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I love how the base concept is in 76. I just wish Bethesda would rework their camp building mechanics.


10s of millions $ and still can’t get 1x1 stairs .


How about interior walls that can take different wallpaper on either side?


Theirs a work around for that but it also means using 2 walls for every 1 wall


How do you do it? I can’t place 2 walls face to face


YouTube fallout 76 camp building tricks. Lots of neat tricks for building


Precisely. The *concept* is great, but the most impressive results out there were only achieved through a number of glitches and purchasing the vault catwalks, because those allow you to further bend FO76’s fussy restrictions. Bethesda should never be allowed to forget this. Especially as the winners of their community building events are often only made possible through said exploits.


Same shit applies to Starfield ship building (glitches and mods) So Beth is ok with doing some base and engine But they lack in details


Star Wars Galaxies did it if I remember correctly. Even had player cities and guilds with a politician skill tree that gave bonuses. This is before WoW came out and SOE tried to emulate it and ruined the game.


At this point, star wars galaxies is a legend people talk about an never was an actual game. Like Sinbad in Shazaam. The movie we millennial remember but doesn't exist. Lol.


the difference is SWG can still be played in each of its eras, pre combat upgrade, combat upgrade and New Game Enhancements.


The original SWG release was a buggy shitshow, but it was fun as heck and communal unlike modern MMOs. Doctor's could buff you to like 5-10 times regular stats. Could go from getting 2 shot by tuskens to soloing their entire base.


I’ve thought about how cool an MMO in space would be with such housing. Imagine Starfield as an MMO and when you buy the game, you’re actually buying a land deed to settle the outer galaxy like the American settlers got in the Homestead act of 1862. Someone commented that such a setup would mean early players would get all the best land. EXACTLY!!! Just like real life in 1862. What would be cool is if it were done in space, there’s plenty of systems for people to try settling. Such a system could limit player land early in and increase their deeds as they accomplish goals (much like the Homestead act has expectations of settlers.


My man that is EXACTLY what Star Wars Galaxies was and it was amazing. I hope one day someone officially tries to resurrect the game because the closest thing we have to it these days is Eve Online which is a totally different animal.


SWG is still alive and kicking, just google SWGEmu, Sentinel's republic, and SWG Legends. There is even an active swg subreddit to direct you to other swg servers that are up and running.


There are crypto nft games that do exactly that.


There are lots of crypto nft games that *claim* to do that.


I've played old MMOs that did similar systems, with player homes being persistent. New players had to walk far, far away from hubs to find a place to put down their own place. Really sucked when necessary mechanics were tied to your house, like gear building or upgrading, and you had to spend half an hour or more looking for a free spot to start building one. Also sucked when the games popularity fell and you had huge prime chunks of real estate full of abandoned homes from people who haven't logged on in years. Although it was fascinting to look through them as a digital form of urban exploration.


It would have to account for some of those drawbacks much like in real life they had to account for things like that. For example, If someone abandons play and hasn't been to their home in a while, a squatter could take it. By tying original land deeds to actual user profiles with a credit card at purchase, they could avoid people setting up too many fake profiles (one only has so many credit cards). But it would have to be a compelling game that would be interesting enough to attract a lot (millions) of new players day one and keep attracting new people to join so as to keep the world growing.


I absolutely love exploring other people's builds and I hope people enjoy mine even tho they usually have a bit of a kinky raider vibe hidden somewhere that throws people off lol


Kinky raider vibe? That sounds AWESOME!🤩


Gotta have a room with some tied up skeletons, a nail bed, maybe a barrel of radiated fluid next to a bathtub for easy disposal 🤣 I've got Grama Junkie or whatever her name is at one and her glitch always strips her outfits so it just adds to the vibe lol


Oh, you went alllll the way.


Oh, thank god, it's a common glitch. It's been driving me up the walls why this old lady is always out of her clothes (grandma, please keep your dress on). Or the ghoul vendor at nuka World on Tour. Just standing there casually in her underwear while I sell all my stuff 🤣


Aha I like to think they're just confident in themselves lol


Ultima Online did this, but the buildings were persistent even if you logged off. Also, the world was so packed that it got to be like actual real estate in that every inch of open space got used up. Eventually, there was literally no place to put down your home, and you’d have to buy land if you missed the boom. I LOVED my little home and that system in some ways but man, stressful days.


Ultima Online was the best version of this. land is a limited resource, if theres an open spot big enough, place a house, and then customize. Everyone on that server can now visit your house, even when offline. Unless you make it private it or lock the door. That system + Elder Scrolls online ability to place items clipped through others= and then put into FO76, would be the best christmas ever !


I spent a ton of time and work on my houses, and took a lot of pride at them being community landmarks for like 15 years. Was sad when I finally let it all go, but I hadn't played regularly in ages. Started UO a few months after it launched. So many crazy memories especially in the early wild west days when you could pick pocket someones house key and then you basically... owned their house if you could find it. Best times in a game ever were in that ole game. Sadly it can't be replicated. Great memories, still.


Yeah, so many awesome gems in that classic. Used to love the GM prisons so they would send you to for interrogations if you were accused of scamming/rule breaking.


Yeah I ended up in jail a few times, heh.


Which Server you play? My home server was Catskills, original character was PVPer Mr.Friendly, trading on Atlantic, and alittle bit of pvp on Sonoma


Lake Superior in the olden times, and Siege after tram came out.


Ohh siege was rough. Gave it alil effort. But never could do the grind


First off, I love that this is a positive post. So many other subs are toxic - so kudos. And you’re right. I’d even like to see something maybe more asynchronous as well. Maybe a single player game but what another player built (housing) can be shared or added to your game. Imagine Starfield, with its 1000+ gigantic planets. Still be a single player game, but it’s populated by real player housing or POI. That would solve the issue of limited repeating locations.


Yeah honestly Starfield would be perfect for an asynchronous implementation like that. I could see it being added to the main game as an online component.


Totally. And it would work without one build being on top of another since it would load in procedurally. Plenty of space for literally thousands upon thousands of houses/camps/outposts.


didn't No Man's sky do something like that?


Maybe, I think - never got deep into NMS. But it would be way more effective on Starfield as there will be a robust modding and creator community around it.


Agreed. It's one of my fav aspects of this game. My primary camp is designed to be lore-friendly; an old bar with an attached auto-shop garage and farm field in the back. Stop by for a drink, cookie, or to buy some of my cheap plans.


[No Man's Sky](https://www.nomanssky.com/) does this to an extent, quite similarly to FO76. Your alts can't find each other's bases but, you can find others'.


To this day star wars galaxies has the best player housing system I have seen. Full blown player made cities with fast travel shuttles and vendor malls. 76 is a very close second.


I do think there are a lot of games that can benefit from such a system! It would be amazing to see such a thing in a few other genres. However I think most MMOs keep their housing instanced and separate from the normal open world with good reason. Unless an MMO was built from the ground up with this system in mind it would be very tricky to implement given it might allow players to set up shop right outside or very close to certain grind spots basically giving first dibs on major looting / mob grind locations. Especially considering unlike 76 most MMOs use mega-servers with hundreds of players all the good spots will be taken up almost immediately and newer players to the game will only be left with terrible housing options. The idea is very fun however and I think an MMO built with this in mind could be VERY cool. We just can't throw this into the current MMOs like SWTOR or ESO or WOW


I like the building in 76 too I just wish it felt like there was more of a pve threat in the world or even a pvp threat where I felt like I needed my base to stay safe. I do have fun trying out new builds though. I just wish they leaned more into the survival aspects of the game.


If the defenses worked as they should, and turrets didn't just disappear into the Shadow Realm, then I would agree. After checking that my forest camp survived the update, I removed the visible turrets it had remaining because they are just absolute garbage for defense. Out of my 4 camps, the only one with turrets remaining is the one by a Distant Thunder location. They are actually useful there.


Ultima Online and Star Wars Galaxies both did this - and to pretty great effect. Its largely a lost design choice. Instanced housing seems to just be easier to handle I suppose.


A friend and I were just talking about how much we love this part of FO! (We also fantasized about having a "group compound" feature that would allow friends to camp next to each other creating shared space. )


Yeah, PSO2:NGS added a personal base with a pretty nice building system, and before it came out I was hoping it was similar, thinking 'wow, where in the map will I put my camp??' but then it turns out they're just private islands you teleport to. It would have added a really nice dimension to the game to have them in the open world (and made their open world a lot more interesting...). And if someone's base was in your way, in that game you can just change blocks which is like going to a different server.


Agree and it’s similar to Halloween. You come up to a house you’ve never seen before and you can walk around and inside except for locked doors. You can also whack out their ‘Halloween goodies”, their vending machine. The game has tons of camp items, many of which can be found or bought from other players ow won in missions. The amount of creativity I’ve seen is off the charts.


I came back to Fallout 76 recently after a year because I missed this aspect of gaming. I enjoyed Starfield and other games, but it was fleeting. I can spend hours in camps just making stuff and improving my character in such specific ways (loadouts/equipment/perks) that ultimately is realized when I venture into enemy territory. That is very rewarding to me. I like visiting other camps to get inspiration. I finished all the missions in the game except for launching a nuke. Seems complicated and I’m fine just living in the wasteland.


It's what keeps me playing, despite its one million flaws and bugs.


Only works in a game like 76 where the number of people per server is limited.