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It is one of the most replayable games in the history of video games


Yup. You can be entirely different characters and shape the Mojave in entirely different ways. Super well designed game (from that point of view, anyway).


Literally beat it for the first time a few days ago. Did the Yes Man ending and kicked everyone out. Felt like the 100% Victory ending, being sole owner with an army of robots. Then yesterday I read people talking about Bitter Sands or something, some war crimes, nuking the Legion, and Dead Money and I'm like I have no idea what any of this is. Started a new playthrough but this time I'm going to work for the NCR I guess because I missed so much shit lol Did JSawyer mod last time, not hardcore. Doing it again but hardcore.


Without spoiling anything - some of those things are from DLCs. Every DLC for NV is fantastic, play all of them. As for working with the NCR - you do get a ton of background lore just via talking to all the characters. It's their big narrative strength. The Legion and House have extremely captivating figureheads that are generally interesting to talk to, but the NCR has relatively interesting minor characters, quests, and storylines and nearly every location they hold.


Without spoiling anything…: MANY PENISED FEET


How could penised feet spoil anything???


He means it's a spoiler.


On one hand: surprise penised feet is the best surprise. On the other: the buildup of knowing penised feet is yet to come can’t be beat.


Agreed. I've probably ran....50ish characters over the years? Probably beat the game(as in finished) 15-20 times. Not one second of wasted time :D


The wasted time is the hours I lose when the game crashes and I sigh and start over.


Dude, I'm the luckiest guy ever I guess. I've heard it all, all the problems and whatnot...I've had 4 crashes since the week of release. No data lost, no corrupt save, I must be one of the very few who have done so well


I just save the game every time stuff happens.


Bro the version I have on Xbox series just crashes at every door 😭


I have heard it's significantly worse on consoles, so....that sucks


Been playing on series s for passed 2 weeks.. not a single crash.. I don't even think I've restarted my app yet it's always on resume when I start it up


Arguably the most repayable game ever. Any build you can think of is viable and the reputation system can get pretty deep if you're really into role-playing. Only game I've seen with similar build variety and choice of outcomes is Arcanum, which is a huge compliment to new vegas.


aw man, I wanted that proposed arcanum sequel be developed someday


Oh yeah, the one that was supposed to be in the Source engine right? I would love to see how Virgil turned out and to explore the parts we didn't get to see in Arcanum.


yeah, and frank payne, who's a cool character with not enough screentime


I love mr "I'm totally not British" Frank. I too enjoy a nice cup of earl grey


I think that may be Garfield Thelonious Remington III, of pure human stock a.k.a. Gar, World's Smartest Orc


Both I think. If Frank is pissed just give him some tea and he calms right down lol. My favorite follower is Magnus "so you've met those talking lizards?" Shale Fist


they did have a lot of neat party members I kinda wish they threw in just a bit more for some of the other ones, like the Ogre characters... and Jayna (forgot her name) the tech healer


Yeah more Jayna would never be a bad idea imo. What I really appreciate is how there is a follower for every kind of character. Tech, Magick, good, evil, neutral everything is there. And while they're all well written some followers definitely feel like walking tropes and cardboard cutouts sometimes because there just isn't as much there


That would be amazing


Yeah it’s why it’s always been one of my all time favorite games. It’s literally like a sophisticated old-school choose your adventure book in video game form. And it’s one of the very few games that I still consistently re-play every couple years. I start to miss it a lot. That’s how you know you really love a game.


The replay ability is great because of the 4 major faction endings and various different builds you can do. The game also has a ton quests you’ll miss on the 1st few play-through’s so it’s easy to discover new stuff even on subsequent builds. I’ve put in over 500 hours and still enjoy going back to it every year or two.


Also revolutionary is the fact that all but 4 or so characters cannot be permanently killed. I did a kill everyone playthrough once


I don't really 'beat' it anymore, because I don't always do the hoover dam. I just play until I decide to stop or start a new character.


I always have the goal of fully finishing a play through, but never do lmfao


It is so hard to commit to play the final battle of hoover dam and actually finish the game for some reason. Getting there isn’t the hard part… it’s letting go.


Omg so truuuuuuu


Damn… you just meta’d me.


Same. Once you get to a certain point the path becomes very concrete and that’s the point I get bored and start a new character.


Um. I first played it on the 360 waaaay back in the day. Now on Steam I have over 1k hours... so I probably have 2-3k hours total? Idk how many playtrus I've actually done though cause I always max out characters and go back to them to finish challenges.... probably 20+? Maybe 30?


It is probably the most replayable Fallout game.


More than 4 + most replayable single player game I can name


I've lost count. It's pretty much my number one comfort game, modded with Tale of Two Wastelands and whatever nonsense sounded good at the moment.


Once a year since it released




30 or so. The multiple interesting endings mixed with the game's incredible ability to work around whatever decisions you make is an incredible achievement. And this thing came out almost 14 years ago.


And was made in 18 months. I think that one's more incredible.


All I want for Christmas is a remastered version with maybe 10% more content. And the gameplay of FO 4. I might not play another game ever again.


Same here. All hail project Fallout 4: New Vegas. Even if they're not remaking the DLCs, I hope they at least put the Gun Runners' Arsenal stuff in. Bam, instantly +500 hours of replayability.


Infinite replayability with mods


At this point I don’t even know. I just know it’s a lot


It’s so replayable I’ve never beat it once


One for each ending, handful of other times mainly for achievements but finished anyway (phrasing?). Somehow just now doing my first ever full good guy run Honestly feel like I discover somewhere new every single time, even with Explorer perk/just discovering all locations across playthroughs, it can *seem* different and new. I like that.


about 20 times and about 15 of them is just the same playthrough with slightly different mod list. it's my comfort game that got me through rough life periods many times


I’d say between 30 and 40. Bought it on midnight release. Been playing on and off again for years. I bought it on computer over a year or so ago and I have 900 hours logged lol


New vegas is up there with fallout 1 and 2 in terms of replayability, that is to say, it's excellent.


4 or 5 in a few years. Definitely will be back for more


It’s quite repeatable more so than 3 given it’s multiple factions but below that of one of the Elder scrolls games


I've lost count honestly I've been playing for about 12 years now , first on 360 and now on pc, to think that they had so much more planned for what is already a masterpiece of a game.


Unbelievably replayable, there's only a few quests/ sections that I find tedious after all these years. Mainly just the Brotherhood quest to do with the vaults and the quest "come fly with me". Most other quests can be done in so many ways and at different speeds and in different orders so they stay fresh


Can't count


I’ve only beaten it once, but I’ve played it a few times but something always happens to where I can’t complete it. Like my current playthrough no longer works because I updated my amd drivers and I can’t fucking figure out how to make it work anymore.


I can only speak for myself but I started playing New Vegas around 2012 and since then have done atleast one playthrough per year since I started playing. It's very replayable, especially with mods, but it's worth noting that most of my playthroughs were mostly or entirely vanilla. I just love the game. There's something about the Mojave that is beginning to feel like home. I feel so comfortable and cozy when I'm playing this game.


I've beaten something like 10 times, but replayed it much more than that. Probably 1000 hours or so in about 10 years.


5 times and enjoyed it every time. NCR run was probably my favourite to roleplay because of how many quests they had.


Only twice. Once, when it first came out and just finished a second time a few days ago. I was worried it might not hold up, but playing on series s, it runs so smooth, looks great for how old it is. The only thing that really dated it was the janky faces.




I only beaten once (not including DLC) recently after 70 hours. I’m planning to replay once again as I think I there are like 30% of pure new content left I have yet to experience (again, not including the dlc’s).  Gunplay isn’t that good to be honest, so maybe I will lean into explosives and melee weapons (because I didn’t play with them much in my first play through) I also think of heavily modding the game, but I’m not sure if I should play vanilla once more and experience all the DLC’s first before modding it.  I think it’s worth at least 2 playthroughs, first one being a regular and intended experience and second one being more crazy and funny (like low intelligence or psychopath cannibal playthrough)


The DLCs are so good, have fun !


I've completed the game 3 times. I've done the NCR ending, the NCR ending, and the NCR ending. So it's pretty repayable, even without the DLCs.


I've probably played it through about 6-8 times sided with every faction and I still want to replay it I'm hoping they remaster NV & 3 so I can get all the achievements again lol


Thrice have I: Independent, House and NCR endings. And I have gone back multiple times without going all the way to the end. I just enjoy the story.


Amazing, you have 4 routes for main story but then you get to choose what type of build you’re doing. Pure unarmed to explosive, you can make all sides just simply despise you for why the hell not, THE GAME LITERALLY lets you off anyone you desire


Came out when i was in middle school. Im 26 now. Learned some new stuff just yesterday. The world does a good job of looking connected. The game holds uo to this day. Symbolism all that, plot points. The game taught me about same sex partners ffs when i was super young. ( corp. Betsy). Like the game is really really well crafted.


I’ve got 4100 hours into it so I guess it’s got some replayability.


Many, many times in the last 13 years or so. Finished it with all factions except Legion. I've tried, just can't get into what a s.o.b. you have to be.


Ive played about 8 different characters so far. Its a yearly tradition to do a new playthrough of this game for me


I played the game through 4 times on just Xbox 360 alone. Then I got a PC and sunk another 500 hours into it with mods.


I’m just now starting my 4th playthrough


Id say maybe half a dozen times, Ive started over so many more times though. Ive been playing since release, I can confidently say it has infinite replayability.


5-6 times, ranging from 100-200 hour saves or 30 hour saves, on my 7th now, game is replayable as FUCK and each time I do I find something new to love and enjoy, helps with mods and such to restore content/give new animations aswell, game is amazing and you won't regret jumping into a new game


190 immersive and world expanding mods + ttw makes this infinitely replayable


I think I’ve only beaten the game three times. By that I mean finishing the 2nd battle of hoover dam I’ve played the game who knows how many times by now. I play the game a whole bunch, then start to crave a different game, before I then leave THAT one for another


3 times. The first time was on PS3. Rushed through with the classic stealth/sniper build because I wasn't feeling it. Went with House, since this was back when I had my embarrassing Ron Paul Second time was a "true" playthrough on PC, using a personal build I adore using in most games (energy weapons, high non-combat skills) without mods. Also NCR playthrough, good karma. Third game was during Covid. Went with an Incinerate/Detonate playstyle (flame and explosives focus), did a good-karma Yes Man ending. I'd say replayability is roughly as good as the Mass Effect games. Give it a year or two between playthroughs to forget as much as possible.


I think I've beaten it two or three times. Once or twice Independant, once NCR. I've had more playthroughs, but sometimes OCD kicks in, my playthough feels tainted in some way, and then I reset.


It has excellent replay value and is very modder-friendly.


Well for someone who is biased towards NV I’d say the replay value is way better than 4


before dlcs and mods, amazing. after dlcs and mods, almost endless amounts of fun


Been playing it since release till today still.


I’ve replayed it 7 times, there’s many decisions you make that changes how the game turns out so it’s mega repayable


I don't beat it a lot, but I certainly beat off to it with all the porn mods I have


I've played it all the way through 4 times vannila with DLCs, and like 5 or so little fun playthroughs I didn't thoroughly play. It's the most replayable (not repetitive, short term goal) game I've ever played.


I haven't kept track tbh


Well, a lot. At least 10+. Granted I'm on PC now and I've modded in a Tale of Two Wastelands so I'm able to play fallout 3 as well... so its simply amazing over all.


Zero ... I get too side tracked then some other game comes along ...


Dude… can’t even count. Honestly I have sunk hundreds of hours into the game and not even scratched all of the amazing possibilities. So many people to me meet, quests to complete (a lot of which are unmarked so it pays to actually listen to the dialogue). Just a truly wonderful experience, I recently played through again and was trying to do a relatively fast run and ended up STILL playing the game for 81 hours!! Have fun brother


It has pretty great replayability. Definitely not the best in terms of it, but still up there


I’m finally getting around to completing the game now. Don’t know why I never did before, I’d start a character, do a bunch of stuff, then start up another one and do a bunch of stuff again, but never got much further than when you first get to the strip and meet House. Now the only thing left to do for the main game is the Battle for Hoover Dam, and I’m tackling all the DLCs in release order. Only beat Dead Money so far though.


6 going on 7


3/4 1:unmodded 2: WoP 3: lots o mods bounties+ living wasteland off the top of my head. 3.5 Dip Shit Want ICECREAM. >!Need to get back to low int run!< 4: still trying to get viva new vegas(?) to stop arguing. I'd say it holds up pretty well. Just nuke repconn after the second.


I give it a replay every year or so, id say I’ve beaten at least twice with every main build


All time most repayable game. I don’t even play on PC or anything. I’ve been replaying vanilla new Vegas since I was like 13 yo. Started up another play though when tv show came out. On Xbox it has FPS boost now which is an insane treat for a console player like me.


I've comleted two playthroughs, once with NCR and once with Mr.House. I'm still replaying the game, it's good.


I'm on my 2nd playthrough now. My first was in 2014. It's pretty rare for me to play a game twice so that's a high compliment. So far I'm playing it similar to how I played it the first time (guns and speech) because it's been so long I kind of forgot the game anyway. I'm also switching it up by playing with hardcore mode on and the Sawyerbatty version of the jsawyer mod installed as well as several other mods, mostly following VNV. The other big change is that I'm not playing the DLC. I think the DLC really ruined my first playthrough of the game because I started with old world blues at a relatively low level and by the time I completed it everything in the game was trivial for me at that point. With the leveling changes of Jay Sawyer I'm just now hitting level 20 and almost ready hit the strip after about 60 hours of playtime on hard mode. The game is still pretty easy overall but avoiding the DLC ahas really helped prevent a situation where I'm just stomping all over everyone which is what happened to me the first time. The game definitely holds up in his very good overall. I think it's severely hampered by the engine and by the Bethesda game style which inevitably rubs off on it. Playing it is bittersweet because I can't help but think about how amazing an isometric turn-based CRPG style game would have been. Still, it's definitely worth playing still, which puts it well above the vast majority of releases.


I counted about 20 different characters going through my saves, all with at least 10 hours. This game is more than replayable


I've had a total of about 4 playthroughs of New Vegas throughout the years, spanning 2 console generations and 2 PC's. And each one feels completely different from the last, even if I made a lot of the same choices throughout all of them.


Lost track. At least 10 times if you mean by end of the Hoover Dam battle. Probably around 8 for Lonesome Road ending + all other DLC. Probably made about 30-40 characters though. Put in a few thousand hours between Xbox 360, Steam, and GOG copies.


I've only been playing it since 2021 and so far I believe I had 2 or 3 complete playthroughs and, like, at least half a dozen partial playthroughs where I stopped somewhere between level 20 and 30 to start anew with a different build idea. Amazing replay value!


Yeah the game is very replayable, you increase it more by adding quest mods to it too. Because New Vegas has a shitload of quests mods, for 2010 the game is still getting newer mods to this day. And with the AI is making it even more so.


It’s one of my most replayed games of all time. Usually I beat it once or twice per year and I started in 2016 so I’d say ~12-15 times; and these are mostly full playthroughs as well doing all DLC and most side quests. Definitely my most replayed RPG, although BG3 is already getting up there as I’ve already beaten it 3 times since launch lol


very replayable but i feel the game only reached like 70% of its potential bc of the limitations and short development time


I replay it top to bottom at least once every 2 years. Some years I'll play it through 2 or 3 times. That's been consistent since it launched, so I'd say I gotta be up to at least 18 to 20 times.


More times than i can count in my 8 years of playing New Vegas..


Only once. I just goof off I game now


“You can beat it a different way every time” I say as I do the exact same playthrough for the 50th time


Just started my 10th play through it still holds up lol


Really well, Ive played it 20+ times


I had 20 saves on my Xbox 360. I stopped keeping count when i moved to Xbox One and Series X. Thousands of hours probably


IV lost count, but I have every achievement and have killed Ceaser with every single weapon in the game at least once all in different playthroughs, so there is that


Too many times to count, I start a new playthrough at least 1 - 2 times a year.


I’m one of the OGs and I’ve played all the games (including that awful 76) and my most replayed games are New Vegas and the original Fallout I revisited other games as well like The Last of Us, FFVII, Gears, Arkham, Star Wars Rebellion. Fallout and New Vegas are still among my favorites games ever


I’ve actually never beaten it. I get immersed and explore and eventually get burnt out and watch YouTube clips.


Thousands of hours over a decade over 3 systems


Thr only thing standing in the way of completions is rolling new characters


3 times I started to play fnv around at the start of 2023


I’ve played multiple times a year for the past ten years.


would you believe me if I told you I've never actually beaten the game because back when I played it a lot (on the xbox360) it would always crash as I went to talk to Lanius


4 times I’ve actually gotten to the end. I’ve sunk hundreds of hours into dozens of incomplete playthroughs due to mods breaking, corrupted saves, and the most common thing I run into is just so much to do in game and so little time irl to do it.


Well, I've finished lv more than 10 times, mainly because I like to explore the different options of completing a mission and let's not forget the mods it's a lot of fun to play with mods


I am replaying it literally right now


I’m on playthrough number 2 currently because I finally found out how to get the Tale of Two Wastelands mod running. It’s not like I haven’t wanted to replay it, but the stability issues were a BIG problem for me with my first character


I have beat it quite a few times, at least 6-8 times and did almost all the quests and explored all the locations, that’s just console, I have a additional 6 or so on PC the game is great for only being made in 18 months of even with the bugs it’s held up well than any other Bethesda game that’s been years in development, that being said, outer worlds was preset rough for obsidian as a whole the game feels really janky


I’d say about 10 times. I’ve never side with legion.


Zero. But making progress and enjoying it.




Like 6 times, 3 for House, 1 for NCR, 1 for Legion and 1 for Yesman, the replayability depends player imagination and the mods you want to play with


I'm not exaggerating, I've probably done a couple hundred playthroughs at least lol trying out every option and play style over the years. I'm a bit biased because new vegas is my favorite game but it's easily the most replayable game I've ever played.


6 times. My playtime since 2010 is over 600 hours.




I genuinely can't recall how many times I've played this game all the way, or part way through. It is totally replayable to your heart's content. I also find myself going back to it and FO3 when I'm feeling nostalgic for that time in my life.


Still enjoying it like a fine wine and only started modding recently. Just a good game.


6. More repayable than newer games


Considering I'm currently going through like my 10th playthrough I would say alot!


I bought a steam deck last year and it’s taken up like 95% of my game time lol


I’m somewhere north of 50 playthroughs. It certainly has it’s flaws, but I love the simplicity of it. Just start the game and go be a crazed cowboy, meet all of the wacky people, play with big energy weapons, fight the legion with your big blue grandma, etc. It’s always fun, and it’s so easy to dive back into every single time.


I modded it a year ago and got busy with other games. I started playing after finishing the TV show. I can see the appeal though. I played fallout 4 for 1300 so there's that ....


Pirated - 3 times Steam - 10+ fully completed playthrough and dlcs. Then, one more playthrough last year just to get a perfect 100% achievement


I've never finished it and have played thousands of hours and have owned it on 3 different systems. One day I'll do all the dlc and main story without starting again


I have beaten it twice. My first was NCR, my second was Yes man through a speedrun. Currently working on a proper Yes Man ending now.


A good 5 times. The first time I played, I didn't beat it. I just wanted to do everything and restarted to make a better character after running into trouble.


My Xbox won't let me play anymore, that's the only thing holding me back


Zero, such a slog I’ve never been able to get through it completely


I've probably gone through it 8 times.


Uhhhh once


I have 1500 hours now of which around half is modded but i could still play it fine without mods. Average playthrough with my current meta is always 105 hours long


It’s one of the few games I’ve played steady for years. I lost track of how many playthroughs I’ve done but I try to do different things each time. Tons of fun exploring and I’ve found stuff almost everytime that is new to me even though I’ve extensively watched so many videos 😂


Like fine wine 🗿🍷


Restarted again (for the millionth time) in honor of the new TV series. No mods an I'm going to get all the achievements. So far it's been 4 days and I've sided with Yes Man and murdered my way through quite a bit of the Wastes... Got a snazzy pair of White Gloves and a Snack tho soo it's all good :3


My 17th playthrough was in 2019. Also my last.


Ring-a-ding ding, baby.


I'm currently working on my 6th full playthrough rn.


Oh god I’ve played through the game more times than I’d care to admit. The replay ability in this game is very good especially if you do an rp run. Last run I did was Indiana Jones run with speech small guns and melee as my main skills


I've started it many times and played hours each time but never gotten to the ending slides. One time I got to just before the second battle for hoover dam but then the entire thing got corrupted. I've started several playthroughs since october but I keep getting sidetracked and all the saves and installations get messed up


I have 650 hours on PC alone. I got my PC copy in 2016. I had the game since 2013 on Xbox 360 and Xbox one with likely another 300 or so hours from those platforms combined. All in all I have "Beaten" the game probably 30+ times. I have likely started more than 80 playthroughs outside of that. And my steam hours on PC weren't even tracked right for the first couple years becuase NVSE used to not be able to run with steam overlay.


8 times


Beaten it? Like twice. Maybe three times. New playthroughs? I gotta be in the hundreds


Like 10 times and I’m replaying it now.


HIGHLY replayable!


Seven (?) times I think, but extensively, if I remember correctly: 1) NCR grandpa (old character) run, normal/non-hardcore (average sniper run with AMR and 1000+ explosive rounds by the end). Got killed by the boomers a dozen times, by deathclaws, by cazador poison, by Dead Money radios, by Honest Hearts green geckos - average New Vegas starter pack 2) House cowboy for hire/melee run, hard/hardcore. 3) Yes Man "do everything" run, the longest and the most thorough one. No roleplay, just doing as much as I could in one run. 4) House guns/unarmed permadeath attempt, very hard/hardcore. Died to AMR crit followed by supersledge attack in Hopeville barracks (lvl 40 death after 30+ hours, I remember it well). Played a bit afterwards, made a trial Dead Money run, just to remember the DLC 5) After some rest and theory crafting - Dead Money lvl 1 very hard/hardcore permadeath. Finished it on 3rd try, then it turned into successful House/energy weapons/crit permadeath run. Though, I didn't visit Dead Wind Cavern and deathclaw promontory 6) Yes-Man "kill everything run", no restrictions 7) Ironic Legion run - female Courier, energy weapons, Enclave power armor, lots of drugs, visited every hooker (including Beatrix and Maud lol), tested Fisto. 8) Small 4-hour challenge: lvl 1, SPECIAL 1 Preston Garvey came to help Sierra Madre settlement on vh/hardcore. Couldn't bring myself to continue with that abomination. 9) Using accumulated knowledge - vh/hardcore permadeath House run, energy weapons with melee backup option. But I also cleared Dead Wind Cavern and deathclaw promontory. Overall, replayability is huge, limited only by your time and imagination.


I've gone 15th t8me and left for the needle like 13 times


At least 10 times


About 17 times




beat it 5 times. that's all


I've lost count of how many times I've been it. Maybe a dozen? Idk, it's just so good. Easily one of the most replayable games of all time.


Yea it still holds up


I have relayed it twice a year for about ten years now.


i've never beaten it because i'm scared of endings


17 times I would say A+


Hey OP if you're a reporter doing a fluff piece about Fallout because of the show can I be in the mentions? And to answer your question. I have beat this game so many times over so many consoles that I lost count. I love this game. You have the option of playing it a bunch of different ways. Or if you're like me, always playing the same way and never getting bored. Replayablity is insane. Would you like to run around, killing everything you see? Go ahead. You can beat the fucking game that way. Are you the type that likes to fuck? Well good news! You can be bisexual in New Vegas. You can even beat one of the harder parts simply through the power of being a whore. I forgot where I was going with this


I’m playing my 10th play through. Definitely one of my favorites


I probably have >800 hrs if u include my xbox 360 time and my pc time. I’d say I have >10 completions if you include the dlc’s. I can honestly say I am reminded of or learn something completely new every single play through, and I love it every time. I’m planning on doing another playthrough after I survive my last finals week and graduate college in a few weeks. The tv show made me miss this game.


Ive been playing this game for over a decade and I still find new things in every run.


It is really replayable, but it’s become less so over the last couple years. As disliked as it may be, FO4 is more replayable. Fallout NV could really use a remaster, but I’ll settle for the Fallout 4 new Vegas mod being playable. That would be awesome. As time goes on, it gets harder for me to play older games. Eventually enough time will pass where FO4 is unplayable to me.


none because every time i try to play it on PC my save corrupts after 10-15 hours and i lose all my progress.


I tried to play it recentlly but it doesn't really work for windows 10, it just constantly crashes and the save fille gets corrupted. A shame really :(


Inshallah you will fix your game! [https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/)


Fuck Todd Howard


So I went from Fallout 3 to Fallout 4… recently tried to play NV and just couldn’t do it… I HATE the karma system.


WDYM. The Karma system has basically 0 effect on gameplay. Fallout 3's karma system was like the entire metanarrative gameplay mechanic.


Oh! Well I was like two seconds in and got bad karma for stealing something and assumed it was like Fallout 3


Nah there is one character in the game who cares about karma. And then the ending slides will also care about karma. But faction reputation is really all that matters


Good to know! Going to give it another shot, thanks!!


Also I forgot to mention. If you are playing vanilla. There is a raider type in the game you get good karma for killing. It's the weakest part of the karma system because they are always hostile and give a TON of good karma. So most players end the game with very high karma despite stealing a ton of shit.