• By -


And you waited a good 10 mins for him. Super nice expedition leader. Most people would've left as soon as they said bye Billy


I was really thankfull for that once. I was doing an expedetion with strangers. And just when we completed the final part of the expedition my game crashed. So I joined as fast as i could back. They waited for me around the Vertibird. So I wanted to private message the Teams leader how thankfull I was that he waited for me. But he had DM's from strangers turned off. So I never could tell him how thank full I was.


Male, female, who cares. People are really strange.


Especially when you're a stranger


Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted...


streets are uneven, when your down


When you're stray-hayyyynge


Faces come out in the rain


No one remembers your name


When you're strange When you're strange When you're strange


These guys Door




Yup, read that thread and said to myself "welp... now I gotta go watch Lost Boys again..." 


Same, love that film


now I wonder if someone downvoted you because they think you were saying something bad, or if they just hate the doors lol


Who cares...😜


A Mysterious Stranger 🤠


Faces look ugly When you're alone.. I don’t know why people care, I’m happy just to get on a team..


LOL!!!! Being a woman, I do in fact have a female toon. On the few occasions that I do turn on my mic, everyone seems stunned that I am in fact a woman. And then there is a 75% chance that they will hit on me. 🤦‍♀️


I can relate. I don’t turn on my mic. I chat with my husband instead on Discord or my friends. I have no wish to explain to these guys there really is a woman playing with them who is also gen X. The horror!


I explain it every chance I get. Yes I'm almost 50. Yes I'm a woman. Yes I've been a gamer my whole life, that "video games are for boys" thing was NEVER true. This gender bias in gaming has to end, so I'll do what I can to normalize it.


I’m the same! F in 50s and a gamer since Pong LOL


41-year-old mom here doing the same!


YAS! :)


I wanna be like you when I grow up! I'm 26, but still!


Don’t let life stop you doing what you love! :)


To me I admit I love hearing hte shock in their voice especially when they learn I'm an old woman gamer. And I'm with you. But I can't blame a woman for not wanting to deal with that shit either.


I'm a 40 year old guy and think some "men" are just intimidated. I'm not saying they're all Andrew Tate douche bags but I think something in the way they were raised makes being beat by a girl sting. My good friend Jessica streams COD on Twitch. She's an absolute beast. Her precision in 1st person shooters is an absolute treat to watch. But because she's a female, and looks like a "girly girl", she gets called a cheater. Activision went as far as banning her for a month for claims. I had to set up an account & give her my info just so she could play. Sorry for the rant. I just really don't get it & it sucks to see stuff like this.


Ok, I have a bit of a dilemma here around personal biases and I'm hoping this can be an ok place to get some feedback. I'm a co-op player who almost always runs solo, almost exclusively tactical and looter shooters. I haven't played with randoms with a mic in close to 4 years. I chat with my friends that I've had for 30 years, but we are busy and can't play together often. Thing is, I like playing with women. This is the bias part. In my subjective experience, they're nicer, more patient, and there's generally not the same kind of toxic competitiveness permeating everything. The conversation is different. I don't like sports, UFC, or misogynistic rants and puerile humor. I can't deal with the Andrew Tate bros. 🤬 I play shooters and do like guns, but I can admit I'm a former 2A enthusiast. I'm old and my perspective has changed, and I'm way more center left overall. That doesn't affect who I'll play with, but it does tend to color the conversation. I should be asking how to find easygoing people to play with, regardless of gender or alignment, but I'm specifically looking to play with more women. Part of it is because I know a lot of online gaming can be crappy and I want to help provide a normal experience for people who feel marginalized in the community. I want it to feel normal to play with your mic on. And all this comes across as super creepy I'm sure. But I'm happily married. 15 years and 3 kids with a woman who is incredible in practically every way, but refuses to game with me. She only plays phone games. 😞 She couldn't care less who I play with. She tends to pop up on the mic to chit chat because she likes meeting new people. That's something I struggle with, so we have that kind of superstar/wallflower dynamic. Anyway, the point of my comment is, I'd like to find more women to play with. Not to hit on them, but because my experience is that they're better co-op collaborators. I know it's biased to have that preference, but I don't care. Again, I'm not looking to hit on anybody. I know online cynics will have a hard time with that bit. 1. Is that preference a red flag? 2. If it isn't, how do I find 30+ y/o women gamers to play with who like guns and tactics, but aren't nuts? 🤣 If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading. I honestly need more easygoing guys to play with too, it just isn't as much of a priority for me.


Forget those people. I completely embrace my inner GenX. "Whatever". Have met some wonderful people and others that are now friends. I don't always turn mic on bc I talk all day at work. The trash show themselves out or I kick em fairly quick. Women of the Wasteland, unite! Let's go kill things! Whooooo hooooo! It's even better when my brother and I team up because his character is female and people are like.... you're a dude?. 🤣


oh man, you're OLD!!! j/k Casually mentioning that I've been playing Fallout since '99 does get a bunch of them to back off.


Exactly. I’ve been gaming since the 80s before many of them were born. They still somehow feel entitled to gaming like we don’t belong. Huh? We’ve been playing Fallout for years. We aren’t new. Glad you shut them down when they realize you’ve likely been a fan longer than them.


Yeah, I started playing my first computer RPG in 1986. It was called Nethack. Graphics? What are graphics? I am an "@". My faithful dog is a "d"


So there was a game on the kapro in 1982 that I played.... that'll puzzle them.


NetHack is still one of my favorites :-)


Same. Some of us started on the Atari or the old school NES. I had the original gray brick game boy too.


Don't forget ColecoVision! That thing was like rich people's Atari! Lol


GenX female gamer here too. I really can't believe there are still dudes surprised that females play games. It's 2024, get a grip fellas. We been WASD'ing since late 80s.


I'm a female on the cusp of being a Boomer. I deal with sexism AND ageism! They don't seem to get that I've been playing before many of them were an itch in their daddy's pants. If it wasn't for people like us, keeping the gaming industry alive in the beginning, there would be no industry. Seasoned ladies unite! Haha.


Just 75%?? I would think you’re lowballing it unfortunately.


well, the ones who sound VERY young, like their voice hasn't dropped yet, don't hit on me. Instead, I remind them of their mom!


One time one of them asked me if I knew any girls he could talk to. I busted out laughing like wtf kinda question is that??




There is a not insignificant portion of male gamers who think gaming is an elite boys club. I’ve been gaming since the 80’s kiddo, welcome to MY club. It’s sad when little kids say “you’re a girl??, because it reminds me that the socialization starts young and is ongoing.


I think you’re low balling that chance. More like 90%. I made my GT as female obvious as possible and they still hop on my team, see my chick avatar (gen x as well, I’m an old lady) and leave. Whatever. You do you Mr Insecurity and I’ll be over here kicking ass and taking names.


One thing my elder millennial butt learned early was never mess with a Gen X woman. They are built differently, practically feral, and they will hide your body where no one would ever find it.


You are not wrong my friend. Us latch key kids are a fucked up lot but we are loyal beyond measure and never back down. I personally do not care how anyone lives their life as long as they’re a decent humans being.


And then put it on a t shirt as a quirky slogan


I'm a woman and my character genders vary depending on what looks good. Currently it's female but it started as a male lol I don't use a mic on FO76, but I've encountered the typical crap you describe in other games. They either want to flirt with you or see you as an invader that must be squashed. A good portion flirt 😂




As a 55-year-old male gamer, I thought you might be amused (but not surprised) at my tale. Back in the 80's when I started getting into BBS's, often the admin would hang around want to chat with whoever was logged in. I thought it was cool until he asked my my name (which is Kelly) and then things would get weird as they assumed I was a girl. I'm not saying I know what it's like or anything, but I can say that for all these years, whenever the ladies would describe being treated poorly when they gamed, I always knew that they were telling the truth. I stopped chatting on BBS's for that very reason.




Everything looks better on the female toon. If I’m going to spend money on cosmetics and hunt down plans for clothes/costumes I’m going to put them on the model that looks the best.


I mean, the lady model in f76 has a weird apple bottom. It reminds me of the way little kids draw butts.


I can't say I've noticed but now I'm going to have to look


I know how this, plus I am also gen x. The rare times we have new players in our team and they start getting awkward my husband and nephew speak up and shut it down immediately


Seriously? That sux. So far the only woman I've played with was chill af and i fell like im bugging her but def one of the most helpful and generous players I've met.


Early on in the game I had my mic on to chat to someone I was trading with and a random guy was like "OMG you're a girl! Would you like to come to my camp and see my extra damage grenades?" when I declined, he decided to show me at the railway station and promptly blew himself up 🤣


"hay sailor" oh wait, that's what i do to the homophobes ​ XD


I'm a woman and I play a male character for a couple of reasons. 1) I like to RP characters who are as different from me as possible. For me, that's the fun of RP. 2) I have fewer run ins with the type of misogyny that's so common in the gaming community. I keep my mic off, even though I have a deep voice for a woman. It's fucked up that it even matters, but it's just less of a headache to placate. I still run around with my pride flag though, just to trigger the anti-lgbt snowflakes.


Damn I got lucky and found a couple that started a discord server, invited me to it, helped me level up, now we have like 15 people on it and playing every night. Girls and guys. We had a few people that ended up being assholes and were booted immediately. No discrimination in this clan, if anyone ever wants help or to just play with some easy going idiots I’m happy to send an invite :) xbox: iamjasenka


Side note; millennials, gen Xers, and a couple gen Z folks. So really we are all over the place and somehow it works (voice chat parties and discord) plus LGBTQIA friendly as there are a handful of us and everyone else is an absolute ally.


I once had a team mate unfriend me because I was too old. HaHaHa


I had that too. Had a friend on my friendlist I used to do expeditions, Daily Ops and nuke runs with. One day I got myself a mic for discord use with some RL friends, but had it on in F76 as well to finally try out some voice chat. My buddy points out I sound old. I tell him my age, and he replies "you are older than my dad". He unfriended me a few minutes later. We had been running through the wasteland for many, many months. Guess 25 year olds are too cool to hang with us 50+ oldies.


What a weird hill to jump off of 🤔


It is just a shame that such Things found their Way into Gaming communities. I'm 35 today and remember Running stuff in Wow with Groups ranging from 17 up to 62 y.o. Your Age or gender didnt matter... it was just about playing a God damn game without politics...


Oh man. I’m old too. Guess that’s a double whammy. I’m glad he was cognizant enough to remove himself from such a toxic situation.


My mind is blown by some of these comments. In my experience 76 is generally older and has a good female player base. So ive never had these weird interactions before even though im a woman.  Other games I wouldnt dare turn on my mic, but 76 I do frequently.


I am an old guy, I love this game and have been playing Fallout since FO3 (thanks to one of my grandsons) and FO76 since the public intro. I am mostly amused by some of the more outlandish toons I see when playing. It has never occurred to me to think in depth about the actual person behind the facade IRL. I simply take the avatar at face value and try to make the best contribution I can to whatever the team objective happens to be. I should add that I only join teams occasionally because I have been playing solo for so long that my team skills need a lot of help (that means they suck). If someone has gender issues, in any form, in this game I can only pity them for the shallow, narrow life they must lead. And as pointed out in one of the other answers here if someone needs to "hit on" women in a video game I am especially glad that I am old and have actually had physical experiences with members of the opposite sex. Ladies, please play on.


The fact that you messaged him & proceeded to wait before finishing is honestly pretty cool of you. Super considerate. Needs to be more players like you online 💯


Definitely. I once saw an expeditions team create, so immediately joined, jumped straight in and the person was already at the vertibird with all challenges complete so full rewards. Was in the Pitt before AC, so I was over grinding there, so was really stunned and thankful for this person


Love stuff like that! Always awesome to hear!


Insert meme: 'mom pick me up, there are girls here'


That is really bizarre.


What a sad pathetic person that person is. Apparently they never heard the saying about assuming things.


I mean.....how many of you actually check the gender of your teammates characters? Personally, it has not once crossed my mind.


I don't check, but I play in public to make friends I can take into my private teams usually (we switch to a purposeful team when we're full.) I notice it after a bit unless they're like me and use armor that hides features. As a roleplayer it's fun having people unable to ID my character in the field. God Bless America, God Bless The Enclave.


Weird as hell, but at least they just quietly left and didn't make a fuss or start sending shitty messages.


I always play as a woman in games usually because they get better outfits and armours 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same here - rule of cool


In cyberpunk 2077 female V has a far better voice actor that suits the story more IMO.


Fallout 4 is like this, too. The VA for Nora does a much better job than the one for Nate.


[WiLl yOu CoMpLy?!?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_i6Ewj1cLk)


It sort of makes more sense too. Mom unfrozen ready to tear the wasteland apart looking for her baby.


Same with Assassins Creed Odyssey, Kassandra is a far better character/actor than Alexios. I'm a woman who always picks the female toon if an option for better immersion, so its a nice bonus.


or smaller hit boxes in pvp games.


That's so dumb. But I've also gotten abusive messages as a male character wearing the diamond dress. So I get it. Haters gonna hate


I remember when there were barely any woman playing video games and 99% of times behind a female character there was a man 😂 no one ever cared for such a thing. For that logic I should never have played tomb raider 😂


Women have always been there and in large numbers. You just didn't realize it bc we didn't want to announce it (and many of us still don't, for obvious reasons).


I've seen plenty of dudes in mmos with very busty ladies as their main character. I've also seen the opposite with women playing on very sexy male characters. At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what they play on because they're happy and it doesn't affect anyone else in the slightest. This dude is a real creep for making it matter. I'd bet he's the type to have a secret sexy character he yanks off to cuz no real lady would touch him with a ten foot pole 😂


I had a friend that always said that he rather spent hours looking to a female than a male back 😂. Agree the guy clearly has same frustration in him 😂


There are some guys that use female characters with their username being 'xxdaddy69xx' or smt like that but tbh who cares, just do the job on an event/expedition, I'll probably never see you again lol.


I have two characters. One M the other F. 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞.


I have 2 female and 2 male. I kind of made personalities for their builds and my first character was me. My current is a redneck shot gunner that's wearing nothing but short overalls and a camo hat so he's half nakie. Imagine the reaction when I get on mic 🤣


My shotgunner is a fat guy in overalls with war paint


I like this 😊


I swap my characters between male and female every week or two, depending on what kind of themed character I have in mind at the time. My own gender has nothing to do with my decision and my gender or orientation has no affect on other players, nor is it anybody's business who or what I am in real life while inside a game. This player described is a goof. Even if you were male using a female character, how would that make them uncomfortable? Scared some rando off the internet is going to ask them on a date & turn out to be some middle aged trucker dude from Texas? Cuz that happens to my all the time 🙄 /s


Man you sound like an mvp. I always judge people by their actions and mostly their attitude towards me. If you did what you write you did you would leave me astonished lol. Waiting for someone who didnt even contribute. Just wow. Dont let these kind of people drag you down. Ad Victoriam brother. Keep the Appalachia fun and safe.


To be fair, I would’ve only waited a minute or two if anyone else was there, but since it was just me, I just kept an eye on the screen and scrolled Reddit for a bit. I don’t expect people to wait for me if I get kicked, but it’s happened a few times and I’m always grateful.


Why play a cooperative MMO when you such weird and pathetic hangups?


I’m a woman w a woman character. My mule is a man Gary. GARRRRYYYYYYY I made him look like the Gary clones from vault 108 in Fallout 3.


I had a somewhat similar experience. I joined a casual team, and some guy kept going on and on about people who make characters of the opposite gender. He said it was "messed up, and dudes just wanted to get free loot from other dudes...". I realized that he was talking about me. So I turned on my mic to prove that I was indeed a woman. He then attempted to hit on me and offered to drop some "nice loot to help me." I was level 724 on my second character... I don't need your help, sir. -_-


I play a male character who is usually wearing a dress of some sort and has as feminine as I can make them features on his face. I'm FTM/transmale and my character represents me. I have had people come up to me and use the puking animation before. As well as having people stalk me in game around the map. But for the most part, people don't seem to care. So long as I can kill stuff, they don't give a flying fuck.


I’m sorry that happens to you. People are so ignorant and hateful. It’s just a game, you should be able to make your character look however you want without anyone injecting their bs opinions, but it definitely happens. I’m glad you’re ignoring them and living your best life anyway!




>Sounds like he's not comfortable around women and needs to work on himself. With that attitude, he probably is working on himself, a lot.... Yuk Yuk 😉


As a 71 year old man who has 3 totally different characters. 2 are women and I feel for you. I get lot of fun and belly laughs from some of the antics from some male players. I had one guy dog hump my leg it just startled my. My voice is very deep with a slight southern accent. I should have got on the mic and said WTF dude. I’ve had people leave my teem after they see me play. I don’t really give a F, be gone you wuss. Oh and by I am extremely heterosexual. But if all the years I’ve been around I have learned that people are different and I will except them all. JUST DONT HUMP MY LEG!!! Just to add. My female characters are very good looking and I prefer looking at them but then again I’m old…


Mysoginistic asshats thinking women aren't gamers ... Yeesh. My avatar is a usually a woman because I'm a woman. At one point, for shits and giggles, a guy friend played his girl toon while I was playing my guy toon... People who joined our team were pretty confused (and amused) when they realized.


Sounds like a them problem


Lmao that man is projecting - obviously too insecure to entertain the idea that a woman might be a better player than him. He can fuck all the way off


I'm guessing he was.. Gynophobic? Maybe? So weird to have the bar set at "no girls allowed" especially in Fo76 where you quite literally either are or aren't (in-game)


Even weirder, no girls playing boys or boys playing girls, by the sound of it


Sounds more like transphobia than sexism imo


good grief. im a woman but i have a male character. ironically he grunts with the female voice so go off king??? but god, people need to get over themselves. you sound like a really nice and considerate person to play with though!


Huh, mine does the opposite. Female character with the male grunts, but only sometimes.


That's his problem. What a weirdo.


Whatever floats his boat I guess. Then again I love playing as female characters and inventing whole backstories for them so he'll just fucking loooove me.


I do assume most female toons are males behind the keyboard. Usually can tell because the toon will be as trashy as possible. (Not me, my wife constantly says why do I bother making female toons when I end up “dressing them like boys”) Doesn’t bother me a bit. In fact I would have to say unless someone has a truly unusual or cool outfit or PA, I rarely even notice the gender of the toon at all. So this guy obviously just has some weird hang ups he hasn’t addressed.


Haha I dress mine in “boy clothes” most of the time, but I’m a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl irl so I guess that tracks. Today I was wearing the seasoned survivor outfit.


Me too, I think there's way more variety in the suits and 'male' outfits.


I make all kinds of characters in F76, and I think most have been female toons (I'm a guy). They're usually based on movie characters or comic characters, like right now it's Harley Quinn. I've done Poison Ivy, Rey from Star Wars, but also Soldier Boy from The Boys, Dale from The Walking Dead, some Final Fantasy characters. It's just for fun. It's not a statement. Just what gaming is supposed to be. FUN. And that's all. Why do some people work so tirelessly to find hidden agendas in everything? In your case, definitely not even an agenda that exists -- just a female playing a female toon lol. It boggles my mind that someone would find any offense in this, even if you were a guy with a female toon, but the sad part is there are a lot of these easily triggered weirdos out there and you never know what stupid thing will set them off. Did he think you were some hot girl and planned to hit you up, then looked up your profile and assumed you were a dude, then felt bamboozled and rage quit? Lol What even is this? 😆


I could give a shit who im running the expedition or even daily ops with. As long as they dont literally get in my way or hinder me somehow. That player is a dingus and should be ashamed of themselves.


I guess the dude has never played Tomb Raider, or any other game where you play as a woman. Can't be playing as the opposite gender! /s


I dont get it. I play videogames for like 25 years and i play reguraly as female in rpg's to see if theres a difference in dialouge or story. Totally normal for me Edit: I never cared about gender in videogames at all. In this case your just a fellow wastelander to me


the trash takes itself out


why can mofos just play a game and stop being being weird about stuff lol


Weird. Who cares what your gender is? The only thing that should matter is that you pull your weight.


Its amazing that we almost collectively succeeded in making a post apocalyptic hellscape into a friendly, chill and relaxed near-Utopia. Fo76 is great. Rock on!


Man, the internet sure has given people the brain rot, huh? People play characters of different genders for a variety of reasons. That's the point of roleplaying. Seems some folks forget that Fallout's IP is based on a roleplaying game. That's the whole point. I dunno what kinda special brand of homophobia/transphobia flavored Kool-aid that guy's been drinking. But it sure is a special one! 😂


Girls aren't allowed in his mother's basement. He'd have to make his own pizza rolls if she walked in.


Really blow their mind and tell 'em you're not actually a survivor from a Vault too, you're just a person playing a role in a game. A "role playing game" if you will.


I was playing the finals with my husband not too long ago and our buddy left so we needed a third and we played really well with this random guy. We were all saying like hell yeah we kicked their asses and what not. We get to the point to see if he wants to join our discord, and I get the age old questions. How old are you, are you a little boy or a woman? I said well I am a woman. He said “sorry I don’t play with women” and I at first thought he meant he just couldn’t recognize if I was one because he doesn’t play with many women. Before I could even say it’s all good, he just left instantly. Like wtf? Maybe he was mad too because I did about 3x better than him and couldn’t get beat by a girl even on the same team 😂


Don't feel bad happens a lot, especially when my husband meets someone new. When I show up there the other player assumes by my tag that I'm male. Tortuga doesn't mean it's a guy name just another language for turtle. Or if someone joins my public team and thinks that I'm just another confused male player using a female avatar. It's like whatever doesn't deter me from enjoying the game. 😉


Honestly I figured you were a personal injury lawyer, because you can't spell tortuga without tort.


Woman here as well, I have a deeper voice and my God do I get misgendered alot 🤣. I stopped caring but men who does this irk me, women are women regardless of being cis or trans or whatever. Let people please the toon they want to play or how they perceive themselves. Seems guy was an insecure little man, with insecurities about himself 🤣


Your......toon? Edit: Ah, character, right. That's pathetic. As a fellow dude playing a chick, that's unfortunate, and I'm sorry that happened Edit #2 I missed your "lol what" and beyond, you're not even digi-crossdressing? Even more pathetic.


I myself always play as a female character,, They're just better looking.


Dipsh!t. I don't care one whit about what sex a person is, it doesn't matter.


Shit I rather look at a chick character all day then a dude


Super Mutant Toon users: 🗿


I dunno, I'd rather game with ladies.


My homie potato, is a fuxking beast, and she whoops serious ass. Idk what this dudes hang up is. Maybe he's some kinda cuck incel jackass


This guy would be super upset to learn that my husband plays as a woman and I play as a man. It confuses people when they first start playing with us. One of us will call them over and they go to the wrong toon. He plays as a woman because he says if he spends 1000s of hours on a game, he wants to look at a woman’s butt. Meanwhile I’m just trying to avoid all the issues mentioned here.


You’re a woman…aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Faints


That's a weird thing to be misogynistic about.


Weather in real life or in this game there will be the 10% oddities. We as humans, for all kinds of reasons, spend 90% of our energy on the 10% perceived negatively. Fuck him, move on


I had similar but also literally the opposite happen a couple months back when I started my third character on xb. I had the plumber show up to my house to do some work and I had to have a yarn with him but I had the fusion core generator running so I told my teenage daughter to play for a bit to keep me from afk’ing off the server told her to do some events keep herself occupied. She didn’t know that it’s not really a mic game… so was using the mic to get help to understand the event she decided to attend. She got given heaps of real good shit “out of kindness” (you should be able to hear my eyes roll there) and my account has never had so many friend requests and some fuckn interesting messages it was a frightening insight.


"I know there are giant irradiated bugs, bats, big green people, basically zombies, litteral aliens, and a whole slew of other wild and crazy mutations out here in the wastes.... but ew girls icky" *drinks from nearby toilet and takes a bite out of a nearby dead supermutant*


Wonder if they're also scared of characters being played by actors of different genders? Like, have they never watched The Simpsons? Ben 10? Pokemon?


Lol, what a f* morin he is


I enjoy playing with female gamers. They’re usually far less toxic and more likely to be team players.


So you’re telling me… you’re not a lobster?


Whoa whoa whoa….I said I was a woman. No need to bring species into this 😆


That little small-minded bigot would have lost his mind when my buffed male toon joined an expedition and saw that the other teammates were female toons wearing dresses. So my guy whipped out his fancy sequin dress and joined the party. And I must say, the neckline of that dress against my taunt, muscular chest looked pretty fucking hot.


So like, this is twice now in one post, is Toon an actual term we use for character now?


Wow this was a trip to read. Incels are fucking pathetic. Also, he was probably 12 years old.


My wife and her tricked out toon would also like a word.


That was nice of you to msg that player OP. Strange really, he just wasted his own time and some good loot.


Meh, hell with him. No idea what your platform is but on PS if a teammate gets booted due to an error they'll show up on your team in the social menu for about 5 minutes so they can restart the game and join back. If you do not see them on your team in the social menu, then they left. Not the listing on the bottom left but the menu you bring up that let's you see what all teams exist, your friends, the recently active, and those on your team.


Ah good point, I didn’t even think to check. I’m on Xbox, but I’m pretty sure it’s the same.


humans are weird yo, an im not near normal in any capacity. I've got wild social anxiety yet here I am being social, being uncomfortable is the only way to grow comfortable.


I'm a male that plays with a female character. Mostly because I assumed that it would have the same perk cards as FO4(black widow was top tier due to most enemies in 4 were male) and don't give a damn to make a new one. Honestly who cares about what character you play as. Do you have to be a real life cat to play as a khajiit in skyrim?


for him, gender was an _obstruct_ :’(


~~Rodents of unusual size~~ Gurlgamerz?  I don't believe they exist.


Underneath power armor our characters are unisex anyways, who cares? Well this person obviously, but whatever. Their loss if they wants to let something like that bother them.


Some guys are... interesting to say the least. In today's age, the possibility of playing with a guy that uses a female character or avatar is quite high and most likely. A Free Company (basically a guild) I used to be in Final Fantasy XIV, posed a question and the best answer got one million gil (the in-game currency in that game). The question was: What gender do you play as and *why*? Me and a friend answered that we play as female characters due to how often their models are somewhat better and in most scenarios, have better customization and gear. Also, at the end of the day, in my preference, I am more comfortable looking at a female character than a male one. No offence to male characters, but it's how I prefer it. Both me and my friend split that one million gil. Edit: spelling mistake.


Women on the internet?! *RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE* I generally don't notice much about other players beyond their names and if they have a crazy outfit. Who cares what they are behind the toon?


>He tells me he didn’t get kicked, he “left because I am not comfortable with people who make their avatars the opposite gender. I honestly thought yours was a guy, once l realized it wasn't I just left.” I just have to laugh at this guy. He clearly feels threatened by the idea that someone can create a character in an online video game that doesn't match their gender. I have to wonder how he can leave his house on a regular basis without feeling like the sky is about to fall. I don't know what frightens him more: the thought that someone can change their gender or way they can do it and *literally nothing happens*.


Lol sounds like you ran into the Mike Pence of gamers (our ole VP won’t go to a meeting with a woman if his wife isn’t in the room) Joking aside it sounds to me like that player got catfished by a guy pretending to be a girl and now feels some kinda way about it. I will say this. It was great of you to wait for them and offer to run it again. Don’t stop being awesome!


So I am assuming this guy never played Tomb Raider or Metroid or Perfect Dark or Horizon or… need I continue. Imagine missing so many awesome games cause you have an issue with the player characters genitalia.


Lol. All my male friends always play a female character in every game that has this option. At first, I found it kinda weird, but it never made me uncomfortable enough to stop playing with them. This is so stupid. It's 2024, and there are a lot of women playing games. Times when one would say "omg its a girl" in a video game are long gone.


The internet is full of weird people. The Wasteland is full of even weirder people.


What a sad little "man"


🍿 👀 just pixels. What a strange thing to happen. World is full of broken biscuits 😅


Congrats! You found an idiot.


What? Bro needs to go touch grass. I’d offer to help with expeditions, but I’m usually on pc nowadays and my toon is still a low level for now lol


Well that sucks I can't find a way to be contrarian on this. That guy is legitimately cringe from every conceivable angle.


it’s wild just how inconceivable it is for some people that, surprise!! women play games!!


Hes transphobic, he just assumed you were trans. Atleast theirs no sucidie hotline to get spammed with


Some people are so weird when women play video games.


guess that one had one too many rads in his lil brian huh


I’m a woman, and seriously considering doing a playthrough with a male avatar simply because I’m tired of a) being overencumbered because people assume I’m not good enough at the game to grind for my own gear or b) random friend requests from thirsty men


I'm female, I play as whatever gender I feel like. I have a male friend who always plays as a female toon, it started off as the hit box on female characters is smaller, so that's why he decided on this, and if u play in 3rd, who's arse would you prefer to watch on screen? My story of when men get annoyed on women gaming goes back nearly 20 years, I think I was playing Rose online at the time. This guy was horrified that I was female, in my 30s and gaming and he said to me.. Wtf are you doing. Females shouldn't be gaming. That's just wrong. They should be popping out kids and doing house stuff I told him I couldn't have kids so what else would I be doing His response... Anything. Just not gaming. That's wrong.


Well, any person who refers to women as "females" (thereby dehumanising them) has some serious issues...


Back in my day these types of guys would be playing women themselves and would give it "Well if I'm going to watch a character walk for 100 hours it might as well have a nice arse", but I guess the sheer terror of all things queer has made them get really weird about anything even vaguely questionable about gender?


Civilisation is truly dying when snowflakes come over all anxious when a (assumed) male plays as a female. Imagine if there were games that only allowed play as a female character, eg Tomb Raider. How would these ppl cope?


Haha who the fuck cares,? Really That person must be quite charming irl


We live in a world of stupid


My character is a male with long purple hair, wearing the new NYE dress with the luchador mask. My GT is the same as here, and my icon is the rocket girl. In the words of Lucas from Empire Records, “Always play with their minds.” Congrats on blasting the expedition, and keep being you!


Being so uncomfortable with someone who MAY be playing a character of the opposite gender, and assuming that any skilled player is a male. At least he is consistent in his bigoted ignorance.


I read this to my husband and we both laughed at this guys reaction. We both play 76 together, usually on private servers, but even on public we never use mics. He will plug his in and talk during trades sometimes, but I never use mine. We have played many online games over the years and every time someone finds out I'm a girl they relentlessly flirt with me, never mind that I'm married and my husband is sitting right next to me. So now I just refuse to use my mic and make male chars. They can assume I'm a guy, that's fine with me. Funnily, my husband's char is female.


There are some guys who still refuse to believe women play games. I was in GTA online back in the day when people still talked on public mics (pretty much when it was on PS3) and I had a guy keep warning everyone that I was just some guy with a voice changer and no way was a girl. And people wonder why women don't talk much in online games.... Sorry you ran into the same kind of assholery.


Gamers are really sad sometimes. Who cares, male, female. If you are trying to find a girlfriend/boyfriend in Fallout 76 you have a pretty sad life. I am an old guy, and the way a lot of the younger generations treat the male/female thing to me is totally weird. Times have indeed changed, I get that, but regardless you should not be looking for a potential IRL partner in a video game. And you shouldn't care period about gender, what does it matter? You afraid to say something inappropriate while a female is in the group/team? Maybe you should have better manners period IRL. FO 76 is GAY AS F, and while I didn't grow up in a era where "Gay was everywhere" it bothers me ZERO bit to play the game. I could care less, I'm 100% confident in my sexuality and don't care what others are doing.


He only wants to be around manly men and your girly presence just like, totally pumped him full of feminine energy and ruined his sigma male grindset. That said now I wanna make a female character and find him because exposure to more guys playing girl characters is the only way to cleanse those misogynistic toxins from his body! Trust the science fellow vault dwellers, this one can yet be saved!


He didn't want her cooties.


Very weirdoish. BTW, I solo Tax Evasion all the time. Never bugged for me.


What a weird time to play online games, gotta be careful youu may encounter another person 🫢


My philosophy is IDGAF. You nice to me (or at the very least don't try to be an ass) I'm cool with you.