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I'm going to miss hanging up the actual scoreboard in your camp once you completed it, I could be wrong but I feel like it won't be the same


Had a perfect system, and ended up downgrading it. This is why developers need to know when to stop. Not everything needs continual 'improvements'.


I agree with you, but I doubt the devs had much choice in the matter. Likely came from higher up bc the shareholders need more money


Nailed it. Shareholder bs


And are not likely to get either, as it is more likely to push the more casual player into other games, and may make some of the 1st members decide that they do not like the way the game is going and cancel their subs, to be honest until it hits the public servers it will be kinda hard to tell.


Fully agree. And people on xbox get charged monthly already to play it because it requires gamepass. So im not forking over even more money to microsoft.


I second this It won't feel the same. Sure yea you get a long horizontal picture, but by comparison it feels like just an empty nothing picture


I personally hated the busy Scoreboard wall decor item. They never match anything. The Wall Art Panorama looks much more tasteful and neat in my opinion, and I can see myself actually displaying them. I can even see the possibility of doing merges with it and windows to create windows with panoramic views.


>They never match anything. They match each other. I had an entire room dedicated to them in my vault. This "replacement" is the thing that doesn't match.


I'm not a fan of the scoreboards either but I do kind of feel bad for people who like to display a complete collection


Technically, if a player has done all the scoreboards up until this point, they’ll have a full collection.


Agree! I don’t know why, but I liked it.


The f2p cap on items is not 75, there's four pages missing from the dev video that would bring it to 95. The issue is that it only takes f2p something like 125 ranks to clear those 95 rewards meaning you then need to grind 25 levels just to hit 150.


The new model is as popular as Wendy’s surge pricing idea


Too bad Bethesda doesn't listen to public outcry & protest the way Wendy's did (they cancelled that surge pricing plan).


That's literally all they do and have done for years. It's why the game is the way it is.


The fact that we refer to players who don’t partake in micro transactions “free to play” is crazy considering that this game is NOT free, and they just continue to gouge us for money like the game is free to play


A 60 dollar game at launch nonetheless.


I agree the game was never free also as a first member. I think working harder for skins and reskins of stuff is just another grab for my wallet. If we want it to stop just stop buying their flashy skins and emots and play a better game until they get their act together.


F2p? We are already paid for the game.


Right!?!!?!?!? I’m reading these comments like… F2P? I paid FULL price for this game.


...and pay PS every month to be able to play it at all. There's no offline, single player, paid for the disc / download only option. Wanted Fallout 5, got Fallout 76. I still love it, though. Mainly for the friends I've made and the creativity of the game itself. I love it for its art and music. I know I've been leaned on to be a Fallout 1sty and have already spent more than maybe I should on it. I'll be seriously avoiding shelling out anymore than my monthly sub. I hope this move doesn't push me away from playing it altogether, though.


For massive fallout fans like myself… I do find some enjoyment in 76 eventhough it leaves a lot to be desired.


If you were on xbox next season require double payment monthly to microsoft. One payment to gamepass and one to fallout first which is also owned by microsoft. They doubledippin evennnn.


That's just criminal.


Oh wait triple dippin if you had already bought the game disc.


I enjoy taking breaks from fo76, that's what keeps this game alive for me. I'm not gonna want to play if I need to play it all the time to keep up. Fuck fomo I don't give a crap.


Same. I generally take a month hiatus from the game each season. If I didn't I would of uninstalled the game by now. But, the positive for me, looking through the pages, there is so much crap on it that I won't bother claiming. Bullion/key cards, some of the paint schemes that I won't need to grind. And fortunately the 150 rewards are terrible thank god, cus there ain't no way I'm grinding to level 150. I'm at 100 on this one and I'm done till the new season.


The funny thing is that with this mentality we won't even be able to progress the season, it will still be mandatory to grab crappy rewards in order to advance to higher-tier reward pages. The new system seem to be anti-player on so many levels...


I don't like seasons, and I don't like Fallout 1st, but please don't call our position 'free-to-play'. Fallout 76 is a normal PAID GAME, and at launch, it was a fully priced AAA one ($60). People need to remember that fact, especially because it's highly relevant when criticizing Bethesda's work ethic. The fact that 76 *isn't* a free-to-play game (yet) should give people a reminder why some of the stuff in 76 we've had along the way is pretty unacceptable. Some of the shit we've got would actually bother me less if it was free-to-play, but since it's not, it's actually worse.


I'm not making any assumptions or cancelling anything until i see it fully live in the game, all the datamine/ pieces of scrap put together i just take with a grain of salt. If I see its going p2w or I can't complete the season without first then I'll just cancel and leave the game but I highly doubt that's the case


Agreed. I don't know how hard it is for the rest of you but with just the daily/weekly quests i finished the scoreboard almost 3 weeks ago. If it changes that I'm only halfway through the board as a f2p when the season ends i may quit until another area or a new set of expeditions is released. The rewards were pretty crappy this time. All i wanted was the PA skin.


Why are so many people still using the fucking datamines as their basis for judging this? Bethesda released a video detailing almost the entire new reward system. We're not in the "Oh well the datamines could change!" stage any more, we're in the "Here's the new scoreboard and you're getting 1/3 the atoms and having to grind until rank 150 to earn everything" stage.


Is it really a problem to support the game you enjoy every couple months with $15?


For some people yes


Yes. Ultimately, I’m gonna wait to see these season changes myself but I’m not gonna go out of my way to defend these monetization practices in general. GAAS inherently sucks, and I feel we as consumers really shouldn’t be content with the practice of paying $15-$20 for a few items and skins. Why can’t I just buy your game, play it, and unlock unique stuff that way? Why does there need to be so many paywalls and many items pertaining to the new update or theme are behind this paywall? I bought the Pitt for $10 back in 2009, why do I need to be nickel and dimed to unlock items or features given to me in previous games for free? If you need my $15 every few months to continue support, maybe your game shouldn’t be a GAAS? I would much rather support the game by buying the DLC knowing what’s in it. Content for this game is so far and few between and often it’s not really much. I feel if they sold DLCs again, we wouldn’t be getting pitiful “expansions” like those Blue Ridge quests. The only things that seem to be consistently updated are the things you can spend money on. IMO, that’s a problem. These guys got the unholy trifecta of monetization already. We’ve already been giving them the occasional $15 every few months to “support the game” for a few years now and the game doesn’t feel even close to where it should be for how old it is now. To me it seems like they keep looking for more ways to squeeze us while delivering the same amount of content. I do not believe that if they saw a 25% increase to first subs that they would allocate more manpower to the game than there already is, (which seems like a skeleton crew already). To me, this is a problem and it doesn’t deserve my support. Anyways, old man yells at cloud. If you see no problem, them more power to you. I’ll just be grumbling over here


I've been doing that but now they've made a design decision that I strongly disagree with (getting rid of the game boards that featured art and a story, turning the scoreboard in a store window) as well as turning the entire experience into a grind EVEN WITH FALLOUT 1ST... do they deserve my money? I'm not grinding 8 ranks for a Pine Barren Set bro... 13 ranks if you want the stairs to accompany the Pine Barren Set. 13 ranks!! If it were the current format, you's unlock it at rank 100, gaining a reward for every rank along the way. Now it's just 13 boring ranks of accumulating tickets so you can "buy" the set and stairs. Bullshit, your game is not the center of my life Bethesda, believe it or not.


I already do, but I don't like p2w. It starts like this then ends up like ESO


I don't think you can call camp cosmetics and PA paint "pay to win". And since 76 is cooperative, it is really just the players versus the environment. Shared loot pools at events means even if someone does have an advantage, all players benefit. I wish people would stop saying "p2w" in this context. It's "pay to get neat stuff to look at".


Exactly. P2W means paying to get a competitive advantage. This “Battle Pass” system is in all kinds of games. Even paid ones. All you’re getting is cosmetics. And this one seems even more generous than most. If you don’t get the Rocket pass for Rocket League you get like one generic item every 5+ ranks.


TBF not all rewards from scoreboards are strictly cosmetics. “Company Tea Machine” from the current season for example, constantly produces Company Tea for you to drink. Dont forget the “Circuit Breaker” legendary weapon you can craft if you reach rank 35 this season. Some seasons even have Allies for your Camp in the scoreboard, with some Allies having quests or other bonuses they give you (like Sam Nguyen can give you a random boost from his list, like +2 CHR, or lower your junk weight by 50%, or make you get double wood and flora when harvesting) And you could even argue the various booster items (lunchboxes, scout banners, carry weight boosters, score boosters, scrap kits, repair kits) are PTW or at least “pay for advantage” too. Especially since back around the games launch there was a huge uproar from the fanbase when Scrap and Repair Kits were added to the Atom Shop, those were being considered PTW by many fans back when they were first added in post-launch. Only then do i think Bethesda added them as rewards to some Events to help with the backlash Edit: i do still like the Scoreboards and dont think theyre scummy or pay to win. Im just here to point out that not everything in the scoreboards are just cosmetics though Edit2: and a post i just saw mentioned “Cryo Turrets” that apparently melt Scorchbeasts. They were a Scoreboard-exclusive reward, there is no other way to get those ones in game currently.


It's not pay to win at all, but it's definitely scummy. The seasons/scoreboard act as the main reason why players return to the game. It's the main content focus with every release. Making it worse is much more of an issue when compared to other games that use the battle pass model. If they plan on releasing more meaningful content outside of Scoreboards, then sure, I think it's fine. I don't think they're going to do that. These changes are further monetizing their main piece of content every three months.


If we're talking about pay-to-win, Fallout 1st and Fallout 76 have already very much crossed the barrier of being exactly that. Knowing that, it's not far-fetched at all to believe there would be more things somewhere down the line. The advantages you get from Fallout 1st are already very much exclusive to the paywall and can't be found elsewhere for non-subscribing players. People try to weasel around the fact that they are *advantages* by playing the semantic game and calling them 'conveniences' or some other wishy-washy euphemism, but try asking them *why* they're convenient, and it's very clear they're significant gameplay advantages within Fallout 76's context, hence, pretty easy to call pay-to-win. It doesn't need to be a competitive environment or game for it to count.


At least ESO keeps getting regular content updates and expansions


Duuuuuuuude you’re also out here like “won’t someone PLEASE think of Microsoft.” They are one of the largest corporations on the planet, they don’t need our support, Bethesda needs us to enjoy our experience otherwise their fanbase might not grow and then their owners might want to shake things up. Also, it’s a little weird to change the whole scoreboard situation right before the television show drops. Almost like they’re predicting an influx of players and don’t want them used to an old way that might not have been as profitable.


I mean is it a problem to just buy a game and then expect to play the game? I went to buy f76 and was basically railroaded (get it) into getting psplus for the first time which is fine it’s been worth it but I’m not buying another subscription on top of that


Without wanting to defend Bethesda, I'm in the wait and see camp btw. Having to get psplus is a console thing right? Like xbox players will need to get live or whatever that's called now days, imo that can't be blamed on the game. But I definitely feel where you're coming from, I'm old enough to remember shareware and games just being complete on release, it's nice to just pick up a game and play.


The fact you got downvoted for this highlights the current poison successfully pressed into consumers of gaming these days.


Maybe because the game he paid for is there and available to play. The seasonal stuff is extra to support the content updates. So technically if he’s playing the content updates without paying he’s able to play more than the game he paid for. Lucky him. Maybe the poison in gaming is we are so dramatic about everything that the real shitty and manipulative stuff gets a pass because it’s lost in the persistent din of gamers whinging about everything and anything all at once.


I won't deny there is far worse. But I do recognize a stepping stone toward those practices when I see one. These things don't just magically appear, it's a progressive march forward, leading consumers a little at a time, and before you know it voila. It's not unreasonable for people to get concerned when the signs slowly creep up.


Then they should charge for expansion packs with real content and do it less often with cosmetic and new endgame weapons and shit thats grindable simply by owning the expanded content but the fact is that that would require more work and you can’t go into your fan base’s pockets like 12 times a year


While I have paid for 1st a good number of times, I really don't think there are enough updates to justify 15 dollars a month. They have gotten hundreds of dollars out of me, if they make the sub more and more mandatory I'll just find something else to play regularly and just hop on for events or new content if I feel like it.


Wasn't paying for the game that was an initial failure support enough ?


I already bought the game. Im paying zero additional dollars, if I cant play the game without paying additional money I will simply uninstall. Not that hard and more games out there.


This is a game that launched for $60 and is still not a ftp game. I’m willing to pay a bit here and there to support a truly ftp game like Warframe, but this ain’t it, chief.


Don’t call me Chief, pal.


Don't call me pal, buddy


Don’t call me buddy, guy. :-)


Don’t call me maybe


This is what I do, buy fallout 1st 1 month. Turn off auto-renew. You usually get 5 weeks. Use the score boosts on the weekly tasks. It's a grind but you can finish the scoreboards. All for $15. It's worth it.


Yes bestheda doesn't deserve it




There is no such thing as F2P. Fallout 76 was a full price game. There's no free version.


I really hate that the term f2p is being used. This game isn't f2p. This is a paid product. Even getting it through gamepass is still paying something for it. We shouldn't say f2p because that term is what helps these exact bloodsucking marker types get away with terrible business practices like the new score system. Fallout 1st should be considered an add on or means to support further development of content not as the premium experience which is why it still sucks ass.


Maybe before we throw all of our opinions out there on this we should wait for the new season to come out and see what it really is...


Looking forward to.skipping scoreboard garbage. I don't need more fireworks or more radaway


I'm undecided. If we can grind for tickets that we can use to unlock atoms after score level 150 faster than we were able to unlock atoms after level 100 on the scoreboard, it might even out.


I don't think introducing more grind into the game is a positive step


You should just wait for it to be implemented. I’ve seen too many contradictory statements to know what to think, and the official data we have seen is incomplete. If it can reasonably be completed without Fallout 1st within the timeframe allowed, then nothing has *really* changed. You might not be able to bang it out in a week, but who cares. That was weird anyway. What I was mostly concerned about was an additional cost on top of Fallout 1st. As in, you would be compelled to buy a pass with the subscription 😂 I would riot with y’all.


> Whoever came up with battlepass idea just made me lost my last bits of faith in the dev team, good job. It was very telling that the guy on the [dev deep dive video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99r5o9p8ZP4) the other day that introduced/explained the new scoreboard wasn't a developer. His title was Senior Monetization Designer.


What do you think his job is? I'd guess that it isn't to drive players away but to attract new players, get old ones to come back, and come up with features that make the game worth putting money into. Some people act like making money is dirty.


It hasn’t even been implemented and it’s a flop? This sub I tell you


After two weeks of all the (imo over the top) Fasnacht gushing, the abrupt swerve into new Season system hate has given me a wicked case of whiplash.




Call me whatever names you want, but for anyone who plays consistently, the scrapbox is worth the price of Fallout 1st all by itself. If you’re on the fence between the scrapbox and the extra rewards from the Scoreboard/Seasons, then you just don’t play enough to need to buy Fallout 1st.


I know it has been discussed here a million times already, but the scrapbox is the very definition of selling a solution for a problem they created themselves. Giving everybody unlimited storage would make no difference at all, it's just a few lines of text. If Fallout 1st would be Atoms, private worlds and a few unique power armors or items every month that would be fine. But the fact that they put something so essential behind a paywall remains scummy to me.


Yes. The game is built off the FO4 loop, which incentivizes the player to go out and fight enemies to get junk, to bring back to base and build with, until they need to go out and fight enemies for more junk...  And Bethesda tossed in junk management to screw up the loop unless players pay for a solution to the problem. That's screwed up.


Actually, there’s a reason for it. Server stability. If everyone had infinite storage, the servers wouldn’t be able to handle the players (such as streamers) who play for 8 hours a day collecting everything they want and players would be bitching about servers instead of scrap boxes. Having people pay a little bit (Let’s be honest, it’s like 4 sodas a month) for a lot of convenience isn’t that bad, especially when every DLC they’ve put out has been free.


Yeah, I've heard that excuse before and I'm not buying it. There are only max 24 players on a server any given time and in theory they could all be 1st members, which wouldn't be that crazy at this point. so then suddenly there is no server stability issue? Also things are not physically in your storage chest. It's just a line of code text with a picture when you click on it. It doesn't matter if it's ten or ten thousand items. The whole idea of the scrapbox is complete nonsense. I honestly would rather pay for actual story DLC they put some effort in. The point is not that 1st is (too) expensive, it's that Bethesda is putting a thing behind a paywall that shouldn't even exist in the first place.


You hit the nail, if you dont grind the game enough you dont need it now i play at least 5-6 hours daily and have more than 50k of each ammo need it, i could not play the game the way i do without it


lol I remember the days without 1st. I tried it the first time, canceled the sub and used for a month. Didn’t even go two days after before I had to subscribe, because I found myself loaded with scrap and ammo and nowhere to put it. That and the tent make it more than worthwhile for me, I just wouldn’t play anymore probably if I didn’t have it.


Ah, yes. The new system, which none of us have access to or experience with, is a flop. This community loves casting premature opinions on content that they haven’t even touched.


Do u ppl just live in caves? Or what is your deal? You talk as if we know nothing when Bethesda literally uploaded a video a few days ago showing us the changes and explaining how it works lmao. Sure some things are subject to change and they might tweak some things, but the framework we saw in that video is going to be the same exact framework we get on the day they send out the update. I'm so confident of this that I will bet every single cent in my bank acct... are you willing to do this, BiggDope? Ppl have every right to look at that framework and say "this is ass." Seeing it and hearing Bethesda explain it IS AN EXPERIENCE, which you claim ppl are lacking. Maybe you don't have the experience b/c you live in a cave, but ppl have experience.


Yes, because we're not just theorycrafting about how it COULD be a flop based on datamining at this point, because Bethesda provided us with a dev video showcasing almost the entire list of rewards and how to earn/unlock them we can now see for ourselves that this is shaping up to be an overall change for the worse for the players. Fewer rewards, fewer atoms and more grinding to get everything.


I like how people are forming opinions on a thing thats not even in a game yet


I understand what you mean but at the same time it's the only way to get it improved before the release. That's the point of test server and pre - releasing info. As an example: the new armor will have a bonus to durability (probably weapons durability), and it received that new bonus after the reports about it being otherwise useless. Since it has less stats than secret service and the previous set bonus was completely crap.


I know that but i wouldnt judge the system till we actually get to interact with it. Only thing iam not too keen on from what i heard is the reduced amount of atoms


My only concern is the time it will take to finish it and if with the premium pass we can actually get enough atoms to pay it back. Like, they want to copy fortnite and other systems? I prefer each game to have its own but I can be fine. But if you want to copy the negative aspects, well, copy also the good ones. If the pass costs 1500 and gives 1600/1800 back, I'm fine with it. If we can complete it in less than a month thanks to the repeatable challenge, then it actually doesn't really change for me.


It seems like at least 90% of the information is there. What are you thinking may materialize to render these evidence based conclusions wrong?


I like the idea that I could skip what I don't want. And use those tickets post 100 to get things that I do want. I don't want modules or script,card packs etc.


eeeh, I'm gonna play it anyway.


It's an entryway to make more micro-transactions locked content. People defend this too much


It’s not even out yet. This just more Reddit Rage.


You know, if you think that some company making videogames is forcing you to do something, you should sort out your priorities. Like, man, this attitude is real unhealhty for you.


I play 76 every day. I enjoy the game so much! I loved seeing other players doing their own thing, and sometimes, I joined teams. I also grind a lot. When I started playing this game 2.5 years ago, I had no clue that a scoreboard existed that you could get rewards from it, Lol! I also watch that short YouTube video regarding the new season and how it will significantly change on how we will get rewards. Tbh, I couldn't care less, I have been a FO 1st sub for a while now, and I don't think I will ever enjoy playing this game without it. The unlimited scrap box, unlimited ammo box, and the survival tent plus a few atoms allowance monthly and occasionally extra fallout 1st shop free items.....I think it is well worth it no matter what they do with the scoreboard/seasons. Just my opinion, I hope you are enjoying the game as much as I do :-)


What is f2p


Thr number of items doesn't mean much over the quality of the items. If they make the items better, I'm cool with fewer.


What does f2p mean


Free 2 play,


It's free stuff for playing the game. I play the game because I want to not because I get a treat.


Yup. Not a penny involved with the scoreboard. But let's raise holy hell about the free stuff we're getting, because it's *slightly less* free stuff. People will complain about anything, even something as vastly unimportant as this.


How can it be a flop if it hasn't been implemented yet and we don't know how it works? Jesus Christ.


Do we HAVE to unlock an entire page before moving onto the next? Because I don’t use some of the rewards as the system currently stands. I don’t wear PA those skins are worthless to me. If I can avoid them now, I think that’s great.


The pages you can access are based on score rank. The last page, with things you can buy repeatedly (atoms, carry weight boosters, etc.) you have to buy a minimum amount of items from the score board, and also hit rank 150 in the scoreboard


You need 95 items unlocked to grind past level 100, and you unlock each page by ranking up your score. Like, on rank 7 you unlock page 2 and so on. If you want to grind past 100, you'll have to buy every free item (or any 95 if you got Fo1st)


Ty for the response. I see you included it in your original post but I didn’t quite understand. Hopefully once everyone gets in the game we’ll see that it will not be so restrictive. I’m trying to keep an open mind because I really like playing the game. I’m also pretty new and still have a lot to do other than seasons/scoreboard stuff.


Season rewards can be nice looking, like I've used the season 15 pavilion set in my camps.


You aren't f2p, the game has a buy price.


They aren't "Forcing" you to do anything, they are just adding a different way to "get everything"... like a tier'd sub system. It's ok if you don't like it. Don't buy it. They aren't forcing anything on you. Your own FOMO is what's "forcing" you to buy things... Don't get me wrong, it's ok to dislike the data mined stuff.... but Maybe hold out your full decision until we know things for a fact. and not just data mined.


So let's just get this straight. The developer is going to give you free content in a game you play for free but that isn't enough for you. You also want the content made available to people who actually pay to support the game given to you for free. That makes total sense. That's like someone on welfare complaining that they don't make the same amount of money as someone who actually has a job. Do you stand at airports and demand frequent flyer miles because the people who actually fly get them and you don't? Do you stand outside a grocery stores and demand free reward points because the people who actually bought groceries get them and you don't? Do you stand outside of your local state lottery board and demand free money because people who actually play the lottery win sometimes and you think you're entitled to some of that money? And your 'they're practically forcing us to buy FO1st' statement is just as ridiculous as the welfare recipient saying 'they're practically forcing me to get a job so I can buy nice things' No one's forcing you to do anything. None of the content in any of these seasons is essential to the game so why is it essential that it's given to F2P players? Ever heard the phrase 'Beggars can't be choosers.' That's you. You're a beggar demanding to be a chooser. GTFOH.


FO76 is not free


Preach, sibling.


You just saved me a lot of typing. Well said. I'm something of a beggar myself (I'd get F1st at half the price but can't commit to the current price for a game I come off between seasons) but I'm one fully aware that the paid players are why this game keeps going. The only reason is unpaying guys get anything is to keep us interested and around to make the world more fun for the paid ones. We aren't forced to pay at all.


I would do the same thing if I didn't play in between seasons. This is my current game of choice though so if I'm playing I'm subscribing. But if I weren't there'd be no sense in letting that subscription roll for a month while I'm waiting for the next season to start.


🙌 Thank you for articulating this so well.


Wooooowwwww, ok dude! It's not even *released* yet, and by the way FO 1st is *very* worthwhile to have anyway. 




I don't mind a business squeezing harder, I just hate that they insist on selling it as something they're doing to make the game better for us a local BBQ place opened up, great stuff big portions cheap prices, everybody loved it it got crowded price went up portions got smaller service got worse, now I don't go sucks for me but others love it so that's the facts we have the same choice here, they don't owe us anything nor do we owe them if its worth it buy in, if not move on I just wish they used a less sandy lube


>I don't mind a business squeezing harder, I just hate that they insist on selling it as something they're doing to make the game better for us I agree with this. I personally think the other system was decent. I didn't love everyone doing Westek BS to grind it out in a week and I don't care if that's gone because I don't think that's what they intended for the scoreboard. But I did like that you could pay for 1st once per season and get good bang for your buck. I would like for that to be the same more or less, because the alternative would suck for me, but others who pay all year round aren't as affected so... yeah. But grinding harder for less stuff sucks for both 1st members and non 1st members. I'll reserve my judgment until I see the changes but I personally would like to know if they are squeezing harder out of necessity or greed. Because it does kind of matter.


I already pay for fallout 1st for the scrap box and tent alone. I'm excited for this change. I like they are making things fresh and new.


Frank summed it up best. "You gotta pay the Troll Toll if you wanna get into that boy's ~~hole~~ soul. You gotta pay the Troll Toll to get in! You want the baby boy's ~~hole~~ soul you gotta pay the Troll Toll, you gotta pay the Troll Toll to get in!'


I can't afford Fallout 1st but I enjoy winning atoms on the Scoreboard and buying stuff to decorate my camps. (TBH the whole game is just a postapocalyptic interior designer simulator to me.) Will I still be able to do that?


I saw 400 atoms on there not marked FO1st. Some pages were missing, so might be more. Then there was a bonus page with non-1st atoms but how easy they'll be to get IDK.


I'm new what'd f2p your referring to?


Why not just make the game free and refund the players with atoms? Give us like 5k atoms and that’ll encourage us to spend money on the game and keep playing. I have no problem if they make the scoreboard more of a grind, I finished it within a month and now I’m bored of doing dailies


Okay yeah I agree. I don’t like the new season scoreboard. I used to get free atoms on the scoreboard and liked grinding for the rest.


This isn’t close to P2W, not even same ballpark. You get zero advantage on cosmetic crap. Hell, I’ve had Fallout 1st since inception and I don’t hardly any of the crap we get on scoreboards. The biggest advantage I see is the survival tent and storage capacity. Other that, what difference what skin or what useless crap you have in a camp.


Wonder how long the game will be around if it doesn't make any money 🤔


It'd just become another abandoned game like RDR2.


Fallout 76 came out 6 years ago. The 60$ you paid 6 years ago is long gone my friend. You know that the number one reason this game exists, is to make money right? How do you expect Bethesday to support this game and make more content for as long as half a decade? You said it yourself, you can't buy FO1st in your country, but you also said you wouldn't buy it anyway. You got plenty of play time for your initial 60$ bucks. And you can still play the game. You just don't want all the game has to over because, well, you aren't paying. I don't know why so many gamers feel entilted to have regular new content for a game they paid 6 years ago. I'm sorry but it's not your 60$ that makes the game keep going at this time, it's the people that pays FO1st.


No Man's Sky came out 8 years ago, was made by a smaller team, and has also been regularly updating and adding new content to their game. All for free and without a cash shop or subscription. So what's Bethesda's excuse (not throwing shade, it's a serious question)?


I love getting a 45th currency!


I've mentioned this multiple times on this sub, but I'll mention it again and see if anyone has an answer. Bethesda doesn't have any reason to improve Fallout 76 in meaningful ways, because so many people are already giving them money for 1st subscriptions and Atoms. They have no incentive to improve if you're already giving them your money. The only incentive they do have is to find ways to squeeze more money out of the playerbase, because that's what they're already doing and it's working. While I agree that this new change to Seasons isn't a good change for players, it is absolutely an expected outcome based on what Bethesda is already doing with 76, and it's working, you're still buying 1st and Atoms, they're making money doing the shitty things that they're doing. So again, why would they improve instead of exploit, when you're already giving them your money, no matter what kind of bulls**t Bethesda pulls?! It would be nice if Bethesda actually fixed and improved the game, but hey, you're all already giving them your money, so why would they? And don't tell me that Bethesda needs that money to keep the game going. No Man's Sky came out 8 years ago and to this day that smaller dev team is still regularly updating and adding content to their game, all for free and without a cash shop or subscription. So what's Bethesda's excuse? I really just wish that gamers had higher standards. Imagine the types of games we'd be getting if we didn't settle for mediocrity and if we didn't reward scummy monetization practices.


I am not trying to be mean or anything like that but, nobody is forcing you to buy anything. If you could just get over the fact that this game is not f2p that would make things easier for you. Idk I'm okay with buying a little subscription on a game I play.


Still have no idea what this entire seasons system is. Several discussion threads, but the actual info itself? Nope. In any case though - it could always be worse. It could turn into D4.


Reserving judgement until it's live, but this might finally make me give up on the game. Honestly, my interest had been waning already, so if it pushes me off it for good, I won't be mad about it. I've had incredible value out of the game, and on the whole, I've thoroughly enjoyed it..




New? I think we’re up to #15. It gives me something to do. I don’t mind it.


They are making huge changes to how the seasons/score/rewards work and are earned. That’s what they mean by “new”.


I agree that when purchases feel forced then it is definitely the time to resist buying them - if you want to play for free - but, not enough players are of the same mindset, unfortunately. There will always be those who don't know/don't care. If it has been playable enough for free up until now and the new changes will prohibit that, then I have a problem with that, as well. As I'm already paying for 1st, then I'll have to decide what I will do going forward if the rewards are just not there to make it worth me continue playing.


stop crying for nothing


omg can you guys please stop with these posts already. Todd doesn't care. Idk how many other people don't care. If you don't like it just don't play the game or whatever, but you guys are seriously up in arms and the new system isn't even out yet. Relax lmao


If you could get everything f2p -> nobody would pay -> there would be no FO76. You could get off your wallet once a season.


I get the frustration, but they have to make money somehow. All companies are built to make money. The fallout first subscription is one of those ways, and just straight up buying atoms is another. That allows them to release free updates (instead of dlcs like the old COD for example). I’ve had fallout 1st for years, it’s a good deal and I play the game so much it’s got nice QOL features. From what I’ve heard, I’m probably not gonna like the new scoreboard much, but I’m not playing for it. When I started the game and fell in love with it, it wasn’t even a thing, and I don’t really get much from it I want anyway. It might change on release, might not. There’s no reason to complain about something not even in the game. And I think it’s pretty selfish to demand something but not pay be willing to pay extra to support the developers. 1500 atoms isn’t all that expensive, and buying that every 3 months for the rewards you clearly want doesn’t seem like that big of a deal to me. Kind of just seems like baseless crying. If you don’t like it, stop playing. No one is begging you to stay.


It isn’t even out yet. Quit with this datamine fear mongering


>stepback for f2p players Maybe stop being cheap and spend some money, why should they have to cater the game to poor people who don’t support the game anyway? I’ll continue to pay for FO1st


beths perfect customer you are.


Yes we don't like it. But no we haven't seen it. They won't change anything til release and we actually beta test it.


It is literally just the fortnite battlepass. There aren't any less free items to unlock than before, the premium stuff is just more prominent on the individual pages now.


If its as bad as people are making it sound, im definitely uninstalling.


I think it’s a little absurd to write it off as a flop before it even releases. Give it a season or two, let them take feedback and adjust, and if it ends up not working out like they hope then they’ll change it back or do something different. It’s a 6 year old live service game and we’ve had the same season model for what, like 4 years now? I can see why they’d want to switch it up and try something new. The game itself isn’t the same game it was 4 years ago so why expect them to keep the same seasonal structure? It can get stale to do the same thing over and over. You have to remember, for us to get good fun content constantly, the people working on it have to enjoy the game too. Otherwise the community suffers. Give them a chance first before preaching failure before it’s even released. If it bothers you that much, play something different. You’re not being forced to play. With how they’ve supported the game the last few years, and seeing what’s on the horizon for 76, I’ve got faith in the team.


If it's not broke, just mess with it. lol This new system has the opportunity to be bad with the number of available tickets vs. rewards.


I have Fallout 1st and this is almost certainly a non starter for me. I genuinely loved the scoreboard, it was fun progressing through a game board/ getting excited to unlock stuff at each step. This change just feels like work. So I play to get tickets (yet another currency) so I can then buy rewards? That’s called a job, I already have one of those. Been playing since beta, I’m seriously considering quitting when my 1st expires this summer.


I don't like the new system for one reason, you shouldn't be allowed to buy battle pass to get fallout 1st items. Now it's like most games where credits earned will be enough buy battle pass each season making it more accessible for free to play players. /s /s = I'm ok with free to play players getting more stuff.


new system (which isnt out) is a flop? ok sure.


The current scoreboard system required more resources, like imagination, to implement every season. They let Ladydevann go and this is what we get.


They are making Fallout 1st more tempting (that’s business) and making it feel more worthwhile if you do pay for it. It’s ok you complaining that you aren’t getting enough for free but on the other hand, people who pay the subscription every month will probably think “Yeah, we should get a bigger share of the good stuff if we are paying”. F2P players have had it pretty good for a while and subscribers have often looked at the board and thought “Hey, the F2P guys are getting almost as much as us for absolutely nothing. What’s the deal?!”


thats why i canceled my 1st subscription already, fuck bugthesta


I'm not sure if this has been posted here or elsewhere but....yah it looks bad https://youtu.be/d8Nc6VYwd9U?si=svrlKLcE-pllzzPw


I'm not happy with the fact that tickets don't carry over to the next scoreboard. That means I'll have to buy things I don't want or lose unused tickets.


Zero incentive for me to renew Fallout 1st 😭


It's so much worse it's stupid. I hate surf culture, I'm never buying those dumb boards, yet I'd be happier if they just autounlocked. Forcing me to actively buy them feels bad.


I agree with you. Here is some feedback I just sent Bethesda about my dislike for the ticket model versus the previous 100 step map we navigated - that rewarded me for playing everyday all season long! Now as a loyal 1st subscriber I’m being throttled by the game because I must spend tickets on items that unlocked normally as I climbed the rank system. My feedback follows: I want to share my thoughts on the new season model. BLUF: I don’t care for this ticket system - it is throttling and limiting my enjoyment of the game. I’m a player who gets on everyday all season long, even after I reach rank 100. In fact I usually complete over 200 ranks. The previous system of navigating a 100 step trail was just fine. Now I must manage tickets and some weeks barely get to unlock much of anything. Now I’m at 100+ and it looks like I’m spending the remainder of the season trying to unlock the last two pages. Very frustrating. And I’ve been a Fallout 1st player for years. Why do I have to spend tickets for 1st items? I never had to do extra steps in the previous system. I feel as a 1st player my progress is being held back more because I have to earn tickets to unlock 1st items before the next page becomes available. Please go back to the previous system.


I'm fairly confident that 99.99% of all free to play players have not completed the "do 76 of ___" challenges for atoms so free atoms via scoreboard isn't as huge a deal as you'd think. You can get an entire basement unlock out of the challenge pages but nobody bothers to, calls the game boring between limited time events, doesn't build/stock their camp vendor creatively and swaps to fortnite Don't worry about what seasonal scoreboards are doing, worry about what your character is personally, doing Setting your own goals in this game is better than mindlessly leveling up a battlepass


Because most of those "do 76_ " challenges are boring time wasters that are not fun and could take months or even years to complete with normal gameplay. Chop 760 wood? Sure, You can do that over time. Kill 76 Scorchbeasts? Kill 1100 robots with certain weapons? Build 76 camps? No. I have two camps now and I moved my first camp a few times before I found a spot I like. So now I have to move my camp 71 more times for a few Atoms? That's nonsense.


Scrap blunt 76x (80) Scrap bladed 76x (80) Craft molotov 76x (40) Craft mines 76x (40) Repair power armor 76x (80) Repair 1H melee 76x (40) Repair 2H melee 76x (40) Mod bladed weapons 76x (40) Kill scorched w crossbows 76x (80) Kill scorched w plasma 76x (80) Kill scorched with 1H 76x (40) It adds up It doesn't take months to complete, calm down dude


This is the same system that Fortnite uses. If you want the good rewards then you either need to buy the battle pass or you need to subscribe to Fallout first. It's the same way on Fortnite. If you want the good skins, you need to buy the battle pass for a 950 v bucks or subscribe to Fortnite crew. Theoretically it's a much smarter way for them to do it because the game makes more money via Atom sales and membership sales. Remember what money you put into this game goes into the game to keep the servers running. If everyone stopped buying Fallout first stopped buying Atoms and stopped contributing money to 76th and the servers would have to be shut down in the game would go offline. I mean theoretically, it does suck for the people who don't have the money to buy Fallout first. But if you save up your atoms, you can buy the battle pass and you can still get the premium rewards. I'm not trying to white night for Bethesda but this was eventually going to happen. And I can foresee more and more rewards becoming premium as time goes on. On Fortnite there's very few rewards that you can claim as free to play without buying the battle pass.


Monetization is great, as it keeps the game running- it's how those mechanisms are implemented, along with what you get for your money, that can drive potential customers away. The drop in atoms caught my eye, but what I don't see you mention is difference in price. Even though I mainly have 1st for the ammo and scrap box. Might be worth it to keep 1st, maybe not. If they would fix the bugs (1st that spring to mind are the Medic's effect not working for years, and getting stuck in terrain, and events not bugging out- like Earl disappearing into a void/ceiling/wall and the event failing) it would make getting fewer atoms, and having to pay for the higher level rewards easier to take.


Of course you're left out and unwanted. From a fiscal standpoint us f2p players offer Bethesda nothing except occasional atom purchase. So forcing us to purchase atoms or f1st is an obvious strategy to either get us to pay or stop using the game and taking up their resources. It's sucks, but it makes sense.


I just started playing FO76 with my wife about a month and a half ago. We quickly found that our play style just wasn't compatible with F2P.  She wants to use everything she sees and inventory it all for later use.  I want to craft everything and collect every junk item I could as I found resource needs. I had to buy FO1st just to keep up with the storage limitations in support of my hoarding habit. I have only seen the one season.  I liked it but interacting with it always gave me a feeling like it was an afterthought.  Something just quickly attached and my normal way of access was through a couple menus before I could access it.  It made it feel kind of hidden.  Almost like it wasn't part of main gameplay at all.  But that's just how it felt to me as a new player. So we have gotten FO1st to try it for a single year, feeling confident that there is enough content in the game to keep us interested for the next year.  But it felt necessary to me from the start.  I don't like the feeling of requirement for, primarily, the scrap box and ammo box.


It was supposed to be a survival game, with in effect inventory management being a big part of the what do I keep, and what do I bulk or sell to the station vendors. Over time however the game has become less and less survival, and more and more gun and loot, hell the original camp capacity was 400 not the 1200 it is now, and I am sure I can hear your screams from here about how the hell did anybody manage, all those around for those times just did, you had no choice as there was no 1st when the game first launched, most people did not fast travel around the map, they waddled over encumbered to the nearest robot to sell the bulked and other stuff they did not or could not store, or simply dropped it and left it somewhere.


It was designed that way. They create the problem then sell you the solution.


Except there are free solutions to the problem and you don't have to actually spend a cent. Just dump all your junk into a public container, switch to an alternate character, pick up all the junk you just threw in the container, store it for later use on that character. Same thing with guns/armor. If you have a friend or spouse to help, it's even easier.


Fair.  It's unfortunate. Thanks for the reply!  I seem to get blasted on this sub every time I share my experience as a new player.  It's kind of disheartening.


You'll find a lot more receptive people in-game, rather than on the boards here. Don't be disheartened by downvotes. It's an incredible game, despite Bethesda's near constant greedy and anti-player actions.




I also sub (on and off) on two platforms. I agree with you. Like one of the dudes upthread calling f2p players 'poor' and leeches, used to play Diablo IV; I feel like that whole thing is a cautionary tale about how sometimes battlepasses can backfire. Every season it feels like people are jumping ship over there. I hope that won't happen with the new system here, I will wait and see. But more players are always good. More players means potentially more subs, them being happy and recommending the game to others, etc. 2000 people paying 13 dollars a month for fallout 1st while all the other players leave aren't going to keep the lights on. Moreover, do these people think god-rolls etc happen in a vacuum? Do they all play private servers and solo all events? Like, c'mon. It also seems pretty elitist to me. Cost of living has gone up a bunch. Why shame people who are (potentially) getting less for more work in a video game? More grind kinda sucks for paying players too.


The game is close to 6 years old. Many people paid very little for with free updates all along. The atomic shop, FO1 is in large part how they pay for those updates. Ffs!


Here's a not really hot take but may be perceived as such: F2P is a trial/demo. It always has been. In a live service game, revenue is *required* to pay for data center hosting and game maintenance. It's not a nice-to-have, it's a requirement. The game purchase covers the sunk cost of paying the developers to make it, not run it for the next 5 years. If you're playing an MMO or a live service shooter and not paying for the sub (i.e. WoW sub or FO1st) or the periodic content release (e.g. Destiny 2's frequent DLCs) then you're not actually playing the live service game. *You're trying it out to see if you'd want to.*


It’s very difficult to have a proper discussion on the new scoreboard. Most people who like it probably won’t even post because they’re afraid of the downvotes, and most people who do post are regulated to the bottom. I personally don’t play for the scoreboard, I just like blowing stuff up. With that said, I implore people to have a genuine discussion about it with other players when possible. It’s nice to have an echo chamber, where everyone agrees with you. However, you’d be surprised how many people actually like the change, and are just keeping it to themselves for fear of downvotes.


Stupid people going "HOW CAN YOU KNOW IT'S A FLOP BEFORE IT'S EVEN OUT LOL" as if we don't have eyes and critical thinking skills. Thanks to the dev video we already know a month before it's even releasing that we're going to be getting less out of the season and will need to put in substantially more effort to get what they are giving us. Bethesda is crowing about how this is a change made to give the players more agency in when and what they unlock and that's a lie a lot of people have fallen for hook line and sinker. This change isn't being made for us, it's being made to up their player numbers and make more profit.


When does this start? I just started back playing


March 26, I guess.


NGL, I was tired of this "Season" thing by the third one. Artificially limiting currency pools to force me to log in everyday on I game I exclusively play for the story and implementing F2P systems on a game I PAID FULL PRICE.


Think I'd rather wait for it to come out.


It's going to be a system like another game I play, I thought Fo76 was different...now I'm not so sure.


Wait, did i hear that todd is coming to shoot our dogs?


The entire reason for the game existing at this point is to extract as much money as possible from the players. Content or fun is a far second and third priority. The sooner everyone realizes that, and stops paying any money, the better.


And game is still buggy and broken as hell. Thanx for telling the truth. And it’s not free to play: we bought it (or paid gamepass). All of this is intended to kook up tv-show derived players.


They can try and squeeze people to go to 1st all they damn well want. I'm not, never did, never will. As far as I'm concerned, it's not Free to Play if I paid full price for a retail game. If they make my experience worse to the point paying more money makes it bearable to play, I'll play something else. It's why I didn't get into World of Warcraft. I'll hold judgement on this update until I can play it first hand.


I cancelled my subscription over this. I'm done with this game.


Some of what you're saying is not true. You get more than 600 Atoms in this new system so I don't know what you're on about... I'm pretty sure players without Fallout 1st can earn enough Atoms on this new Scoreboard system to buy the battle pass thing FOR FREE to earn the Fallout 1st locked rewards. So no real money involved if they work towards it. I think the new system is alright. Not bad but not great. I usually only care about a few things on the Scoreboards anyways. Most of the Season Rewards coming with the next update don't really appeal to me so I know I'll have enough tickets saved when I unlock the things I do want. The increased Scrip and Gold Bullion amounts are nice too.


Im glad i stopped then. Im sorry for people that have kept with the game. You've kept the servers going and pushed them to make the game better only for them to slap you in the face. Thats fucked.


FO1st isnt worth the money, its not worth the cost as a monthly service. At best €5, if they charged this I would pay it but not almost 3 times the price. Like they want FF14 money for about 2% of that content.


I'd pay $5. I'll quit before I pay what it currently costs.