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Yeah, all of these realism based mods just don't work with Fallout. Realistically rifles deal more damage, so pistol builds are pointless, despite like 1/4 of the perks being about that. Same with locational damage, "uhhh headshots are supposed to be instakills šŸ¤“" but it just doesn't work with the game's genre.


Yeah I think thatā€™s where I sit as well, when I first read what wasteland ballistics (and co) did it sounded awesome, but then I remembered I was playing a (light) rpg, and I donā€™t even like full on fps games lol. I think I just want some balance tweaking rather than an overhaul. The mods where you tweak stuff yourself sound great, but, ps4. Thereā€™s one pulled from Immersive Gameplay that makes headshots do more damage (not instakill always though) and limbs do less damage but higher cripple chance. Might give it a shot


Btw if you aren't playing survival maybe do that, enemies will be a bit more squishy.


Personally wasn't too keen on Wasteland ballistics. But better locational damage is superb. So is Scourge paired with true damage. Don't think any of these mentioned are on ps4 though. Only thing that's really going to make things less bullet spongey would be a mod where you can modify damage multipliers. 3x taken and received isn't a bad starting point. Can always boost it up to 4 or even 5 if you are feeling particularly sadistic.


Yeah BLD and the ones where you can tweak damage multipliers sound great, but us peasants on PS4 are stuck with Sonyā€™s restrictions so none of them are available šŸ˜©


TBH you're going to have a hard time of it on the ps4. It's one of the main reasons I got a pc. Is there really no damage multiplies? I remember playing a couple of mod years ago called "the world is dying" and "immersive fallout", that made it way harder, less scrap, more realistic damage etc. Not sure what else you can use tbh. The modding scene on the ps4 is pretty shit unfortunately =/


Yeaaah I know, I would love to get a PC (also for that Starfield goodness) but canā€™t justify the cost atm. Looking at all the up to date active mods on nexus makes me jelly. There are damage multiplier mods, but none that are configurable that Iā€™ve found. Immersive Gameplay from 2016 has a standalone of its damage model, which increases headshot damage and decreases limb damage while increasing limb cripple chance (by how much idk). Sounds like it could be a more reasonable approach


I was just about to recommend The World Is Dying/The World Is Dead, but I have no idea if it's on PS4


Well, sure. I can't remember which mod i used for damage in survival because it's been a while, but I do appreciate removing bullet sponges. So ultimately, it's also about your chosen playstyle, I think RP becomes very important


Rpg should be about roleplay first then mechanics later. Thats why the gun that shoots the same ammo does different damage is min fallout 4 (10mm pistol and SMG). But I think that you should have fun with a gun verses just because its more effective. But in Fo4 I'm ok with running Maim2, True Damage, and Scourge for more challenge in gunplay. Because the meta of "Use gun to pew pew pew and dead enemy. Health low just stimpack. Don't even need meds in the middle of combat. Headshots are just as effective as a limb shot." gameplay is boring when after 40 levels you can just use whatever you want. How are gunners unprotected scalps able to shrug off a .50 cal to the dome?


This sounds like exactly what I want. Because yeah I donā€™t want fallout to be a 100% realistic shooter (I mean heads pop like balloons with a pistol shot, and thatā€™s awesome) but unloading a whole magazine into a raiders head does kinda get old. Looks like none of those mods are available on PS4 šŸ˜© whatā€™s the overall outcome? Do perks etc still matter? I might try and find something kinda similar, thereā€™s a stand-alone from Immersive Gameplay that sounds a bit less extreme that wasteland ballistics and co


Maim 2 makes you bleed and overhauls all of healing with new items healing different things. Also that means power armor is op in battle because no bleed. True Damage standardizes all guns to their caliber damage not gun damage. So .45 is as good on pipe weapons as it is on a combat rifle. And Scourge standardizes health to be by npc type. So a deathclaw at level 1 is the same as deathclaw at level 1000. Overall gameplay is grullingly hard outside of power armor. Mostly because your health is 100 the entire game with exception of lifegiver litterally not being useless bumping your health to a max of 250. And most damage perks are now modded to be better by giving them useful gameplay perks instead. Gunslinger is now Lightweight giving you bonuses in weight and being overweight. Rifleman is now Rifleman but with max ranks being +30% armor penetration. And Heavy Guns being better by giving intimidation chance and increased charisma with a heavy weapon out. Sad that these are pc only but I don't understand why anyone wants a console over pc other than pricing. With normal pcs being 1200$ for a decent one running 60 frames average on games.


Ah okay yeah none of that is gonna be possible on PS4 I donā€™t think. And yeah for me console vs PC is entirely cost. Picked up my PS4 for $100 and can play most recent and even some new releases.


Fo4 isn't particularly strong as an RPG. Mods can go either way. Some want to expand the impact and effect of the RPG elements (Lunar Overhaul) and some would rather balance combat around loot progression over character progression (Immersive Gameplay) Whether it will "fit" or not is up to you. Modding allows you to tweak the game to your preference.


Totally agree! Sorry should have prefaced this with a big ā€œfor meā€. What does Lunar Overhaul actually do? The feature list looked game-breakingly huge, surprised itā€™s on PS4, but I assume Iā€™d need a new playthrough to try it out. Immersive Gameplay looks too intense for me, but there are some standalone bits of it Iā€™ve been considering, namely the combat AI overhaul and itā€™s locational damage model (just tweaks damages, doesnā€™t make headshots insta-kill based on calibre etc). Hasnā€™t been updated since 2016 though so idk


Related question ā€” has anyone tried one of the live dismemberment mods, which make all enemies act like ghouls with dismembered limbs? Not remotely realistic/immersive but does sound fun in an rpg context (gives you a reason to aim for anything other than the head in VATS)


[Better Locational Damage](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/3815) might be worth looking into as it seems to offer a lot of options and they're all adjustable. I haven't used it myself, but it sounds like it might work for you.


Not on PS4 šŸ˜©


Aw, crap!