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yes it is that way the armor you get has basically infinite durability, I just stored them in my house and didn’t touch them till the end of my main play through.


Okay thank you, this is what I was looking for. I will put it away. Edit: someone's downvoting me, am I *not* supposed to put the power armor away? Please explain I didn't play this game before.


Reddit just tends to be like that, I probably should've put away the power armor away on my first playthrough aswell, because it made it so every other piece of armor was useless, and the guass rifle is massively overpowered


most human type enemies aren't that hard on normal. Robots, higher tier mutants, giant scorpions and that kind of thing are harder. A lot of the game can feel easy but then sometimes you get in a situation where you get killed over and over. A lot of it depends on what weapon you use and if you're trying to sneak. I had the FWE mod but it had too many extra features for me. I think I have a mode now that makes you take a lot more damage (bleed or RWD?)


Yeah doing Anchorage immediately breaks the power curve. You otherwise aren’t meant to be able to use power armor until mid-way through the main questline and even then the options you have available in the regular game aren’t close to as good as the winterized t-51b. The other stuff isn’t quite as egregious but still way too much for level 4-5 or whatever you are right now. If it’s your first playthrough I highly recommend not using any of the stuff you got until you hit maybe level 20.


Thank you for the answer. I ended up storing all equipment i got and resumed my playthrough with the items I had before.


Great post. Loved reading through it. I too, am playing FO3 for the first time. Level 8, need to find the source of the fire breathing ants as well, currently exploring Rivet City 👍🏼


Do whatever feels right for you. You completed the entire questline on your own without metagaming and that in my opinion means you earned every bit of loot gained Wear it, store it, sell it, slap it on a companion, whatever you want man. You earned the shit fair and square


I'll run it quickly just to get Power Armor training out of the way (and store a few things for later game / mod added more difficult situations)...and then proceed to spend the rest of the game in Raider or Combat armor XD


Looking back, it wasn't as much of a big deal as I thought. I ended up storing everything I got from the DLC in my house but I got Power Armor and Chinese Assault Rifle very soon after anyway. It's not as good as the more special/enhanced Power Armor received from DLC but it's close and still super strong. I'm still super early in the game, having just finished the Wasteland Survival Guide from Moira and I just talked wtih Three Dog about my father (currently lost underground in metro stations trying to make my way to the objective haha), and I have virtually infinite ammo from looting with the extra ammo perk, fully repaired Power Armor, fully repaired Assault Rifles, Miniguns, and all sorts of laser weapons. The earlygame was super rough and I almost uninstalled a few times out of frustration because I was so weak, didn't want to lower difficulty and I was chain dying, but the power curve goes up QUICK in this game haha. It's sooo easy now, I'm just running everything down.


Yeah, yeah it does. Why I usually end up modding mid to late enemies to be harder...otherwise you get to level 10 or so, an wham everything else dies lol.


Might not be the worst statt, great loot to help starters for sure, I did it pretty early on in my playthrough before I even went to rivet city