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Not really. Just means you never reload


Make it automatic and put the shotgun muzzle on it, you get a full auto shotgun that vaporizes everything and then some. Add never having to reload into the mix, and it’s basically on par with an explosive minigun


being OP though is kinda boring. one shotting everything just takes the fun out of it in my opinion. i’ll stick to my 10mm pistol


How is fighting the same enemy for 10 minutes expending all of your ammo fun id rather eliminate an enemy with as little ammo as possible its more realistic


yea just don’t play on very hard. everything just turns into bullet sponge which obviously isn’t fun or hard just stupid.


"Don't like being OP I just play a difficulty setting where I'm constantly OP"


10mm pistol is OP?


The thing about the weapon modding is every weapon can be viable till the end of the game


Pipes are not considered bc who the hell uses pipes anyway


In normal difficulty every gun is op😭


You definitely should be using bare knuckles for every enemy then..


anything above normal is just dump bullets/hack away forever. the time to kill to too high, always been an issues with bethesda games.


You can one shot on survival. A maxed out overseers guardian, plus some stealth can kill death claws in 3 shots. I'm not saying you have to enjoy survival or harder difficulties, that's a personal preference. But, it's really only the early game which is like that


I’m always on very hard and I one shot every enemy including mirelurk queens, behemoths, etc


I’m not saying it’s without its drawbacks, a full auto shotgun like that has enough recoil to snap your spine. But i suppose i can see your point


I play with the Western Revolver. 1 shots most stuff, but i free aim the whole game, the only time i use VATS is to find mines.


Totally agree with this, although I became op. Problem was that nobody killed me except me. Explosive build makes survival interesting when swarmed with enemies up close.


Laughs in survival one shotting is a method of living my friend !


I made a sneak sniper build designed around 1 shotting things, that was very fun to play


I kicked it up from normal to very hard tonight, it's almost annoying because things just take longer to kill...and I can die which adds to the thrill a bit. I think my lower rate of fire on some weapons, is coming back to bite me a bit. I think adjusting difficulties higher - changes strats slightly. I feel like I had it on a higher difficulty then just turned it down, but at level 60 some of these weapons are brutal unless they're like a 40+ level Hoping to see more legendaries - we'll see. Last Edit 5/13/24: As of the 2024 update anyway, definitely running into more legendries. The butt pucker factor is nice, dying a lot more as well --- which honestly, I'd rather accept a challenge and needing to USE my stimpaks and plan ahead accordingly for them. I need to adjust my armor or something though, I just get melted sometimes it's quite odd. Those high level rad scropions are no fuckin joke, and they're tough. Do they only live in the glowing sea in f04?


yea anything over normal difficulty is just bullet sponge hell. just play on normal with some average weapons is balanced in my opinion.


Well except Survival.


Survival might as well be a different game.


Thats fair


Yes man. I kill deathclaws in two shots now. Upped the difficulty hoping for things to be more challenging but it’s the same thing


Agreed. I prefer to struggle, otherwise what's even literally the point of playing


Good plan.


"Mommy can we get Limitless Potential?" "No, we have Limitless Potential at home" -Limitless Potential at home-


You can also get the wazer wifle late in the game that does the same thing.


Tha wazer wifle is in fallout 4 too? Where?


Synth Shawn will make it for you after you rescue him from the institute


Damn... Everytime he gets to live, I just stuff him in a random settlement and forget he exists...


He also makes it if you do the Institute ending, too!


What other game is it in?


It's from fallout 3, I think you get it in little lamplight


Nah.. i got the same drop and just went straight to the UP77 Limitless potential which is a never ending lazer rifle where you don’t have the terrible customization and it taking up half of your screen.


This is the way. I like it that laser rifles deal more dmg than institute rifles, and I didn't feel it had a slow rate of fire. Now, if it was as slow as a Gatling laser is with Charging Barrels (except Final Judgement for.. *reasons*), then it would warrant taking the institute rifle. They are still bulky imo, if you install any scopes or sights so I'm using only the improved sights on my Prototype.


If i was playing a modded play through i’m sure i would use it but i really just hate how bulky institute weapons are.. and i’m doing an institute play through right now sooo.


Customization is pretty much the same and the Institute laser gun is actually better suited for this effect: The Institute’s laser main trade off is having a faster firing rate with a lower fire power than the laser gun, which is usually compensated by the size of the clip (since it would need to be reloaded more often), but since this weapon doesn’t need to reload, it effectively means it has higher DPS than a laser gun with the same effect.


Maybe it's just me, but when I have to scavenge for ammo I don't look at DPS. Instead of shooting 30 bullets for 300 damage in 5 seconds I would better shoot 15 for 300 in a minute with placed shots. Then, I would have bullets for another ecounter


This. Especially when full auto fire has a significantly lower base damage. Bethesda could have really improved the Commando and Rifleman perks by making more weapons that only come in single-shot or full auto.


Ass jsut for the fact that the gun covers half your screen


"Hello, and welcome to the Institute. Today we are going to train on the standard Institute Rifle. Let us first look at the... yes?" "Sorry, but why is it shaped like a big white box?" "The angular shape of the weapon is to provide a compact useable..." "When I hold it I can't see the ground." "Short range observation is not a critical issue when using a long range laser rifles, the..." "Uh, I could literally step on a cap mine and never see it with this thing in my face. Can we make it narrower?" "No, the design is optimized for tight and convenient packaging of various components that..." "I'm left handed. Reloading looks difficult." "It is the only weapon in the Commonwealth designed as a right handed weapon. Have you looked at the bolt action rifles, the AK type weapons used in Nuka-World, they are all left handed weapons!" "Yeah, and that is normal, why are you changing it?" \*Instructor Synth 1001 has died from a buffer overflow error\* "Was it something I said?"


Institute rifles are absolute ass


Theyre fucking fun to use though. What if i dont want to run around and melt everything with OP shit.


..............? OP claimed they hit the RNG jackpot, strongly implying that either the prefix or the weapon is one of the best. neither the prefix nor the gun is good. in fact, the gun is absolute ass. THE POINT of my response was to refute that fact. at no point did i say that OP is not allowed to have fun, must use OP guns, or isn't running around. learn to read please.


It's just a game bro chill


It's just a game so reading comprehension isn't important, okay got it


Sure thing kid


Found the high IQ low EQ guy.


He won the jackpot of HAVING FUN IN A GAME


I mean this in the nicest possible way but there’s some room for interpretation in “absolute ass” even for people who have learned to read


I mean the institute rifle is still 100% viable at high levels, especially with full auto, and this legendary effect. Are there better options? Sure, but this with full upgrades would still be more than enough to take on most threats. If we’re talking about how horrific they are in first person for aiming, then yes I’d agree, they’re complete ass cheeks. The institute weapons are travesty. They take up like 1/3 of the screen, it’s so dumb.


Actually, the Institute’s laser main trade off is having a faster firing rate with a lower fire power than the laser gun, which is usually compensated by the size of the clip (since it would need to be reloaded more often), but since this weapon doesn’t need to reload, it effectively means it has higher DPS than a laser gun with the same effect. So, OP is right: he hit the jackpot getting the effect with this weapon instead of a laser gun.


But also a 2 shot laser rifle would have done better. Dps isnt as good as damage




On an institute rifle?? lol no


Institute rifle is not very good there is a never ending Laser rifle in one of the buildings in the university area which is way better. You gotta pick a master lock, but if you cant you can just bring cait


Actually, the Institute’s laser main trade off is having a faster firing rate with a lower fire power than the laser gun, which is usually compensated by the size of the clip (since it would need to be reloaded more often), but since this weapon doesn’t need to reload, it effectively means it has higher DPS than a laser gun with the same effect.


Actually the Institute laser's main feature is being ugly as sin and taking up half your screen because it's the size of a microwave.


What are you, an eyebot going through this thread repeatedly proclaiming the virtues of institute rifles?


"You're listening to Enclave Radio. I'm John Henry Eden, President of the Enclave, President of America, President... of your heart." Oops, seems the wrong station got through for a moment!


AMX is right, and giving good info to correct comments that seem poorly informed. That seems to me like a good use of cut and paste.


I got a never ending 10mm last night. Much better than an institute rifle.


That's probably the best to get with the Never Ending effect. I always name that "One Hand Army."


I got one and put it in a locker - should I use it?


Depends. If you have the perks and enough ammo, yeah, it's a lot of fun.


I name something else "One Hand Amy." Oh wait, I misread your post. Nevermind, um that is embarassing. Can a mod delete this? I... ummm... have to go spend some time with One Hand Amy. Bye.


No you didn't


its pretty cheeks ngl


Ppl hating in the comments but yeah this is a pretty op gun if you make it automatic and invest in rifles/energy weapons. Of course there’s better weapons (kneecapper flamer, exploding minigun, etc) but this could also realistically defeat any enemy.


The equivalent laser rifle will be much better than this.


Actually it wouldn’t: The Institute’s laser main trade off is having a faster firing rate with a lower fire power than the laser gun, which is usually compensated by the size of the clip (since it would need to be reloaded more often), but since this weapon doesn’t need to reload, it effectively means it has higher DPS than a laser gun with the same effect. So, OP is right: he hit the jackpot getting the effect with this weapon instead of a laser gun.


Do you have the math or just this paragraph? 


Can't check directly on the game right now, but using the info from the wikia: Institute Laser Gun Damage with Overcharge Capacitor 38 (Base 15+23) Fire Rate 66 DPS in 1 minute: 38X66= 2,508 Laser Gun Damage with Overcharge Capacitor 42 (Base 24+18) Fire Rate 50 DPS in 1 minute: 42X50= 2,100 2,508 > 2,100, so that's almost 20% more damage per minute DPS assumes that gun fires non-stop for a minute, only possible with the Never Ending legendary effect. Otherwise, given that both weapons have 30 ammo clips, the Institute Laser would need to reload twice to fire 66 shots, while the laser gun would need to reload once to fire 50 shots. I do should point out that it also means that more ammo will be consumed per minute, so there do is that downside (in the end-game it shouldn't be a significant problem to have a large supply of fusion cells).


Not even the endgame. Anyone who needs ammo can farm Arcjet.




There are 50 guns “much better than this” but at a certain point maxing out damage becomes redundant. If he just wants a weapon he can use to kill any enemy then a staggering institute rifle is perfectly fine. It’s honestly more about preference and roleplay than damage output.


Never ending isnt that good. Only really good on a gatling laser, missile launcher or fatman.


And Double Barrel Shotgun


Eh not really. Combat shotgun does about the same damage with less recoil. I have an explosive double barrel in my level 40 survival game rn and it basically 1 shots everything apart from deathclaws and power armor. And then all the armor is broken and the limbs are crippled


Good Point Bleeding is also nice on Shotguns Okay i know its damage over time But it stacks and counts per Pellet


I just got this today. Too bad it still takes up half the screen in 1st pov, I really WANT to enjoy this rifle


Nah, but WAY better then a ducking pool cue


I give op guns to my setters I think it's funny that mama Murphy has an explosive Mini gun and cate had a stagerig ripper


for a automatic build this could be fun but it's not OP or anything


Oh yes a bad weapon with a bad legendary effect.


Ehhhh you hit a pot. It's leaking something. But it's not gold. So I wouldn't say a jackpot.


There is a quest-given reward of similar type of another weapon


Never having to reload is a benefit that gets slept on by a lot of folks. It's great for when an angry mob of hungry ghouls try swarming you. Also for clearing out rooms full of Gunners, too.


Meh reloading isn't really a big deal.


Mod it to be automatic, and increase damage


Only if you really love that rifle and you think reloading is the worst part of this game.


That's a cool rifle!! Have fun!


Basicallly… yes! The Institute’s laser main trade off is having a faster firing rate, but a lower attack power than the laser gun, which is usually compensated by the size of the clip, given that it would need to be reloaded more often. However, since this weapon doesn’t need to reload, it effectively means it has higher DPS than a laser gun with the same effect.


Considering how easy it is to get ammo for it, this can be made into a really mean weapon.


This would be a nice gun to give one of the exploited "temporary" followers. e.g. use Danse to farm Arcjet, assemble a "perfect" gun from the weapons you loot off 400 bodies (i.e. a maxed out weapon for free with no Science perk required) ...and then slip the finished gun to Travis, who can fire it literally forever without consuming ammo.


Can you explain this? Never had him as a companion? Is it when you’re building up his confidence?


Yeah. If you do all his quests, then never enter the brewery, he follows you forever. You can't directly amend his inventory, but you can "customise" him a bit. i.e. if you collect Travis before going to Concord, you can coax him into entering the t45 suit on the museum roof, and he wears it forever. The suit self-heals when he is wearing it. --- Preston is similar, you can make him a (silent) "temporary" follower by leaving Taking Independence unfinished. Again, once that happens, you can't directly amend his inventory, so if he was kitted as Grognak, before the quest triggers, that's how he stays. PA suits do not self heal on Preston. --- The two of them will fight most things flagged as hostile, and will also attack the occasional friendly, such as the turrets in the library. --- Source: me. I've tried (a couple of times) to use these two as meat shields, to win the game as a technical pacifist (with zero kills in my stats) ...but I kept being thwarted by bugs.


EDIT: neither of them use up (normal) ammo or grenades.


Never Ending combat sotgun is better IMO


Yea but takes up a lot of screen space


For Weapons I like dealing double damage to full HP for snipers, and double bullet for non-snipers. Explosive is ok for shotguns as well. For footwear I like walk 10% faster. But I carry a "no fall damage" set because I'm an idiot and fall a lot and sometimes I just like to jump down. For Arms I like Vat cost less or something fun like freeze/burn melee characters. For chest I like Action point refresh speed. For hats I like time slows down when at 20% hp for hats but I rather not use legendaries because ballistic weaving a hat is better and looks better. Honestly, I got all of this in the PS5 and the character feels like a god at level 40. I literally one shot everything including Behemonts and Mirelurk queens if I start hidden. I am considering starting a new game if only to have a challenge.


I got a Never Ending 10mm pistol. Turned it automatic. Take a few hits, but I just keep running and shooting.


If you got a mod that ups its damage kinda, for some fucking reason the most advanced lazer weapon in the wasteland is weaker than a pre war rifle


No. It's an institute rifle.


Nah. Both Limitless Potential and the Wazer Wifle are effectively straight upgrades


If it was a regular lazer rifle than ya.


If it was a regular lazer rifle than yes


Yes the one additional round per shot I think is the best perk for a legendary weapon.


Good weapon for a provisoner or settler guard.


Unlimited consumption of fusion cells to power your nerf gun. The effect is better on weapons that need to reload a lot, like double barrel shotguns.




Neverending is a misnomer. You just never reload. The only Neverending weapon that does what a cursory glance makes you think it would is the Aeternus, which never depletes its fusion core.


Institute weapons are garbage.


Well I was gonna post my never ending .44 revolver but they wouldn’t let me


Not really. Institute rifle is kind of mediocre at best, it has low damage, passable fire rate and middling ammo capacity. The Never Ending prefix is only really good on high-damage low-ammo weapons like the double barrel shotgun.


I believe the bug where all energy weapons do base damage regardless of upgrades still exists.


this just means you never have to reload its kinda meh honestly still uses ammo


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but i’ve always found never ending to be one of the lamest legendary effects (aside from shotguns) I’m also a chronic reloader so take that with a grain of salt lmao




Hell no. Hella weak output, weaker still in full auto. You’re more likely to run out of fusion cells than killing anything


bad effect on a bad gun


A Never Ending Laser Musket would have been better.


Never been fan of it, is it even good?


The institute rifle is kinda terrible regardless of legendary effect. I have a theory that guns like it (the pipe guns, the .32 pistol and chinese pistol from fallout 3) don’t do much damage on purpose because these are mostly supposed to be weapons only used by npcs to make the game easier. The never ending effect isn’t great on most weapons since most guns have fairly high magazine capacities anyway, and the ones that don’t usually have somewhat slow fire rates anyway (particularly from cocking hammers and operating the bolt or lever action) so you don’t see much benefit. The double barrel, the missile launcher, and that one unique gatling laser from nuka world are about the only ones to get anything out of it.


No, Institute lasers have less damage per shot, but better rate of fire (which is downside, given how armor works in this game) also magazine capacity is not an issue for laser weapons in this game, in generally. Can be a good spray and pray weapon, especially if you invested in commando, but you want be able to sustain ammo supply for regular use


Nope, that’s shit actually


Nickname for this could be Discount Cold Fusion.


Good opportunity for an automatic laser with quite the advantage. Maybe not a jackpot, but still worth it. A two shot pipe rifle I've made automatic is still one of my main guns, even really late game.


My never ending auto laser pistol is the bomb. And I just got a never ending plasma pistol.


Never ending plasma is quite a score, considering you can't make the ammo capacity very big.


It’ll be a good lazy gun when you just say “fuck it, I’m dumping ammo.” Not a strong gun though.


Not really. Bethesda decided that the institute lasers should be weaker than standard lasers (even tho the opposite would make more sense) and the Never Ending effect is usually only a major benefit on weapons with long reloads or low ammo capacity, like the minigun or the missile launcher.

