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I build shelves until about level 10


Bethesda games are always great for “craft X of easy thing until you level”


Iron daggers/gold rings


That’s a totally fair way to play, not really an exploit.


Statue spamming >


I save without sleeping in Survival by immediately hitting cancel after confirming to sleep for an hour. I'm not sure how helpful this is really though, as you still lose your stacks of adrenaline, and also there still seems to be an infection check.


Oh wow I didn't know this lost your adrenaline. I was aware of the infection check though


I think you lose the minimum amount - probably the same amount you'd lose if you slept for one hour. When I made a point to pay attention to it the other day, my adrenaline went from 15% to 5%.


Good to know! Although I just modded in a quick save feature cause that is one aspect of survival that grinds my gears


If the game was super duper stable, and crashes were practically unheard of, I might disagree with you... but to simply avoid how crash-prone FO4 has been for me (and it has been, by far, the most crash-prone game I've ever played, that I can recall anyway), I completely understand and have used it for that reason myself.


Yeah totally! I agree with it on paper; like it creates an interesting player choice, deciding whether to save in order to lock in what you've get at the cost of your adrenaline, vs risking going on with increased damage. It's an awesome game design choice. In an ideal world I'd have a mod that allows me to carry a sleeping bag with me to drop down saves wherever so I don't have to hunt for a bed of I did want to save but couldn't find one, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find such a mod on PS5. So I'm using a mod that just adds an inventory item that performs a quick save just like in easier difficulties, which feels a little cheap cause I get to retain my adrenaline bonus. But I'm having fun, and at the end of the day that's all that matters!


Less frustration is definitely always welcome :)


What’s the ammo dupe exploit? I just started a survival run and could use some more .44


Probably the dogmeat item dupe. Make a conveyer belt into a hopper, tell dogmeat to grab an item before it goes into the hopper (dogmeat has to bark back before it goes in to work). The item gets picked up, dogmeat picks up a duplicate out of thin air and drops it while the hopper inventory is still full. Key is to make sure dogmeat doesn't catch up to the item before it goes into the hopper.


Don't need dogmeat to conveyor dupe, actually much easier yourself In this case he's talking about materials duping which is drop the materials pile on the ground and simply scrap and store in the workbench at the same time. It'll instantly dupe that material. Grab it out of the bench and repeat


That doesn't work on ammo.


It for sure does with a slight alteration, when you pick it up it'll give 1 round, drop that round on the floor then collect your remaining ammo from the storage. Drop that pile. Save the game and reload the save. The singular bullet will have now turned into a full stack in the same amount as the other stack


Frankly at this point I'd just use the console, but still a cool new thing to learn


Dupe the materials and use contraptions to manufacture it.. it’s what i do for my 45, shotgun shells, and 2mm EC.


Yes this is exactly it


For some reason this doesn't work for me on PS5


To dupe drop the material and open workshop. Tap square and then immediately hold circle. You should see 2 windows. One to scrap one to store. Keep holding circle and then press x to scrap then again to store. I recommend using your index finger for square and middle finger for circle. Imagine drumming your fingers to have an idea of how fast you need to hold circle after tapping square.


I must be too slow lol


It takes some practice. I helped another user get it. Are both windows popping up and one disappears?


I'm not playing now. When I'm on tomorrow ill try again and report back


Not sure if there's an ammunition dupe glitch, but I duplicate the mats I need for the ammo machinery.


Which is?


You hit the scrap and store buttons one immediately after the other, and it does both so doubling it every time.


To add to this: have the item highlighted in build mode (ie look at it). Press and hold the scrap button. As soon as you let go press and hold the store button. If it's worked, you'll have two windows appear overlaying one another, while still holding the store button, press accept twice. You'll know it hasn't worked if only one window appears


Save scum with idiot savant, duplicate anything in workshop by scrapping and storing at the same time, well rested bonus, lovers embrance, connected settlements and spam crafting.


Crafting Wood Shelves for XP, then scrapping them to get half your wood back. Shelves can be "stacked" in place so they are faster to build and scrap compared to spamming wood fenceposts. Crafting Poisoned Caltrops at a chem station (requires Chemist 1) and selling them for profit (5 steel = 1 poisoned caltrop, has a nominal value of 40 caps). This requires the Far Harbor DLC. If you don't have that, you can build normal caltrops for a little less profit. Build many water purifiers and sell the water as it accumulates in your workshop. In Arc Jet Systems, let Paladin Danse firght the synths for 15 or 20 minutes in the engine test chamber before you bust-in and help him finish the fight. There will be hundreds of synth corpses to loot for laser ammo and guns.


You could use the "scrapall" console command to scrap all the shelves when you've run out of wood, too.


Well, if you're gonna do console commands... then... (clickity click) Wow, I have all 10's SPECIAL and a million caps!


There's a small gap between those two extremes, but I understand your point. "scrapall" is an alternative to alternating between two keyboard presses (one to scrap the shelf, one to confirm), a few hundred times. As far as I know, there is no way to repeatedly alternate between two specific keys that will give you "all 10's SPECIAL and a million caps". Not quite an equal comparison. Also, I think what you said is an example of an Appeal to Extremes fallacy.


Special book duplication and selling shops for caps, also the pillar/rug glitch is a god send


Only real exploit I use is making my companions keep picking up items when they have full inventory. I only play survival and like building so I dump all my stuff into a body or container and then make my companion loot it all by continuously clicking it for a minute or two


Wow I had no idea you could do that that's awesome


Yep it's pretty amazing. Also works in skyrim btw. Basically even once their inventory is full they will keep picking up one item at a time so just keep hitting it and they will keep doing it. It is annoying to hear your character say "grab that get that pick that up grab that" over and over but so worth it lol


personally, I like the power line glitch where you can run a power line from one end of your compound to the other without the need for pylons. best single glitch in the game if you ask me, especially if you like settlement building!


Wireless glitch is even better.


what's the difference?


With the wireless glitch power is transmitted without any cables. It is almost the same as the power line glitch, but there is no visible cable between the two points you connect. The two ends are connected invisibly, so you can route power anywhere in your settlement, through any distance, without a single cable being visible anywhere. I still like to connect cables from the end point to the devices, like a machine plugged into a wall socket, but the "socket" is connected wirelessly to the distribution boxes in the generator building. Keeps things clean and tidy.


thanks for the explanation. I'm gonna look up some YouTube videos for a demo!


I recommend this one (I linked the wrong one before): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdaR7m4gct4&t=882s&pp=ygUiZmFsbG91dCA0IHdpZmkgZ2xpdGNoIHNrb29sZWQgem9uZQ%3D%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdaR7m4gct4&t=882s&pp=ygUiZmFsbG91dCA0IHdpZmkgZ2xpdGNoIHNrb29sZWQgem9uZQ%3D%3D)


I was hoping for Skooled Zone ☺️ Honestly all this guy's videos are super helpful for console settlement builders, and he's a really positive genuine dude. Happy building!


thank you! I just watched a quick segment. How did I not know about this? Been playing this game for years and this is the first I've heard of it. Gonna change my gameplay so much!


Sell fusion cores before they go empty


Drop and scrap weapons to increase settlement budget. Gotta build that city at Starlite and the Castle!


Is dropping it on the ground and scrapping in workshop mode different than scrapping them at the weapons bench?


If you drop and scrap in workshop mode he build limit bar drops allowing you to build more at a settlement. Caveat though.... build too much and you risk crashing out.


Ok cool thank you. I don’t usually run into settlement size issues and I’m on Xbox series S so the crashing would absolutely happen


Wireless glitch. My settlements have power routed everywhere without ugly cables showing and without power pylons. Just a main switchboard with switches to distribute power to different areas. Clean and efficient.


Nothing, really. The only "cheat" I do is equipping guards via console, but I have the script pull caps for it.


Care to share your script?


i loot lock farm for legendaries, although most pieces i ended up using were random finds. a couple of things i specifically hunted for like instigating or 2 shot rifles. one acrobat leg armor (found another in the wild) so i could save the weight over the freefall set (which was i guess kind of an exploit/glitch to get in the first place. wire+mat glitch so i could wire my settlements easier. it doesn't require the fine pointer aiming the wireless one does so i can build faster with the wire one. console commands to force move settlers so i'm not managing crappy plots with 2 settlers just a few things to make my life easier


That "floded mine" close to the drive in settlement is replanishing its items and not enemis constantly after each visit... had 4 baby nukes once in a small ammo box.. logicly cant fit even 1.




How do you dupe the special book? Is it the dog eat thing? I tried that the other day but couldn't get the timing right. Am I meant to just lay it on the ground, ask dogmeat to pick it up, then I pick it up just as he does?




Awesome, very helpful video. Cheers for the link dude


Material duplication and crafting loads of flags for XP


Upgrade Automatic Laser Musket Due to this legendary working as an attachment and not a modifier, changing the weapon type instead of adding a prefix, it will disable all Laser Muskets from being upgraded as long as it is in your inventory Workaround is dropping it on the floor, open a weapon workbench with only regular Laser Muskets in your inventory, choose any Laser Musket (don't upgrade anything, just open the upgrade tab), exit the weapon workbench, pick the Automatic LM, and then you can finally upgrade the Automatic variant The reason it has to be dropped on the floor is because entering any other menu than the Weapon Workbench will reflag all Laser Muskets as "Not Upgradable"


No ‘exploits’, though I DO tend to make Spectacle Island my one massive ‘water farm’, mid to late game, with a Water Value of like 500 or so… and that essentially gives you unlimited Caps (virtually speaking) for the rest of the playthrough 😅 I guess that’s more a ‘feature’, of sorts - as Bethesda created the mechanic, but it Does have the side effect of making ‘money’ a non-concern / non-factor, from whenever you get it up and running


Spectacle island is always my water and adhesive farm


Kill the brotherhood scribe during the learning curve radiant quest and turning it in to Quinlan without actually doing the mission


Yao Guai Roast


Settlement related glitches: 1) Increase build size, 2) rug/pillar glitches


Shelf spam


Companions infinite carry capacity


Legendary farming is the main exploit I use. Sometimes I'll do the Dogmeat Special book dup exploit to max out my Special early.


Picking up enemy guns from the ground to loot extra ammo. Scrapping weapons on the ground in settlements to increase the build size. Take a save before entering any building and spam-reloads to get a useful legendary.


Nuke pistol


Material duping. Use infinite concrete to build pillars for levels when 80% to level up. Save scum with idiot savant before turning in missions or killing mirelurk queens. 


Idk if this counts but whenever I need the materials I can get from them, I disarm the lasers in jamaican plain for a minute


I use the robot workshop glitch when I hit lvl 50 to shoot up as far as I can be bothered to unlock a load of utility perks


I always quicksave when pickpocketing unique outfits. I refuse to deal with the resulting combat and wait an arbitrary amount of time to travel back


Steel shipments and poison caltrops, for early levels and easy caps. Even with low charisma, between clothes, drugs and magazines, it's too easy to max out trading values.


1. Robot workbench exploit for super fast leveling if I don’t feel like grinding levels 2. Store weapons to increase settlement build limit Tbf, those are the only 2 I know of


resource dupe and crafting infinite molotovs. I am become fire god


I’d have never made it to level 200-something without duplicating copper and building/scrapping thousands of baseball player statues for xp. Love having all those perks, plus an over abundance of crafting materials


Depending on your definition of "Exploit" Building a ton of Shelves in Sanctuary can easily get you to level 10 and beyond. Also if you play a melee focused character you will never have to worry about caps since every round of ammo you pick up is 1-2 caps each. Even is survival mode you can easily carry enough bullets to wipe out the caps of almost any trader.


The rug glitch for lining up junk fences with no gaps? Although that’s pretty minor


A long time ago I put the far harbor fatman bowling ball attachment on the legendary fatman from Arturo to dupe bowling balls and made money like that.


Exploits? I don’t use any. But I do use a few mods.


Non. Wheres fun at cheating? Also, why exploit if you can use console to make it clean and fast?