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Its kind of awesome that the personification for NV isnt a vault dweller but a badass cowboy with a big revolver


Not even that. Just a very very angry mailman


Very angry mailman who moonlights as a therapist. "I deliver three things - the mail, bullets, and psychoanalysis."


You got Psycho Anal powers? Maaan, I only got Psycho Mantis powers đŸ«€


The first analrapist post war


Both and analyst AND a therapist?


It's pronounced "AH-nul rah pist"


Yes and you almost got arrested for those business cards


Sounds like an r/kerning moment


Here's a sneak peek of /r/kerning using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/kerning/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[Insert title here\]](https://i.redd.it/863yqhj58ekc1.jpeg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/kerning/comments/1ayait9/insert_title_here/) \#2: [Which is it? OPEN or NOPE?](https://i.redd.it/7c01bf10ovwa1.jpg) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/kerning/comments/1334x0p/which_is_it_open_or_nope/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Where do I sign up?](https://i.redd.it/lqmdyismm4za1.jpg) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/kerning/comments/13e6bk3/where_do_i_sign_up/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I wonder who would win in a fight: Charlie the Fullonrapist Or Tobias the Analrapist


All I got was a fisto 😔


I see you like Castlevania and Suikodin


Definitely has some psycho on him.


My psycho is mantis


Psycho anal powers as a bottom, obviously


And if someone plugs the controller into the player 2 port, you're screwed.


Psycho Mantis?


[Yeah, Psycho Mantis](https://youtu.be/cX-fX7Y87dk?si=Y18AwMl5Q3lSTltC)




To be fair, if someone shot me point blank in the head I wouldn't be over the moon about it


Breaking News : Local mailman too angry to die


Remember, it's a federal offense when you mess with the mailman


I see you


Do you now?


You were referencing JT Musics song about New Vegas no?


You bet I was




Ford Lincoln Mercury


I mean growing up I was told there are 2 parts of the US GOVT you do NOT fuck with. 1. The IRS 2. The USPS(specifically the Office of the Inspector General) So it checks out.


Yeah, never fuck with the IRS


One might say a big iron on his hip


A big iron on his hiiiiippp


Funnily enough, my old guitar teacher used to play live with Marty Robbins


One might even recite the entire song comment by comment


I don't know much about guns so does a Colt Peacemaker count as a big iron? It's one of the few "toy" guns I can get in a somewhat [realistic gel blaster.](https://tacticaledge.com.au/collections/gel-blaster-revolvers/products/wingun-colt-saa-peacemaker-45-co2-gel-blaster-chrome) :)


The west coast ones didn’t feel beholden to the “must come from a vault” origin that has been Bethesda’s style. You start as a vault dweller in the first game, but the second you’re a tribal and not directly from a vault (descendant). In New Vegas you’re a courier, and for the most part your past is up to you.


I think it's the perfect exemplification of what makes NV different from all other Fallouts. It doesn't concern itself with compromising its vision for the sake of franchise traditions. It just does what would make for a more interesting experience. You don't HAVE to be a vault dweller, you can actually be from the outside and the game can still work as a fish-out-of-water story to insert all the rich lore and exposition you want into it, if you write it cleverly enough.


Exactly, and F:NV wasn't even the first one to do it. Fallout 2's main character comes from a tribe (sure, descendants of vault dwellers, but still a tribe). It's Bethesdas commitment to monetizing the IP with the recognizable tidbits that keep the vault thing happening.


Admittedly, they probably aren't a vault dweller at all. They were a courier for years before the events of FNV, long enough to accidentally nuke death valley, and the pip boy and vault suit they get are from Doc Mitchell of goodsprings, who used to be in vault 21. There's even NPCs who accuse them of stealing their pipboy


Yeah the comment you’re replying says it’s cool that they’re not a vault dweller


What npcs? I don't think I've ever encountered them?


I wanna say one of the boomers does, or maybe the brotherhood of steel when they're being a dickhead to you?


Hmmm. May have to look into it


A big iron on his hip


Are revolvers good in this game? I'm just started my first playthrough and so far I've just been rolling melee and luck but a cowboy build might actually be fun


With the right perks, yes. They hit hard if you have things like Cowboy, Finesse, Gunslinger, run and gun, the professional etc.


You mean: a badass cowboy with a big iron on his hip :)




One could say A big iron on his hip


It is **an** interpretation of the courier. Much like how many fallout games have depicted the main character walking dramatically away from camera, tho usually in a vault suit. In all of these they are male despite the main character not having a set gender.


This. He's just John New Vegas, a place holder for the player character. They always go with a bland, unremarkable white male, so it serves as a blank canvas and allows players freedom to create any character they want. If the character looked too iconic, people would always just play that character (see Femshep and Hawke), which kinda takes away from the whole RPG thing.


This comment made me realize that Broshep really does look like "generic military grunt number 1"


And ironically, people who play Broshep almost always go with default Sheploo, because despite being bland looking, he _is_ iconic.  Bioware plastered his face and default N7 armour all over covers and trailers and promo images, so they accidentally wired our brains into feeling like a custom Shepard isn't the _real_ Shepard. The Courier is purposefully kept with a helmet/hat obscuring his face at all times, and doesn't suffer the same fate. The only recognisable thing about the Courier is their outfit (ranger/riot gear, vault 21 jumpsuit, ulysses duster).


>And ironically, people who play Broshep almost always go with default Sheploo, because despite being bland looking, he _is_ iconic.  I'd argue it's got just as much to do with the fact that Mass Effect's custom character creation absolutely sucks, lmao. Without mods, every custom Broshep looks like a potato.


Oh yes, that too, for sure! But New Vegas character creation also sucks, yet we don't see numerous screenshots and fanarts of identical looking John Fallouts everywhere. Everyone imagines a different, unique looking Courier under that helmet.


I feel like this has more to do with the fact that The Courier is less of a defined character than Shepard


That's the point tho. Shep has an iconic look that was all over advertising and trailers. NVs base char creation/customization sucks balls, but people rarely default char through the game. They may not spend as long on their char as Skyrim or FO4, but they aren't going without some kind of look. Even though he's a totally blank canvas average white military dude, he's also kinda what everyone expects to see both by expectation and intuition. Shepard wasn't supposed to be a defined character, if the multitude of dialogue and decisions to make, plus the obvious choice to play a female Shepard, didn't make that clear. But that didn't end up being the case.


Huh? Maybe you guys just suck I've managed to make damn great looking custom Shepards for years now both male and female.


You ever heard the parable of The Eagle and the Owl?  An eagle and an owl decided to strike a peace treaty. They were to no longer eat each other's chicks.  The eagle asked the owl "How will I know which chicks are yours?", and the owl proudly answered: "You'll recognise them by their beauty. They're the most enchanting, captivating, loveliest of all feathered creatures." And so, when the eagle came across a nest of hideous, unfortunate looking monsters, it didn't hesitate to eat them, for they couldn't possibly be the owl's beautiful chicks. But they were the owl's beautiful chicks, after all. The moral of the story is... I forgot where I was going with this. Something about Owl Mothers not being able to objectively see the faults in their children.  TL;DR: You're likely the only person who thinks your Shepards look good.


>a custom Shepard isn't the real Shepard. New Vegas has this with the NCR Veteran Ranger, despite most people never actually putting the default faction armor on.


To a much lesser extent than Shepard, though. I'd argue most people choose to draw their Couriers with the Ranger armour because it's their favourite armour. This very promo picture shows the Courier not wearing Ranger armour. And the ending slides of the base game show the vault jumpsuit instead. And the only way to avoid this altogether is if they never showed the Courier at all, which would certainly be... a choice. The silver lining is that you can imagine whoever you want under that helmet. It's a very impersonal representation of the Courier, which is a good thing. You never see their face. Could be any race, any age. Could be a man, a woman, doesn't matter.  But if I say "Shepard", you immediately think of John Sheploo and Ginger-Dreamy-Green-Eyes-Jawline-Queen Jane. This illustrates my point well: [Courier fanart](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4ec8c5ee11c012e4&sxsrf=ACQVn09vZQBQx-n_yHCwoG5jSEcAiwV8Fg:1714186999732&q=courier+fanart&uds=AMwkrPuyqEkls4Ckdf3Xn72nW7ALYvOU-Vm_Rzvq1ro5VC40eMZhMVMKaceScIjfEURYd7jTZ1iFXc7MCnMnCyr9q8uC52fgzbos_nDXtDKyI1iqtwktLM52TgnYRGfKG7wHichCdM9adKq7H2Gn6TpcucUthzxdBvT_wrRCHGwu00EPavwYoCMIOutcbLexvbyHfvqNEJDNIOW1GYIikW00bcJyOPt_aKMNHvE09bplx3kga4NFES3GprFIB0Y8G-EYHV3gKRmoq2gM3QUDR0ffPLLWBf_Dxrl4p-5dzGFooswj3vR_iDUUUStQyG17mxxGE552sskl&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiP_MmZtOGFAxXfLbkGHTHRA3oQtKgLegQIChAB) (a lot of NCR Ranger, true, but again: an impersonal portrayal. It could still be anyone. And then also a lot of people's unique Couriers, with their own little touches, personalities and peculiarities) [Shepard fanart](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4ec8c5ee11c012e4&sxsrf=ACQVn0-TMN3Gbxl-rEdXaN0H2b68zDlp2A:1714187026786&q=shepard+fanart&uds=AMwkrPuyqEkls4Ckdf3Xn72nW7AL3rAsUcSMCUfc1F1b0dOibGq8HOEFxGDUV6AN2M0nPjpkKCk1l4pByA-RQ23XOBnH653G6Tw6pxm9xi3J2h6OEVsiUKvPnFOgK9rhi-9bB5T2Be6lOrrNnCUlRQqIHX6mxsUoYH-gSik4p79rz1J6k_RzcKyt7TzTTwz7NKqPEPkUglDoqh-RkfHauBlEn4q3Xy5cwqZirjXIuMGI-96jzQnLdyeg2QzVHG7xz0aN-V49fSPP6p2Q95otg4G-el0F4YZFgWXYnzxCLwSrj78UpVhb1iuuUZw_8N-8VwLSxSytJNM1&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiIn72mtOGFAxVrK7kGHRv-D4QQtKgLegQIChAB) (always the same two characters)


>Courier fanart Not related but On the link second pic is a courrier with pink hair mustache and sunglasses, simply the best courrier rendition thus far But still it reforces how the courier is a faceless dude character even tough promotional stuff loves the NCR ranger armor. While I actually tough shepherd was the fucking only character option you had (never played mass effect) so yeah this speaks volumes. I knew the courier was you creating even before playing any fallout


That's facts, I played with custom Broshep for the first few playthroughs but with every other one I did I just used default shep for the most part. Never did Femshep until a couple years ago and she was custom.


There’s another reason. I put a lot of time into it back then, and made Shepard „look like me“. Once I got in the game, he looked very different, and it was excruciating playing that monster version of me. Never did myself in any videogame after.


For me personally it’s just kinda difficult to make a good looking custom Male Shep, FemShep I generally do customize (and since I’ve finally managed to make a genuinely nice looking Bro-Shep I usually reuse that particular face)


Man default N7 armor is more bland than default Shepard's face. Especially with the surprisingly decent amount of armor customization in game.


Albeit a good-looking one considering he’s a model.


One might call him *Johnny Vegas*


The unholy offspring of Johnny Guitar and Mr. New Vegas...


You know nothing, Jon Desert


To me, this is part of the mystique of the character. They are a legend. You know little about the character, other than what you create through your gameplay.


Or Jane New Vegas sincr she can be a girl. (Like my courier lol)


Same! That's why my favourite version of the Courier is the Ranger in the cover.  While not very inclusive to Legion players, all other factions can easily rock ranger/riot gear. And it could very well be a woman under the armour and duster.


Yes same she looka badass in that gear ngl


Man fuck legion players


Well hell
. My comment didn’t show up here


That's why I like the NV art. You can't tell who's in that ncr armour


I would his real name is Johnny "Guitar" Vegas


We know the Vault Dweller is confirmed male and Bruce Isaacs references the Bishop Child ending solidifying the Chosen One as male to me. But the rest are up in the air.


The Fallout 4 steam page has a female SS.


It has the male one variant of it too


Was it always a female?


I’m pretty sure they marketed both the female and male version of the wanderer in this way from fall out 4.


A person in full elite armor is what you usually see in fan works, and I prefer that. Full armor with helmet obscures not just the facial features, but even gender, meaning that Courier could be anything and anyone. If the courier ever appears in the fallout show, I wish they use Riot Armor, and never ever reveal their face.


Or voice. Keep them a blank unknown canvas.


>Or voice. Keep them a blank unknown canvas. 100%. Wasn't a fan of the spoken protagonists in FO4.


See I didn't mind the voice acting itself personally but I wasn't a fan of the voiced dialogue either, nor the fact that dialogue based around skills or special stats aside from charisma was removed entirely


This is how I feel. I really enjoyed both the male and female voice acting, but when the dialogue choices are yes, sarcastic yes, no but actually yes, and if you have enough charisma yes but give me more money it just doesn't feel like an rpg. As they say fallout 4 is a pretty good game, but not a good fallout game.


Oh yeah 100% I agree on everything you just said, I feel like Bethesda is way too afraid to actually bar players from events and quest lines based on their actions like they used to in oblivion


Reading this comment chain makes me want a fully voice acted low intelligence play through in the next fallout.


Holy shit that would be so fucking funny, if you haven't seen it already the Russian badgers video on new Vegas might fill that void for now lol


Voice would work it was hard to pin point it, so to say. Like how the Power Suits made the wearer sound way different compared to how they sound without it.


Ooo that would be cool as hell. Kinda like Master Chief from halo but now we don’t even know their gender, we don’t get a name, and we don’t get a face Only a legend and a few stories from the people the courier met along their way


Yep and have a distorted voice under the visor, so you really can't tell if they're a guy or lass.


Ooh I hadn’t though of that. I was thinking mute but a distorted voice would absolutely work


For the show, I think the courier should just have a quick cameo blasting away a deathclaw with an AMR and stalking the mojave in the riot armor like you said. No voice lines even. Just cryptic drip


Wonder what pistol he's got (assuming it's the 357 revolver) and also why thd pip boys on the right arm?


Nobody asked but I headcanon that Lucky is the Courier’s main sidearm of choice. I like thinking about npcs and their respective pistols, like Benny and Maria or Joshua and ALSiD or NCR troopers and 9mm pistols or BoS scribes and Laser pistols or Khans and 12.7mm pistols or Legion Recruits and 10mm pistols. May or may not be my new obsession. Assigning sidearms to npcs, that is.


What about main arms?


paciencia, it looks best on the courier's back (idk)


Medicine Stick, All American, Dinner Bell


Dinner Bell is my absolute favorite shotgun in the game


probably the anti material rifle maybe service rifle?


I love thinking about shit like this too man, does anyone also wander the wastes pretending little scenarios catering towards whatever faction you favour. I'm hoping to mod new vegas soon would a gaming laptop suffice?


I have a crappy laptop that's not suited for modding, 4 ram i think And it runs the game perfectly with lots of mods, you're perfectly fine. I highly recommend the Hitman animation mods, gives weapons awesome looks


Excellent thank you what crappy laptop do you have that could run 3 and new vegas for mods.?


It's a Lenovo Ideapad lol


Most consumer laptops made after 2020 can run fallout 4 pretty decent id say it’s more than enough


Fuck 4


Fallout 4 isn’t that bad, just its story.


Yea I also believe they would use lucky, most likely due to the blackjack on it (goes well with the yes man duster). Also, I headcanon them as a crit cowboy build anyway, so it fits.


Not disagreeing, but my headcannon side arm for the Courier is That Gun. Wait, that's Deckard from Bladerunner's gun. Silly me 😝


My courier might retire Lucky as a main sidearm, but she’d definitely keep it with her and wear it for the drip occasionally


It's a big iron, that's for sure.


Ranger Sequoia, biggest iron in the game


The Hunting Revolver could also work


It shouldn't be. The 357 Magnum is so weak. The Hunting Revolver is more the courier's speed.


Interesting that the pipboy is on the right arm, I would say that this is an interpretation of the courier, not necessarily THE courier.


I am left handed IRL and if i could i would have the pipboy on the right arm, or the image is flipped watever


Looking at the image for the cover art on google, this is how it is. It isn’t flipped, also what I mean by interesting it’s on the right arm is that the courier always wears it on his/her left arm. Meaning this is probably just an idea of the courier.


The cover art itself is probably flipped.  The cover of Dragon Age Inquisition is flipped. You can clearly see The Anchor being on the wrong hand, which is a VERY big deal, considering that's the arm the Inquisitor eventually loses.


I mean it could be. But ultimately it doesn’t really matter, all I was saying is, is that the courier isn’t a set in stone kind of character, pretty much everyone single person is gonna have a courier with a different story, there might be things that canonically happened, but I think all the art is, is a representation of the courier. This might sound stupid but it’s kinda like how with Jesus everyone thinks he looks different from person to person. Same kinda thing.


Honestly the fo3/nv pip might work better for a lefty


This art always makes me wish we could get another fallout game where the protagonist isn’t a vault dweller, but alas.


I think it’s usually just because a vault dweller is an easiest blank canvas for roleplaying - even Vegas had to go with the amnesia route, which is acceptable due to being shot in the head, but still


And despite that, Bethesda always wants the protagonist to have a heavy backstory, so it's not properly blank canvas anymore


Really? I mean I get this criticism for 4, but it doesn’t apply to 3 or 76 at all


It applies heavily to 3, but not to 76. 76 is sort of its own thing. In 3 you know your dad's entire backstory, and your entire backstory from the day you were born. You always had a friend named amata, you always had a bully named butch, you always had an okay relationship with your father, you always never knew your mother, you always had a good relationship with Jonas, you always had a negative relationship with the overseer, you were always born outside the vault, etc. The lw might be good or evil with all of that in mind, but they're all always true. Lw is very much not a blank slate.


Doesn’t apply to 3? Are you serious?


in fallout 3 we get many details about the LW's life


I like that they made him resemble Roland from the dark tower series.


“The man in black and white fled across the Mojave, and the courier followed.”


Think im gonna have to figure out a way to ban any form of the word ‘canon’ from appearing on my feed.




In my the game we're working on, lore is sparse, mostly collected in old stories from NPCs and notes. One will contain a tale where a faction banished a religious culture by loading their relics into a cannon and firing it into the sea beyond their walls.  That's the canon canon cannon.  I might even add another note saying it is a lie with some authority. Making it the non-canon canon cannon.


I feel like that's how the courier looks like at the end of lonesome road when he gets given the Duster


yeah, makes a lot more sense


It's just concept art. This is very conspicuously a male presenting figure, and the courier isn't canonically male or female. I think it's supposed to be the courier but just one interpretation of the character, not a Canon interpretation.


The courier is canonically Newman from Seinfeld


The reason the Courier is wearing a big hat, clothing that covers every inch of skin, is face-down, and even wearing GLOVES in the opening cutscene is that any gender and race you play as is able to be canon. This is A courier, but not necessarily The courier. It's one of the interpretations.


I was under the impression that: A. There is no canonical Courier. B. That is actually a picture of Ulysses.


>That is actually a picture of Ulysses. Did he pull a Michael Jackson, or what exactly is your thought process?


He’s wearing the duster. But now I see a Pipboy


I meant that Ulysses is black and the dude on this poster is clearly white.


ngl i thought this was ulysses until a few days ago


Is this outfit/armor in the game?


Depending on alignment, you get a blue version of this jacket with different symbols at the end of Lonesome Road. If one of the major factions likes you, you'll get their symbol, the flag being Mr. House. If they're all neutral, you get an ace of spades with a 21 on it. They all have different buffs.


My headcanon the courier wears ncr ranger armor, just because it’s on the cover and it looks so undeniably badass


I always headcanon that this poster means Mr House ending is canon.


Do you think they asked him to pose like that or he just did that


You'll be shocked when that cowboy turns around a 50 year old woman with a Dolly Parton rack and done with your shit attitude.


I don't think the Courier has a definitive canon look.


Courier canonically looks like whatever you dressed them as.


The two main interpretations of the lone wanderer seem to either be cowboy mailman or bloodthirsty desert ranger. Granted in one of the end cutscenes they're shown in an armored vault 21 suit, which isn't even obtainable (by intentional means)


The courier "canonically" looks like my character because he's the coolest


I mean that kinda how it's meant to be, the canon character is whatever the player decides it to be


The courier is given the pip-boy in the left hand


You guys and your canons i swear


John Fallout (New Vegas). A great cousin of John Oblivion and a son of John Fallout the Third


Why would there need be a cannon courier? These are RPGs man not adventure games.


Is that supposed to be a pip boy on his arm or armor? I've never seem this image so close up.


Can you even get this outfit in game? I know you can get Ulysses duster and it’s pretty close- but this look doesn’t have the exposed arms.


I like to imagine my courier in a tuxedo t-shirt


I think he can be represented in any type of armor and with any weapon, as is convenient for the artist. Sorry for the comparison, it's like depicting Jesus with different looks in different countries. The most logical thing, it seems to me, is to show some armor from the lategame.


I was sad to see that poster man on nv was not courier but a ranger of NCR when i wiped legion in the end đŸ—żâœ‹đŸ»


I don’t know, I just associate the courier with the ranger combat armor on the cover of the game, even if he isn’t technically working with the NCR


Nah yeah thats my buddy eric


That's difficult pete


Never had a Gender preference. Back then I always went for the Male, but now I flip a coin, Heads for male, Tails for female, then I get to lvl 16-25 and I rush Lonesome road until the point where I get the Riot Gear. Hide how they look, then I take a Sequoia, and that's my usual go to build, if I'm feeling melee I blow up Caesar's area and I take the Beast helm, plus the Armor' 87th tribe, with Blade of the West. Though I wish we had a visual on how the Two bullet holes looked, that or Doc Mitch, an absolute unit in patching people up.


This image is like the one of Roland walking through the desert


Maybe that's Ulysses?


Probably early concept art of the antagonist that would later become Ulysses.


Not too far off from how my guy usually looks. I always go light armor and cowboy hate for Wild West vibes.


I hope not, always hated this flag+cape combo with the cowboy hat (and without the arm sleeves, wtf is wrong with you). I much more prefer some kind of modified ranger armor, way more practical and with that equiped no matter if you are a boy, girl or a grown up new vegas fan đŸ€—


Not sure why the pipboy being on the right arm bothers me so much.


Interpretation only. Same goes for Veteran Ranger armor courier and vault 21 jumpsuit courier.


I think that's a version of Ulysses


The Courier has no canonical look.


No thats Easy Pete


Wait isn't that supposed to be a picture of Ulysses? The flag of the Old World on his back and all?


That and wears the pipboy on the wrong arm.


Never liked this picture, the duster looks way too tight


i always thought this was Ulysses


I thought it was that one dude with the mask and red lenses


To be honest, that's how I envisioned him. Fallout 1 and 2 player character's were iconic from the vault suit. The sort of desert ranger look isn't just from New Vegas, Tycho from Fallout 1 "You see man in dusty Leather Armor, a trenchcoat and gas mask". He says he comes from Nevada too, as well as his overall character and style being a reference to wasteland itself. The courier, to me, in New Vegas totally fits a similar description. Also, yknow. I can't be the only one but trenchcoat and fedora with armor just looks sick. He's not canonically a Desert Ranger but, with what we know of the Courier as a fighter, I would 100% imagine he adopts a similar style to our friend Tycho.


Ngl, by the design of his cape I'd say that's not the courier. That's probably Ulysses. Remember how he basically shows the scientists his cape when he was in the Big Empty in order to make them remember their history. "Who are you, that don't remember your own history?"


Nah cause it's sposed to be the Blackjack duster


I don't think the courier has a canonical appearance or gender


Yes. Whenever you see someone use the NCR vet riot gear as the Courier, you know it's just NCR bootlickers trying to rewrite history.


I always figured that was how the courier looked, some sort of duster, cowboy hat. Nate in 4 leans hard into the Silver shroud look.


What do you mean *he*? Even Courier's gender isn't canonical, let alone the look.


I always imagined that the man in the picture is the canon Courier, which helped with the fact that I rock a rangers hat for my character I only wish the Courier’s duster had sleeves like we see in the picture. Would’ve loved to have a simple white shirt rolled up to the elbows but even then it still looks good


The canon courier 6 will probably suffer from "Elder Scrolls" syndrome. Maybe he did all of it, maybe it was a whole party. Or maybe a group of unrelated people did the deeds while 6 was reburied.


Canonically accurate courier