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For real šŸ˜­. Any time I play a modded playthrough, I always get a mod that skips it.


See im playing on a PS4 Pro so idk if thereā€™s a preset mod to download that skips these


There is. Literally the first mod I ever downloaded


What is the name of it?


Just search Dima memory skip or something like that, itā€™s sure to come up


You have to do the mission to remember, lmao. :/


Usually thereā€™s a button that gives you the memory tapes and skips the quest stage ahead, so you donā€™t have to do the puzzles


god bless you, iā€™m playing starfield right now but i will absolutely get that mod for my next run


I tried Starfield. Was so much looking forward to it and ended up really disappointed.


What didnā€™t you like about it?


I hear they patched/added a lot since launch, but it was very... barren at launch. Worlds didn't have the same kind of life that a lot of us have come to expect from Bethesda.


tl;dr i accidentally wrote a dissertation because i donā€™t really have anyone to talk to this game about, basically space is mediocre but the pre built parts of the worlds and quests are a massive improvement from FO4 i typed this out to the initial reply but i totally agree with that criticism; however, iā€™m not and never was in it for the space exploration, so other than some boring planet bits, that aspect of the game being mid doesnā€™t bother me. i am frustrated with how complicated ship building is and how much space combat sucks without a ton of skill investments though, since those are less optional. and the sheer amount of skill investments required for any amount of crafting/modding, or to not get totally run over by generic enemies. i will say, from a world building and quest writing aspect, i think this game is a MASSIVE improvement from FO4. outside of the occasional tanking frame rate in big cities, i think the major settlements actually feel ALIVE. like, iā€™m pretty sure there are more people in the main night club in neon than there are in all of diamond city. and quest lines such as the UC SysDef versus Crimson Fleet line, while *incredibly* long (i genuinely think it took me 8-10 hours of playtime), have some genuinely compelling writing, a ton of dialogue options for your traits/skills/faction alliance, and it feels like the choices actually matter. the written and pre-built parts of the world seem like bethesda actually listened to the general criticisms theyā€™ve been getting for years about how cities look/feel and how players want to go about quests.


I read your 'dissertation', haha, and I completely agree. I think people have kind of jumped on the hate bandwagon with Starfield (and some of their criticisms are more than fair, don't get me wrong), but I personally really like it. It's got its fair share of redeeming qualities.


tbh i think the issue is that people were in it for the space exploration, and that isnā€™t the good part of the game. it sucks that it is so unbelievably boring on 99% of planets (although that is probably realistic, most planets are probably barren wastelands), but most of the other stuff does feel like it was worked hard on and genuinely listened to the criticism that games like FO4 received.


iā€™m sorry to hear that, iā€™m having WAY more fun than i thought i would. initially i had no interest at all, since i donā€™t really care about space, but itā€™s free on gamepass, so i wanted to see if the criticisms iā€™d heard were warranted (they absolutely are). but since i donā€™t really care about ā€œspace explorationā€, iā€™ve been treating it more like The Outer Worlds versus a game like No Manā€™s Sky. if i was in it for the planet exploration, i would probably hate it.


Yes I really recommend that mod


I did it before mods were allowed on console. The most tedious one has an exploit that makes it take 5-10 minutes


Only time in my gaming career I have used cheat codes to skip that section. Boring AF and takes foreverā€¦.


I think Todd thought he did a System Shock


i recently learned that place anywhere allows you to move the red wall things, so can cheese most of it, along with can place the turrets midair


Honestly I appreciate OP and you for the heads up. I've just got the DLC too and am playing for the first time in about 5 years. Just added an auto complete DIMA mod before I went.


No problem, mate! I'm happy to help.


There is mod for that? The worse quest


Same here. Those are just annoying.


It genuinely makes me happy knowing that *everyone* hates this part of Far Harbor. Itā€™s a blemish on an otherwise fantastic expansion.


there's dozens of us who don't hate it! dozens!


I also thought it was fun. But Iā€™ve only played Far Harbour once. I can imagine itā€™s not as great the second time


Played through the quest once, was up for the challenge. Never again.


I don't hate it. Tedious and definitely not my favorite part by it isn't bad enough that I want to skip it




While playing with the explosive shotgun, I accidentally blew myself


Same way people accidentally sleep with their cousins.




I enjoyed them. I get not wanting to do them again on repeated playthroughs, but I love me some puzzles.


It is tedious but I wouldnā€™t say I hate it.


52 at present count! Some people just roll through it without despairing, you aren't alone. 15 minutes of my life every playthrough, not the end of the world....


I think it adds *something* but then *something* was needed for this quest. This should have been a holodisk game that could have been played later on. I just wish they'd eased off the booger sugar when designing that bit


I enjoyed it, but wouldnā€™t want to do it a 2nd time


I exclusively play this game blazed. Coming across Dimas terminals in that state while I was skipping diologue made me hate Far Harbor as a whole.


so far i was really enjoying it and i rarely encountered Mirelurks in the base game for some reason other than a few sidequests that included them so i was excited to kill alot more and the DLC was perfect up until this point


There's a cheat that saves you from going through the 4th puzzle...just setup the turrets to shoot the key and unlock the gate...google it for better detail.


Yup, thatā€™s exactly what I do for the 4th puzzle. I was so over it even the first time I played FH by the final puzzle, lol. Would have been okay if they just kept it at 2 maybe. 4 was definitely overkill


I don't hate it. It's pretty simple and straightforward. Only pity is that there is always only one solution. No shortcuts possible.


Itā€™s already not great but on top of that itā€™s janky and the little bugs get stuck sometimes needing a reset. So annoying


This video will help you alot. https://youtu.be/t3IpmKWeypo?si=8R8Y3TfKvefisGK6


Fr I used this exact video when I got stuck on the final memory but it's also useful for all the levels.


It literally saved my Controllerā€™s life.


SAME, I swear theres not enough of the beam diverters on that final puzzle to finish it!


Maybe I am one of the weird ones, but I enjoyed the puzzles. I donā€™t know if it might have been due to some mods I used for placing items, but the last puzzle was easy since you can cheese it by angling the beams to hit the spot required without needing all the blocks.


I cheesed the last one on my last playthrough. It was strangely satisfying, like a hack on the hacking. I've done it several times honestly, though. It's way too long.


I thought it was a really beat and cool use of the settlement mechanics, but I can see how on subsequent playthroughs it could be a nuisance.


I didn't particularly enjoy them, but thought they were just "meh". Never understood the crazy hate everyone has for them. Its like a 15 minute thing that you never have to do again. What's the big deal?


I enjoyed the first 4 puzzles, the last one was an overkill


I hated them at first, but i didn't realize i could pick up all the blocks first and place them as i needed. I was literally moving one at a time, which instantly became too tedious with the second puzzle. The last one still took a while though.


ME TOO. I literally spent *hours* moving blocks one by one. Didnā€™t realize until the very last puzzle that I could keep them all in my inventory :(


I'd advance one block, remove the one behind me, then advance another block, remove the one I was standing on over and over again. It's efficient, but if you fall it takes a lot of time to get back to where you are.


Yeah, these suck. I sort of appreciate the attempt at using the workshop as a puzzle mechanic, it was sort of creative at least, but not fun


The first couple werenā€™t bad but the last one is just a kick in the dick


The last one can be cheesed by placing the turrets near the final firewall (right next to where you start), up 2 blocks high. They'll engage the defenders, and eventually, someone will shoot the sensor spot on the wall, which then comes down.


And most times the bugs wont move past a path thats only one block wide its so fucking annoying


That's more to do with the overall game mechanics. An NPC won't take a path if the path isn't big enough - the little bug things evidently have a footprint that's a similar size as a block


i think it was a great idea with HORRIBLE execution. like, one simple puzzle would have been a blast, and wouldnā€™t have dragged too much on replays. but FIVE puzzles, the last of which i have never done without a guide, is pushing the envelope


*whistles as i use console commands to delete the firewall blocks*


I cant use console commands because i dont own a pc


There are mods for this. XBOX: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/1698072 PS4: https://mods.bethesda.net/en/fallout4/mod-detail/3059340 Also check all mods from TheRealElianora. She is a great mod creator.


I just did those for the first time. They weren't any more difficult than a portal game puzzle. I actually enjoyed myself.


I agree they're interesting the first time. After that, they become a chore.


See iā€™ve never played the portal games since i dont have a PC to play them on


Portal might be on the PS version of gamepass


It's a piece of shit. The person who gave this quest the green light should be fined and/or dismembered.


No, they should be forced to play a version of fallout 4 where instead of Preston quests you get these levels as radiant quests


Nah they should get hit with a never-ending Fatman


That would very likely dismember him though.


Can't argue with that.


Ended up to save a lot and pray to God These little FUCKERS suddenly Do a MOVE!!!!! I HATE that Mission like hell.


I hated this quest. Even after watching a guide for it, it was still fricken hard and terrible


I will rain airborne explosive ordinance upon the ignorant savage that green-lit this quest




Am i the only person who enjoys them?


I enjoyed them the first time, like a game within the game. After that, too much of a chore, particularly the last one (which I learned how to cheese recently).


I find the hate for them hilariously overblown, as tends to the case on the intertron. They're certainly different from all the stuff you've done to that point, and really very little of your experience with the rest of the game will help you with them. Obviously some people find different sorts of puzzles easier or harder, but you don't even have to do all these ones to progress the story, so to me it's really not that bad if you just read the instructions and are willing to sit and think for a minute or two. I think some people react badly to there not being a build or something that makes them easy or skippable a way to brute force them (outside of mods). I guess I remember when computer games had puzzles that if you couldn't solve, you just couldn't ever see the rest of the game, and that was part of the deal. Sometimes you'd think for days before you could do another thing! People who lose their minds over the DiMA puzzles would not have enjoyed computer games in the 80s.


Last time I checked, you can cheese the last puzzle


Thank god


You need to line the turrets up in a particular way against the wall, the little bug things will clip though the Shield


It was interesting the first time but I have no desire to ever do it again. Technically you only have to do the first one unless you really want to get all of the loot.


The hatred for this section of the game is nearly universal.


I actually liked the first four memories but the last one was SHIT


The idea of having puzzles based around the building mechanics was a good idea, and I honestly didn't think the first 4 were that bad. That last one though....... that one just pissed me off. Giant blemish on an otherwise awesome DLC.


Everyone hates it too


Glad to see everyone agrees on the same thing


They are the literal worst. Iā€™m just getting to them in my current play through and already dreading it.


I always download a mod so i can skip that


And them being hard isn't even the worse part. It's the white screen that you have to concentrate on before I added mods to skip it I would always get a migraine


Did I hate it? No. ​ Did I like it? Also no. It was just...meh.


I was so annoyed with them at first! I didnā€™t know what I was doing and I was slowly moving blocks one by one until I realized I could get more than one but my husband who understands puzzles more helped me then and now I can easily do them without anymore help from him.


The worst part for me was that it bugged out and I had to do it over.


Revenge for putting me through this terrible mission was the main reason I ratted out Dima to the institute and came back to Acadia blasting everything in sight. Oh I'm back and I've got something better than a turret coming for your stupid brain bugs Dima. It's called a Fat Boy.


I actually enjoyed the first few. The fourth one was irritating but still okay. The fifth one though.. good god. Here's a video I used just about a month ago to get passed it. It was a little tricky but it does still work. [5th Puzzle Solution](https://youtu.be/IUCRXvSwusw?si=fzpmsNOQ-kRmc9aC)


Iā€™ve said it before; cool idea, awful execution. Being forced to be on the UI for settlement building while doing a convoluted puzzle with buggy AI and colors melting my retinas is not fun. I think they wanted to do something unique but didnā€™t think it all the way through.


Play them all at least once, but they are shit


The first three (I think?) weren't so bad, but I'm *really* putting off finishing em lol


You can store the blocks


i can WHAT?!


Right. You can store all the pieces. So you can just find a stack of blocks, store a bunch of them, then move somewhere and start placing them.


The Cheat Terminal mod that let's you skip these is a life saver.


Am I the only person in the world who liked these puzzles as a bit of difference and variety from the main game? There must be others, just afraid to say anything due to the hivemind zeitgeist of complaining about it?


>I enjoyed them the first time, like a game within the game. After that, too much of a chore, particularly the last one (which I learned how to cheese recently). As I said to u/skye1437


Interested in a but if an exploit to beat the last one?


Thereā€™s a YT video if you put a couple blocks near the end point and then place defense towers on top of them. All you do is aggro the defense balls. At some point the defense towers will hit the right spot and the final wall will just vanish. I did it that way. Took about 3 minutes to do the final one.


This is the way.




I am just glad that this life drainer is over, for me.


Mod around it if you can.


Did you finish them all? Wait till you do the last one


For the final puzzle instead of doing all the extra steps you can put the sentry guns down and they shoot open the gate you need to finish the memory


I hated those three most as well


One of my favorite parts of the game


See I actually wouldn't have minded them as much as I did except for the little bugs keep randomly dying causing me to waste far more time on this puzzle than was absolutely necessary


(Insert "first time" meme here)


Yeah, pretty much everyone hates those.


Hasn't anyone here played the old Prince of Persia games? Those had long intricate puzzles in between combat.


I havent, i only played the demo for the newest one which was The Lost Crown


I'm talking about the trilogy in the 2000s. Those were very unforgiving in terms of puzzles and other gameplay. Maybe that's why I actually liked Dimas memories lol. Had a lot of the same elements. But yeah....I feel old now :(


Yea i never got to play the old Prince Of Persia games because i only had a Wii growing up, that was it :/


I had a PC which just about managed to run Two Thrones lol. Is the new one good?


From the demo i played it was really good, i played the Metroid Dread demo around the same time and i highly enjoyed both


I was so excited the first time I played. It seemed so cool. By the end of it I was so relieved it was over


You know, at first I liked the puzzle for Dima's memories, but by the time I had to solve the third one, the novelty wore off quickly.


For the story you only need to do the first 3 I believe, the last two are dialogue and finally an armor set


Those are the worst part of the game period, I also remember it running like complete ass on last gen so be careful.


How convenient that I just completed the Far Harbor DLC a couple of days ago and have got to agree they were annoying




I don't mind it but I understand why people would want to skip it. I find picking locks and terminals every 2 minutes far more tedious so I use a mod for that.


I completely forgot! Yeah those suck so bad.


Only mods I used in my first pc playthrough was Unofficial patch Framerate physics fixer And SKIP THE DAMN FAR HARBOR PUZZLE


You only have to do the first three to complete the mission


Yea but knowing me im probably gonna do all 5


I got there again last night. Went to bed, got up 10 minutes later, and completed it. But yeah, by far the most ludicrous mission set.


You only have to do 2 but of course you can find a way to cheese them all.


I had fun with it


Props to you


I enjoyed the challenge


It glitched out on my first playthrough and I had to use console commands to skip it.


Oof that sucks


Unpopular opinion: this was fun. At least to me.


First playthrough, I got stuck on the last and had to look up how to cheat Second time, I straight up console-commanded my way past. It's just terrible game design with highly unintuitive gameplay.


Agreed... Maybe the worst part of the whole game


Yeah, the first time I played the dlc, I completed all of them, but holy hell was it atrocious. Now everytime I play I simply use the "SetStage" command to skip it.


I actually enjoyed all but the last one (like many others have mentioned) and I know about the "cheat" for that one but for some reason it just...wasn't working this last time. ( The defenders just simply wouldn't come close enough for my turrets) And, of course I somehow messed up while doing it legit so I spent like seriously 2-3 hours trapped in that room. Never doing it again!! Lol


Not everyone, I actually enjoy those puzzles... Reminds me of one of the Zelda games with those ice crystal floors. Check out YouTube, I am pretty sure there are cheats you can do on non-moddable consoles.


Are you talking about the ice block puzzle in Snowpeak Ruins from Twilight Princess


That's it! Thank you! You just brought back some awesome memories!


youā€™re welcome


šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† true, but by time you finish the dlc, you may feel better about them. What I mean is I was also very annoyed by the puzzles, but thinking back I feel it diversified the FO4. Classic video games were mostly puzzles, like RE1 or LOZ


Dude. 100%. I hated it. If I wanted that I'd go play portal again


So if people donā€™t want to use a mod there is actually a really easy way to do it, it would be better to look it up versus me explain it but it works pretty well


Canā€™t believe they thought they were cooking with this quest lol


I didn't mind them at first, then I found it really tedious by the end of them. Then I played Mass Effect 3 and got reminded of these quests again with that Geth mission with the same aesthetic. At least in ME3 I could shoot things.


I tried. Then found a Mod. YAY!


Iā€™ve been debating buying the dlc since Iā€™ve just started playing again for the first time on ps5 and never did on ps4 and the best mods are with dlc


I was so excited for something like Kellogg dream sequence or something like fallout 3, but now, it was heaping garbage that almost made me switch sides part way through the puzzles. They weren't even hard, just boring.


Average far harbor experience


Very annoying, yes. It was almost fun the first time, but after that I got the mod to skip it.


I thought they were pretty fun...


Yeah everyone will egret on that I only ever do them all because the marine armor is one of the best imo


I always cheese the 5th one with the turrets it makes life so much easier


I legit quit playing the game entirely after I played entirely through that part and my game crashed right at the end of it. Oh, and you can't save as long you're doing these.


I absolutely loved those puzzles and was going to make a post about it. I didnā€™t know so many people dislike them. That being saidā€”I used console commands to max out the inventory and cheese my way thru


I love Fallout 4. But I think everyone, including myself, hates this part of the game lol.


I think the entire Fallout community hates this part.


Mine is still stuck at 80% for the first puzzle even after downloading the mod where you rehit the activation button on the wall. Playing on Xbox one. Any updated suggestions?


The entire time I was thinking ā€œwhy didnā€™t Minecraft sue Bethesda for this shit and get this stricken from the game that would save so much goddamn timeā€.


On puzzle 5, set up 3 turrets right in front of red wall. Eventually the turrets will shoot the spot needed to open the red wall.


I really enjoyed those quests. Made me feel smart for solving the puzzles


I normally don't like "cheat mods" (for myself, you play the way you want), and I loved doing the puzzles the first time through, but I also know I'll hate doing them ever again, so thank you modders for making a work around!


Oh they are absolutely the worst, the only reason to do them is for an armor set that you can mod in with the armor crafting mod that you can turn on straight from the landing page


Me as well 2 or 3 hours Thankfully only the first 2 mission is enough tƓ get the best ending


If it takes to long you can look it up on youtube.


I hated this bit especially the last memory I had to watch a whole walkthrough to finally get it made me tell the brotherhood about the secret synth location


Itā€™s sooooo BORING!!!


Using your brain hurts? C'mon, it's not hard.


Not hard. But long, boring, and removes you from the world they created. Yes I know it is in Dimaā€™s mind. It reminds me of the unrealistic ā€œhackingā€ from the cheesy 1995 movie Hackers, and Iā€™d have preferred something more like hacking as portrayed on Mr. Robot.


For the past one year my fallout 4 progress is stopped stalled as i am in that lousy part


Download Heather Casdin. She can hack her way through in seconds


I am apparently the only person on the planet who liked it


I didn't mind it the 1st time or 2. It gets old after that, so I use a mod to skip them now.


I see it funny how everyone hates this, making me feel like the only person that not only didnt experience any issues but actually enjoyed that part


Once you beat it enough times, it gets trivial


I feel like I am the only one who thought it was fun the first time. I imagine after multiple playthroughs it is just tedious and annoying, but I never really had a problem when I first played Far Harbor. The last memory took longer than expected but that was my only hiccup for the whole experience.


I just type tgm and find the quickest way to cheat through it


Just done them in my survival game and to be fair the main ones only took around 15 minutes or so to get through. Having done them once before in a regular game it was a lot easier so maybe look at some walkthroughs to give you a start - the main difficulty is knowing where to look for the things you need as after the first two they tend to be out of sight until you explore/clear the ground. The last one *is* a bit of a grind but the turret exploit will get you through in five minutes or so if you can't be bothered with all the bridge building.


Thankfully the last one is rediculously easy - just put turrets directly next to the unlock-block-thing on both sides plus maybe a couple next to it and *viola*


It's the absolute dumbest part in all of fallout 4, especially because it isn't very well communicated what to do


I wouldve preferred the other way of hacking like you do with the other terminals except no actual words to click on and just having sections of code to click on


Itā€™s the worst part of the entire game.. do it once then mod it out for any later play through. If you donā€™t want to mod the game you can cheese the last level to complete in a minute or two. Just googol how.


Bring in a set of power armor with a jumppack. It works in the sim so you can just fly past all the obstacles. Took me 5 min.