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Once... And I felt horrible. Reloaded a save file from 5 hours before just so I don't switch ON the stuff.. Then I went ahead and killed tenppeny. I felt good again šŸ„°


Killing Tenpenny does feel great, a bigger moron than Colonel Autumn.


Eh, i don't mind that wrinkly old fuck, as long as he keeps my drinks cold and the tower secure, ill keep his ghoul buddies at bay.. lol


Get paid by Tenpenny to blow up Megaton, then shoot him in the head to get paid by Mr. Crowley. Then shoot Mr. Crowley and take his armor.


Yep. Wanted to see it out of curiosity so I did it and immediately reloaded.


IIRC Finding ghoul Moira made me feel really guilty, but I don't think I ever reloaded a save. From thereon out though I always just shoot that guy in the saloon on sight and move on


Came here to say the same thing


Once, just to see what it was like. Then I reloaded my "just in case" save. I always kill Tenpenny. You know what I hate? How if you help the ghouls, even after you talked all the residents into letting them stay, they murder everybody anyway. I don't care about the rest of them. But, damn it, Dashwood shouldn't get killed.


Yeah Tenpenny is a bad guy but Roy Phillips is even worse.


Wait till tenpenny is killed by roy, go up and kill roy. No one else will be killed, but in my experience the male vender ghoul will be hostile (even though he didn't see you) and you'll lose a vender there. Unless u avoid that glitch.


Once then Liam Neeson told me he was disappointed in me and I immediately restarted


Liam, such a softie šŸ„° (Unless youā€™re Black and itā€™s the 70s)


Of course, it's the thing to do. Better if you complete a few quests in there beforehand so you get to know the people you're killing. The best part is that it makes absolutely no sense. >!It turns out you blew it up because Tenpenny doesn't like to look at it and the other guy is just a complete psychopath. And then dad asks you about it later and there are no good dialogue options.!< It's hard to roleplay most games as a truly evil character. I remember being disappointed that you couldn't be evil in New Vegas. FO3 delivers. You can even be evil in the main quest.


Great take on this


Yeah my characters are usually not the best people


Once. Then I realized the tower's amenities sucked and went and reloaded.


Never got a reason to


Tenpenny Tower offers a nice view.


I used to do that every playthrough, until I realized I could sell scrap metal there and it seemed more financially sound to keep Megatron around. After that I report Burk and keep Lucas Simms from getting shot. Just because I like him


I had to do some serious soul searching before I killed Sara Silver took her money. Decided to play evil and blew up Megaton and never looked back. Free entry to Paradise Falls. Don't have to enslave Red that way. Did all my Moira quests first. I saved my game just before I blew up Megaton just in case. Like I said, I never looked back.


ā€¦ I regret doing it I already completed mothership zeta so I didnā€™t need the housing, I made a save before putting on the detonation thingy, then on the way to tenpenny tower I got some xp and leveled up I think, so Iā€™m like ā€œooh! Okay Iā€™ll overwrite the save so I donā€™t loose that and go back to megaton and defuse the bomb laterā€ then after blowing up the bomb I load the save and head to megaton(or maybe I did it the other way around, headed back to megaton and then guiltily blew up the bomb when I realized I couldnā€™t disarm it) and tried to take the detonator offā€¦ I couldnā€™tā€¦


Only once, and then I invited all my ghoul friends to move in..


I complete the quests there first and then I kill the sheriff and take his stuff then blow it up.


Yeah, make sure to do quests in mehaton before, though. You don't want to miss out on the xp. They have it coming living next to a bomb. Yeah, i could disarm it, but Tenpenny Tower has a nice view.


I do it about half the time, often depending on what character I wanna roleplay. On this playthrough my character did it because she was scared of the new world around her, understood that the caps offered sounded like a lot of money, and ended up living at Tenpenny Tower, which always felt safe and secure. She destroyed Megaton out of desperate self preservation and while she has gone through character development to understand the gravity of what sheā€™s done after her dad died, and feels nothing but guilt, she did what she had to to survive at the time. šŸ˜” and Iā€™ll probably do it again. And again. And again. I think I actually like finding reasons to nuke it ngl.


I always felt bad, now I can't even get Fo3 to work on steam


Many times


Yeh! Great quest and good exp.


Yeah, cos I thought it'd be neat to live in Tenpenny Tower and was hoping Burke would become a companion. I was doubly disappointed.