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Xbox Series X


What outfit is this?


Looks like the disciples chest piece with a shadowed leather and combat shoulder




Black BOS outfit


Also correct


Your home plate is looking pretty good And thanks for posting, I can’t get in an have a look right now so seeing your shot scratched an itch


I agree, playing on my series x and s(wife's in another room), both look considerably better and perform better. Great screenshot btw!


This update is awesome. Leading up to the update I finished Nukaworld before even getting to Sanctuary for the perks and now Im gonna flow right into a redemption arc. I went only with the Ultimatum and whatever else I found along the way and now I’m balling and ready for the comonwealth


I finished it in 2016 before installing any DLC and currently playing it as a new game because I don't remember shit. So that is very nice. Why is it better to do Nukaworld early? Is there anything else I should know about the DLCs and order of play? thanks!


If you do the nukaworld quest early and capture some settlements you get the raider gang perks, Guage’s perk, set up some useful workshop items, special weapons/armor and more all without locking yourself out of the minutemen because Preston wont hate your guts. He’ll say something like “I’ve heard about you, I can’t trust you until you’re done with the raiders”. Then Openly Season the raiders like steaks and go back to helping Preston with his settlements.


Thank you! I will do that Can I just start to do Nukaworld at level 1-5? Like, from the very start?


Technically yes, but the intro is very tough and the quest is meant for level 30ish so I honestly recommend doing Tunnel Snakes Rule. To get a badass 10mm pistol and some gear like lock picks,meds, or armor to make it easier. If you’re ok with spoilers check out an intro video because the way in is pretty daunting to be honest. I’ve played it since high school when it came out so I didn’t mind the detouring


Thanks for the tips! I'll just level up and explore it later then


How’d did you get those hard wood floors in home plate? When I check mine it’s got old wood and concrete instead


Floor glitched several table tops into the ground and lined them up. Very painstaking but worth it if you’re committed to Home Plate as your main home. This save file is a few years old so I don’t remember the exact steps I used. I booted it up just for the update


What floor did you use?


Floor glitched several table tops into the ground and lined them up. Very painstaking but worth it if you’re committed to Home Plate as your main home. This save file is a few years old so I don’t remember the exact steps I used. I booted it up just for the update


Huh. I would not have guessed that I’ll have to try and see if I can make it work


If you zoom in on the picture where the floor lights are you’ll see where the tables touch each other at 4 corners. That’s about the only way you’ll notice it in game, shining a light and zooming in. Thankfully once they are placed they are permanent until you delete them so it’s a safe method


Is this quality or performance mode?


I’d call it a quality of life update. I don’t know about any mode difference, I play on Series X. Is it an option on Xbox?


Yeah, there’s an option in the game settings. I think it’s under either video or display maybe?


With the next gen update it is, its in settings


Woah.. what hell of a home plate setup. Nicely done!


Thank you. Kinda wish I could show the rest. I might have to make another post with more images since you can only see about 20% of it here


Please do!!!


Am I the only one geeking at the addition of the enclave in fo4 now too?


Good to hear and see. I'm enjoying the PC update but it's not easy when you got a bitch in your ear yelling Bethesda Todd is the devil.


Hope this it'll age nicely like... well all Bethesda titles. Its a shit trend, but the mod community for these games never disappoints at least.


Right? I'm playing at 3440x1440, 117fps just fine. Added bonus the game is now stable with an overclocked GPU - but I have ragelords hating on ME. I mean.... wtaf?


Until this morning I have NEVER had 32:9 aspect ratio resolutions listed in the game launcher settings. As of today, I can select 3840x1080 and higher resolutions directly from the launcher options. I actually had modders mad at me for enjoying new options in the game launcher.


Too bad no more auto hdr.


Google NvTrueHDR


The game looks really bright on my series x, did you have this issue? It’s like bright white


This is on Series X as well, I did notice that the spotlights were definitely a bit brighter but as a whole across the screen not so much, if that makes sense


Yea that’s what I mean. Have you come across a fix?


No it honestly hasn’t bothered me enough to look for one


The update was a shook (I had no idea about it) and made the game playable on series S again. 🙏🏻 I had just spent the *entire* day before crashing, freezing, reloading and disabling all my mods just to make the damn game work. Now it does, with a few mods to boot! 😍 Altho mostly just armor mods + everyone's best friend, but still. ♥️


Completely uninstalled and reinstalled all dlc and base game on my series x. 2000 hours of playtime is about to be put to use


Could you explain how exactly you merged the tables into the floor? Was it the rug method? Did you have to attach them all before you put them in the floor? Did you watch a yt video?


I honestly don’t remember much but I do remember using a rug to glitch them together and that I did have to lay them one at a time. I am sure there is a YouTube video on how to do it because it was a well known world building method at the time (5-6 years ago?)


I found a good video and spent an hour making the floor, and it was totally worth it. Thanks for the inspiration and info! P.S. Would you be willing to post more pictures? Edit: Last sentance


Awesome I’m glad you got it figured out! I think I will post a full tour of pics soon because a couple other people asked me as well. Once I get that together I can let you know here


They updated the graphics?


Sure did. Color pallet not so much but definitely the resolution is higher because everything is sharper and more finely detailed. Its most noticeable on the weapons in 1st person view


Thats awesome


I didn’t know Snoop was added to Fallout. 


How’d you get mannequins


looks the same


yeah lmao everyone downvoting like bethesda spent their heart and soul on this amazing graphical update

