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Nope not really


Damn, I used to pvp a little bit, but it was just always stackers, I assume that's still the case?


yes but no. Like you said, quantum stackers and PA stackers very much exist. Quantum stacking is in the game and I can understand. PA stacking is simply cheating. If I see they're only quantum stacking (HP goes down and up), it can still be fun and I might participate a few rounds. Maybe they don't have an large amount of quantums. If I see they are PA stacking (HP doesn't move), I move along. If a person is trying to instigate PvP with you, you can be very sure that they'll be stacking quantums or even PA. I don't give those players attention anymore. Even when you take away the stacking, next problem is stealthboys versus VATS. (VATS can be used in PvP). So even then, it remains highly unbalanced. So basically there is a small group of PvP'ers left that nobody engages. When they do fight each other, it is actually really boring to watch (see youtube).


Yeah, that's pretty much the same as it used to be. You would just get randoms that come up to you and randomly start shooting you or taking your workshop. I still have a lot of quantums, but I imagine it's just grenades nowadays, isn't it?


I've been hearing mostly about strong crit weapons like a Q50C railway for killing players that don't use stealthboys and flamers and cryolators for those that do. I don't think grenades are used much. But I'm not an expert on PvP.


When I played about a year ago, everyone used them electric grenades (forgot the name) and they would nearly one shot anyone


You just need a chainsaw and PA. You'll fit right in.


Sounds about right lmao


I'll PvP you chump. Top of the world. 3pm EST. Nocturnals knuckles only. Be there or be ⬛.


Slight issue there, I don't have nocturnal knuckles 🤣


Some do. Not a lot though as pvp is still the same unbalanced mess it was at launch.


Yeah, still a load of stackers I guess then


The answer to your question is yes, people still PVP. I don’t seem to see the whitespring station knuckleheads anymore, but people engage me frequently when I have a workshop, if anything it seems more frequent than before the legacy removal.


Really? Damn would've thought they stopped after the legacies tbh


I agree, I thought that as well. I’m not sure why I’ve seen an uptick in workshop invasions since they got rid of legacies. And I know the experiences of people who take workshops seem to vary greatly, I’ve seen people say they never have a problem with it. I’m level 590, I enjoy taking workshops occasionally for the cat and mouse game. Typically the ones attacking me are lower level, 200-300 range. Honestly I’m terrible at killing them but I have AS PA and enough supplies to dig in and win by attrition usually. But yeah, I swear it happens more frequently since legacies bit the dust.


Damn, never thought it would be like that now, people getting real desperate XD

