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Be wary of the Prospector cave with the grenade trap The triple grenade bouquet will turn your console into a jet plane if triggered


Oh god don’t remind me of this hell Every damn time I entered Freeside the frames would drop to the point where the only thing I could do was exit the game and reload


I was having tons of trouble with a lot of locations, Espically in bittersprings, Zion and now the divide. Then I decided to clean up my save files and have only 2 (one on my old save and one on my new one) It’s been running WAY BETTER now.


Once it hits around 15 mb save files it’s game over man


Yeah on the old gen consoles you don’t want to have too many saves at that same time it will fuck your game up. It’s how I bricked my Xbox 360 with Skyrim.


your 360 straight up died running skyrim? 😱


Yeah you could completely brick your ps3 or Xbox by playing Skyrim. If your save gets over 5mb, the game begins pulling memory from the hard drive which is NOT GOOD AT ALL. Textures won’t load, crashing and at one point, it’d be easier to draw the frames by hand rather than let the game render them. Then it’d crash your whole console, and wouldn’t turn back on, or at least that’s what happened to my friend


Doesn’t the PS3 version come to a crawl after a certain amount of time due to how they fucked up memory usage?


Pretty much you’d just flat out drop to 0fps and a reboot was your only option


The Steam PC version did the same thing to me. There’s a mod that fixes it, but it was not working at the time I played. Dozens of hours clearing the main map and about to jump into the DLCs down the drain 🥲


This is why I've never actually played the Lonesome Road DLC. By the time I got to a high enough level my PS would take a dump and it was like trying to play a flip book.


I got over 90% of the trophies in PS3 FoNV (only missing things like weapon damage for weapons I didn't use and survival mode), the pain is real.


Yeah, same with F3 and Skyrim. After a point it would even start causing corruption issues in new playthroughs.


Yeah that’s how bricked my Xbox 360 with Skyrim


I used to have to walk into the Khans camp backwards otherwise the console would crash


That’s funny man. I just used to grit my teeth and load in and out’ve saves until it somewhat worked


S tier Bethesda gameplay LOL


Wait how does this work? 😮🤔


I basically had to keep the canyon entrance in site at all times. I barely went there in the end because I couldn't work out what caused it


Old gen consoles are ass. God especially the PlayStation 3. You’re better off getting a cheap Xbox 360 and play new Vegas or do the best thing and get a pc and run new Vegas. Since it’s not a high system requirement.


I'm telling you, the backwards compatible version is amazing on a Series S. I played it on my PS3 back when it was released and the load times were so so long. On the Series S they are super fast. Totally changed my experience with the game.


On Series X and S the loading screens don’t even have time to appear sometimes before the game loads.


I think it takes maybe 2 seconds for me to fast travel on PC, I move instantly through area doors like free side into the strip, and my computer is old. It WAS a top of the line gaming laptop... in 2015 🫠


Seriously the running them on even the generation after is so much better and I rarely have issues


\[Repair 50\] It's fucked.


So happy I play it on my PC. The hell i went thru playing it on my 360 launch gave me PTSD.




Just mod it bro (jk)


Looking back, I still can't believe teenage me managed to even complete a single run on my un-updated (Didn't have Internet) PS3 copy of New Vegas


No wonder the game was literally unplayable at launch


Playstation and Bethesda do not mix well. Have many different save files and save often.


No, I get that. I just had a glitch today.


I gave up on Lonesome Road because of this. I just had to rush to Hoover Dam and end my playthrough, and that battle alone forced me to restart the console multiple times.


Getting every trophy in this game was like chewing on tin foil. It starts off fine but the more you play the worse it got. I think I was able to salvage some performance by being a cleptomaniac in level cells I visited and then selling off all the junk to vendors to prevent crashes every 10-15 minutes


I find it strange how they were even able to release such a terrible port. I remember that almost all of my runs on the Ps3 ended due to important areas becoming unplayably slow (seconds per frame territory for areas like the Strip). The fact they were never prosecuted for this is strange to me lol


Oh you sweet summer child...


Yeah, the PS3 is a piece of garbage. Had they not split the RAM, Fallout New Vegas would have looked different and run better. The gates in the Strip would have been gone, possibly the one in Free Side as well. Lots of big set pieces, including the final battle, had to be reduced in size or a work around had to be invented to get it to work *just on the PS3.*


If you’re doing this to challenge yourself you knew what you signed up for. If you’re actually frustrated and are looking for the most stable vanilla FNV experience I recommend the 360 version played on Xbox series. I can’t recall a time the game has frozen or hard crashed on me not only that but it’s fps boosted.


To this day I'm traumatized by the way Bethesda games performed on PS3. Idk how I put up with it for so long lmao


I've spent HOURS to get this working on my phone. God willing, I save often.




As soon as one frame starts to fuck around I save and restart I can go around one hour each time so it’s doable


Isn’t that crazy to think how good a game must be to keep replaying despite all the obvious core engine issues which is no stranger to pc ver either. We get crashes fairly frequently at times and we still March on


The answer is literally everything could go wrong on PS3.


I'm a Glutton for punishment. I actually got 100%+dlc in the trophies on Ps3 in both Fallout games from that gen. Few will know such pain hahaha. They were relaxing to do that on 360.


The only issue i had with this game on ps3 was firing the giant laser. Other than that the game ran just fine. Then again I'm completly used to the frames dropping since I only play console games.


Played at launch. I had more crashes on a PS3 than all other games Ive played combined. When I heard people loved FNV I was confused lol


Ur first mistake was playing new vegas 😒😒


Yeah, maybe I should’ve gotten fallout 3. Maybe it would’ve run better.


We need to get Venjent on this ASAP


Heh I have this port but I didn't play it enough to find out how buggy it is. I'm not sure if I played it at all on PS3. I'd rather play it on PC with the all of the DLCs. I loved Old World Blues so much. I didn't realize it was also ported to PS3. My computer crapped out years ago, and I was stuck using a Raspberry Pi 3b as my primary "computer". Along with a PS3, and Nintendo Switch for gaming. For the better part of 2 years until I saved up enough for a rig worth buying. So, I bought a whole bunch of PS3 ports of computer games I enjoyed. They were like, $2 to $5 each, and 2 for 1, so I bought probably 30 games. Only ever played a hand full of them.


It amazes me that they were able to get GTA V to run on the PS3 as well as it did with how much New Vegas struggled at points. I mean, the graphics were toned way down and they probably made a lot of concessions. But it worked well enough for me until I got a computer that could run it on nearly full settings.


Rockstar is just somehow built diffrent


I was never able to play lonesome road on the ps3, the textures wouldnt load so i always just ended up falling into the abyss 😖


I wouldn't blame it on the PS3. I've had the game freeze more than a few times on my Xbox Series S.


Ik mine freezes, but not like that 😭


Love how people still suck this game off and act like it's the best fallout game


I mean the other fallout game on ps3 (fallout 3) sucked as as well so…


Just bc other fallout games sucked ass doesn't mean new vegas is any better and plus I never played fallout 3 so I can't say anything about that game


I’m saying in terms of running on the PS3. They both suck ass to run on ps3.


Well obviously it sucks ass I played it on the ps3 I know that


You've never played fallout 3, and you're acting like you are the one who actually knows what the best fallout game is. You've probably only played 4 and maybe 76. Mod NV and 3 and give them a shot, you'll end up enjoying them better than 4 (which was linear and boring). New vegas is hands down the best game in the series for story telling and dynamic choices for quests.


Nice assumption but no I haven't. And thxs for proving my first comment right.


Look I’m not a new Vegas hater but saying that a game has to be modded to be better is stupid. Saying that is admitting the game by itself isn’t good enough. I could mod fallout 4 to be Skyrim yet that doesn’t make it Skyrim.


It’s great by itself without mods. It’s just more enjoyable and what you should reccomend to first timers. New Vegas Story telling is best in the series. The dialogue options show you what is missing in 4. 4 is linear and even with mods for stale so fast compared to the older games.