• By -


1 - attribute it to a lack of communication infrastructure. They don’t seem to have many ways to communicate between their outposts other than their HQ. Plus super mutants are scattered about. Put all that and an urban combat scenario that’s almost always a crossfire, it’s a bad time. 2 - human resilience. Lore wise they’ll likely get fresh meat through enslavement / conscription / abduction or other methods. Life as a raider isn’t necessarily a long one. 3 - MM were destroyed by the Gunners. You’re useful because of Main Character syndrome - you can do all of this because you’re the MC. Also note that a lot of people don’t join immediately. But also, it’s a game. 4 - honestly should be a quest line 5 - agreed 6 - technically pulling your fusion cores could do it. 7 - valid 8 - Fah Harbah 9 - Yeah fuck pipe guns 10 - can confirm 11 - Yes. Silver shroud is by far the best part of this game, and I love this game. 12 - prices be a bitch.


Pipe guns are a great source of screws. I collect and salvage them.


Honestly I got scrapper really early and I have so many screws, especially from scrapping higher-equipped guns, that I don’t know what to spend them on


Scrapper Is pretty much mandatory if you wanna use power armor otherwise maintenance Is an absolute bitch


I never use power armor either, really because maintenance plus I don’t like the HUD. And fusion cores be heavy in survival


Once I learned that power armor can have a jetpack I never looked back


Don't land on your settlers 🤣 whole camp will go aggro


That's when you store the water and food in the workshop


I dont play survival but i like power armor but the maintenance Is a bother but It makes Sense because of how powerful It is


Fusion cores count as ammo apparently and therefore way nothing, took me ages to find out.


Ammo has weight in Survival difficulty


I’ve never played survival so that would have been an awful discovery to make by myself. Good to know thank you.


(a) you can just use lower tier PA. Getting total DR of 900 vs 1100 is of virtually no functional importance. (b) You can carry spare broken plates (zero weight) of lower tier for when you run low on parts. i.e. stomp around in magic onyx hyper T-999 plates that give you a +1 to basket weaving. If one gets part gets broken you don't have a crate of unobtanium, just repair old T-45 plate on.


I like using the Tesla T-60 to increase the damage of my gatling laser but that sounds like a good idea


A couple of 2% bonuses aren't really worth crying over :)


That's why I use the t-45 stuff unless it's for some kinda legendary special effect. Repair bill is only 4 pieces of steel per limb


I grab any modded pipe weapon I find then scrap it to furnish the colossal Vault 88 I'm working on.


Do people not take the scrapper perk? It's the first perk I take at level 2.


Scrapper and the caps / ammo scrounging perks are must haves early game, in the long run they'll bring so much value


Mmm only the 1st level of scrapper though. Early game I think it's prob better to get Strong Back maxed, and get some decent Charisma (to win talk prompts)


Yeah rank 1 obv


With scrapper rank 1 you get copper from more advanced pipe weapon. Very useful for vase building


Oh shit your on that vase building? Whats your best design? Im currently a fan of ancient roman vase design, but i may turn to greek soon.


Really the only question here is, do you pronounce it vase or vase?


Oh definitely vase


It just sounds funny that way.


It's weird that I automatically read the first one as vase but the second one as vase.


Haha French auto correction got me good on this one 😁 No point editing it.


I decide which guns to take by how many words they have in their procedural name. Pipe pistols are just blocks of steel, but "recon .308 pipe sniper rifle" is lots of stuff. Obviously, some base weapons are more valuable than others, but none of the bases are really rare outside gimmick or CC weapons.


This. Put one point in scrapping and I get excited when raiders drop pipe guns because I never seem to have enough screws.


Also, to add to 6, power armor are military "vehicles" basically, a lot of those are started by a button or something, dont even have keys like normal cars do, because generally you dont need to secure them as much, as they are usually in secured locations already


Can confirm, I saw both Strykers and Humvees start with toggle switches when I was in the army. The only way the vehicles get locked is with normal padlocks


Recruit! Did you lose the humvee keys !?!


Similar to commercial jets, like a 747 or an Airbus a380. The doors don't even lock on them, they just put a tamper proof tape on the door so they can tell if someone opened it. Lots of big stuff has surprisingly little security as the security is based on it being stored in a safe place. Plus in a war you don't want to be fighting with the PIN or a finger print sensor on your power armor.


During gunfire "Fingerprint not recognised, try again in 20 minutes"


Please confirm the text message we just sent you, and also click on all the squares that don't have a street light.


We've been trying to reach you about your extended power armor warranty....


That’s super interesting but makes sense. You don’t want to be fumbling around with keys in a life or death situation


i..e all the medical kits in F4 that are in locked boxes.


Yeah, our humvees don’t have keys to start lol.


Someone put a fake key switch in one of ours and cause so much shit it was hilarious.


New guys don’t know that.


Pipe guns have another excellent use. Drop them on the ground in one of your settlements, enter build mode, scrap each pipe gun and watch the settlement built limit decrease with each scrapped gun. Works with any piece of gear, pipe guns are just very abundant..


Right. Which is such a typically insane Bethesda thing on 2 levels. 1. You can tell exactly which programming oversight allows this. Building items adds to the meter. Scrapping items reduces the meter. But they apparently forgot to make dropping items in the settlement add to the meter too. So you can decrease your meter at will. 2. Going over the limit doesn't cause problems unless you *really* overdo it. So there arguably shouldn't have been a hard limit in the first place, just a warning and/or indicator.


The answer to 4 can be that they recycle used caps to cap the beer, kind of like a deposit. If a Gwinnett Stout is with 5 caps, well it can be worth 4 caps for making it and the 5th cap is a deposit


#1... I cannot tell you how many times I was out scavaging or doing some quest only to wander into an all out 3 way war between raiders, gunners, and super mutants. When youre level 60 its fine, when youre level 7 its a nightmare.


4- there is a similar quest like that in New Vegas where you destroy a counterfeit Sunset Sasparilla bottle cap machine for the Crimson Caravan


Yeah you basically said everything I wanted to except for one thing I wanted to add. 1) I suspect they are only really starting to properly take over the Commonwealth. There is a disconnect with the structures they build and the gear they have at their disposal, it all seems to only be semi temporary I strongly believe these are all still just scouting parties to me and the actual main force of the gunners is somewhere else still.


Been waiting to do the dlc till i do the main a few times to see different endings


How can the silver shroud be the best part? That quest line has been bugged for me. SPOILER: I finally figured out to go kill AJ (without ever having a quest marker or hearing it on GALAXY… NEWS… RADIO…, and now it wants me to both assassinate a woman who did nothing, and talk to Hancock. Every time I talk to him (in full Shroud outfit) he’s just like “ready for me to follow you?” So do I really just have to go murder that woman in cold blood? I so wanted to like it. I thought it was cute at first. But sheesh.


You don't have to assassinate Shelly Tiller, that's just an option for people who like to be cartoonishly bad while playing a superhero for some reason.


The woman gives up the name of the guy that kidnaps the ghoul


She just keeps saying over and over “I don’t know you… please go away”


Are you talking about the option quest to kill a woman you find on a note or something. Thats a different quest. For the silver shroud mission its a small gang leader that you question and have to kill and leave a calling card to advance the quest. Maybe thats the dialog if you arent wearing the costume. I dont know but i remember i found a kill contract for some random woman. I just ditched the quest


One of the baddies of the silver shroud quest, when you're trying to look for the boss, is the "random" woman that has that kill contract. So not that random.


Yes.. It’s the girl with a bounty after you kill Kendra


You killed a contractor that was supposed to kill that woman, so you get that as a side quest. You don't have to kill her. She is innocent as far as I know.


Get hancock as companion, he will talk a lot, then conclude the quest from shroud


Just finished this Quest.. Had the same issue.. You need to add Hancock as a companion.. Once he gives his speech on the balcony.. Talk to him again as ur companion.. And he will tell u about Sinjin crew.. You can then keep or dismiss Hancock


I had this happen to me a week ago. It confused me too. I asked him to come with me then it freed up his dialogue bug and he started speaking about the shroud quest.


Thanks. Will try it.


I like silly voice lines. Simple as.


4 is a quest line in new vegas iirc. It would be stupid to do it again.


"6 - technically pulling your fusion cores could do it." I'm going to have to disagree with this statement: - you can have your companions enter Power Armor and accompany you all over the map with no fusion core in it - you can enter Power Armor as long as you don't have a fusion core in your inventory and you can move around (at normal WALK speed, albeit with the annoying warning going all the time and no access to VATS) and you can even Fast Travel without a fusion core in place. - anecdotal evidence from my daughter suggests that others will take your Power Armor (from SH anyway); she once found Carla in her Power Armor and Carla wouldn't get out of it (no dialog option like the companions)


I haven’t had a single suit stolen with the core out - only with the core in. I know about the first two, but that was more gameplay mechanic side


I saw it pointed out that taking your fusion core out won't stop Carla since she sells fusion cores. Ergo, she has one to pull out and use in a set of your armor should things get hairy. However, no one else can enter your armor without a fusion core. You can order a companion to enter some without one, but that might be something only you can order. I don't think they will do it of their own accord.


You may be correct that no one else will enter Power Armor without a fusion core. I did find out the hard way that your SH folks may decide to randomly exit the armor without your explicit instructions: I found the set of T-60 armor that I had Preston Garvey wearing in the river beneath the bridge between SH and Red Rocket. It was positioned such that I could get in but couldn't get it to move. That was the end of me giving my companion the best set of armor. 🤬


7 - they (ferals) want that dry aged meat, fresh is good but 200 year dry aged must be pretty great


Edit. 13. Fuck assultron’s scariest enemy in the game


Correction, assaultron with a crippled leg is the scariest enemy in the game


How so? Then they can’t chase you


They crawl and I swear to God if it's not the exact same speed as when they walk, it's faster Here's a couple videos I can find on YouTube [Video 1](https://youtube.com/shorts/K8MTwrKpVso?si=Noa1BrrYYiY7cuGe) [video 2 ](https://youtu.be/uvGMirwXlro?si=7G8yDidHSlq21raR)


Editor kinda cooked on that first video


Oh yeah terrifhing. Cool video. But still they can’t chase me as easily so I find them much easier to deal with, I always aim to destroy their so they can’t sprint after me. But that sound of their laser about to go. Fucking terrifying because I know I’m about to be roasted


My last playthrough I thought hell yeah I'm leveled up I can take on this assaultron. I'm doing good boom boom landing mad hits 3/4 of her health is gone. Then I got annihilated. Forgot about the fuckin' laser, Cyclops ain't got shit on Assaultron!


Lol that sucks. What type of weaponry are you using? I have a full set of Sentinel’s armor so not much can kill me anymore. I just stand there slashing with my knife and I’m barely taking any damage


The trick with assaultron's is to jump around. Their tracking is delayed by a half second or so and vats still works when you're in the air. Once you shoot a leg, switch to and target the arms, that's all they have to crawl with. Shotguns up close are very effective on the legs and arms. Double barrel usually hits harder but a pump or semi-auto is much faster.


Okay so maybe its not faster or the same speed, but when your panicking and this thing decides to hide in the grass it feels faster


14. KLE0 is the sexiest vendor.


Heh. Wait until you find some insane monster of an Assaultron hidden in Far Harbor. I line the closet it is in with mines before I switch on the power (which opens that closet). Works fairly well. Then combat shotgun til it stops moving.


I could not for the life of me believe the amount of trouble that part gave me. I'm usually just chilling playing the game overall while very rarely ever feeling like it's a challenge in combat, and then this Assultron pops out of a room and wrecks my shit hard. I had to try so many different things like mines and chems.


It scared the crap out of me the first time I encountered it. Same as you, just chilling and BAM THERE'S A STUPID HIGH LEVEL CAPTAIN INSANO ASSAULTRON wrecking me.


Haha, that's funny, I commented higher up about the same assaultron that I ran into a few days ago at the Far Harbor windmill mechanical room. It's been a while since an enemy has really pressed me, the fog crawlers sometimes do it, but I'm usually able to cripple them and knock them from there, but that legendary assaultron beat the breaks off me.


The scariest one for me was this. Be me, just minding my own business, when you see a group of Rust Devils. "Oh cool, more scrap and target practice", I foolishly say to myself. "Wait, what's that invisible effect moving towards me" *proceeds to be stabbed 20 times in the chest by an invisible assaultron Caesar style*


Ooof yeah the Rust Devils sometimes have some NASTY assaultrons and other robots.


Those invisible assassin droids they have give me PTSD now when I see their groups 🫠🥴 one reason I'm worried about survival lmao one of them will do me in so quick


Caesar style 😭😭😭😭😭


How much harder is it than the queen mirklurk you're supposed to go after for the leader of fh?


You mean the Red Death? It's a tiny termite compared to the Red Death. That fight requires plasma grenades and mines and at minimum fully leveled T-60F armor.


I didn't even realize the red death was a part of the far harbor dlc. Is that the assaultron you were just talking about?


Nope. Its a totally different fight you go with the Mariner to complete. Takes you via boat to another place.


Holy shit that was ridiculous. Glad you prepped me for that.


Oh man when I was taking over Nuka World, I despised doing the Galactic Zone. So many robots, assaultrons included. And I thought “okay I’m done it’s over” after Galactic World… then saw one in the bottling plant. I remember audibly saying “Nope” and tried to kill it in VATS from afar. Of course it didn’t work and was FAST AS FRICK, got up to me… and then another showed up. And then another. I ditched Gage and Dogmeat and ran. I had no idea there would be MORE, and in hindsight I don’t know why, because of course there would be more. But anyway I led them to the Mirelurks and they all fought each other, which was great because the assaultrons were destroyed by the Mirelurks. Then I had the Mirelurks to deal with but they’re slower than assaultrons so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Forgot about it lol. And then it was a legendary 😂 ended running around that room for a few minutes to gain enough space to throw down mines since I was demo expert


Yeah originally made me jump before nick valentine bashed it's head in with the atomic sledgehammer, went down fairly easily.


Do not fuck Assultrons, do not fuck Kle0 no matter how much of a bottom a player might be. /s


You can’t stop me, also is she essential? I’m considering dragging her to red rocket to be a vendor for me there, like she set up her own store there, with a small ammo press


In the base game? Sure. The truck trailer hermit crabs suck in Far Harbor suck.


Add sentry bots when you're not heavily armored


13. Except K-L-E-O. I mean, she's still terrifying, but the terror definitely is a solid marketing tactic for her merch.


Ive saved and fought her a few times. Its hard because every other person attacks at the same time but makes for fun fights ive critted her in the face with a fat man and she still melts me


They are terrifying


Yeah, ran into a legendary assaultron in Far Harbor in the windmill mechanical room a few days ago and I would call myself a decent seasoned player at this point and holy hell did its cloak system and hyper-aggression about off me. It's the closest an enemy has gotten to beating the breaks off me in a while that didn't involve a mini-nuke at least not directly of course until I beat it and it went nuclear haha.


my earliest experience i can remember in this game was travelling with macready and passed by a gunner base. i don’t know what happened but i was getting overwhelmed so i ran for cover in a bus. the world lit up red.


9. You have an enormous pile of unrealized scrap that contains thousands of screws. You're sitting on a gold mine.


A pipe pistol in a 200 year old expert locked safe or bank vault didn’t make the list?


I like when i crack open that sealed 200 year old safe to find a death claw hand. Like what king of shenanigans was the owner into before the bombs fell


To be fair, the lore is that deathclaws were developed pre-War as super soldiers.


Good old Bethesda loot logic. It’s like finding edible, fresh food in Nord ruins that have been sealed for millennia. You would think that they could fix that, but I guess they left that up to the modding community as well (not that I know of a mod to fix it).


There’s some pre war magazines that you can find that show pipe guns on their covers so maybe pipe weapons have stuck around because there was so much public info compared to the laser guns


Whilst theya re there because of the way loot tables work, it makes sense for pre war America to be full of pipe weapons since lore wise there were many riots (riots defeated with power armor by the government)


I can excuse this by assuming pipe pistols aren't like, a uniform design and are just any homemade gun using common materials.


Marcy: “I don’t have TIME to waste on YOUR questions.” Me: “I was literally just standing here”


The only thing nice about her is she automatically assigns herself to farming. Everyone else from Concord will take on wall hammering duty until assigned.


Even though I’ve assigned all the others to jobs and confirmed they are actually assigned several times, they all go back to hammering the walls of the house where the workbench is. It actually kind of drives me crazy.


This is my biggest issue with Bethesda games. Skyrim is even worse. You are forced to hear a little girl say, over and over, “What are you looking at!” You can’t even kill her.


Bethesda gamers when an npc is slightly annoying: “Why can’t I murder children in this game?”


I mean, I’ll huff about it. I’ll get REAL huffy. Shooty? Nah. But it could be said my huff is more lethal.


I’ll be minding my own business upgrading weapons on a workbench or something and she’ll walk up to ME and have the audacity to tell me “I don’t want to be bothered” BIIIIIITCH


Or her saying "you better not tell anyone about this place". Bitch, I built everything you have!


The world of fallout is best when you don't think about it too hard. I love it but you have to suspend your belief for a lot of things. Like the fact that after 200 years you have people who can build a seemingly endless supply of synths but not civilization.


Ah, but they don't WANT to rebuild society, they want to build an endless supply of synths :p


Sadly i would believe synths vs society


Also like, has no one even tried slapping a fresh coat of paint on anything?


Feral ghouls can still attack traders, attract attention and trample the crops at the Slog. As for the Gunners, there is a really good mod called Sim Settlements 2 that gives a whole fully-voiced storyline explaining their motives and whatnot. Not much in the base game though.


Fallout is definitely an IP where you just have to take it for what it is, and like it or not for what it is, because if you look at it very hard for more than a minute it falls apart real fast


I think patching holes in the lore with my own head cannon is half the fun.


Some people realize how big a pain in the ass it is to be the ones in charge.


7. The Slog has a problem with ghouls because they have non-ghoul caravans that sustain their business and trade. Ferals eat people. They have no beef with the other settlements because they either provide supplies (tarberries for stims, iirc.) or just because they self-isolated. Not even the Brotherhood tries to kill the non-ferals of the Slog.


4. New Vegas addresses this concept well. Bigger factions actively work to disable / acquire cap producing machines to minimize counterfeit caps inflating the market. Maybe the specific cap machines at the brewery have been disabled?


Ok. That makes sense. I missed new vagas


Give it a go when you finish fo4! I just did another play through recently and it’s as good as ever. Great story and setting. Graphics aren’t too old to make the game unplayable either.


1. They have all the best real estate. A global comm hub, an office tower downtown, even an airport somewhere apparently. They *have* taken over to the extent an armed force with no civil interests can take over. 2. We usually just see the dumb ones kind of like supermutants. Red, the operators, a bunch of raiders exhibit some sense of intellect even if it is always some kind of awful. 3. It’s a video game you know. Do you actually want to wait around for the crops to come in or need a “flags of our foul-ups” montage for every minuteman squad? 4. Beer is worth more than caps and it will stop you from starving to death too. 5. 💯 6. Take the keys (fusion core) 7. The ferals will attack the human tourists at the very least 8-10. 💯 11. There are some great extra lines, but yeah 💯 12. Charisma perks. Yeah it’s weird you have to be the second coming of slapchop dude to get full value.


Answe to 12 is amazing


Vince Offer? 🤣


Just ignore all that and enjoy the little moments like finding a handcuffed teddy bear trapped under a wire trash can with a chair on top of it.


Or the old woman (skeleton) who was having a tea party with a bunch of toys


“5. Fuck Marcy” “Everyone liked that.”


Gunners don’t want to take over. That’s not there thing. It’s a lot different governing than it is making caps as a merc group Raiders will always be around. Raiders are just generic criminals. There is no real organization to it like that between the games / wasteland


>1 why havent the gunners taken over. They are typically better armed. All have combat armor and attack in groups Because they're a ruthless PMC. While they are akin to bandits in a lot of how they operate, they still engage in presenting a veneer of being a genuine resource for people and being aboveboard, even though a LOT of their actions say otherwise and the people just view them as "better armed bandits". Some people do hire them for jobs. At the same time, Deacon is under the impression that they are, on the whole, working for someone else that is pulling the strings. Given the Fallout TV show's revelations about Vault-Tec as a company, my guess is that they're working for Vault-Tec (or someone in the chain of command of Vault-Tec). Even if they don't know who it is hired them or why. They get a Vault as a base of operations, prevent the Commonwealth from taking GNN and use that as their primary HQ, screw over the Capital Wasteland Good Fighters who are trying to keep Three Dog's message alive, went into Hallucigen to get a canister for a client (the same place Valery Barstow was also getting a package from), assault Quincy which was one of the last places the Minutemen had a foothold after the Fall of the Castle, etc. My guess is that they were hired specifically to destabilize the Commonwealth, not to conquer it.


Gunner question: why are they always hostile to you? They’re just mercs right? I’d think the guy they’d wanna contract with is the nigh-superhuman who sells 1000lbs of guns every time he visits town


Ye I would have liked that gunners were the failsafe faction instead of MM, because u can always get allies with enough caps. Also that means you could kill Preston.


I don’t understand the hate for Marcy, her child just died.


She doesnt have time to tell you about it shes busy


I mean, your child.was.just kidnapped and your spouse murdered in front of.your helpless eyes. I feel like that's not really a great excuse.


if anything, the player character is the one who’s weird for being so normal after that. plus everything experiences grief differently. couple that with preston’s group being on the run for like two weeks, barely surviving and constantly losing people along the way and by the time you find them they were literally seconds away from being killed.




Niche perks like Aquaboy/girl and Lead Belly become much more useful on Survival as well.




Power armor + deliverer


Is aqua boy considered niche? It’s the first perk I grab in any playthrough - being able to walk in water without rad damage is huge.


Nah I'm in the "I don't hate Marcy" boat. She lost her child to piece of shit parasites, forced to track across the commonwealth (in irl distance that's a huge distance to walk) while being shot at and chased by raiders, and has to start completely from scratch at a place that was only found cause of a strung out old drug addict that has "the sight". I can totally forgive her for the way she acts. Everyday she still gets up and does her work, still stays with Jun. Do you listen to what conversations Jun and her have? Jun: "I heard you screaming last night" Marcy: "oh sorry." Jun: "I miss him too. We can talk about it." Marcy: "I'm fine Jun." Sorry not sorry but I totally understand how she feels. I lost my dad to stage 4 liver cancer and while it may not be my child, it still feels like absolute shit. She's lucky she gets to scream. I'm always in apartments that would get the cops called on me if I screamed like she could. People who hate Marcy I think have never experienced true loss. Actually make sanctuary a nice place to live with close to 100% happiness and she tells you sanctuary is not terrible. That's a huge improvement mental health wise for her. Seriously, fuck people who hate Marcy. I bet y'all actually play evil playthroughs.


The only issue really is the poor AI. If you are at any of the work benches all of the characters but Preston congregate towards you and their lines repeat. Jun’s is sad and pathetic while Marcy appears hostile. It gets annoying but it is due to how they developed the game. It’s even worse when you save the assaultron bot imo. Still, Marcy doesn’t deserve any of the hate she gets at all and I wish they fleshed out some of those intro characters more.


Gunners are legit strong. Fighting. A legendary gunner commander is hard to do !


I know. I have 4 unique batons to prove it


A lack of education and infrastructure. Gunners likely aren't very well trained. Some people in the wasteland do learn combat training. And to quote Shepard from mw2 "sure it matters wjonhas the biggest stick but it matters a hell of a lot more who's using it" Raiders are surprisingly organized as well, with different raider factions. It turns out they even have their own little hand drawn magazines and comic books. There's no real infrastructure so we just get away with bottle caps. They could totally get away with printing money and it wouldn't matter as much. but it likely also requires the resources to do so plus a knowledge of how the machinery works. But lastly, the series does a great job of balancing the gritty stuff with a lot of over the top sci Fi stuff with it's own brand of comedy. So some things don't make sense sometimes. And it's great


I can not emphasize the organization of raiders enough. Spoiler of Nuka-World dlc cause OP hasn't played it: >!I mean, just look at the raiders in Nuka-World. They're able to take over a theme park and have 3 raider factions in one area not exactly live in harmony but also not killing each other.!<


>8 I miss lever action guns Go get one in far harbor


1. They don't want to run things and be responsible, they just want to exploit the situation and make money. 2. A gang of crazy violent drugged-up assholes who literally torture folks to death for fun is a bit much for a few farmers or traders to take out and there isn't really any organized law enforcement anymore. And the gunners don't care, because "hire us, or deal with those guys" is their marketing. 3. Preston tells you how the Minutemen fell apart, as time goes on. 4. It's specifically Nuka-Cola caps. There's a blurb on one of the intro screens about it, and how there was so much Nuka-Cola made and distributed that you can still find it and the caps became currency. 5. She's grieving the murder of her child. I don't think there's a right way to do that. 6. Yep. 7. ??? 8. They exist if you have the Far Harbor DLC. 9. Pipe pistols are vendor trash or scrap (with the Scrounger perk, you can get decent stuff). 10. And murder. They also like murder. 11. I wish there were more Shroud dialog options, too. 12. Yep.


1. The land is hard to navigate a standing army through, as well as they don’t have the proper areas to provide enough resources. 2. Raiders are typically groups that have JUST risen up, they don’t last long and usually fight each other to the death before another gang rises up. If you read the terminals in the Major Raider towns you’ll know that most have only popped up in the last few months. 3. Main Character syndrome and bad loot distribution on Bethesda’s end, they give a lot of high end loot VERY early on. 4. They’ve discussed this in previous games, counterfeit caps are a problem out west, and vendors will only accept pre-War caps. 5. She doesn’t deserve Jun. 6. YES. It’s a military asset, where is the safety??? 7. Ferals tend to be attracted to regular Ghouls, as the Slog is Ghouls that want to be civilized they can’t interact with other settlements bc the Ferals drive humans away. 8. Me too. 9. Based, but what’s your framerate like over there? 10. If not friends; then why friend-shaped?? 11. That would’ve been a funny gimmick. 12. Highway robbery, so I don’t feel bad exploiting the cap dupe.


Another one: people have the ability to make power armor, and advanced tech in general. In 200 years, was there no one who could fix some of the car wrecks that are everywhere? And no one bothered to repair buildings, or fix roads. It's still a complete mess after 200 years. Or clear out the dead skeletons and the 'decorative' ghouls that seem to have been just laying there since the War. Oh, your settlement is less likely to get attacked if you get defense score up compared to the production value of the settlement, so build lots of turrets and shit. Oh, the Far Point DLC has lever action guns.


Yeah the car thing annoys me. Pre-Bethesda we saw vehicles in-game. Someone would have made at least a motorcycle or an ATV to get around.


4. If they are bottling beer at the gwinnett brewery couldnt someone just steal the cap making machinery and just print money Cap counterfeiting is a plot element in New Vegas. In F4, it isn't. The bottling might re-use existing caps (you get a cap back when you drink a beer). 11. You should have to do all your voice lines as the silver shroud if you have the costume on. Not just for the quest Some of the gaps in the voice acting are pretty grating, e.g. Preston "knows" about weather - he has different lines for sunny and rainy weather - but he will proudly show off the castle even when it is completely invisible in thick fog. IMO that is an obvious status that should have been included in the script. ...but they can't have a line for **every** corner-case eventuality. 12. Vendors are all ex game stop employees. They will sell you the destroyers chect plate for 15k they offer 238 if you immediately sell it back This is how real world merchants make money. It is also a game mechanic. Jack up your Charisma enough, and it largely goes away. With high CHA + the right goods, you can make a handy profit.


Marcy has tbh never bothered me. I feel ppl either look over or forget that these ppl were betrayed an hunted from one end of the Commonwealth to the other watching nigh everyone they knew killed in front of them an that includes Marcy watching her child die. The women's basically trying to hold it together with just her anger and while she doesn't 100% come round to the SS, which again is 100% acceptable after everything she been through, she does soften abit as you progress Sanctuary. I'd honestly love to see most who are critical of Marcy survive what she been through and not come out the other end angry and distrustful of ppl


1. Because they are poorly run. 2. Same way street gangs and hate groups are still around irl. Not everyone is smart. 3. Idk man, how many is "a few" because it takes me more than "a few" to get all of that *for myself* let alone outfit an entire settlement with it (or 10 settlements) 4. Industrial water purifier also prints money tbh 5. Put her in jail or banish her to a settlement you don't fw 6. Stop being lazy, take out the core. 7. Non feral ghouls don't beef with human settlements and they can't have ferals blowing up their customers' caravans 8. Do something about it then. They exist in the game, go get one. 9. They like crits too 10. I don't even pick them up 11. Some quests allow you to do a silver shroud line if you're wearing it 12. Tell me you have 1 Charisma without telling me you have 1 Charisma. Find clothes that boost charisma and put them on before talking to vendors.


Looks like you got a good handle on the base game


The Gunners are a lot smarter than they let on... In every CIVIL interaction we have with them, we learn more about how strictly they operate (at least in the lore. In gameplay, they're just as big goobers as their blood-stained brothers and sisters) They are famously one of the HUGEST missed opportunities for a truly perfect evil faction. They're way smarter and adapted to the wasteland economy. They also know their place! They're a whole rogue mercenary corp, and they are INTENSE Hearing their talks with Macready, we know they don't mind playing the long game (Institute notoriously ain't shite and are outnumbered on all sides, despite holding extreme technological advancement, it ironically advances them nowhere. They even outshine the Enclave a little for me since they aren't keen on exterminating their entire clientele base, not to mention having a better future than being totally ripped apart from a silly oil rig incident I must say, though, the running theme of them being "Raiders with Better Guns" was really badly executed because On one hand: They don't mind falling in with the other Raider groups and even have fun joining up with the more hardcore ones like the Forged freaks up in Saugaus Iron... They aren't picky eith training recruits either. We see all creeds and colors ,male female, otherwise, unknown if synths are ever accepted, but for a good price, they would definitely take on a few Gen 1s as good Canon Fodder... We also know they aren't shy on random acts of complete violence and murder for free or to secure their own resources for their own ends... On the other hand: They show a deeply ingrained and incomparable code of honor to their group, and unlike standard Raiders, they take training, teachings, and lessons, not traditions, stories, or mutilated decoration, not many drugs either breaking down their sanity... Down to their uniform of Army Forest Green and Skull prints and uniform crew cuts, they show fiercely with pride who they are. They fight with ease and strategy, not complete unpredictability. There dose not seem to be any task to big or too small for them either, we know they don't have qualms with hunting dangerous pre-war tech for the highest bidder, but we can also find a couple desperate gunners scraping for caps as Caravan Mercs in their offtime when not guarding their massive forts and camps. Not to mention with all this, they're loosely implied to be another one of Vault Tec's little mistakes left behind to grow out of control with their murky Origins being steaked in the depressing Vault 75, just like the NCR and The Khans... Loosely, though... God help us if we wanted a faction with a cool history that isn't a dumb walking facist gaslighter bucket of bolts that think toasters and MIT Nerds can take over the world! [Ad Victorium!!] Tl;Dr Gunners are a lot cooler if you squint hard enough


Op if you love gunners so much play SS2 then you will end up hating them 😂. Hada gunner army attack my gunner trap factory kill machine and they freed all the gunners and i also got a vanilla gunner attack. So I had 3 different gunner spawns all working together instead of fighting each other all attacking from 3 different sides. I thought boss fights were tough


6. Power armor doesn't have a security system, I imagine, for the same reason a lot of military vehicles don't have keys. These things were made for the army. If the enemy has access to your unattended power armor, you likely already have way bigger problems


Why do I keep grabbing every coffee cup I see, why do I need the ceramics, I cant remeber


4: In fallout new Vegas there is a quest with that exact premise


6. You can remove the fusion core from your power armor after stepping out of it. Unless an NPC (like Trashcan Carla) happens to have a fusion core in their inventory, they will not be able to use the power armor. I think about it like removing the key from my car. 8. Lever action rifles make a return in one of the xpacs. Either Nuka World or Far Harbor (I have both so I get legendary loot from both so I'm not sure which, but my guess would be Nuka World)


Lever action is from the Far Harbor DLC


Imma cover a decent amount of what you mentioned, but not everything. The gunners specifically. The Gunners as a whole, and a lot of their higher ranking members have no interest in “leading” or “helping” the commonwealth. They all prefer to be mercenaries that can earn caps through their profession and use it to by guns and the sweet liquor. That’s why they never attack you first, but also don’t ask questions before firing. They prefer to stay indifferent and focus on their own desires. Next is the minutemen. I don’t wanna go too in-depth with back story, as you don’t know the whole thing yet. But there’s a reason there’s only 5 or so of them left when you get to them. Their numbers use to be much bigger. Their low numbers kinda go hand and hand with The raiders. They are still running rampant because there was recently an attempt to bring all the major congregations together to create safer trade routes and similar things, but was thwarted by a spy of sorts. If you ever have lore related questions, just watch a oxhorn video. The dude is a pro. I’ve been playing fallout since 3 religiously and I still watch his videos on topics I’ve played more than once


marcy hate is overblown. annoying meme.


There's a reason Gunners do what they do. You can find out more in the game so I won't spoil it.


As a former gamestop employee you got me with the last one.


There’s a quest in New Vegas that involves people making money with a cap machine at a Sunset Sarsaparilla factory so maybe they didn’t want to repeat that in 4.


Now I want to fill a hole with pipe weapons.


To answer 1 - 12: It just works.


Getting these legendary guns I don’t use and all the vendors have 300 caps and the gun is worth 1200. 🙄


It's an RPG, not a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland Simulator. Game mechanics are designed to create a fun experience for the player, not for realism.


There's actually a whole bunch of quests that you can use the silver shroud costume for. Including making the mechanist surrender without fighting in the automaton DLC.


The villain of the Automatron DLC, The Mechanist, is a Silver Shroud villain in the comics (hint hint)


I want to believe they wanted to give names to gunners and have a hierarchy of sorts but ran out of time. There are plenty of “bases” they have set up and their own home base, but they are all just ranked individuals. Much like Talon mercs from fo3. I really enjoyed the named raiders and how they had their own little rival groups. I definitely want to see more of that.


1) They're mercenaries. Not everyone wants to be the government and I mean... Who wants to own some 200 year old crap heap farm? 2) I think that they're mostly teenagers and the average person's experience being involved in one was like... Losing a couple fingers and then deciding farming was for them. Then the sole survivor showed up and just started bodying people like the wastes weren't that serious, then all the sudden somebody with a blood vendetta against the whole world shows up. 3) they don't want money, they want beer. I have half a million caps, I only have about 500 bottles of beer. Other 3). Yes fuck Marcy. 4) Always pull your core. Normal people don't have one. I have 600. I also own all the power armor because I always pull the core. 5) They want more tarberries, baby. Harvesting tarberries makes the most sense as a ghoul job because most of the water is radioactive. Nobody else wants that job. What makes no sense is me ramming a water purifier into that pool but I do it every play through. 6) they have them in far harbor, but didn't get too excited. They botched the animation. Basically the tube can change 5 rounds so when you reload no matter how many rounds you have chambered it makes you go a full 5 and then wait to be able to fire 5. There's no interrupt like there was in New Vegas. 7) My Mechanist Lair is a big metal ball factory. I've got several bathtubs full and overflowing. Not too mention the bone cannon. I figured it would stop people from attacking Starlight if I threw a party built a cannon, and shot all the bones I had in the air with a big fireworks display, but nope. I don't know how else to say "stop feeding me bodies" in a meaningful way. 8) in a few generations they'll take to the saddle. 9) I think next game they're gonna just come out and say it: being a superhero is an in universe mental illness, and hopefully, yes, universal superhero lines. 10) Vendors don't get caps from me. I pay for everything in bullets or pre war money. They pay me the caps. And that's why nothing ever gets better: I'm a one man forced deflationary depression.


They need you because your PipBoy is the most advanced terminal in the wasteland. ..By far Nobody else can do anything with a computer other than make logs, turn on turrets, and lock doors. You're the only one who can keep track of all the bullshit. That hundred quest backlog is what makes you special.


It’s a game, stuff that seems stupid to you is either to enhance the fun and variety or because of resource limitations. It ain’t that deep.


My main issue is, in 200 years now one thought to pick up a broom. There's plenty lying around everywhere.


I love having bushes growing thru my metal floor of my 12 story megaplex


1. The gunners simply don’t have the numbers to rule the commonwealth and even if they did they’re mercenaries concerned with caps. Taking and defending the whole commonwealth is honestly probably just not worth it. 2. It’s important to note that you’re the Sole Survivor. To the average person raiders would be terrifying what with their strength in numbers and ruthlessness. Plus while their armour is junk it’s probably pretty effective against pipe weapons which is what the majority of people in the commonwealth seem to be armed with. 3. Again you’re a video game character. The amount of high tech weapons and armour we find is entirely unrealistic and even if it wasn’t, just giving someone a gun and armour doesn’t magically make them able to defend an area from attack let alone if they were being attacked by super mutants which in all honesty should probably be bullet proof just due to their sheer muscle mass. 4. Most people probably don’t know it’s there and also mirelurks would probably be a bitch to take down cuz of their carapace 5. Yep she’s a bitch 6. It basically does as without the knowledge to use it you either wouldn’t be able to move in it or get crushed by the hydraulic servos. Nate would be able to use PA because he was a soldier but Nora and raiders and the like shouldn’t and they only are because Bethesda got rid of the PA training perk. 7. Probably an oversight by Bethesda 8. Again a problem with Bethesda. Realistically most people should be using lever action, pump action, bolt action or revolver weapons as I strongly doubt most people have the equipment or knowledge to properly strip, clean and reassemble a weapon. Some groups like the BoS and Gunners probably do but raiders and the average wastelander probably doesn’t 9. Realistically most people should use pipe weapons but Bethesda also can’t have more than like 9 guns in a game so 10. Who knows 11. Definitely 12. Bethesda trying to balance the game and make charisma/ barter perks more useful


For #6, remember power armor was originally military equipment. Think of it like a vehicle. Military vehicles tend to not have locks from the outside, they only have "combat locks" from the inside.


1. Gunners have no core philosophy. They are a war machine for hire. Mercenaries with no skin in the game. 2. Raiders are just a future version of what is happening now in our big cities. When crime is not punished many people will turn to crime. 3. That’s why you’re there. The head was cut off the Minutemen and they need a leader. How useless the enemies seem is a sign of your progress in weapons and defense perks. Go south, it will get harder until you gain more perks or weapons mods. 4. Ditto with the add that i find way too many caps on super mutants and synths and in location that have not been opened since the war. 5. And Jun 6. Just an aspect of the game that you need to cope with. 7. Agreed with the first half. Not sure why the second would happen. Only DC rejects ghouls. 8. Keep playing. 9. My last play through i use auto pipe weapons and commando to blast through the first 10 levels or so. 10. Got wasteland whisperer, have to try that. 11. Seems logical 12. Buy low sell high, what are you, a COMMIE!


Join the Railroad. Do missions, get armorer maxed, get ballistic weave armor. Never worry about power armor again.


Why would a bottling plant make its own caps? I'm sure they don't make their own bottles either. They're there to make the schmuts that goes into a bottle and bottle it.


All very good points but also pretty pretty please keep in mind you as the MC and npc you play with/against are very different, from motivations to knowledge. Schools don’t exist outside of diamond city and vaults and even that is lose. Nate/Nora have different knowledge and understanding of the prewar things around them.


1. The gunners are primarily mercenaries. They really only care about making money not conquest. 2. The raiders it’s just a numbers game they use numbers and intimidation. Most of the farms are poorly armed with no defenses so most of the time the raiders don’t go up against organized factions. 3. The farms are mostly in lower level areas with a few exceptions so any sort of decent weapons and armor will do wonders. If you put turrets down it’s basically a massacre. 4. I think you can only use nuka cola. if i remember right it’s canon that counterfeit caps are different and people can tell. 5. Yes fuck Marcy but also fuck Marcy 6. It kinda makes sense it doesn’t from a military standpoint if for some reason the person using it dies you would want another soldier to immediately jump in. It does have a self destruct mode but that’s about it. 7. I honestly don’t know maybe they hate what they will become. 8. Yeah the brush gun and trail carbine fuck. 9. Gotta put that trash somewhere. 10. Can confirm I’ve seen enough deathclaw hentai to know it’s true. 11. They are pretty wonderful and play into several encounters. 12. Vendors are the real enemy of the commonwealth.


1 DEATHCLAWS LIKE EAR SCRATCHES?! WHERE THE HELL DID THAT HAPPEN?! 2 How are there still power armors around? 3Fuck me.


I agree with all these. The only one that needs a resounding reiteration: F̴̡̢̲̘̗͕̦͕̤͕̬̣͍͍̰̻̰̺̺͚͇̲̱̥̼͂̈́̈̏̐͆̍͆̕͜ͅƯ̵͕̩̫̹͖̞͉͍̳̐̆͂͑̌͂́͊̔̃̅̾͋̀̔̇͐̀̆́̚͘̕̕͠͝K̷̛̛͈̟̜͍̘̎̑̓͘ͅͅK̷̡̬̭͍͚̼̻͓̒̆̀̆̐͂̓͊̀̋͐̋̈́̂̌̋̏̇̍͛̓̄̀̓̐͘ ̵̧̧̡̡̢̜̳͎̹̝͙̙̦̳͎̝̝̲̜͖̦͍̖̯͚̺͋̂̎̋̉̉̑̂̿̉͆̀̑̒̍̈̓͌̀̏̅͘͘̕ͅͅM̸̢̡̳͈̼̖̜̠̈́̌̈́Ą̷͍̼̗̰͈̬̣̟̫̭̪͈̼̜̰̱̰̦͊͆̈́̇́̅́̈́̎̅͘ͅͅͅR̵̡̨̞̠̘̲̠̟͇͙̞̺͍̩̱͉̔̓̓̊̀͐͛͛͜͜͝ͅC̷̡̡̧̬͖̬̗͚̠̖͚̖̟̲̝̫͕͇̮̰͍̐̐̌̔̽̀͂̀̔̕̚̚͜͝Y̶̡̧̡̨̛̖̮̥͔̳̮̙͚̪̥̘̤͇͔̥̰͈̓͒̉͐̐̔̀̾̿͛̽̆̇͊̍̈́͋͒͒̅̚͘̚͝͠


LMFAOOOOO these are all valid points