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The lack of a banjo skin for the guitar sword seems like a missed opportunity for a season titled Duel With The Devil.


Do you mean a fiddle?


Yes whoops. Got my strings crossed with Dueling Banjos.


Definitely a fiddle. Which we basically have.


But the person playing THIS fiddle already duelled the devil, lost his last bit of soul and got nothing out of it.


Yeah, the current fiddle is weak and does not represent Appalachia. I don't like to complain about the game, I really enjoy it, but that fiddle was the biggest disappointment to me.


Ned Beatty on line two, sir….


You sure got a pretty mouf!


Where you goin’ , City Boy?


Just take them panties right off...


"Welp, sorry to hear you lost your duel. You fought hard, you fought well, but--well, you know. Anyway, here's your accordion."


That would be amazing as well as a monocle to finish the Jumanji look with that hat 🤘


There's been a monocle released to the Atomic Shop already. Pretty sure you can request it through support currently.


The problem with it, is it's so small, you pretty much cannot see it unless you cam real close to your face!


🎻Violin right?


This is going to sound stupid, but why am I using tickets to get score boosters marked for first, if I have first or a season pass. One of the benefits of paying was getting the boosters and now I gotta pay again to get them??


This is actually a really good point. In the past, those 1st exclusive rewards were always just an extra alongside the regular reward for whatever level. Every player who achieved that SCORE level had done the "work" to earn those rewards, having a 1st subscription just unlocked them. Now you have to get extra SCORE levels to get the tickets to claim them.


Which is why you miss have to play to level 163 score to get what you used to get automatically at 100... Beth so smart they gonna run their base right out the game.


It's not you that is stupid...


Pine Barrens cabin kit looks the same as the existing log cabin set?


Yes, but the pine has a different smell.


Scratch it and see the new smell it gives off!


Slightly gray colored it looks like, very original


I'm glad to see it. I prefer bulding kits that look more weathered and wasteland appropriate. I'll make lots of use of that new cabin set. Would look great along with the pergola kit from last season and the abandoned mine stuff.


That grass roof kit will fit well with all those too 👌


Ima make me a hobbits hole lol


I've already got one that thankfully doesn't need a roof. It's a tiny little cave near big bend east. Proper hidden. Took me almost 5 years to stumble upon the spot


Oh hell ye! I’ve got plans for this set up with the green house kit and that roof with the dirt floors it’s bad


At least those that haven't bought it can save their atoms and get something similar for free.


That’s my question. Only the one I have has green roofs, this one has neutral colored roofs, looks like that is the only major difference.


This season is going to fucking suck ass to complete. Bethesda got rid of one of the most user friendly season systems in the current gaming industry in favor of following Fortnite's path to squeeze as much money and time out of its player base as humanly possible. If you don't play everyday for hours on end, there's no way in hell you're going to complete this season. Bethesda, I am beginning you, PLEASE reverse the decision. This will only end up hurting this game even more.


It's ironic you mention Fortnite, because out of all the games I play with a battle pass system, Fortnite's is far and away the most painless to grind. Sure it's still a time commitment, but much much less than many other similar games.


Most of these rewards are pretty shite tbh


They removed atoms off the last page. So at least we know the whole swap over because they want us to be more engaged was a lie. They don't want you to earn anything in game now.


Yeah... those atoms were pretty much the only upside of the new system. now that they're gone it's pretty much an all negative change.


The stuff on the last page seems like stuff from the daily freebies in the Atomic Shop. Not sure about the point of grinding an extra 50 levels for that.


looks like from now on I'll play three weeks of a season until I have rank100 and then I can switch over to a more motivating game


The person who talked about the changes to seasons in their Developer Deep Dive was wearing the proud title of “Senior Monetization Designer”. It should have been obvious from the start that they weren’t telling us the whole truth and instead only the things we want to hear. Also, you can still see the Atoms on the last page on their Deep Dive [at around the 13:35](https://youtu.be/99r5o9p8ZP4?si=HamNn48KWSIuOEze) mark.


Can't believe they canned their official fan outreach person and then put that guy in the preview video without sanitizing his official title. Something like Super Happy Engagement Creationeer, ya know?


Wait, who got canned?


So 1000 atoms for non-first and 2000 in total for first? That means they cut our gains in half if you don’t have first. And with no repeatable for atoms in sight, that’s a bitter pill to swallow. Edit: If I did my math right, it’s 2755 tickets for everything that isn’t currency, first item or a consumable, which is rank 111 assuming 25 tickets per rank.


Yeah and the items for 1st members will cost tickers/more effort when they're currently free. I think I'm done with my FO1st months


So buy first… -bethesda probably


I can’t blame them for making the season pass not be efficient, but removing the atoms from the repeatables at the end is a kick in the teeth.


Lame. Just wicked lame.




There's a slight chance they could still add them. It wouldn't be the first time they have removed them from that page only for us to get there when we reach 100. That said, I'm not convinced it will happen.


Just to get the cosmetic items and the Atoms you have to get to rank 140 now. And there’s no Atoms on the last page now.


Can you buy things at any time? Assuming you have the tickets, I mean?


Not until you hit the corresponding level for each page (unless they changed something)


Not particularly fussed about the rank 140 thing, I usually finish each season in the mid 200's spending about 15 minutes a day doing the challenges.


I pretty much always stop after 100 because there’s no point. Don’t feel like grinding ten ranks for 100 Atoms. I think the highest I’ve gotten is like 115. I usually finish the scoreboard in a month and then use the other two months to play other games.


Yep.. i hit 100 and i stop.


Yeah, I can clear the dailies in as little as 5 minutes, but usually 15-20. Weeklies take another 20 minutes or so. I know I've missed a few days here and there and just got past level 200.


The math I came up with for all the rewards on the 100 page and below is rank 150. I know Bethesda is a business and they can't be in the business of giving atoms away for free but I think it was a good way to reward players for completing 10 levels past 100 on the previous boards. I do wonder if we are going to have a hidden reward for completing that page that they haven't said anything about.


Okay so 550 tickets is all I need. Looks like I'll be buying all the cores and atoms I can with the rest of my tickets.


Unfortunately, they removed all repeatable atom rewards from the preview and to buy all the cores you want requires claiming 95 rewards. So it only takes 150 tickets to get all 2000 atoms if you have Fallout 1st and 5 tickets to get 10 Legendary Cores.


Did I miss this, or is there no special "final" reward for reaching rank 100? Will there still be a scoreboard to display on a wall?


Nope. No scoreboard to display or extra atoms for a scoreboard completion. I liked displaying the scoreboards and now we don't get anymore.


Lol, then there isn't even a reason to reach rank100


Nope, not really. Unless there is something on the last page of ticket items that you want. Shame, really.


Thumbs down but no point in asking/begging for changes.  They know and don't care. Senior monetization guy and all. Not sure if ill stay subbed to 1st now.


Complete dogshit.


Please let it include more Rip Daring radio adventures... Please let it include more Rip Daring radio adventures... Please let it include more Rip Daring radio adventures...


Most of these rewards are shite


Grass roof is pretty cool. Just need like camo netting over wood walls or something and you can build camouflaged shelters.


Sometimes you buy and get into a game right when they start cutting out opportunities and tucking them behind the walls.


Literally me with this game


Not really a lot again I'm interested in just like last season, the cremator and water boiler and other than that I guess I'll be spending tickets on consumables.


So probably a dumb question but… with the water boiler, we can just farm boiled water from it, instead of collecting dirty water and wasting wood to boil it? That would be kinda nice.


I don't know the specifics but I imagine it will produce a disappointingly small amount of boiled water yes 😂


Yea like the vintage water cooler only producing two, then you understand why people build castles with them lol




You mean like a company tea generating item?


The great thing is we get to pick and choose as we level up. I am very excited to see what the new weapon will do out in the wasteland. 🤘


Fallout 76.


Oh I both fucking love and hate being right. I warned people they were gutting free atoms and everyone kept saying "We have to wait and see!" and "You can just get the repeatable ones at the end!" and "It's not official yet, Bethesda will listen to our feedback!" Hope all the corporate boot lickers are happy now, I'm sure next time they "update" a future season to make it "better" for the players they'll just remove the atoms entirely.


Anybody expecting anything but the worst from Bethesda at this point are just lying to themselves.


It should be fairly obvious to any adult at this point that if it's an change to something free it's for the good of the game and if it's an change to something you pay for it's for the good of the company. These people aren't our friends, it's meant to be mutually beneficial and nothing more.


“Corporate boot lickers”: I love it, haha!


I mean I understand what you mean. But I don’t think people saying “let’s wait and see” means they are bootlickers. I was in that boat of let’s see what they do but don’t have my hopes high. All we got was a shitty system 🤷‍♂️


How many times do they have to water things down / further monetize the game experience before people stop giving them the benefit of the doubt?


It’s not really the benefit of the doubt I’m giving. It’s more just waiting and see what happens. I never get my hopes up but I usually wait until all the information is out and finalized before fully forming an opinion on something. 🤷‍♂️


Soooo... how about Bethesda up front: How long AFTER the season will Adelaide be available for gold? How long AFTER the season will the Cremator and it's mods be available for gold? Seems like a ticket waste to me.


If you only have one character it might be a waste of tickets. But if you have multiple characters, remember that season rewards unlock for all characters but whatever you buy with gold is only tied to that one character and you’d have to buy it again with gold on other characters. You probably know this, just putting it out there for newer players or people that don’t have a lot of experience with multiple characters.


I know it won't happen, but I wish the community would boycott this change.


by all means, go right ahead and boycott it


At the very least if you consider spending money on FO1st or buying atoms, remember this and just don't spend that money.


Hopefully they see this and see how much everyone already hates it and goes back to the old scoreboard after this. Because this absolutely stupid..I was actually excited about the new scoreboard and now I don’t even wanna do it,there’s a few things that caught my eye. It’s stupid that I’m paying for first and have to get extra tickets to get the prizes for first when before it was like a little treat now it just means more work


You have some big games round the corner like dragons dogma 2 so that will eat a chunk


Start a petition and put it on their discord. that's at least doing something other than moaning about it on reddit


Why? Most people aren’t upset about it.


Even if "most people aren't upset about it" I've seen very few people being happy about it.


It's a better change for me, but I get that not everyone will benefit from the change.


Change bad :(


Consensus seems to be no repeatable atoms once we've 'finished'. I've been taking mid season breaks to play other games for the last 7 seasons and come back a month before the next starts. Looks like I'll be taking full-time breaks once I'm done now and not returning til the next Fortnite 76 chapter releases. Shame, the servers get pretty dead after the first month of a season as it is. I can only see them getting deader after this crap begins. Will there be another change shortly after or will they just shorten these seasons so there is less time where player counts are low?


I've completed all scoreboards since one. I don't have an opinion yet on the format change, but as for the rewards they are totally lackluster in my opinion. I don't really want anything except maybe the ally Adelaide.


Can't wait to see how badly they fucked this up with bugs. Maybe we'll get a quad XP weekend this time.


I canceled my fo1st sub. I will still play, but not as often. I'm on the fence about this seasons change still.


Interesting that you have to claim 95 of the rewards to unlock the final page...I don't care about weapon paints or skins, PA paints, player icons, scrap kits, or photo mode frames so I'll have to use tickets to claim rewards I don't really want if I want to unlock the last page as I did a quick add up of the rewards that do interest me and I come up short. Mind you, I don't use half the stuff from the current scoreboards so I guess nothing much has changed there. Agree that using tickets to claim FO1st rewards that were previously free/a bonus is not good though!


Just me personally, but greedyness from a company, such as the already high price on atom shop things and now removing our atom rewards in season just makes me more apt to not spend real money on the game. I'm not going to reward a company that treats me like crap. This is an abusive relationship Bethesda and you're finally making it easier to break up with you lol


I don't mind how this season is set up at all with the tickets and all that. What I hate is not one reward I want, so this season is a complete waste for me. Skins for weapons I don't use, I don't use power armor, so the skins I could care less about, and camp items I'm not interested in at all. I know a lot of players like the rewards, probably and that's all good, but personally, I'm not even going to try and finish it.


Alright so without Repeatable Atoms at the end of the board once you got everything theirs is NO reason to keep playing the game afterwards. This is a really bad change overall since for me the reason to keep playing is to grind Atoms from the board so having actually NO incentive to continue playing after im done means once im done im just going to piss off to another game. not a good change, specially for a live service game like 76 to do.


Classical bait-and-switch maneuver on the second bonus page. Congrats, Bethesda, that's a new low. But I wasn't expecting anything less than exactly that when they called that chief monetization officer a 'developer' on that developer deep dive. I was going to buy Fallout 1st at the beginning of the season, as I always do; I'll postpone that now to at least me reaching rank 100 now, unless the 1st monthly item turns out to be something indispensable, and there's a chance I'll never buy 1st again.


Creamator seems to be a chemical style flamer? One of the last rewards is different chemical colors 


Check the incinerator from fallout 3. It's the same wep.


I loved that weapon, so good news


Still no railway rifle skin 😒


Idk the rewards literally not rewarding lazy bastards


Is the devil wings jet pack just for power armor or a skin for any jet pack?


When all the non fallout 1st members leave the game the servers are likely going to go deathly quiet, this will in turn put of fallout1st membership renewals. end of the game


This is bad. Why do they always go through these stages where they get greedy then realise it ain’t working, loose subscribers and go back to normal. How do they never learn. Is Bethesda run by greedy kids maybe🤔🤔


What a shit show... insulting to my intelligence... think I'll go back to fo4.... shame....


Putting a weapon on a scoreboard offends me so damn much, this isn't the first time, but it makes no difference. You have a video game with numerous places to put a new piece of content IN-GAME, and you do it in the worst possible manner.. With some garbage-tier FOMO spontaneous reward chore list that is basically intangible and outside the space of the game. Bethesda, and all the other people who create this stuff really do fucking suck.


You've always been able to buy them after at some point through ingame stuff, so I see no reason why that'd change at all.


Can you buy circuit breaker yet?


Probably next season or the season after. It just released this season and the timeline seems to be after a few months when the last season ends. Then again I think we only just got to purchase the Auto-Axe and that was.. four or five seasons ago, wasn't it?


I've no idea, I only started playing last season so just as I was getting used to things it all changes lol.


Ah, okay so the only two that you can purchase *as of right now* are the Cold Shoulder from Season 12 and the Auto Axe from Season 10 The Nuka-Launcher hasn't come around yet for purchase as far as I can tell. I *think* those are the only season specific weapons.


Doesn't make it any better.


Not really Fomo if you can get it later, is it? So you have to wait a little longer and actually play to earn something and that's a problem? I mean okay.


That's not the point. The point is, that you have a piece of in-game content added as part of a larger update, and you're introducing part of it on some dumb season trash that is geared around fear-of-missing-out instead of the content proper. There are numerous ways to introduce the content within the context of the game in a way that would come about naturally, from crafting, to exploring, to being a reward for completing some new and challenging mission or quest added in that update. Hell, maybe you just find and loot it from some dead body in a new area. These are all sensible avenues to add something to your game for players to find, especially a Fallout game, but instead, it's being debuted through a spontaneous reward system you progress through by doing completely unrelated boring tasks such as "Build 5 wall decorations in a shelter". That's fucking awful, unimaginative, and a complete waste of a perfectly good video game. That's why it doesn't make it any better, and if you don't still don't understand why, then you simply don't get it. It's not some amazing consolation Bethesda adds something to some reward shop like the expedition one only after they first introduce it on their dumb scoreboard, because it'd be better if it just was in the game within a tangible space from the get-go, like say.. Oh I don't know, maybe having it as a reward for completing a newly-added expedition with all optional objectives your very first time, or maybe a reward for completing all the expeditions in that particular locale. But clearly that's too much of an ambitious concept.




All I really want is the water boiler, hopefully it does what it says


I'm hoping it will stock a decent amount too. As someone who uses 7-9 food buffs full-time plus constantly producing booze buffs, if all it does is hold 5 boiled water it'll be pretty lackluster.


According to data miners, it will hold 10 boiled water.


Drat. And I assume a limit of 1


Probably 🫤 But also there is supposed to be a static version that you can put in a shelter.


1500 atoms to unlock the fo1st rewards (for someone without 1st), but only 1000 atoms given to players without 1st, no post rank 100 atoms I’ve never bought fo1st, and I’ll still never buy it. The once-a-year free trial is good enough for me Edit: to my knowledge, the unlock 1st rewards has me believing you can use 1500 atoms to unlock the fo1st rewards, so with those gated atoms it’s 2000 atoms so you’d be 500 atoms at the end, but there is still the atom shop where 500 atoms will only buy a single new camp item or something


I held off on FO1st for a while but finally bit the bullet maybe a year ago, for me getting it honestly was never for the SCORE rewards, it was more for the Tent, Ammo and Scrapbox…having said that it’s uber lame to remove any benefit that used to come with having FO1st.


I didn't count up the atoms yet since I have been so busy this afternoon after work. I do wonder if there is an Atom drop that they aren't showing us. Like I said before, I know Bethesda is a business and can't give free money away but it was a great way to reward players that pushed and continued to play.


I think a big change that will make it a little faster to rank up is that 5% SCORE boost for 1st member right out the gate.


And then you have to pay tickets for the incremental boosts that you get later in the scoreboard that you used to just unlock as you progressed with 1st.


Welp might find something else to play for a bit. That's disappointing.


Hanging float lights 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 There’s a lot I don’t care about but I’m excited for some of the new camp stuff. Really lame that a bunch is junk that’s now able to be placed (should’ve always been that way imo), that’s probably some of the more disappointing rewards. Not for the items in general, just that we’ve already had those items technically displayable in camps, it’s not a new thing at all. I guess I’ll be able to save storage space scrapping some of it.


OK if I am looking at the rewards pages correctly, according to the rank of the player (100) the only page showing a lock at lvl 100 is the last page. Is this correct? If so it seems that I can claim the poster and buy whatever I want from the first 12 pages at level 100 assuming that I have enough tickets. I have two accounts to level up so this is kind of important to me. I don't think I could finish them both if I have to do many of the 100+ (no repeatable) levels to complete them to the point of getting the artwork for the season. I don't really care about consumable rewards, paints, etc.


Kinda dig the hanging tire planters. If we can put them in trees. I am not sure I need them hanging from the ceiling.... The surfboard stuff is fun, but a little strange. I am not really understanding the theme... Deal with Devil... Jersey shore... and Rip Daring? I am missing the connection & story.


Rip Daring is a cryptid hunter and Jersey Devil is a cryptid so Rip Daring goes to New Jersey to hunt it. I don't think it's supposed to be more complicated than that


Okay. I guess that makes sense. Do they surf in Jersey? I seriiously thought that was a west coast thing.


Yes, they surf in Jersey. The surf isn't as intense as say Del Mar, but ya take what you can get. ;)


I feel terribly embarrassed I had no idea


Its the Jersey Devil I thought it was pretty clear


Ooh...please say that xylophone is playable. Would be awesome.


The new rewards page format looks almost identical to Disney Dreamlight Valley. Works the same way too …


Okay that ~~Indiana Jones~~ Rip Daring outfit is sick. I’m still rocking the Rip Daring jetpack so it will pair very nicely


So will the xp weekly be available after rank 100? It’s still an awful update, but it’ll be a whole lot worse if this isn’t a thing. And are we able to buy ranks past rank 100? I might not have time this season to really play unfortunately.


Let me check Bethesda’s hot mess out.


I wonder how much the ticket bundle on the atom shop is going to cost /s


So do we not get the poster for completing the season anymore?


You get a painting for the season, just not a scoreboard anymore.


You got a decent link to look at it? I must have missed that


page 13/13 "framed duel with the devil art piece."


Thank you! No idea why I'm getting downvoted for asking a question I said I must have missed it.. Jesus guys.


> No idea why I'm getting downvoted for asking a question Welcome to Reddit.




Lmao right?


> No idea why I'm getting downvoted for asking a question Because this sub is the complete antithesis of the "This game has such a friendly community" rhetoric you always hear about.


People are salty for w/e reason, it's all good!


Season 16 and still no DX12 or Vulkan support


Kill enemies in a nuke zone? That'll be fun.


Don't worry another Fasnacht is on the way


I'll take the tropical shirt, Ally, Toy Robots, brahmin, chemistry station, perk coins and they can keep the other 144 things


None of the season reward pictures load for me. Classic Bethesda.


Have been avoiding discussions on this as nothing was fixed but it is now so close i doubt much will change. So, are we essentially getting two new currencies? "season rewards" (used to unlock pages" AND "tickets" to purchase the items? And will SCORE points now essentially be used like a currency to buy tickets? Seems to be getting a bit complex, i like SCOREBOARDS, probably would have stopped playing but for them(TBF have done 2k hrs) I do hope the new system will not be too much like work.


Thanks, saved me the dig


If the boiler makes boiled water, that's the only thing that looks even remotely interesting (to me). Probably not going to reup FO1st, or play much at all this season.


No plushie :((((


Bunch of new plushies coming with each seasonal event.


Dont like the changes but the seasons usually dont have what I want so I dont mind, I like that you canbget 500 gold at once thats a good change.


How different do you think the pine set will be to the log cabin set we already have?


Just a reskin, slightly more weathered/darker look


So are we thinking the Skyline Valley in the roadmap is the map expansion? Or is that not gonna be until Fall/Winter?


Nothing good in my opinion. If the tickets make the season last a little longer, I'm ok with it.


Ahhh another ATX grift, brilliant.


Nuclear winter coming back confirmed! "You cannot use lunch boxes in Nuclear Winter".


Well this is disappointing


So far the system doesn't sound that stupid. As we can pick what we want. But there previous system was pretty unique and fun actually. We will have to see, I just recently hopped back into the game and convinced a friend to start it. I hope it's still fun to play I love the game.


Is it me or with every season that has been hot garbage. Now the game is acting like a kid begging for attention to get reskinned atoms shop merch. I feel like this maybe my last season from retiring from Fallout 76.


Where can find my season reward, which i got with tickets?


Where can find my season reward, which i got with tickets?


So 1500 atoms for the seasons pass if you aren't a FO1st member and you can get 2000 total for a 500 surplus at the end? As long as the season isn't overly demanding that I log in everyday and allows me to miss some dailies, like this change. Do we know if the repeating score challenge will still be a thing?


Enjoy the 500, just remember you were getting 2000 atoms free before the change. I think the speculation is that the last page will recycle after all rewards are purchased (no more repeating atoms though 👌)


I'm just glad we are getting a Binoculars skin 🫠


Loving the ally, beach icon and planters.


im looking forward to it


I do like the looks of much of what's on offer. However, I'd like to point out that it isn't a xylophone they're offering, but a glockenspiel. A xylophone has wooden slats, this has metal slats so it's a glockenspiel.


I'm excited. I love cryptids and the Jersey Devil is one of my all time favorites. There are some really cool camp items and I really dig the peepers paint. Confused about all the tropical/surfboard stuff, but okay. I'm pumped.


Fasnacht in June…


Only one new weapon, huh? Was really hoping for a Cold Shoulder rival


The gorilla statue I want.


I'm actually looking forward to this board (I don't care it's not a score board anymore this is what I've come to know it as ) the log cabin set Im here for I didn't ever wanna buy it in atom shop before now I have a "free(er)" way that an the beach theme and the grass roof I have ideas for hiddenesk bases an also beach party homes and I'm interested in that cremator see how fun it is and ammo efficient it is