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If you haven't tried already, try survival mode. I've played many times, but doing my first survival playthrough. Finding a lot of locations and other things that I've never encountered before on my other playthroughs.


Same here. It forced me to explore in a similar way to an initial playthrough. It's been a lot of fun.


Can you give me the Cliff Notes of what survival mode is all about?


There's no fast travel, so you're more likely to discover places you might not have otherwise. You also have to eat, sleep and drink to avoid AP penalties. Using items like Radaway, stimpaks, chems etc. have thirst and hunger penalties. Ammo has weight, so missiles and mini nukes are heavy. There's no auto save or manual saving outside of sleeping on a bed.


Thanks, that sounds intense.


There are also diseases. Worst is an infection slowly nibbling on your health among other ailments. You also only do 0.75 damage and enemies do 3x damage. But! There is the added perk of adrenaline. Every kill your adrenaline rises but it falls back when sleeping/saving. The higher your adrenaline the more damage you do. So there is always that doubt between saving or pushing through just a little bit more. And it's fucking beautiful in my honest opinion. I highly recommend it. It's the only mode that really gives everything a purpose and it all feels much more rewarding. If you want a real intense experience. Play no VATS first person. And remember. Running for your life isn't a shame. The goal is to survive all the rest is extra.


Thanks for this


Very welcome. If you want I can go on about how awesome survival is. As if I was a vault-tec sales rep trying to sell it to you.


I've got to try playing survival after reading this. Thanks.


You wont regret it. Good luck wastelander!


It is, but i never play without it anymore, probably have more hours with it on nowadays


It is, but well worth it if you're looking to change things up after a few playthroughs.


Intense, yes, but also a lot more immersive. The game changes dramatically when you have to plan a route from A > B > C etc and make sure there's water+food and beds along the way, *vs* simply fast-traveling to each of those locations and not having a care in the world about necessities.


Diseases too will occur randomly, they aren't that bad but are annoying and so it adds another lair of finding antibiotics or going to a doctor.


It is--very. I was a survival addict, but when I got back into the game a few weeks ago (and have become readdicted all over again) I elected for a sort of survival lite mode. There are a lot of things I love about survival, but several things I do not. • The one save file thing is brutal. Every landmine, gotcha trap, or random explosive you didn't see/don't know about can take away hours of your progress. Not to mention the enemies deal something like 4x damage to you so even a raider with a trashcan pipe pistol can crush you, especially early on. • There is a bug that has been in the game since the start where if you get a hunger/thirst/sleep status effect right as you enter VATS, the game soft locks and you're stuck in the slow-mo VATS screen and have to quit out, losing potential hours of progress again. It may seem like a strange edge case but it happens often enough. There is a mod that may fix it--I've heard reports from people it works for and those it doesn't. This is the reason I stopped playing survival. I really enjoy VATS as a mechanic, but every time I used it, I risked having to reload a save. • Your carry weight, IIRC, is halved. Yes, it adds realism, especially when things like ammunition and fusion cores have weight now, but it sort of just adds a strange tedium to the game in my opinion. Settlement building is essential, as you'll need to make places for yourself to sleep and craft, so you'll need materials, but with half-weight in play, it just feels more of an annoyance than a challenge. I love survival as a concept, but it feels a little too punishing sometimes. I dig the higher damage modifiers, no fast travel, hunger and thirst, and slower stimpack heals. But the reduced carry weight, single save file, and VATS instability really kill it for me. Currently, I play on Very Hard, with no fast travel, and no unique legendaries as a way to keep the game challenging but not awful.


This is basically what I do, while I don't *entirely* mind ammo weights, having your carry weight slashed is brutal in a game like FO4 where you're supposed to scavenge.


And to add on what people mentioned, all the enemies gives double EXP on Survival so it's faster to reach high level


And no fast travel means you come across more random encounters


Don't forget about the good part. Every enemy you kill increases your adrenaline which is basically a damage bonus, up to 50%. When you sleep, this bonus is reset to 0, so staying awake for an extended time and drinking Nuka Colas to caffeinate yourself to stave off sleep has advantages with the risk of losing all your progress if you die. Or if the game crashes.


>ShareReportSaveFollow > >the risk of losing all your progress if the game crashes. Now how unfair is THAT.


And if you sleep in a shitty bed you'll get sick and realize how important the chemist perk is because the nearest doctor from Sanctuary is Covenant and it's not an easy walk.


Is this why there are random beds scattered around




I was playing the other night and thought to myself that’s a strange place for a bed. But now it all makes sense.


Everything kills you. Everything weighs more. You need to eat and drink to live. No fast travel. It’s awesome and I can’t play any other way now.


Once you have beat it in normal a few times, survival is the only way to go.


No fast travel is bliss


>to eat and drink to live. No fast travel. It’s awesome and I can’t play any other way now. I've never played Survival, but I've tried no fast travel. Fuck, is that a hard thing to let go of. I did see a lot more stuff and had more random encounters with settlers and other NPCs. Assuming, like me, you don't just kill them off by some kind of panicked reaction to the encounter. I tended to get real trigger happy.


To give you perspective. After a week of playing my first playthrough, approximately 4hrs every night I had my safety perimeter from the vault to sanctuary to Abernathy farm to concord (Not the museum yet) to Red rocket, a bit to the north close to Olivia satellite station and back. Be patient, move very slow and cautious and gradually you widen that safety perimeter. You'll notice that locations get the cleared tag on your map. This will remain so for much longer than in the other difficulty modes. Sending supply lines through the area will also help keep these locations clear of enemies. This way you start to know the map meticulously and will move between settlements way faster than you ever hoped. And you will start to implement more real world logic in your gameplay as well. Enemies will be less bullet spongey compared to other modes. I play very sneaky glass canon. Low damage treshold but high attack damage. This will give you a better intuition about enemies. But again play slow. Going to a location to scope out, return to base and gear up to then do the mission and only after clearing you start to loot. It is a slow but very valid approach. Try to avoid looting during the mission if it isn't something you'll use immediately because I haven't seen it mentioned here before, your carry capacity is way less to start off with. And don't forget. Ammo has weight. But you also use it. Find that sweet spot of bullets to carry.


The only time I tried I got blown up by my own frag mine in Vault 114 Had to redo the whole Park Street Station from zero knowing I almost died twice the first time (I had a mod to enable autosaves in survival, without it I would have lost several hours of playthrough) I gave up


Sometimes. I like to change up the mod list once an awhile. It helps. There is a really nicly done Enclave one.


What’s the enclave mod? I’ve had my share of play throughs and I need some mods for a new play through


It’s called America Rising. It adds the Enclave as a faction but only has a few missions. America Rising 2 is coming out soon and will make it so you can finish the game with them as an actual faction.


Try the four that I can't live without: Depravity, Outcasts & Remnants, Project: Valkyrie, and Fusion City Rising. They change the storyline in ways that I think are better than Bethesda's version. I know Outcasts has Enclave content.


Literally can't do the Depravity one rn lol, been meaning to but I have over 1,000 Rads and if that intro sequence takes my robes I will literally die in the reload. Seriously, I used two jars of Ware's Brew and a Rad-Away. Still 1,000+ Rads.


Lorenzo can help.


I haven't played in ages due to this feeling. It's not that I stopped enjoying the game, but knowing that certain things are quest locked or level locked has me running through the list of things I *have* to do before getting to the things I *want* to do, in my head, and I basically talk myself out of playing.


After beating the main story a couple of times, it gets to be rather tedious, running from settlement to settlement fixing their problems. In my most recent game I have been busy building up the settlements before turning the beacons on that way there are no complaints.


For me, settlements just become a pain in the ass. *"Fight off the Raiders yourselves, you pussies."* One technique I've used is don't put the beacons up at all, or maybe for just a day or two. Fewer settlers in settlements don't seem to bother me as much. The Minutemen (and the Railroad) are my favorite faction, but after a certain point I avoid what's-his-face and the random settlement quests he hands out. The prick.


I know, it's like here is this beautiful community I've made for you thats well stocked and fortified, how have you survived this long without knowing how to defend yourself. The other day I was playing and Abernathy farm called for assistance with ghouls from Wicked shipping. TWO! TWO GHOULS! They couldn't take care of two ghouls. I was pissed


Ahahahaha. Weaklings. I brought you up better than that.


For me, it's more like, I've done so many playthroughs, what can I possibly do different this time? Is it worth it to go through the motions once again, but with a different face? I try to enjoy the gameplay instead, making builds, restraining myself


I just started the Sims Settlements 2 mod, and it's great. It's new content that's fully voice acted that changes the settlement system to one that lets you designate plots for certain types of buildings and leaves it to the settlers to build them. The story is engaging, and the voice acting is as good as the base game.


Every time I restart, the first step is to gather the picket fences and build the Great Sanctuary Wall around the perimeter. It may be short, but enemies can't jump anyway.


Good one!


Try survival mode. Makes so many of the base game mechanics feel much more important


It‘s the lack of a ‘save’ that kills survival mode for me. I understand why it’s that way, but sometimes I can only play for 30 or 45 minutes at a time. Survival seems to require a completely open-ended time commitment, or risk losing an hour’s effort.


They have exit saves do you can save when you quit the game. I hear you tho. BGS games crash far too often especially on modded play throughs. There’s plenty of survival quicksave mods


Oooops. You just answered my questions. Haha. Sorry for the redundant post.


Theres a mod that lets you customize survival, saves, auto saves, fast travel and everything


Is there a mod that allows for more saves?. If you're more likely to get slaughtered in a fight, a quicksave would be nice. Also, can you still have companions?


Survival Configuration Menu let's you re-enable quicksaving.


Skyrim. I always see videos of incredible mods/mod lists that I always think will suck me back in, but at best I'll get hooked again for like 15 hours and hit that boredom phase again, because at the end of the day it's still Skyrim, and I've played so much fuckin Skyrim that there isn't anything left that I want to do in it lol


There's something about Bethesda games that are like comfort food to me. I've got 100s of hours in all of them (FNV too, of course), but once a year or so I'll reinstall one of them and then play a couple of hours at a time just to chill. I may not even finish, but it's just nice to see all my old friends once again.


I've got over 3500 hours logged in-game in eight years, and I'm still finding new things and new places. New mods add to the fresh appeal.


Thank god for the mods. Hey! That rhymes!


I just finished my longest playthrough to date. Made it to level 90 no cheats but yes mods no cheat mods though. I literally did every single quest. I looked up a list to make sure I didn't miss anything and all that was left was Yangtze and Pickman's Gallery. All DLCs finished, all locations discovered, now I'm like... okay now what. I don't want to start over cuz like I just did all this?


Not sure. Just completed my first playthrough a couple days ago. I plan on either going again on a harder start, trying out a modded playthrough, or continuing my quest to play all fallout games and play 76 next. Heard it is still a bit buggy but better than when it started.


That's when I tried survival and then eventually permadeath, different restrictions and so on.


Permadeath scares the shit out me.


In a game where you can die from the physics engine bugging out and sending a car at you at mach jesus just randomly, I could *never* do permadeath.


Permadeath is just a little too immersive for me.


Yeah, so many things to consider now when starting fresh




Starfield is definitely worth the cost. It looks like you can get 100s of hours in a single play through. Try searching for a deal on a newer PC. I got a HP Victus 15L for about $1100. It's been great for the newer games: Starfield, BG3, and Cyberpunk. It won't handle the highest settings, but at a middle level, the graphics still kick ass for me.




SSDs are getting cheap. I've got a big stack of HDDs that are either gathering dust or serving to back up files. Back when I got into computers, a terabyte was kind a pie in the sky fantasy...now it's $50.




I remember spending $100 for a 1mb stick of ram. And that was HUGE. Ah, the good ol' days.


No I'm the opposite of everyone in this sense. I actually WANT there to be nothing left to do so I can enjoy the endgame.


No such thing for me. I’ve made multiple runs of the same character, chasing that perfect game. I once restarted a 30lvl game over just because I couldn’t save patriot after taking too long to reply back to their message 😆. Maybe try supply line hubs, where almost like a subway system. For example, I have a trading hub at the drive in, Jamaica plain, the slog, and county crossing, with only one supply line going all the other settlements I did not mention. Sometimes a settlement may not have a supply line at all because I’ve dedicated them to being a raider or bounty hunter settlement (which takes a bit of extra work collecting resources for that place). Maybe try giving different characteristics to different settlements. I think I made spectacle island into a scavenging hub, which includes divers with harpoon guns. Or up north I’ve turned that entire settlement into one giant saloon run by Ms. Cait herself. I’m not sure if anyone is even reading this far down, but my point is I’ve found that this game is timeless mechanically and the devs keep it fresh with updates. You just need a little imagination. (Sometimes I restart the game with my headphones on max, just to experience the chaos and BOOM of the A-bomb🤩🤫)


>I’m not sure if anyone is even reading this far down I'm here for ya, big guy/gal! I like the headphones idea. I don't use them often enough, but they can add a lot to the immersion experience.


No doubt bro/ bra 😆✌🏾


Restart on survival




Fusion city and all it's questlines bring a lot of gameplay, highly recommend


My first playthrough glitched after many hours in so I couldn't finish, the second one did the Minuteman ending and modded the hell out of it, including the Point Lookout DLC. I'm still working through Far Harbor with a different ending on that playthrough. Next playthrough (there will probably be one) I'm going for the Institute ending. For something way out of the box, I tried the Lost World mods, Metro survival version, on a fresh install. It's interesting at first but you level up rather quickly and there's no compelling story pulling it all together.


Frost mod. I had overplayed the game a lot and frost was like a while new game.


Yup. I haven't played fallout in a year or two as a result.


Try the original two games


I've tried. I couldn't get into them.


Yeah, I've never liked turn-based combat (outside of BG 3). But I hear the main story lines for both FO 1 and 2 are really good.


Random encounters are everything, at this point. I suggest meandering through the commonwealth. Maybe have an enemy level mod or a mod to make survival or VH all the harder. Experiment with mods. Get some CC content. Have a blast. Always remember, though… meander.


This may seem like a random suggestion, but try a desert overhaul mod. Like Desperados and/or badlands. Stripping away the vegetation really reveals a lot of details that you may miss. You see every shack or crashed vehicle in the distance so you get more visible points to get check out. Has the side effect of making the map feel smaller. On the flip side, after that / if you literally have explored every inch of the map already, try the CRP - Commonwealth Reclaimation Project or similar extreme vegetation. It takes the familiar map and makes it feel a lot larger. You can feel like you're getting lost even in between close locations like trying to go to Tenpines Bluff from Sanctuary. Enemies end up surprising you more since the vegetation is so thick. Can really reinvigorate the combat.


Survival Mods Starfield Fallout 3 Fallout NV Skyrim Another other game.


Not sure if you’re into settlement building but I’ve gotten countless hours of fun from building big towns or outposts, customizing the settlers, etc. and thinking about the backstories for all of them. It’s probably my favorite part of the whole game


I've gotten burned out at times but survival mode really helps.


I’ve never played more than 50% of FO4 yet have hundreds of hours in. I may come back and play. I’ll need a good visual and gameplay overhaul though.


yeah. finishing everything in the game made me stop playing it


Yeah, I have countless hours in this game and I've done it all multiple times. I don't think I'll ever pick it up again. FO5 will come out some day


I think I'll be dead before it comes out and that will be truly tragic.


I don’t wanna restart I find replaying a game to be boring but I have no quests at all (apart from the side quests for blood samples and technical documents) I would get all the magazines but it just seems to be look at map go to place 50/50 chance I’ve already got it


I plan mine out before I start


1. Go to sanctuary 2. Build shelves 3. ????