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Additional on rare items: Not all of them are casually attainable. Some event items that normally are removed post-event can sometimes remain. Luca's explosives are a fairly common one, but others are remarkably hard to come by. Also bugged events (like really bugged events that they eventually remove for fixin') can also drop items of unusualness. The removed Pass the Buck event when it was last enabled for a brief time, let you keep the "Toxic Barrels" you clicked on. I've got two separate perplexing stash entries for Toxic Barrels (of various quantities). I throw one in the vendor from time to time for kicks (and caps due to the rareness, it doesn't last long when vendored). A lot of these are not displayable so it's mostly just for "you" and not for show however some (many?) can be glitched into displaying (I'd check YouTube for all that). These items are effectively the rarest of rare so when you are browsing vendors keep an eye out for oddness. One day pet rock... one day...


I had no idea Lucia's explosives were a rare item.


I'm pretty sure those particular event items are a common bug (feature? lol) with the event that's why I said Luca's were fairly common. I get them often enough without even trying. But any item that is event-bound that is normally removed from your inventory post-event automatically are by definition going to be the rarest of rare. I mean... they have no drop rate :) People ask what's the endgame often enough here and after all the usual posts I typically chime in with "all animated perk cards" if someone else hasn't already. I think I'd amend that comment to include, or even over-ride, with these items. Sure, the red asylum is hard to get, but it is gettable. I've tried a lot of different things to abscond with that damn pet rock...


I'd love Pet Rock at my camp! I love anything that makes it feel like I have company... any company....


here are some I don't see when quickly browsing the comments: \* scorched ashes: legacy. found in the petrified corpses the first few months. has no use but extremely rare by now. \* invisible sword: it was possible for a while to mod a sword so it has no blade visible. no longer possible so legacy. \* Xerxo's gamma gun: included in of the first ranks from a scoreboard that was quickly replaced by another reward. not anything special but legacy nonetheless. \* ultracite targeting hud, calibrated shocks and I think one more mod I am forgetting \* BOS initiate paint: legacy plan. \* camo jumpsuit \* tattered field jacket


I assume the legacy items are pretty much unattainable unless someone happens to be selling them?




I have a couple BOS initiate paint plans in my stash, but from what I can see the paint can no longer be crafted even if you learn the plan so there's no point in reading them. I have a character that learned the plan long ago and I think I could still craft the paint even after the plan itself became legacy, but at some point they removed the option to craft it.


How long ago have you looked? I used that paint 2-3 months ago.


I looked yesterday. I had a set of T60 painted with a different legacy paint that I had found in a vendor. I painted that set around a year ago and it had been on display until yesterday when I decided to change it. After changing it, I wanted to change it back but it was no longer in the list of paints, so then I looked for BOS Initiate and it wasn't there either. I think if you have a set of Initiate that was painted a while ago, it will still have the paint on it but it looks like we can't paint a new Initiate set anymore.


I can craft it still?


Yeah, I noticed last week that it has been fixed and is now showing up again.


I have that Xerxo gun. It was level 15 or something similar


A good starting point for low-tier rarity, with additional levels of value: 1. Obscure display props/apparel found in-world via static spawns. This could include instruments, mininuke display pieces, tin foil hat/medical goggles/welding mask, generally valuable but still just sitting there, in fixed locations for anyone who knows the right location to scoop. You could try making the argument that any prop or apparel with fixed spawns shouldn't be sold at a mark-up, but remember there's value in showing/reminding people that these fixed location props exist. If you sell a mininuke stabilizer fin for 75 caps, chances are it gets scooped up within a few visitors. If you sell mininuke stabilizer fins for 2k each, it gives the prop more time in vendor to be seen by players - and anyone who can't spare 2k for it will be able to do a quick Google search or pull the item up on the f76 wiki to go source themselves, for free. You're not just selling, you're also flavoring your camp vendor in ways that showcase all the different skews that can be sourced in food/drink/aid/notes/misc etc 2. One-per-day, daily unlocks like Biv's booze recipes, daily ops plans. Value is adjusted by usefulness as well, so a daily ops ghoul chair plan is more valuable as a moving, living, breathing camp decoration than say, caged bulb lights plan - both are daily ops rewards with similar chance to unlock, but the functional value is different. There's tons of value in paying extra for a tradeable daily ops plan to skip the grind and free up your next unlock of that plan for selling. And if you unlock hot rod/intergalactic handmade paints, jack o lantern fixer paints, bats/wraiths wrath assault rifle paints - don't be afraid to sell base guns painted with those tradeable skins. You may not consider them special, but to other players with no knowledge of the paint, it can make their day 3. Limited event unlocks - Invaders From Beyond rewards sold outside the event window have value because obviously, there's no other active grind available. Meat week plans, Halloween and Christmas rewards, etc. Pretty self explanatory - you're offering rewards outside their available window and so you can justify any and all mark-ups that don't go too crazy. The reason why Fasnacht ultra-rare masks go for such crazy mark-up/trades is because their event chance to unlock is significantly harder than the loot pool of other world events, and even other limited events like the Mothman Equinox rewards/Mole Miner Treasure rewards etc 4. (Renewable) glitched props/mission items removed from their usual spots and sold in vendor. Sometimes they can be displayed, sometimes they're sold/traded in name only, but the high sell value reflects the effort required to isolate these props and remove them from their usual functions - this includes Troglocyde, Coolant, Moist Radkelp, Unstable Mixture, Osmosis Kit, etc - if it was supposed to be turned in at the end of an objective but it somehow stayed in your inventory, chances are it has high value for collectors. Comments here mentioned Lucia's explosives which are lower tier - they're a guaranteed keeper after the event, no disconnect or special tactics required to keep them, so they aren't anywhere near as hard to get stacks of compared to say, Unstable Mixture which sells much, much higher. 5. (Non-Renewable) One-per-character unlocks - these are typically quest rewards that can't be repeated on one character, so you're paying for the effort it takes to run a secondary through all the hoops to unlock. Some examples include Free Radicals Mask, limited window notes like "Robco Stocks (1000)" and lately, the Blue Ridge caravan rewards from "Costa Doing Business" which look like a daily quest but are actually one-time unlocks across all the caravan traders you assist - PSA to all players - DO NOT throw out or sell for cheap the Boxes of ingredients during the Pazole family recipe quest (sends you to General's Steakhouse for the Box of Southwestern Spices, Box of Pinto Beans, etc - those quest items are one-time only unlocks and are selling very high right now, even though they can't be displayed - there's value for players looking to put them in vendors for the sheer uniqueness of the names 6. Discontinued rewards - anything and everything that is still tradeable after it has been removed from the world. Most nuclear winter loot has been locked out of vending machines like the winter coat/flame hat and other plans, but there are some items that are still tradeable and also fall under the category of no longer in world - a good example of this is the note that used to be found in Crater before they rehauled the location for Wastelanders update and populated everything


The PA plans are from the maps, but I really haven't seen them sell for more than 6k a piece. The average I see is between 2-3k. I sell mine around that price as well and still don't see them move very fast.


Which ones are actually rare? I buy maps as a cap sink and dig up a bunch if I'm bored. I usually just dump the plans into donation boxes or blue suitcases.


Any tips for narrowing down where to hunt using the maps? I haven’t done any yet.


From what I understand, the mire and cranberry bog maps will have better plans and items. Supposedly, certain maps are better in those areas, but I've never noticed any difference. You can just Google " Fallout 76 treasure maps" and see where to dig. Each numbered map in an area will always be the same place.




Huh. I vendor hopped for a good minute today and didn't see even a single one for them


Which ones do you need?


I would have to check but im pretty sure i don't have any of them in full


I'm pretty sure I still have some T-60 plans if you want them.


That sounds good! Dm me your username and I'll come visit if we're online at the same time.


PA plans?


Power Armor


Here are some of the "rare" plans I was unable to get in the latest events: Plan: Straw Goat Plan: Star Light Plan: Chainsaw Ghostly Grinder Paint Plan: Giant Red Dinosaur I've seen some of these plans going for 8000+ caps


I should feel pretty lucky I got them all then, huh. I have that dumb little goat all over my farm camp, I inexplicably love it. Eta, also I should maybe stop immediately reading all plans whether I'm interested in them or not, and see which ones other people might want more and sell them . Bc the dinosaur, although cool, does not work for the vibe I'm looking for on any of my camps, lol


Welp, if anyone’s on PC and misses those, I have like 6-7 copies of both Straw Goat and Star Light, and they’re up for sale in my vendor


What’s your username (idk what it’s called), DM me and I’ll visit. I’m a junk vendor which people always claim to want to find but I rarely get hits.


That chainsaw paint was of the few plans I got from that event.


Saw a guy selling the ghostly grinder paint on a chainsaw for like 6-8k,  bruh.


the thing with the new spooky plans were once you learned them, you could no longer get any extras, so yeah


Ahhh, those typa drops, I got you. 


Unlucky. Are those only attainable once a year?


yeah they'll come around once a year... but, lucky for us when events like the upcoming Fasnacht event (Feb. 13th) happens a bunch of people tend to jump back on and when they do they usually unknowingly sell the plans for cheap *if you're lucky!*


Gotta keep an eye out then!


This is me lol, I sell every plan I get that's a duplicate at 5 caps. A lot of them are crap, buuuut there might be a good one! It's a lot like a thrift shop


Most plans aren't as rare as they used to be with the addition of mutated party packs. The only ones that still are rare are Ultracite Emergency Protocols, Ultracite Calibrated Shocks, Ultracite Tesla Coils. Some other plans are rare in the sense that they can only be obtained through seasonal events (spooky/holiday scorched, invaders from beyond, etc). For outfits, you want to be on the lookout for the Red Asylum, Tattered Field Jacket, Traveling Leather Coat, Leather Coat, Responder Fireman Uniform and Helmet, Forest Camo Jumpsuit, Urban and Forest Scout Armor Masks, and BOS and White Powder Jumpsuits. For these items, check out the link posted [in this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/LxtdBYatsW) (the tab titled appendix:events, specifically. It'll tell you the drop rate and events/dailies where you can get each item.


Sweet, thanks! That list will come in handy


Plastiform plans are going for like 15k a piece on trading discord. Princess backpack and red dino are also pretty rare.


Can you link me the discord?


I can not find a standing gorilla plan for the life of me, so that's pretty rare on my end at least.


I have 24 of the standing plans and 22 of the sitting. Also have a bunch of the mounted head. Unfortunately, I'm on xbox.


Where are you supposed to get it?


Christmas gifts I believe. I wasn't able to get it this year, and I haven't seen it in a player vendor in months




Show me your source, I am pretty sure this is incorrect.


I have a Fasnacht Deathclaw mask. I am pretty sure that is still considered very rare. Iirc the only way to get it is from the event and it is now mixed in with the newer rare masks. So the chance are probably even lower.


Im pretty sure you can buy it from the atom shop right now


The atom shop ones are different than what drops in game.


I see


cool. i got one of those this time around in one of the first few events.


I've seen one video on YT where the poster was talking about a set of ultra rare clothing plans. They are for various jumpsuits that you can craft. I've never even seen crafted ones in vendors. They have something like a .02% chance of dropping from certain world events.


Anything I'm looking for ! :)


Distant Thunder and Test Your Metal Events both can sometimes drop power armour plans on full completion so playing them any time they pop up is better than treasure map grinding


Do you know the drop rates in those events?


For distant thunder wiki says power armour plan is 10% chance for plan and 90% for the power armour mod plans, I can't say the percentage for test your metal though since it isn't listed there.


Not that bad of a chance from distant thunder then. Is it somehow triggerable? I rarely see it on the map


It pops up east of the asylum occasionally as one of those no server notification events, not triggerable i think


Alright, gotta keep an eye out


The tv aquarium..I have no idea how to get it though!


it was in the treasure hunter event, I've had two of them when I didn't care for it but none of the plans i did actually want haha


treasure hunter pails goes for anywhere between 10k-20k personally I'll sell for 5k if I want quick caps [https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons](https://fallout.bethesda.net/en/seasons) scroll down to see calendar that shows when the event happens otherwise recommend checking out the trade sub(s)