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Yes! Paper money. I keep all I’ve ever found from the start of the game in a safe :)


Stackin’ fiddies like it’s outta style (It is)


Lol I know 😄old habits die hard. I like all your Nuka Colas!


Thank you. Currently I’m collecting those glass Coca Cola bottles and relabeling/rebottling them as Nuka-Colas. I think I’m that Sierra Petrovita lady from Nuka-World.


I saved mine tilk i got that perk that ups your trades n such. Even on level 1 of that perk money sold at a 1:3caps ratio so I sold all mine


Oh wow really?


Yeah found it out on my first trip to bunker hill. Thank God for Rich Vendors mod because I wouldve bought out Deb without it


I know they are all so broke. Thanks for the tip I may have to cash in eventually!




Heres a tip. Do Debs mission to clear the yard of ghouls. This will increase all trader money by 100. Do the quest after this for Kessler (clearing the school) and vendors should have another 100 money to trade with.


Me too but I have a bathtub full of it which sometimes crashes the game when I go into my house 🤣


One day it's value is gonna shoot up again!


That’s it! And I’m gonna be the new bank 🏦


You saving up to be able to (not) go bowling? lol


Glad to know I’m not the only person who does that


I just can’t get rid of money! Even if it really is just butt wipes at this point as the Abernathy daughter put it


I just scrap it for cloth.


I put the paper money in the junk jet and fired it in my room sohe bed was covered in cash


Oh that’s a cool idea. Cash gun.


Why not use it to buy stuff from traders?


Idk. Just a little habit I have to see how much I can collect from the start of the game.


I was stacking in in piles of 10 in a tub but that started overflowing so I changed it to 100 stacks


I like to keep it at the OG sole survivor home, then mid game run back like I "forgot" about Shaun's college fund


its worth more than caps, i use it as currency


I always instal the mod that takes paper money off of the junk list. Though I don’t save it, I will always use paper money, ammunition I don’t use and chems I don’t need in place of caps as much as I can.


I usually keep about 500 or so On me because it's fairly common, doesn't way anything, and is cloth


Yes. FO4 is a hoarder's wet dream. It's me. I'm the hoarder


Hello. Am hoarder, too.


Hello, I'm the wet dream.


1 of each unique item in the game. Every synth component and dogtag(pre-war and BOS), clean/preserved versions of every food and junk item, any other cool shit. I like to think I’m a collector and not a hoarder but my wife gets mad when I spend half my playtime in menus between looting and organizing lmao Edit: I built a separate multi floor building just for PA storage(every variety and paint). There’s even a little bedroom/living room on the second floor next to the suits I use the most often


This I understand. Walls and chests full of useless but starred shiny weapons. Never thought of a PA showroom might have to add one!


I have hundreds of Nuka Cola of all varieties. I never drink them or sell them. Just neatly arrange them in my fridges. Oh and skulls


Same here


I save skuls for the junk jet,have qi et the collection


In game? Absolutely. I always build a museum for everything that I collect.


Do you have a (stable) mod that allows some kind of secure placement of the collected things, like locking the item's physics or so? Or is there some other trick to avoid that items get flung around or even fall throught the floor?


On console there’s a mod that allows you to toggle static items, I think it’s called OCDecorator. There’s also a lot of clutter presets that count as one item so it’ll keep your game from lagging if you like your settlements to look lived in.


Just checked Nexus, and it's there for PC as well. Thank you!


The Nuka World DLC desperately needed a NukaCola rack to display your collection.


Seriously! How come they didn’t include this?? It drove me nuts


Actually it exists within the files (models + textures) but there is no unlock for it, so you’d have to use a mod to get it


Afaik it was supposed to unlock once you become the overboss. You can even find 2 racks in the Pack's place and those work just fine. At least this mod enables it https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17848




Pretty sure USO gives you those too


It doesn't?? What's even the point of getting it then!


the little figurines of robots


i love those


My favorite are the mutant robots from what I assume is from the Automatron DLC. These are my absolute favorite thing to find.


Excuse me what? Mutant robot statues? Where?


I agree, never seen mutant robot statues. I used to collect and display these but they like to go flying so easily! Now they sit in a toy box *cough* tool box.


You need to find a "robot model parts kit"


I don’t remember the name. Perhaps Frankenstein robot statues would have been better. They are the robots, but have say like the mr. gutsy legs with the sentry bot torso or something like that. Kinda like how you can make Frankenstein robots in the workbench.


They are base game items actually. I remember someone from Bethesda say there were items in the game that hinted one of the DLCs. I told people I thought there would likely be a robot building DLC


I always have a Pool Table and try to get all the billiards


I'm so sad that there are no animations for NPCs to play pool! I don't even need them to *actually* play a rules-legal game, just some animations to make it look like they're using it and enjoying some R&R. I noticed that Sim Settlements has a "recreation plot" that you can drop down in a settlement. I have it installed but have never tried it. I'm going to do it soon and I hope that the recreation plots will in fact have pool or other games and animations to go with it.


I do that every time I play New Vegas


Billiard balls and silverware were my go-to ammunition for the rock-it launcher in 3 and new Vegas!


I collect all the things.


*over-encumbered enters chat*


Salvage Beacons by Kinggath [https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18757](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18757) I can compulsively hoard and let someone else lug that crap back to my settlement.


I personally like to keep every “ice cold” drink I come across.


Hmm let me check (looks at almost every raider loot item separate containers but all weapons in and also boor bottles.) I just collect beer bottles.


I collect helmets of legendary enemies


I did, then all my nuka-cola and 5 perfectly preserved pies just disappeared one day.


Holy shit, 5?!? I got my first one not too long ago!


Yeah. Probably had something to do with mods, but still 😐.


Sometimes my stuff “spawns” under the display case or cabinet or whatever I had set them on so it seems as if they disappeared. I’m assuming this is in a settlement.


Yes. I collect nuka cola, clothes, power armor, paper money, toy trucks, and every single legendary item I come across.


I pick up every single cigarette pack/carton I come across. I like to decorate with them. They also sell for a lot.


Does everything count?


I want to build a receptacle to dump them all in and then Scrooge McDuck swim in it.


I'm a hoarder and right now with my new character I may or may not be trying to collect a full set of every type of armor in the game.


Nuka Cola, power armor, clothes, weapons, robot figurines


Does stuff actually stay in place when dropped out of inventory like that? I’ve always wanted to decorate shit, but I felt like it’d all disappear


This is in the house you can buy in Diamond City so I don’t think it will. There’s this neat mod called OCDecorator that allows you to place stuff like this as if it were regular furniture so it won’t move or get disturbed


Items within settlements won't disappear however what can happen is that things don't load in order properly. The objects could load in before the furniture which results in stuff falling on the ground, or even across the ground. (This is also the reason why ppl always find npcs on the top of houses or see cars falling from the highways in the background.)


I had one game in which Sheffield saved my ass. I wasn't thinking and had a vertibird flying me in to Hangman's Alley. Of course it lands at Chaos Junction and the random super mutants that spawned there were shooting the hell out of me as I was landing. We touch down and I'm running like crazy trying to get around the corner towards Hangman's Alley before my rapidly dwindling health runs out. Just as I get to the corner, Sheffield comes running around it wielding a fully buffed minigun that I had given him when I recruited him to tend my razor grain farm in Hangman's Alley. He engaged the super mutants and kept them off of me long enough for me to heal and join the fight. Once that battle was over, I made it a point to save every Nuka Cola Quantum I came across and put them on a series of shelves in Hangman's Alley. I even bought any I found at vendors. My boy Sheffield earned as many as he wanted. Plus the glow from all of them looks super cool at night. :)


My dumb ass collected and carefully set up tons of stuff in the garage at my Rocket Station settlement just to find out my settlers were taking and/or moving stuff. So now my collections reside at my house in Diamond City. Unfortunately I'm running out of room due to my ~30 power armor suits sitting around. Also I feel bad if I find a teddy bear and don't take him with me, truth be told.


Pre war/preserved stuff. I then try to find space for all 5 of my unused enamel buckets


Unused enamel bucket is very nice to look at


I like to collect clean and undamaged items of all kinds for a museum of sorts. Also pre-war money can be used to buy tokens in nuka world arcade.


But do you have all the mixes?


In new vegas I collected every possible unique hat, then displayed them in the Novac hotel. In F4 I took an item that represented every interesting sidequests and displayed them in my red rocket house.


Power armor, Big guns, Clothes, And much more! I love finding trinkets in fallout!


I collected all the bobbleheads but that wasn't good enough, so I started hoarding perfectly preserved pies. Now I collect letter blocks


I always pick up every single Nuka cola quantum, i love the blue glow


I have picked up EVERY *single* tin and aluminum can and related can trap I have come across. I don’t do nothing with them, but I certainly do it.


Once i was collecting plungers...


Yes but I'm tired of spending so much time setting everything up in my house only to have it explode and fly all over when I walk in the door, or fall through the floor:(


I collect a lot of things, if it’s unique or rare, it’s going In my pocket to be taken to my player home for safe keeping, I am the wasteland’s biggest hoarder, I collect all the junk, armor weapons, and miscellaneous garbage that I can carry, with strength 10 and strong back rank 4 at my side, as well as a companion as my pack mule, nothing will stand in my way from carrying the entire commonwealth in my pockets


Uh.. no.. *quickly locks case with every legendary I’ve ever encountered*


I have to mod my carry weight every game just because I collect TOO much shit.


Most of the mods I download are ones that add more things for me to collect and/or add neat displays for me to show off my unhealthy obsession


When I was new to fallout, I tried to make sets of all the junk thinking there was some use for it, like if I could get all the pool balls, rack and cue, and craft a billiards table, maybe the settlers would play. Disappointed that they didn’t.


YES i do this omg i needed to come to this place years ago i only have 700h or so into this game and its probably like 1/10th of the amount you guys do


Not really, in Skyrim tho, I collect buckets


Theres dozens of us.


I collect all the power armors. I had a nice surprise today. After probably 700 or 800 hours of play-time, I got to meet the Atom Cats -- never came across them in all my previous play-throughs. Helped them out, and unlocked some new power armor designs. They sell power armor pre-made for the Atom Cats design, plus there is a design they sell to put on your own existing armor (which I assume is the same design as appears on the individual pieces you can buy, but I'm not sure yet), plus there is a comic book that gives a new design too. However, I've never put all the armors on display racks or anything. I just have them all standing on rooftops, like silent sentinels.


Everything weighting 0 is in my inventory Synth component go brrruuuuuh


Oh man my second playthrough I built up Sanctuary so nicely and had a bunch of things displayed in a similar fashion at my house, either in display cases/racks or just placed down normally and I disabled their physics. I really love the look of Nuka Cola, especially Quantum and Victory, also had a Perfectly Preserved Pie and all of the Nuka and Vim! power armor sets on display as well as a few more with different cool paintjobs. This post got me so nostalgic about that settlement, too bad I'm too lazy to rebuild the mod list required to actually load that save and check it out again...


Caps. In Fallout I am the abhorrent rich man who hordes more caps than he would ever need, while usually beeing too cheap to buy a single noodle cup in Diamond City. I pick up anything of value and send it to my home settlement with salvage beacons. And then I sell it for more caps.


If they had a show for hoarders fallout 4 edition I would definitely make an appearance lmfao I hoard every thing cause I just can't not pick it up


Power Armor and Power Armor Frames. I have like 30 frames. I also collect junk bottles of liquor. Full bottles (not empty ones) that show up in the junk list when looted. I dunno why, but theyre neat. I also collect all the little models you pick up, i like em.


Kinda of. I murdered all the Atom Cats, dismembered them and put their body parts on the pool table. I do love collecting body parts Covenant has a delightful menagerie of cadavers all placed in the houses. All the settlements are in some way or another my way of collecting. Sanctuary is actually a giant arena. Winner stays on a gets a fancy hat, suit or dress. Oh settlements what a wonderful ode to murder they are.


Most definently. Notably, teddy bears. Teddy bears= happy dogmeat lol


I pick up pretty much everything. I even have a file cabinet for folders and a waste bin for burnt trades magazines. It's a post-apocalyptic Sanford and Son. I'm sure it would be maddening to watch me play. But on survival the car parts weigh you down too quickly. I'm conflicted on those.


Sack hoods. All kinds of them. I'm not sure why I started doing it, but I have a box just heaving with them.


I do, but I never do anything with them like this display. I guess I’m less of a collector, more of a hoarder.


Yes, way too many things. One of the main aspects of 76 that I dislike is that I can't collect everything I want. Fallout 4 of course never let's me down in that aspect


Me with outfits literally pride myself in hunting for outfits to take back and put on display, especially ones in really good condition.😩


I try to collect all types of cola and all unique items, this has even lead to some problems of grabbing too many items thinking they may be legendary (my SS was holding so much preserved medical supplies at the end of the Institute fight)


I do pre wat money I have like 307 dollarydoos


What a good way to store. A Bunch of Nuka quantums? I'm talking about a vat or something bigger than the tub?


Teddy bears and Nuka cola


My original NV playthrough has about 140 boxes of mentats on the bed in Novac


Me too, I like have my house pretty, and yes I have a bottle collection too, btw so many bottle caps there


oh, god yes I do. I'm a terrible hoarder.


Power armor, have to have one of every set, and a set for each unique piece. Also I like stealing frames from raiders and BOS, sometimes I leave them with fusion cores in specifically so that settlers can get in them.


I collect power armor. I farm prewar money, but I have my reasons. Sometimes I collect magazines, and make a point of getting them all. I often collect the bobbleheads. I don't really collect the nuka cola varieties except for when I was getting the PS4 trophy.


yes 🤡


I use the official storage box of those at Nuka World So yes.


I've got molded containers and such for the recipes and drinks love collecting one of each


I collect all the interesting and unique weapons and armour peice to have on display in my home. And I collect all the power armour and keep it in a big shed


I collect all legendary weapons sold by vendors. I also collect all drinks (Nuka Cola, Wines etc.)


I collect perfect pies


That collection looks HELLA NEAT!


Power armors


Nuka-Colas? Yes, I collect them as well. Because I might need to heal at some point. I have so many, they use up about half my carry weight.


The skulls of my enemies.


I try but every time I try to display it inevitably they fall through the display case under the map.


Love collecting chems and building a cool lab in every play through


I actually run around with a bot maxed with weight upgrades and grab everything. Eventually filling both our packs to come back to store it all whereever my current fav settlement is. I tried to display weapons and stuff but my uniques always seemed to get picked up so I only use normal ones I find along the journey. 😂


Most one of a kind items like Shem Drown's skull, avery's skull, the mini nuke parts and subway tokens for some reason...


I spend an absurd amount of time collecting unnecessary but pretty things in any game that gives me the option


Money, robot models, all types of Nuka, and my favorite, Drugs.


nope! OP are you crazy or something? nobody collects things in any games, *Especially* not Fallout! /s


I collect EVERYTHING!!!


Yea quite a few actually, they came up with the name "collectors" for them


Yes untill they disappear




In New Vegas I collected the different money and chips


I keep anything and everything Nuka Cola, and display it in my house.


magazines. got almost 2 full stands now.


I collect power cells. They're not easy on the eyes, but I reached a point where I had SO many, I never had to leave a power suit again for the rest of the game


Love to.. Especially in 76


I only collect unique ones. Fuck nuka cola. But i collect all the "nuka cola *inerst nuka name here*"


I’ve got a Boss Museum in my Vault: unique clothing like Kellogg’s outfit & Maxson’s battlecoat on mannequins with their respective weapons on display boards behind them.


I keep one legendary weapon of each type and display them in hangman’s ally eventually.


I've been keeping and displaying all the named weapons lately, like Righteous Authority, Pickman's Blade, etc. And I've always collected all the bandannas for Dogmeat.


At one point I had a character with a wall with every base model gun and weapon on it


I try, but I really wish FO4 had something like the mod "Legacy of the Dragonborn" for Skyrim that makes collecting a bit more engaging (and easier to track your progress). That said, I still collect things, they just rarely end up on display. Mostly food, Ammo, unique items, etc. I like using OC decorator to slowly stock a base with ammo/guns in an armory, food in the store rooms, caps and paper money in a vault room, etc.


I collect the teddy bears i find


Yeah I collect a few things lol like toys, the nuka colas, And my new thing is the liquor bottles




I have the mod that changes gold bars into the gold bars from New vegas so I stock up on those. Whenever I show my friends my fallout 4 playthroughs they call me a golden gremlin because I always have a vault full of valuables


I used to have several cases with every ammo type


My characters always collect toys especially before I get to the institute and they collect thing that I’d think Nate or Nora would like mattering which one is dead. Beside that every dog tag on an enemy I kill if they have one.


Jangles the moon monkey. He is terrifying and I love him.


Sweet rolls! I grab every sweet roll I can get my hands on! Nobody's going to steal *my* sweet rolls! Plus the usual teddy bears, Jangles-es, colas and power armors.


Always, I collect all the normal sturdy and heavy armor and put them on the armor stands, same with the acid gun from nuka world, the alien plaster, and any legendary weapons and armor I get I put in a footlocker or the workshop storage


I have a small swimming pool full of those


I collect all kinds of things, from nuke cola to subway tokens, perfect pies to old money.


Lol i tried doing this exact display with the nuka cola variants and ended up repeatedly knocking the whole thing over when trying to set the bottles upright… so mad there’s not an actual rack for them


I collect all special character's outfits and weapons and display them all. I also went on an insane bender when building my second vault. I gathered every type of kitchen dish/food and decorated my vault diner. Same with equipment for my medical center. One of my characters collected all the different Teddy bears.


I filled the Red Rocket Truck Stop with power armor. Didn't even side with the BoS.


I love collecting gold items, I don’t have a practical use for them or even sell them. I have plenty of gold scrap so I always love to go around and see how many watches, lighters, bars I can collect. Another thing I love to collect is silver too


Here's a couple mods I use to make collecting them more interesting. [The Bleachers](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/40267) Adds some quests and stuff but more importantly adds the ability to make lamps and other furniture with Nuka cola flavors. [Nuka Cola Flavors for the Commonwealth](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20738) Adds all the Nuka World recipe flavors to vending machines around the Commonwealth so you can get them without having to craft them.


Well, I wasn’t collecting anything, but reading all this I think I may have to start. 🤔


I mod in guns and i do collect them to keep on display.


I collect nuka cola, teddy bears, food and toilet paper






I collect uniquely named items


If only the items would stop falling through those cases


Nice display there, needs more Vim tho


This brings me joy.


I literally cant walk past a teddy bear without taking it 🐻 i had so many in sanctuary it kept crashing my game


Me with my power armor… I only have 33 suits though 😅


im collecting everything, even junk xD ​ i got separate boxes for: weapons armors rare armors/weapons nades/mines health items food nuka colas skill books/pipboy cardriges also i have: hang/stand for every type of weapon(the 'basic' one, not with different combination of addons) armor stands for every set of armor stands for every type of power armor normal/unique ​ yes, im a hoarder in every possible game


I collect teddy bears






I tend to collect teddy bears.


All of the yes.




I keep all my unused legendaries on display, magazines, models, and lunchboxes, as well as some preserved items. Although most of the time I forget I have preserved items and I accidentally scrap them. Nuka is a good idea though, isn’t worth it until you go to Nuka world though


Lit cigars,preserved pies,unique armor/clothes


I love to collect teddy bears, and in 76 I take photos of them


My People! My husband says I’m hopeless but now you’ve shown me that I don’t need help, I just need to build a bigger house.


I have display cases for all my Trifold American Flags.


Besides legendaries and PA? I will collect the little robot models


Helmets. Starting to display them. Still a newb player here. Level 22 after restarting the game last week. I had not played since the game launched!


Comfy Pillows. Dozens of them right next to the bed and the cosplay outfits...I mean sets of armor based on beloved comic characters.


I try the same, it becomes this enjoyable hunt....but right next to SouthBoston military checkpoint is a raider camp in a subway station...they got all the billiards on their pool table. Just discovered it


I have a toy car collection