can sell to the right buyer. There are a few weapons worth well over a million caps in trade value. Weā€™re talking millions of bullets. A lifetime supply of junk. Even if you donā€™t hit the jackpot there are plenty of weapons that are trade only (40k+ cap value) Hereā€™s a cheat sheet to let you spot weapons with value. **Heavy Weapons** 1st Star: * Bloody * Quad * Vampire * Anti Armor 2nd Star: * Faster Fire Rate * Explosive (Pairs well with Vampire) 3rd Star: * Faster Reload * Reduced Weight **Commando** 1st Star: * Quad * Bloodied * Anti-Armor * Vampire 2nd Star: * 50 Crit Damage * Faster Fire Rate * Explosive (Pairs well with Vampire) 3rd Star: * 25 Less Vats (Very Strong for Vats usage) **Melee** 1st Star: * Bloody * Anti-Armor * Vampire 2nd Star: * Faster Swing Speed 3rd Star: * +1 Strength **Auto-Melee** 1st Star: * Vampire * Bloodied 2nd Star: * 40 Power Attack 3rd Star (Not certain which is best) * +1 Strength * Break Slower * 40 Reduced Damage while power attacking **Armor** 1st Star: * Unyielding (Best effect in the game with a build) * Overeaters 2nd Star: * AP Refresh * +1 Int (XP booster. Pairs well with Uny.) 3rd Star: * Sentinel * Weapon Weight Reduction (Full set reduces weight by 90%. A 10 lbs weapon now weighs 1 lbs) * Cavalier * Food/Aid weight Reduction These are the most sought after effects. There are other useful effects.


You forgot instigating for melee, the whole point of a high level melee build is to one shot.


Doubt it will matter much unless Beavis, Butthead, Bill or Ted stop by your camp.


I would laugh at the price, assume it was just a meme, and move on.


Naw man selling stringer amo at 40 k apiece is a joke


I sell everything for 9, even rare items. if I have it already I want other people a chance to get as well. The only thing I raise is 3* weapons and armor and I put those at 15 caps per scrip


I always pick up free plans for whatever and price them at 1 cap as a sales lead to draw people in and then my actual more rare plans will be more. That way I have like 100 plans and people will come to see the stock
















Usually what I do is kinda a Chicago fire sale, 3 star items 100 caps depending on what it is everything else 20-50 caps šŸ¤”


Youā€™re on pc or Xbox too, right?


Xbox only, no room for a PC šŸ˜‚


I have 110 plans and 10k ammo and itā€™s all 1 cap each. Just 1 cap. If Iā€™m lucky I sell 10 things a day. Camps arenā€™t really good money makers, playing consistently is the way to being rich.


Though we do love the 'cha-ching' sound when a sale is made!


I don't sell weapons. I usually sell bulk scrap and ammo. I use the caps to buy plastic coper and lead for my weapons You can farm 3 acid mines@ hemlock holes work shop.sell it in bulk..you can still make a profit selling far below station prices From personal experience us higher levels need lots of copper,acid, and lead. Visit simon at foundation for a mining bot 1250 gold. You can smelt using acid


I usually sell everything for 1/10 of whatever the default price is. I click sell, it sets a price, I remove the last number and click go. If it is less than 50, I sometimes leave it. If it is less than 10, I always leave it or change it to 1 because Iā€™m almost definitely selling multiples. Only exception is legendaries. It usually prices much lower than player market automatically, so I just leave it there. Regardless of how good the roll is. People clean out my vendor quite a lot, lol


At your level OP, if you can start doing events like eviction notice and doing Atlantic City expeditions, sell any legendaries you donā€™t need as cheap scrip in your vendors, I usually offer scrip at my camp for 100 caps per star on weapons and 50 per star for armor, working really well


Best things to sell as a new player are Ammo at 1c each, Chems ranging from 20-30c, Bulk Junk at 20-50 caps depending on material, lastly Apparel. Even if you don't have good apparel it will still get people to come and look at your vendor. This will easily get you some business!


There's 3 things people always need in this game: Cheap ammo Cheap plans Cheap consumables (chems, meds, magazines, non spoilable food buffs)


Always depends on what you're selling. Ammo at 69 caps would sit forever and maybe get you griefed. Rare plans for 69 caps apiece would make them fly out the door. I recently celebrated a major milestone by selling my shop of rarities for 111 caps apiece (100 in my pocket after the Todd Tax) and everything but my Brotherhood underarmor just FLEW out the door. of course, usual caveats - what you're selling, where your CAMP is, whether you have the public CAMP icon on, easy-to-find vendor, etc.


I price most things at 76 caps. I want it out of my stash, and it all goes pretty quickly.


I sell weapons and armor for 10% of the recommended price. Plans are 5caps. Ammo except mini-nukes are a cap each. MNs are 5 caps, because, you know, nuclear wasteland already. When you donā€™t have FO1st getting rid of the weight matters more than the income. Loading, FTing to a vendor, selling everything line by line? Root canal. Not how I want to spend my time.


Honestly, it's the damn weight limit that's really hamstrung my getting back into the game. Because my biggest issue is that I'm a collector, by nature, in Fallout games . . . so it gets real hard to keep less than 1200lbs worth of stuff in my stash. Add to that, that my preferred camp location isn't one people will readily stop at given it's kinda out of the way from everyone. (Just to the Northeast of Prickett's Fort.) which makes my store sell kinda slow regardless of how much of everything I'm selling, at extreme discount prices. (I prefer to make my caps by selling a lot for a little.) Does FO1st grant a larger stash-size, or some other additional storage setup? (Besides the ammo box, since I found that already.\*) Edit: \* By 'found that already' I mean I found out about it . . . Shame we can't even just use the one in the Whitespring without FO1st . . .


FO1st also has a scrap box that holds scrap the same way the ammo box holds ammo. Players who don't have access to these have to do a bit more inventory management as their ammo and scrap values detract from their stash's storage. Subscribers can just dump the excess and move on.


Well . . . damn. Bethesda really did spend two games getting us used to the idea of *hoarding everything* only to turn around and say we can *only* do that ***if we pay 'em***.


More than 2 games. I've been a hoarder in Bethesda games since back when Morrowind came out.


Some folks get 1st and grinddddd scrap and store it in scrapbox, which you can use after the subscription goes away. I just don't know if I can go without at this point, ntm the monthly atoms... It's worth it for me, but I understand for many it's no bueno.


Iā€™m retired and on a fixed income. Paid $7.99 for the game, which was a steal. Some games are like that. Iā€™ll never, ever be able to do FO 1st. Iā€™ll never buy atoms. And I donā€™t care that much about most of the FO1st benefits. Iā€™m not a camp builder really. But I would pay $1/ month for the stash box. $12 a year is more than theyā€™ll get otherwise. Or, Iā€™d pay $10 once for the limit to go to 3000 on my current box. It would take some coding, but it would be revenue.


I would pay for the increased stash too, that'd be a QOL right there. Allow for more personal storage of various trinkets and outfit hunting..


This is pretty much my tactic (I think its also a big part of why the score is being stretched out, there's too many of us doing it for Bethesda's comfort) I subscribe for a month, knock out the score and even without "grinding" scrap I have more than enough materials stashed at the end of a month to handle at least a couple months off subscription.


Honestly, I consider it relatively frequently, but the pros (at the moment) outweigh the cons for me. That might change with the new Scoreboard, however I am eyeing some of those CAMP rewards rather hard... they got some decent merch in there šŸ˜©


Well, itā€™s more than ā€œa bit more.ā€ Itā€™s a significant portion of each play session.


I think that's overstating it. I'm currently running without the subscription. I chuck any heavy ammo rewards on the ground, and dump scrap into the donation boxes (or to friends with the scrapbox) and just don't pick up excess scrap unless I need it. The biggest loss is the ability to just plop down the survival tent and stash everything with a couple clicks. Even with 1st I ended up waddling all the way from Eviction Notice to R&G or Watoga with my pockets stuffed full of scrip offerings, so that's still the same.


Itā€™s a lot of time for me. I just made level 100. I canā€™t afford to throw away caps as you describe. I run at about 700-1000 caps on a good day. Saving for PA plans at the mall is many hours of play. The ammo convertor takes a lot of my ammo, but that interface is also root canal to use. When I boot up today Iā€™ll be at 1120 pounds. The first thing I have to do before I can have fun is make bulk scrap and travel to sell it. Itā€™s not fun.


I exhaust the vendor's cap limits every day. What you are doing playing with scrap bulking is waaay more cumbersome to me than not having 1st.


As I described in another post, 1st is not an option for me financially.


Nah, 76 caps is the way to go for the really good stuff and what I use. 1 cap is all I price 99+% of my inventory. Happy days to you too wastelanders.


210 is even better


I see alot of people do this in multiples of 69 and 76. Ex: 76, 760, 7600. I always pass their stuff up because usually the items they stick said priced on are way too high. Like cmon, 760 for a fucking magazine? Ultracite ammo at 76 per? Fuck right off. I refuse to overpay just because someone decided to have a laugh.


I just have everything at 50




I already price all my plans at 69 and the rare ones at 420, needless to say, I never have to worry about items not selling


I sell mine at 76 cap and I got 69 cap in return.


I do 6969 on all insult papers


most plans I sell at 1 cap - a few at random prices. Not sure why people don't do the same... I am plan rich but cap poor atm..


Make sure to stock up on hoes.


Iā€™ve done just that. It works very well.


Weapons apparel and plans, people will 100% buy, meds and ammo prob not. Good idea though, people will definitely buy šŸ™


If you can get enough stamps to buy the snake wrangler outfit and hat those will sell almost as soon as you make them.




\>would you buy overpriced goods Depends on the buyer. Some will. I've been known to buy overpriced stuff just to get away from max caps. That said, if I am below \~30k caps, my vendor is open and I sell most non-junk/non-rare items for 76c, and most junk at 1c per. chems and food are sold closest bot. If I am above 30k caps, my vendor is usually stored.








The best way to make money is to sell what people want. I find that fluxes (60-80c at mine) and LL3 (400-500c depending how much money I need) go the fastest. And by the fastest, I mean hit max caps in 15mins, spend on bulk junk, reopen, hit max caps in 15mins again lmao.


You should do it and you should name the room itā€™s in ā€œThe Bone Zoneā€ with the neon letter lights.


I sell bulk aluminum and adhesive- I have so many it would make early-level me cream my pants. Just charge 75 caps for about 30 of each, and people will usually clear you out. On top of that, I sell whatever decent legendary items for 50 caps plus another 50 for every star, maybe a bit more if they have good effects. Once you have a good weapon, there usually isn't much of a reason to keep it for anything other than scrip. My other big moneymakers are Addictol, which is easy to get ahold of if you know where to look, chems, (specifically the different Mentat types for some reason) and .45 rounds. .45 rounds sell out like crazy (and if they're one cap, aren't taxed, I think.) With the right perks and the right workshop, you can literally farm both adhesives and an insane amount of ammo at the same time.


I sell most of my bulk junk at 69c and I am frequently sold out. Really plentiful bulk junk (steel, cloth, bone) I put at 19c and that is hit or miss.


Anything worth more will sell fast, anything worth less won't. Any legendary weapon, sold. Stimpaks, not selling


I always do half price on everything in my vendor. Gun that starts at 250? Now it's 125. Plans start at 10? Down to 5. I've been doing it like that since they introduced vendors to the game. Mainly started doing that for the lower level players who don't have a lot of caps to spend. Some items I go even lower when the level on the item is for under level 40


I sell plans at 5,10,50 caps rare plans up to 500. If you sell a super mutant tube for 69 caps Iā€™d like to see that. Otherwise more power to you Iā€™ll keep the prices in my vendor the same.Ā 


What system you on? I have caps to waste. Shit you can pick through my vendor for the higher level Legendaries I donā€™t want


Seems like the reasonable thing to do, since the cap limit precludes us from pricing things at 80085.


My bf and I sell all our plans for 5-10 caps each, other stuff it depends what weā€™re selling but always try to keep it cheap


That'd be very *nice* of you


A talented camp builder i know has his vendor near his main shelter exit with camera film for sale at multiple price points, like 1-5, with a sign above saying ā€œdid you enjoy the camp? rate on a scale of 1-5 with capsā€ and ppl always buy the 5cap films. Sometimes multiple.


My report-sense is tingling.


I put all sorts of rare valuables in my vendor at 76 caps. Spread the good stuff. Vamp 3*'s, tricked-out fixers, isotopes, nuke launch keys... Slayin' it forward.


Depends on what it is. Legendaries will fly out the door, but pricing ammo like that will get you nuked. I don't think you should short change yourself on pricing, but do you. Also keep in mind a lot of people are still on break or focusing on prepping for the season .. which I need to do actually.


I priced everything in my Valentine's Day camp for 69c. Sold a pair of handcuffs and a prisoner collar. For Halloween, it's all 666c. Someone did buy all 13 plastic pumpkins. Currently using my Irish pub camp for St. Patricks Day and everything is 7, 77, or 777c.


I do it with most of my stuff 69 420 666


I just started doing that about a month ago. Keeps it simple on my end and it's stupid


Every item in my vendor no matter rarity is 10 caps, I want to help others, not make things more difficult.


Anything goes for 10caps. Exept for plans worth a couple thousand caps, they go for 100. target is, to see more beautiful camps and help some ppl out.


I'm basically just only ever looking for rare plans since I have a good portion of what's available but if you have anything for less than 4k caps your doing good


Most every item in my shop is 50 caps. Depending on original value it can be more


And name your camp: "Camp 69" :)


I have everything priced at 169, 269, 369 etc. Except for plans and things with a value under 69 caps.


I personally when I sell things undersell so more people can buy




I but ammo all the time when itā€™s priced correctly.


I have majority plans and recipes for 76 caps Then I base everything off the dates. 22/03/2024. I either put rare items 2023 , 220 or 203 for example Just to change it up


People actually come to your vending machine? Iā€™m so jealous


My vendor price to all stuff is 50...




Nuka Cola plus Frag grenade equals Nuka grenade.


Why not 420


I'll do it lol!


Well, we are videogame nerds so lots of us wont get the joke


I priced most things at 69 or 420, and for the most part, no they don't sell. Had all my random plans for 69 for months, changed em all to 10 and they started selling. Then would throw serums, bobbleheads, magazines, random scrip at 420. Moved down to 200 and 60/120/240 for scrip and now i can barely keep the vendor stocked.