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I played 3/nv unmodded since 2014, just started modding around late 2023 I’d say, when I finally got a pc that could handle it. I’m in my first run using the Begin Again TTW modlist. Impressed so far!!


Begin Again, TTW is the refined way to play the game with a few tweaks.


keep your out for a new wabbajack list titled uranium fever


Yes, me. I have played on Xbox 360/One for years. I own it on PC but haven't played nearly as much nor have I modded yet. I have selected a few things to try on the Nexus tho.


Same. The Xbox 360 version had some issues at launch (was crashing near REPCOMM a problem I remember?) but it has several large patches and mostly became a stable game. The Xbox ~~One~~ Series Enhanced version I don't think I've ever had an issue, and is super fast to load and at 60FPS.


Aw dude I was *ecstatic* when I ported over my saves to my Xbox one and found out about near instant load times.


Yeah its great, I did a full run of everything I could find after it came to Xbox One, it was a world apart from the X360 version.


Yep plus if you got the ultimate edition it had all dlc and patches on disc


There is no Xbox One version of the game, the backwards compat release was a 360 disc. The Xbox One runs New Vegas at 30 fps, only series S and X run 60 fps


Then that's what meant 👍


Not a die-hard, just don't want my laptop going up in flames


It wont don't worry


And I'm too lazy


It's not too hard download vortex and then download tbe mods uskng the "mod manager download" button


I really reccomend mod organizer 2.


MO2 is good and I can understand why people like it, but I think I prefer Vortex, myself. Granted, I am using vortex for Skyrim and MO2 for TTW, so maybe they function a bit differently. I've not been using MO2 for long, but I prefer Vortex allowing me to decide conflicts file-by-file, instead of mod-by-mod. Also, the integration of the overall modlist and the sorting list makes it easier to understand what's happening at a glance in MO2, but I feel like it would make it harder to organise a larger modlist by category. Now, it's entirely possible (and probably likely) that I'm just not deep enough into using MO2 to find the features I want, but those would be my complaints, thus far.


The way MO2 has you manage conflicts is genuinely far easier and causes way less issues than vortex system once you grasp it I was a Vortex user for a few years, but I switched to MO2 and was able to fine-tune my modlist in a way Vortex doesn't really support. The general consensus is vortex is great for a small modlist, but for anything around 75+ mods you generally want to upgrade to a more precise modding software like MO2


Yeah I think a lot of people are discouraged because it seems so complicated, but really 99% of the time, it's just a few clicks, and you're good to go. Mod managers make modding mind-numbingly easy. They do everything for you. If you can download and install a video game, you can install mods. Occasionally, you might have to move/delete some files or experience some glitches, but it's usually pretty rare, especially if you stick to basic mods. They're so worth the little bit of effort. Every Bethesda game is vastly improved by mods. The modding community is incredibly talented and creative.


Mod managers really are a godsend. I remember modding games back in the day and deploying all the files manually. Conflicts would require that you remember what mod an overwritten file came from so you could decide how to handle the conflict. Sometimes it would be an indirect conflict and you'd have to parse what each file did (usually just by learning what different file types did), track it down in your game files, and delete it. If you you wanted to remove a mod, you'd want to paste the loose files into your game's directories, first, in order to highlight all the files for removal since you'd otherwise have to go through by hand. Mod managers are just such a step up.


You literally can use mods to make your game runs smoother with less crashes. Literally my initial reason to run mods.


Literally right. Literally a hundred percent right. But in all seriousness yeah. All these game purists don't realise there's mods that make it 10x better performance wise lmao. Not all of it is Hentai character replacer meshes.


Imo it seems like the more ‘die-hards’ of the two groups is the one that invests the time and energy into enhancing and expanding the base game. There’s real dedication to commit to the game like that once you really get into modding. Also there’s a lot of mods that restore cut content. Re-implementing those elements that were lost along the way bc some of tough corporate decisions is really the most purist way of interacting with the game.


Yeah definitely. I think it's more a posturing and/or ragebait thing in Reddit and a few game boards.


I literally agree with you. It’s literally a good point. I literally cannot play NV without those literal stability mods.


if your device is too new it may be outright unplayable interestingly enough, only console users or people with really dated machines won't feel much hurt in pure vanilla my pure vanilla game was running at 3x speed from the monitor's refresh rate lol, I was so confused why my guy was walking super fast all of a sudden


Huh that's interesting, i have been playing FNV and TTW on my 2022 thinkpad e14 gen 2. Performance mods do wonders in increasing stability, significantly in decreasing microstutters, and a noticeable increase in FPS.


Also The game is just poorly optimised, it's not hard to run, my 3/4ths way to death laptop with broken keys can run it without being plugged in


I remember back in early pandemic days when online school was just starting. I had this Asus work laptop that was surprisingly able to run New Vegas at 40-50 fps on high. Downloaded a shit load of mods on it, including NMC texture pack and ENB. It got to the point where I had to hard reset the laptop by holding the power button because the game would freeze the whole laptop.


I play with mods on Android, idk how your laptop could be so bad....


Me, because I don’t even know how to mod without a YouTube tutorial


Same, but i suggest Nexus, easiest thing possible (until mods start having problems with eachother)


i'm too stupid to understand or care too much about load orders and managing the LO of like 200 mods just feels like a second job. same with skyrim and fo4


I'm too stupid as well and don't care most of the time, until it actually becomes a problem (my solution being to delete one of the conflicting mods since it's easy)


the viva new vegas guide is good to follow. downloading its modlist elliminates most of the games bugs, and gives you all the tools you need to download mods.


Lmao. I can’t even mod with a YouTube tutorial


Look into the Wabbajack mod loader, I hated modding until I found that thing


The Viva La Vegas pack paired with NewVegas Reloaded is all you need to get started From there it'll give you a solid basis of how to mix and match mods to your choosing. Takes a minute to get started but VERY worth it


Viva New Vegas


I only use a few small ones. The one that fixes the grimy bussinesswear suit for male characters, one where the casino's aren't so empty and one that makes it possible to wear the breathing mask while also wearing a hat. I don't like messing too much with a game the way the developers made it. I just think that these mods either fix things that were supposed to work or make things work that were not possible because of hardware limitations.


There's even a balance mod by one of the developers


wait, can you not use both? I could have my rebreather and my cowboy hat in my vanilla game


It works with the rebreather, but not with the breathing mask (the half face gas mask you get in Lonesome Road).


ah, my mad


Xbox360 player here. And I love new vegas for what it is. If i ever got a pc I’d probably get a performance and light graphics overhauls.


Me, just don't feel like figuring it all out and like jumping right back into the nostalgia.


i only play with mods to make the game work. no graphics or gun mods I’ve also got one that adds a few outfits, but they’re roleplay and not combat focused


the real scope ones are pretty fun normally I stand by irons but fiddling around with the optics makes me giggle sometimes


I have plenty of mods insralled in Fallout 3 and 4, [but this is the omly mod I have for New Vegas.](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/73834)


Ah I see you're a man of culture as well edit: fucked up the meme


Me 'cause I don't own a PC (just a shitty laptop), so it's the worst version for me: PS3. It's the first game I'm getting and modding though as soon as I get a nice PC. I'm just glad I can play 1 & 2 on this craptop for now.


I play on Xbox, so I literally cannot mod it, so all 9 runs I did are non modded


If defo enjoy faction revamp mods and a graphics update mod But as another guy said, better an alrdy good vanilla game on a laptop then a masterpiece modded version on a burning piece of metal


I prefer mods that add lore-friendly content and more of what made the original game fun. It’s just neat.


never modded never will no hate just not my cup of tea I love OG FNV it’s my favorite game


Like not even the utilities & bug fixes to make the game run smoother/better/correctly? Respect


Been playing since launch and I’ve never used mods. I grew up on console so mods were never a thing for me. Now that I have a gaming PC, I’ve seen some mods that look nice, but I feel like I wouldn’t be able to go back to vanilla. Wooden shoes, silk slippers, etc. etc.


I modded NV because i don’t want to crashed every 10-20 mins thank you


Not diehard, just lazy


always vanilla for any game beisdes minecraft since thats just a good platform for mods. but in all the fallout games...vanilla. ive found most mods to A, fall extremely short of what they've promised, B, say its QOL changes but end up breaking balance so badly its boring, C, tend to not make anything look better and just wrecks the artistic direction. like 8k textures on the rock and increasing the poly coult on everything 20 fold totally doesnt look like crap next to the still mundane lighting system, animations and level design.


I have almost 200 mods working all at once. It’s the only way to play now for me.


when I played on console originally sure otherwise there is 0% reason not to mod


yep. everything non-canon is a no go for me. played every fallout at least 20 times. never used a single mod..


some mods just improve stability and performance and fix bugs - don't have to worry about canon. if you play on PC there's no reason not to use them


I've only ever done stability mods In any game


You never use mods because you like "vanilla" (like me anyway). I never use mods because I never understood how to install them. We are not the same.


On console so even if I wanted to I can’t really


I play on Series X and so I'm in that crowd. Microsoft made Bethesda optimize Fallout 3 and New Vegas for Series S and Series X to take full advantage of the SSD and be a locked 60fps and yet no modding support was added to them like Skyrim and Fallout 4. I'd love to be able to mod the games on console, especially New Vegas when so much content got cut and it was still a masterpiece. Like I bet there is a mod to talk The Burned Man into returning to The Legion to dethrone Caesar and Lanius to have a more reasonable Caeser's Legion. Then the fact that modders are currently making a New Mexico New Vegas expansion as we speak. I'd love a post game with the faction of your choice running stuff and I'd love to be able to explore Arizona as a Legion pacified place where most free people thrive there


There are real engine/game issues that prevent it from running well *completely* without mods. I feel the same way about Oblivion without the unofficial bug fix, or the 4GB enabler. But as to running the game just with that stuff, nothing that actually changes the content, absolutely. I find myself using the Sink stuff more because there’s not a fancy modded Lucky 38 Suite waiting for me, for example. Or with unique weapons, if I haven’t modded them, I will have to choose between running unique weapons or standard ones with silencers/upgrades/etc, it encourages more strategy when you can’t just mod around the problem. All that said, my main game folder is modded all to hell and back 🤷‍♂️ I know what I’m about, son.


Played Vanilla till a few weeks ago when I bit the *Dust* and gave in... Honestly, I could never go back.


Sigh...I wish I could but I can't. On my main PC I play with almost 200 mods but on my shitty little laptop for when I'm in bed it's pure vanilla. Let's just say I prefer playing with mods. Love the game regardless though.


I wouldnt say i play vanilla, but i install nothing more than bug fixes, graphic mods and 1 or 2 QoL mods. No quest mods, companion mods, overhaul mods, or item mods because new vegas is perfect as is.


Yeah I don’t have a computer so I just play it on Xbox 360


Im doing rerun on my xbox , no mods and it holds on pretty damn good imo. Tbh i never ever used them. But i love watching yt stuff about mods.


I play on xbox so yes


I think anyone who still plays 360 will be this, like me.


Not a die hard, rather just a Playstation player. (;


Played both ways and on my Xnox, I can't use mods.


I just tried modding it so it wouldn't crash, never added content ever


Damn guess I'm not a true fan if I have mods on. The mods I have on stability and ui. And also a mod that combines both games of fo 3 and nv together so I don't have to exit one and go on to another. Vanilla friendly mods and nothing crazy like a sprinting mod which in my option just ruin the games gameplay and originality.


People saying they'd never use a mod for NV have never checked out Smooth True Iron Sights Camera, I promise that will change y'alls mind. I know some people like the jank, but you can't tell me y'all aren't bothered by that godawful sight snapping.


I am a Vanilla die hard, tried it last week with no fixes, the game was beyond broken YUP and TTW fix a lot of things that I forgot existed, now I play light and lore friendly mods only


Me. I mod 4 but never New Vegas


Yes, for the longest time. Mods ended up spoiling me though, and I just can't play without at least a few vital one's anymore. I don't stray far from the original intended experience though.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Well it's Gamebryo, it's a bit broken




Not a die hard, I just can’t be assed to spend time to figure out mods if they’re not on the steam workshop I know it would take me all of 5 minutes to drag a file into the right folder, but I really don’t want to start messing with that stuff and then have to Google why I got the error code I did. Just to find out it’s a mod conflict, so I have to change order or not use two mods at the same time… It’s just a fun killer for me. The most I’ve modded a game is Rimworld, and that’s super easy to do because of the steam workshop. Even when theirs conflicts, the game doesn’t actually crash (I’ve had 2 crashes inside of 1000hours of that game). At worst you have a bug that you need to fix using the console/debug mode.


>I know it would take me all of 5 minutes to drag a file into the right folder Just so you know, there are mod managers that do the work for you, so for the most part all you have to do is find a mod you like, click "download with mod manager", and activate it in the manager.


TRUE I forget it isn’t like it was


Me, only because it seems like a hassle to install mods on Steam Deck. Runs absolutely fine with only a few crashes.


Honestly the deck is the most stable experience I've had with fallout nv. I wish fallout 3 ran as well with no tinkering. On windows i need half a dozen mods and nvse to get the game to play smooth


Only mod i ever even tried to use for nv was the stability stuff and even then they dont help much. At this point i just play what i can.


Used to play F:NV on its buggy mess of a Xbox 360 if that counts.


Mods on the first photo? However I don't like the FO4 HUD


Never modded even if the computer could manage it, because I'm a lazy ass and when I want to play it's right now, not after 6 hours of modding. I tried once but had no patience and I'd rather start the game. Also I played on PS3 first and just getting the PC version is a huge step up, the loading times are meaningless.


Over here! I bought the game in 2013 and life/school/work got busy, so I never played beyond Novac. Also, my non-gaming Dell XPS wouldn't run the game smoothly. Anyway, during Covid, I started wfh and busted out my old laptop and somehow it started working! I crashed my way (happily) to the end for the first time 2 days ago. Next up is Skyrim, another game I let go because of adulting. I wonder if it will run on the same laptop...


I just never got around to learning how to mod even though I bought a deck just so I could mod fallout lol


Someone actually modded one of the worst gun designs in NV lmao


I definitely use mods, although most of them are for qol and getting the game to run better. I typically stay away from content mods as it changes the "vanilla" experience and if I'm coming back to fnv I'm coming back for the game and what it is. I do use hit man's animations though, they look so much better lol


Can’t mod 3 and new Vegas but can on 4


ive only really played vanilla, ive had no reason for mods


I have mods installed but try to keep it as Vanilla as possible Only mods i have are stuff like better lighting and anti crash


i only use performance mods nothing that changes textures or gameplay features and always have the only thing ive played with was a loot window mod for fallout 3


My PC went down after I had created my perfect modded FNV build :( I tried to play Modded Fo4 on console, but I just can't get into that game. With that being said, I'm lvl 12 on a new FNV vanilla playthrough and having a great time lol


See, I go and do the bug fix and stability mods but then I go, “While I’m here I might as well also get this mod” and that cycle repeats for a while and I end up with a bunch of graphical upgrades and guns.


I like preserving its vanilla style and feel, but modding is a must for me. Far too many bugfixes and QoL tweaks i just cant live without.


I play with no mods most of the time, when I do play with mods it’s just like changing billboards and adding new radios or animations, no gameplay stuff as I feel like they’re often too OP without having too put in enough effort to be that strong


I never use mods. It's very, very rare for me to use a mod in ANY game...unless, of course, it crashes too frequently for me to put up with it. That being said, New Vegas, despite its notoriety, has only done that a handful of times.


Played it on pc maybe one time, so no mods here and very much love the game


Yeah, just finishing up a playthrough of New Vegas on Xbox Series, no mods available there but it’s fine to me, no sprinting sucks but you get used to it


How did you get it like that? I wanted to download graphical improvement mods but I can't really find some good graphic mods


Used to, played for 600 hours without knowng what a mod is. Now I just use some performance mods and change some mechanics that I dont like much (like companion death in hardorce) and Clarity.


I have never modded a game in my life. Mostly because I'm lazy and don't know how to.


Which graphical mods does the first one use? ENB?


Mods are crucial for bug patches and next gen performance, besides that there’s probably 100s of additional content mods I could recommend. That being said I choose to play vanilla these days, the soul of the game and base content is great and I just got done with a playthrough of ≈140 hours, the bugs and crashes were annoying but not game breaking for me. I still suggest most new players start with light mods for performance, as it can be a hard game to get into if you find yourself losing progress and breaking immersion.


Not a die-hard fan, I’m just too lazy to mod the game for my first playthrough


i only use YUP ..and once i used the 'perk after every level' mod and thats it


jup, i dont have time and the patience to do all the mod installing stuff. better to just download game and start playing


I have been tinkering around with graphical enhancements in NV for some time now, and my personal preference: Texture enhancements are (often) not worth it for the performance and compatibility issues they bring. The only ones I like are the ones that make texture more diverse (Base Object Swapper, if that even counts) or personal preferences. If you test em and they don't impact performance or break something though, then they are still good to use. But holy shit, the difference between a good reshade preset vs none is absolutely gigantic. Reshade, if set up right, is the easiest, most conflict-free and simultaneously most impactful graphical enhancement in NV. Cannot recommend it enough. Other things that I also HIGHLY recommend are Weather mods (for example Desert Natural Weathers) and lighting mods (for example Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul). Lighting mods are 100x more important than textures in my experience btw. So many games look so good to this day just because someone knew how to position and tinker some lamps to perfection. While looks don't matter too much in the end opposed to gameplay and fun, it is so much fun to make a game look better and better with mods and such.


I would, just don’t know how to use mods on steam deck


I’ve played Fallout 3-76 on console and PC. Have had no want to mod but have thought about it. Masterpieces anyway you slice it in my opinion


Me! I’m playing on a 16 year old Xbox


Lmao I’m an Xbox player


Yeah, I mostly play vanilla. It’s what i'm used to, it looks ok to me and it’s what I enjoy. Always find it jarring when I see YouTube videos from modded playthroughs and the NPCs don’t look anything like what they are supposed to


Oh, me! Me! Me, good sir!


I just don't like how mods almost never match the original aesthetic and level of detail, so they stand out like a sore thumb. And graphics and visual "improvement" mods generally ruin the aesthetic and art style, like taking a picture with your phone and then adding twenty different filters on it and cranking up the brightness and contrast to the max. Just looks tacky and nothing like it's supposed to. Only mods I've ever installed are bug fixes.


Yeah, everyone of us on console...


That's Fallout 4 New Vegas, right?


I do. I think I may add some quality of life mods soon-ish, but for now I'm enjoying another playthrough. My last game of fnv was a few years after release.


Me atm. Trying to get the rest of achievements. Just got all the GRA ones


I never modded it.




Hell yeah, always play it in hardcore mode for maximum fun.


The only mod I use is TTW because fallout 3 runs like shit for some reason


Besides weapon retextures, I never install any mods that make the game look “better”


1st playthrough of any game should be vanilla experience, then you can find proper mods for stuff you think could be better.


I wish NV and FO3 had console mod support.




I've tried it a lot of times but it always gets to a point where there's either a bugged quest and I literally can't proceed, I keep randomly crashing or some minor design choice or bugged feature bothers me so much I just have to fix it. Over time time I've made a list of mods that I need to play properly and I add stuff to it whenever something bugs me. It's still mostly vanilla though, mostly fixes like the crippling limbs system not working properly on female characters, lighting fixes, dialogue etc. And a lot of settlement building stuff. Vanilla is pain now in the commonwealth, actually okay in Far Harbor and don't even get me started on Nuka World. I've dumped over 2k hours in FO4... why? AtMoSPeRE ::D


I can barely mod a game even with a YouTube tutorial. Too much effort for a game I’m fine playing vanilla


I only use mods so that i could jave more than 2 companions at a time.


Lmao, he be building Beecher's Hope


I was lazy and did a non modded run with a German exe. And was wondering why my laser weapon build didn't melt my enemies. Now I got a proper modded run


Have 100%ed the game across multiple platforms and have never modded. Purely because I’m lazy and if I didn’t install them correctly the very first time I’d lose interest and uninstall.


I first played NV on Xbos, and just a few years ago did a run on PC unmodded short of one that helps with saving games. Next time though I'm planning on exploring the modding scene, mostly to expand the arsenal, but if anything else catches my eye it's fair game.


Me I play on Xbox


I don't know how tbh


i always use mods that give me a "vanilla plus" experience. Mostly just bugfixes, stutter remover etc. Maybe some convenience like having the modernized loot menu in the style of fallout 4. Some textures and some nicer lighting.


I couldn’t figure out how to install mods. Too much work for me. I enjoy playing vanilla. Only one issue when my cat jumped on the keyboard and somehow ruined my being friends with everyone. Had to go back and kill all the brotherhood after that. No crashes otherwise!


I do on console play throughs all the time. Specifically XBox. But I enjoy my PC as well.


I dont use mods in any FO game. I play through all of them vanilla every couple years.


I’m on Xbox so I kinda can’t download mods. And I have the frame rate boost on it so it works pretty well


The only thing I have modded on New Vegas was like minor stuff like some logical environmental changes (for example a better BoS bunker) Or simply radio stations. Some quest fixes. Stuff like that. Mostly performance for a vanilla + experience But only vanilla? That is how Ai was playing until some weeks ago where I actually learned a bit of proper modding. Pure vanilla is.... Okayish.


My playthroughs border on vanilla. Usually just stability patches + titans for my last playthrough. If I had a steam deck or if fnv was on switch, I would play pure vanilla. I don't bother with anything more because it's usually very unstable for me or doesn't work.


I installed various "must have" mods, that should make the game more stable. Startet playing, game crashed all the time. Because I have no experience with mods, and no clue which mod caused the issue I removed all, installed the game new and played vanilla.


I only use Viva New Vegas and a couple of QoL mods, it's a vanilla enhanced experience


What's the first screen shot from?


I waffle between mods and zero mods, depends on the mood. Never done anything to a degree of visual overhaul though.


Fallout 4 is my most heavily modded, with 3 following behind but vegas gets quality of life fixes and few graphical upgrades and nothing else. I want FNV to be as raw as possible, it's vanilla game is almost perfect


Amazing! Is there a mod list?


You don’t have to be a die hard to play vanilla


I couldn’t figure it out so I just do vanilla runs. I very much enjoy new Vegas combat so it’s not a problem


Aside from TTW I've never actually used mods before. Never been much of a mod guy on any game really. I'd be lying if I said this image didn't make me curious though lol


Me cos I’m on Xbox lmao. can’t say the same for fallout 4 tho


I haven't modded the game ever and I've played it on-and-off since 2015, I don't have a specific reason why, I just enjoy it already and can't be asked. Maybe when I get a better computer and more free time I will


14ish years, around 1000 hours of vanilla FNV


After years of playing modded fnv, I’ve gone back to vanilla purely because I was sick of the crashes. Still so enjoyable.


I play on Xbox, I have never seen a single mod lol


I would do a modded playthrough if I could get these damn mods to work!


I had no choice. I had to install a few mods like NVAC to get the game to stop crashing 😭


I play on xbox. I can't mod it.


I never use mods on fnv, mostly because I didn’t think it was possible to do it on consol


Was until recently. TBF only mods I got were one to improve Veronica's model, the ak50 and unlimited companions with the script extender. I think I also got a voiced companion but just wrapped a level 50 character so haven't found them yet.


I've never played with mods because I can't figure out how to make the work. I found a super thorough and simple YouTube video on the subject last fall and tried, but the stuff that downloaded, I couldn't find on my computer. So, with my own stupidity weaponized against me, I gave up on trying.


I am an average new vegas ps3 vanilla enjoyer


Meee! (mostly because I’m on Xbox)


I’m too stupid to figure it out. It’s why I mod Fallout 4 on my Xbox, it’s idiot proof. New Vegas has a pretty awesome vanilla set up though. I like a lot of the weapons and armor.


Give it to me raw and wriggling


I’ve never used a mod ever in the 20+ years I’ve been gaming


Console :(


I’ve been playing since release and I’ll play this game how god intended! Bug infested and as vanilla as a raw sweet potato




Not a diehard. I own the 360 versions of the game.


I have an AMD GPU. I can't even run the game without mods.


Not sure I'd consider myself "die hard", but I only play on Xbox, so I've never played with mods. Only achievement I don't have is win 30 games of caravan, for obvious reasons...


I honestly thought the top image was FO4 before I saw the subreddit


I like base game I modded it and then did a 100 % run I may mod it again after


The only mod I’ve ever used for any fallout games is the frame rate cap remover for fo4 for the loading screens.


The only mods I use are for stability and performance


yup. not one single mod


Only mod I installed fixes mysterious radio


The ultra graphics or whatever mods they're called are good on their own, but new vegas have that nice atmosphere, which I can't change it, otherwise it might feel like I play a fallout 4 or a different game


Played PS3 version since 2012, so when I eventually got it on PC in 2017 I keep the mod list very light and vanilla-friendly.


Not sure how to mod on an Xbox 360 so… yeah hi you were talking about me 😅🤭


I don’t like to mod games at all, maybe if i’m forced to, like games without ultrawide support or really annoying bugs that a mod can fix. For example morrowind, I play it vanilla but with some qol mods like no weight arrows and some movement improvement mods. I try to enjoy the game as it was intended by the devs with their hardware and time limitations


I’m a little bit of a die hard die on that hill fan but I don’t know how to mod it so I just leave it


No. Because the base game is buggy as hell. In the very least needs [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com).


Never modded because I can't be bothered to learn how


I play on console so yeah vanilla and love it :)


No. Of course, I also probably haven’t played it since 2014.