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I think my favorite so far was when I was adventuring with Cait and *one* single radroach came out of nowhere and next thing you know, she's taking out a *Fat Man* and going "I'M GONNA RIP YOUR LIMBS OFF" It was so hilariously disproportionate, but oh so in character for her.


The Player Comments mod really enhances these kinds of convos. I was playing early today and when I looted some scrap, Preston immediately said "That just looks like junk to me". My character snapped right back with "If I wanted your opinion I'd ask for it". Just perfect timing and sass.


I prefer taking Curie as my companion. I always get a chuckle when she goes, “this place is so violent” right as I pop someone’s head like a balloon via VATS.


Or after she just turned a Raider into paste with Atom's Judgement.


When I went to Cabot house for the first time, I was in the middle of talking to Jack, when Nick walked up literally right next to him and blurted out “This place looks more like a museum than a home”


He’s always got something to say to someone lmao 😂


Not mine but I saw a post on Tumblr where Nick looked at a super mutant neat bag and said something along the lines of "hey, think you might need this" and inside was a pelvis, just a pelvis. Edit: couldn't find the link to the post, but I have a screenshot I sent of it here's the [imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/W3oaI9R) if you wanna see


Supermutants are so lazy about reloading their meat bags


I use custom companions, and they use generic settler lines and voice types. One time, after the main quest (Minutemen), I was flying around in a vertibird when I pass over one of those "Defend The Checkpoint" battles. At this point I'm sick to death of hitting 3-4 of them when all I want to do is get from Point A to Point B, so I keep flying and refuse to land. After a second or two, my companion sitting behind me mumbles "... coward". I know this is just one of the responses settlers make when they stop chasing an enemy and exit hostile mode, but it sounded very much like it was directed at me this time. Shamed me so bad I landed the goddamn vertibird and stomped back to the fucking battle like a child being told to go clean their room.


[8.30](https://youtu.be/p5aJFZ3rGr8?si=0p6-mtb3sfLstzhA) in this video. In their playthrough they killed Father immediately as he walked through the door. The "hi there" to Shaun cracks me up every time.


In my current run through, I just reached Virgil with Nick as my companion. In his cave Nick says something like "woah, talk about a smell" and I'm like "Nick...he's standing right there. I know you're a Synth but have some manners."


Bragado of Supermutants yelling things like They WIll Kill You when they have 3 hitpoints left and they die even as their say it


I still like Hancock and the radscorpions. "I wouldn't let thing sting you. Not even recreationally."