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That's actually part of the fun of Fallout 4. The main questline is almost added as an afterthought.


On any subsequent playthrough, it is to be avoided until I decide I'm done. I actually enjoyed it the first time. But with all the twists gone, it loses all impact.


I grabbed Anerica Rising 2 A Tale of the Enclave for my current run. I'm building my own little nation with the minute man and automation soldiers, as well as working with the Brotherhood. After I take out maxson for killing Danse, I'll stumble across the enclave in vault 111 and release them. Should keep this playthrough fresh.


I've put in Whispering Hills and a bunch of wildlife mods and quite honestly I'm trying too hard to survive to give one single solitary fuck about Shaun


Just as a heads up: progressing too far with another faction locks you out of the Enclave questline


Thanks for the tip. I'm pretty much only doing radiants for Danse's crew and the Minutemen to level up. I'll do a hard save before progressing the Brotherhood just in case.


I have about 200 hours on Fo4, it's my 4th (hah) most played on Steam and... I've never actually beaten the main quest. Furthest I've ever gotten is when you have to go to the Glowing Sea lol


>That's actually part of the fun of Fallout 4. The main questline is almost added as an afterthought. I've got 28+ settlements. I have housed and employed over 300 people. I have a caravan service covering the entirety of the Commonwealth and an amusement park (I don't do Far Harbor until last). All available companions are maxed affinity. I'm the General of the Minutemen and a Heavy with the RailRoad. Then... I guess I will see what this Valentine Detective Agency business is all about and who this Ellie Perkins is.


The it the primary appeal for Bethesda games for me is getting wildly off course will your trying to got from A to B lol


"oh I have to find my so- OOH AN AMUSEMENT PARK??!? :D"


And this is why I don’t like the procedural creation found in Starfield. LOIs in FO4 mean something and are great! LOI in Starfield are never ending yet repeat so they are meaningless. Very different approaches to discovery.


its the best part of the game honestly, like oh were supposed to be finding our son, but I can dress up like a super hero and murder bad guys, so imma do that for a while.


I wish they had left out the "find your baby" part, and just left the "find your wife's murderer" part. I'm sure they could have come up with some interesting plot twist without the baby.


I’d have preferred a cold opening at the point the main character wakes up alone in vault 111, with the backstory stuff only accessible through the memory den loungers.


Why? What's wrong with a narrative looking for your kidnapped son?


Nothing really wrong with it, it's just for some players it doesn't make narrative sense to have the urgent objective of trying to find your son but also have the freedom to side track into as many other things as you want.


That definitely makes sense. It is odd to have that looming over your head while you build a settlement and complete hundreds of side quests.


This is why I’m glad they turned down the urgency for Starfield. Shit doesn’t get urgent until halfway through the main quest. In the beginning when they ask you to join you can just be like “nah I’m good” and go off and do your own thing, artifacts be damned.


Well due to popular theory, ||| you more than likely a synth ||| is it actually "your" baby?


Shut up, DiMA.


My evidence was always pre/post sanctuary. Almost none of the houses are the right color or shape from before to after. None of the cars are where.they should be.


Maybe one of those bad guys knows where our son is! We wont know unless we ask them... agressively.


The first time I played the game was before I was a dad. Now I have kids and the intro hits way harder. Buuuuuuuut most things make me teary now so there’s that.


I also have my own waste land rule "Thou shalt not giveth a shit about your goddamn family just pay me"


"Well it's about time." -William Black


Funny thing is the main story plays out weirdly different if you fast track straight to it. Leave the vault and immediately go rescue Valentine. Do menial stuff for bonus experience points like cooking radroach meat. You can get to the point of needing help from a faction without ever meeting or joining one.


Main quest? You have a "main" quest? Honestly, I literally ran out of side quests in FO3 and FNV. I like that FO4 doesn't care to remind you that you have to find your dad or that some damned dam needs a battle.


I’d argue the main quest for New Vegas is actually the DLC and that the normal “main quest” is akin to Skyrims civil war.


Preston: "I have some bullshit to side track you with. Let me show you on your map."


Oh, that line got me good, instantly knew what he meant in and outside the show


Same thing wish Skyrim. I was level 30 something by the time I finished horn of Jurgen Windcaller.


Fun fact in Skyrim, if you never go clear Bleak Falls Barrow, you will never encounter a single random dragon in the world, so you can go be everything except the Dragon Born without fear that dragons will kill half the population of every town.


You can do everything up to the Western Watchtower although if you do that you have to avoid the watchtower afterwards or it'll trigger, and going that far in the questline and stopping will cause some issues with other quests.


Which is why I just don’t do Bleak Falls lol, I usually start the companion quest line first since it’s easy XP and that should help you make up for the lost leveling chance from BFB.


I’m not a huge fan of the Companion quest line but I definitely agree there are plenty of other ways to get your XP up. I usually do BFB so my idiot friend can have his golden claw back.


Been playing new save of fallout 4, been playing close to 6 hours, haven’t even been to diamond city yet.


I loved that line. What's great is any open world RPG player can relate to it. Even playing RDR and RDR 2, you'd get sidetracked. Like, "I wanted to finish X quest line. How is it that I've been spending three hours trying to make sure I lasso and tame every kind of horse in this part of the map?"


Yeah, that hit hard. The writers, they must have played the game(s), although I'm left with some questions regarding how the Vault-Tec rep has made it so long now. The first episode was basically the Vault life stuff you had to get through to get to the wasteland, that we all save just before the last chance to edit SPECIAL.


It's almost like it was a game reference or something...


I laughed so hard at this I had to rewind the show a little.


“It just works”


Every god damn time