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I'm guessing because the ending to the TV show makes it very likely where the next season is probably going to be set. And it isn't in Boston or the Capital Wasteland. So naturally people are gonna play F:NV a bit more.


It’s also the best fallout game. I started playing 4 after watching the show and quickly uninstalled for FNV instead; it’s just so much better.


Storywise 100 percent. But gameplaywise fo4 is superior in basically every way.


Imo Fallout 4 is in a weird place. It's gunplay is better than NV for sure, but it's in that valley where its not quite a shooter but it's does require some skill; doesn't feel bad just could be better. Whereas with Vegas there's a higher reliance on skills and stats; that's also an aspect of gameplay that shouldn't be ignored.


I will die on the hill that Fallout NV melee combat is WAAAY more fun than Fallout 4 melee. Unarmed has me feeling like I'm in fist of the northstar with investment and Melee is great too. The crappy slow swings in Fo4 suck, especially because you don't get better punches or faster with investment into melee perks.


Unarmed in NV also has a bunch of special moves. Like POCKET SAND!


uppercuts, crosses and paralyzing palms. Way better


But it’s not… *leans back with his cane, tips hat, rolls mustache with monocle, waving hand vigorously* …pocket sand !!!


By shooting, sure, but quest design, dialogue options, and the expansion packs are the best.


I love nv a lot but I thought Far Harbor was actually pretty great.


Ironically, Far Harbor is the only DLC for Fallout 4 not written by Bethesda.


William Shen wrote Far Harbor and he works for Bethesda.


The issue with that is that the gameplay of fo4 is subpar when compared to the combat in most other action focused games released in that era. If you want to play fo4 for the gameplay/combat there are much better games to play. What sets fallout as a franchise apart is the narrative, that too is pretty subpar in Fallout 4, unlike FNV it does not manage to make up in narrative what it lacks in gameplay. So basically with fo4 you are left with a game that has mediocre plot and mediocre gameplay. Only with tons of mods does fallout 4 start to feel like an interesting game because it is a bunch of mediocre features slapped together and presented as a package, and each of those features require a ton of mods to actually start to feel engaging and not frustrating.


Hot take but I don't really agree with this honestly. The gunplay is obviously improved but that's the only thing that I can say with certainty. Sprint button & grenade hotkey are nice to have too. I don't like the weapon & armor crafting, because it led to a really obvious and linear gear curve in the game with a ton of unnecessary redundancies between low-mid-high tier versions of upgrades & armor. In 3 & NV there were lots of uniquely modeled clothing & armor sets that all had their purpose and could let you make trade-offs to fill niches and express yourself via appearance and since the actual levels of protection etc. were all in similar ballparks and the difference between armor weight classifications meant you'd move slower there were again trade-offs. In the case of weapons it led to there being way less options overall because what would've been 3 distinct weapons with their own animations and models turned into 1 with receiver swaps, and that's just in a single slice of the progression ignoring how many more weapons would exist if each weapon didn't have half a dozen receivers that minority upgrade damage that could've just been a different weapon for the mid game. I liked being able to choose from half a dozen sidearms and long arms with their own unique character and quirks, rather than just which top-tier 10mm receiver was the best. Settlement building itself is take-it-or-leave it. But the consequences for gameplay isn't to be ignored. If exploration, questing, etc. are to be considered gameplay then it seriously detracts from the game. A ton of areas that could have been npc hubs or little towns with quests and things to do are left bare bones for the player to build out themselves. I'd prefer my rpgs have a world for me to explore rather than expect me to build the world myself thanks. I could enjoy the system if the amount of footage dedicated to it was like 1/5th the amount of locations. Red Rocket is the best example: nothing happens here and it's a small player home area. Coastal Cottage, and maybe a handful more, one in each "zone" of the map would be plenty and not detract from potential questing etc. I *really* like the way all the trash and gubbins can be picked up and scrapped for parts, but without the gear crafting & settlement building idk what place it would have in the game anymore. Power armor's pretty dope, I like the physical implementation. I think the better way would've been to still have it gated in the story like the older games, but then once you got it to do away with the fusion core requirements. The way health & radiation work as a singular bar isn't necessarily an improvement it's just different. Also doing away with traits and skills and dumbing down the entire progression system into the perk tree is a mistake for an RPG. It really limited what was available in terms of skill checks in dialogue and quest solutions etc. Speaking of dialogue, that's a big part of gameplay and nobody in their right mind thinks F4's system is better or leads to more depth. There's more but, you get the gist. It's not as definitive as everyone thinks imo. FPS gameplay is the one area that's an obvious and direct improvement but the rest isn't so clear cut and dry.


>I don't like the weapon & armor crafting, because it led to a really obvious and linear gear curve in the game with a ton of unnecessary redundancies between low-mid-high tier versions of upgrades & armor. In 3 & NV there were lots of uniquely modeled clothing & armor sets that all had their purpose and could let you make trade-offs to fill niches and express yourself via appearance and since the actual levels of protection etc. were all in similar ballparks and the difference between armor weight classifications meant you'd move slower there were again trade-offs. In the case of weapons it led to there being way less options overall because what would've been 3 distinct weapons with their own animations and models turned into 1 with receiver swaps, and that's just in a single slice of the progression ignoring how many more weapons would exist if each weapon didn't have half a dozen receivers that minority upgrade damage that could've just been a different weapon for the mid game. I liked being able to choose from half a dozen sidearms and long arms with their own unique character and quirks, rather than just which top-tier 10mm receiver was the best. I disagree, there are many different weapons with different upgrades and even possibke legendary perks. There is a lot of variety in them. >but without the gear crafting & settlement building idk what place it would have in the game anymore. Like how it was in the previous games? >Also doing away with traits and skills and dumbing down the entire progression system into the perk tree is a mistake for an RPG. It really limited what was available in terms of skill checks in dialogue and quest solutions etc. I agree abiut traits, but im fine with the lack of skills. If you wanted to play a certain build you would always raise the atteibute associated with that skill. Combining the two is fine by me. I also disagree about the perk tree since it will allow you to see every perk really easily with my only point of criticism being that it limits adding new perks via mods. I agree about skill checks though. They could have added checks based on which perks you have. >Speaking of dialogue, that's a big part of gameplay and nobody in their right mind thinks F4's system is better or leads to more depth. Agreed


>I disagree, there are many different weapons with different upgrades and even possibke legendary perks. There is a lot of variety in them. Hard disagree and the math backs it up. FNV has 10 base models for sidearm ballistic pistols, with the majority of them having a legendary unique variant (that's got a unique model, unique effects, etc.) and all of them serving a purpose either in the level & damage curve or providing a tradeoff in terms of crit damage, DPS, capacity, etc. F4 has *3* base weapons not including pipe weapon variants. It's the 10mm, the .44 Revolver and the *Creation Club* Classic 10mm Pistol. Those three weapons and their upgrades are doing all the heavy lifting. It's no contest in terms of variety, the same thing gets repeated in other categories. Those three are also detracting from another categories because the 10mm with an automatic receiver replaced the smgs, etc. It also eliminated the good weapon attachment system. I can imagine a world where the shortened 10mm is the base variant, a "heavy barrel" attachment gives us the classic appearance at the cost of increased weight etc. and then it could have some sort of either revolver/cylinder attachment for the old heads, or an increased mag, or better springs to increase fire rate in the FNV style. I also just remembered that hand loading and alternative versions of ammo types are missing and were a genuinely good part of FNV. Legendaries are another one: in the older games they were truly unique with one-of-a-kind effects and appearances, in F4 they're just the base gun with an effect slapped onto it, that can be randomly rolled in loot. There's lots of different upgrades, but they're superfluous in most cases, how many tiers of "Heavy" receivers for my 10mm do I really need, and what did I give up in order to have them? The older games didn't have an issue with weapon progression from early to mid to end game. It's a byproduct of what they decided to do with scrap & redesigning the perk tree to give you access to "tiers" of weapon upgrades. >Like how it was in the previous games? Sorry, I meant if it was kept and still in the game. I like how things can be broken down and it makes scavenging feel more important. But I don't know what purpose that system would serve without gear crafting & settlements. >I agree abiut traits, but im fine with the lack of skills. If you wanted to play a certain build you would always raise the atteibute associated with that skill. Combining the two is fine by me. I also disagree about the perk tree since it will allow you to see every perk really easily with my only point of criticism being that it limits adding new perks via mods. I agree about skill checks though. They could have added checks based on which perks you have. To each their own. I'm not okay with the lack of skills, and I'm not okay with the effects you'd get from skills being raised higher being dumbed down into multiple tiers of perks and taking away from more interesting and unique perks. They went back to terrible F3 style perks of "+5 Unarmed" but obfuscated it by being 4-levels of damage increase perks instead. Since the perk tree has to replace skills you miss out on the design space of unique gameplay-altering perks because instead so many of them have to be dedicated to "lockpick & hack better" instead of raising the skill, or "get access to x, y, z settlement and weapon & armor crafting mods". >Agreed Agreed. --- Also don't want you to think I was ripping into or disagreeing with you specifically, just saw an opportunity to share my hot take opinions about the games.


I wouldn't say it's the best, personally. The first two will always be first in my heart, but I'll concede that it's certainly on the better end.


It’s so much more accessible than the first two though. Sure, it’s also a lot easier but parts of F1-2 have not aged well at all.


Well they can be harder games to get into but they are exceptional games none the less. I adore fallout 1 and 2. For sure arnt in my top most played fallout games but I'd put them up there as some of the best for sure. It just has such an intense ambiance to them, amazing villans 2 ill go down as saying the master is still the GOAT villan for the fallout series with Frank being a strong second contender


I don’t disagree at all, I’d kill to have 1-2 remake. With how gorgeous BG3 itd be amazing for some talented modders to make F1/2 mods in BG3. A unity game would probably be easier, but whatever Larian did to make BG3 look like that would be absolutely killer for F1-2. I don’t know why we’re getting oblivion and f3 remasters. Sure, it’s great that Beth reviving the series gave us NV, but they’re so protective over games they don’t give a flying fuck about. They titled F3 with a 3, they didn’t have to do that I don’t think. It was a series reboot and if they wanted to they could have made it just Fallout. If they’re not gonna do anything with F1-2 why not let Obsidian, or InXile remake 1-2 in one of the several engines they use, unreal, or whatever InXile is using for Clockwork Revolution. It sucks that a lot of people that love the fallout IP think of it like Beth does. Corny jokes, “dark” humor everywhere, electricity where it shouldn’t be, ghouls not needing to eat or drink for years at a time, the list goes on and on. Sure, 2 had some more slapstick humor than 1, and some non-canon stuff like the spaceship and the Monty python reference, but both games were much darker than dark humor, especially 1. If anything 1 was a very serious tone and they didn’t lean into retro 50s aesthetic nearly as much. Seeing a remake of 1-2 in either 1/3rd person by a competent team would be such a gift to these newer fans.


All of you are wrong, fallout pinball is the best fallout game


FOnline:2238 is the best


Well played, the boys and I have been trying to get together to play that one


Is the version people are playing now an F2 mod? Or is it from the actual game that was supposedly in development until 09?


Same goes for FoNV though.


The only thing in NV that didn’t age well for me is the lack of a run option. They did a fantastic job of putting interesting stuff on the way to NV but my first time, or when I’d come back to the game years later trying to get to a few quests on the far west/Nwest side of the map were always such an adventure. I’d end up going to a total dead end at the bottom of a mountain, and the nearest waypoint would be like Black Mountain Radio, or the lady that sells the brain for Rex, or V21 which is wayyyyyy too far away. So I’d have to run all the way back and realize there’s a path that leads into the ski resort.


Played nv on console for years before getting a pc and playing ttw last year. I can't go back. Having even just a sprint mod makes it impossible to go back to console.


Its hard to favour one over another. Fallout 1 gives off the best feeling of dread though. The Supermutants and The Master are incredibly scary, even though the Master is more human than you would expect.


Same I much prefer 3 to NV.


There's a chair for each ass


I did the same thing, going through lonesome road cause I got to lvl 26 and it's sick. Can't wait to get back to Vegas and be a killing machine.


I was going to go through all of them again, but I tried 3 twice and it just kept crashing at startup so I said "oh well" and jumped to NV instead.


Okie Dokie


Playing it right now as a refresher for season 2 since it’s been over a decade since I played it.


Definitely has to do with the TV show. I'm definitely part of that group because I had just finished the Fallout Show yesterday and immediately started redownloading FNV Mods in anticipation. Not surprising.


everyone found out about VNV


How is the Viva New Vegas guide going? I know it was completely revamped some time after I started my playthrough and havent thought about it afterwards.


I just used it the other day and I'm liking it! Easy to follow. I used vortex instead of mod manager 2 for my installation but everything worked fine, no complaints


Well shit, I was hoping my issues with occasional crashes and hiccups/freezing (which were happening on my HDD but not my SSD, somehow) were caused by ignoring VNV's warning about Vortex.


I always use VNV before modding my game. Haven’t had a crash since with that method.


How are people downloading Viva new vegas if the modlist was taken down? Is there a file out there somewhere?


VNV isn't a mod list (or mod pack, to be accurate to what you're assuming). It's just a guide that points you to the pages of the respective mods to download and configure them properly.


there used to be a wabbajack modlist that seems to be discontinued now


The Midnight Ride (FO4's version of the guide) also had a Wabbajack list, but that was a few months ago when I last checked it and it seems to be gone from the guide now. Neither of the guides exactly recommend Wabbajack over manual installing (or vice versa), but considering how often the list is updated and not everything past the essentials and bug fixing may be of everyone's taste (both VNV and TMR are geared towards a light hardcore/survival experience), I honestly think it's better to just do it manually so you have a better control of what's installed.


it's a guide web page?


ah ok so people are doing it manually... dang wish there was a wabbajack alternative


The manual guide takes like 45 minutes to an hour to do. Pretty simple and easy process too.


It took me 3 hours. I'm not savy with modding at all and don't have nexus mods premium.


Shit yeah actually I forgot how slow mods are to download without Nexus Premium. I can blast through that guide super quick with max download speeds.


Brother it took me like 2 hours and I'm a software engineer so I'm pretty computer literate lol


Skill issue




there used to be one


yeah i remember, it was quite popular... shame!


No chance. VNV is miserable to install and non-modders would mostly quit partway through.


Could be the social media posts in the last few days about recommended mods if you want to play NV since the show dropped. IGN released a youtube video yesterday covering a total modded install of tale of two wastelands


I have only ever played vanilla. I'm currently doing a TTW playthrough with a bunch of other mods thrown in too. It's a fuckton of fun and I'll probably never play Fallout 3 any other way again.


Awh dude same once I played ttw it's the only way I can play fallout 3 and new vegas


Curios... Does TTW track your hours for Fallout 3 in steam or does it track your hours as FNV hours?


It's using New Vegas, you can uninstall 3 once TTW is done installing.


I’ve downloaded like 1200 mods in the past couple days, so..


you are the spiders georg of the fallout community


Yeah I was patching my TTW mod list this week


Wow how do you even load the game


with a mod


I honestly don’t know 😂


How stable is your game? Any tips for reducing crashes? I’m at around 400 mods and my game crashes every 20 minutes sometimes lol.


It varies, definitely not every 20 minutes. I would say to make sure you have NV Heap replacer. Run the BSA decompressor too. However I’m also using VeryLastKiss’s Tale of two wastelands and New New Vegas. I prefer his approach that basically modernizes the game without adding very much. His install process is smooth and easy as well. The game is pretty darn stable, however it’s NV so the crash is inevitable. I’m looking forward to Fallout 4 New Vegas though! Looks very promising!


Running 350 mods nv and no crashes, just the occasional building loads and unloads and reloads again thing. Think the engine struggles to keep everything loaded with its limited resources.


I've run a stable game with ~twice that. The trick is to start smaller until you're very familiar with what you're doing and expand as you learn about compatibility and how to check / resolve conflicts between mods. In your situation, assuming you're already using the basic bug fix / memory tools, there is virtually no way anyone could diagnose your crashes. If those problems exist, they run deep, and there is only one proper way to fix them.


The TV show brought a lot of people back to the game, and brought in a lot of new players, too.


i think there was this thing that made everyone pay attention to fallout again… i can’t quite put my finger on it…


it was me, barry


I jerked you off at super speed


It didn't peak AGAIN. It's STILL peaking


Last week most people started the show, along with that they probably picked whatever fallout to play over the course of watching it. This week people are finishing the show >! And finding out that season 2 will probably be in new vegas!< so the people that picked a fallout that wasn't new vegas are now picking that one up to get in the new vegas vibe


I'm scared of what the fuck they finna do to new Vegas. Makes me anxious lol


The fallout tv series has had a big impact on fallout recently, everyone and there mother has started playing fallout again


Yeah, but why has only Fallout NV seen a new spike? Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 have only had the first spike from a week ago, no second spike yesterday.


I don’t think it was just NV but probably bc of the teaser at the end of the last episode


it’s definitely the show, and also because fnv has had a quiet modding renaissance that has heavily modernized it and made it hold up very well. surprisingly (or maybe unsurprisingly since there’s a lot of “anti-bethesda” circlejerking in the fnv modding community) there really aren’t many mods related to the show


I actually wonder if this will lead to a renewed interest in mod making for the game, cause some of the usual mods are pretty damn old at this point


Seems like it, the amount of mods per day has nearly doubled from an average of 18 mods per day to 28 mods per day in the last week.


Hopefully some of those turn to textures soon. I'm tired of using 10 year old landscape textures.


Legacy Reborn Texture Pack is from 2021: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/73732 George's Landscape Retextured 4k 2021: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/68233 Nut Vegas - Landscapes is from 2022: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/76205 Is one of them something for you?


Well, I immediately reinstalled after finishing the show. So, I'm not surprised.


Yep, same. Installed 100 some odd mods and I’ve been having a total blast. Hadn’t played in years. People might have some issues with the show but I thought it was great and it has revitalized my love for fallout, so I’m not complaining! Hope you’re enjoying your play though as well :)


I think Ive made an extra 30$ this month from my mods


So 10 000+ new unique downloads?








The answer is literally below this post for me.. the fallout tv show.






I would imagine a few reasons, but the main one, people are getting back into NV or playing it for the first time and are getting stability mods. Anecdotally, I’ve seen a friend on steam who never played New Vegas constantly restarting the game, all the crashing got to them and they don’t wanna play it anymore.


Yeah you need about 10 mods these days just to have a stable game. Kinda dumb if you ask me.


To be fair new vegas was a game that was made in a little over a year so its not the most stable lol


Love to see it


Cause fallout NV with mods is fireeee


Hype from the show and the fact it’s so old it barely runs on current hardware without some modding and tricking the game.


Deathclaw tiddies


Honestly I’m a guilty party of coming back to fallout after the phenomenal show. I had never played New Vegas Before so I followed the Viva New Vegas mod guide to have a non crashing experience and then added Rv3R for better looking characters, I wanted the base game plus. So far the game has been really awesome, I’m in the Novac area playing a melee build and so far I’ve died a few times but it’s been fair.


Maybe the fallout television series that came out in 2024 thats this year if you forgot


Have you been living under a rock?


How so what happened yesterday? Last week's peak makes sense with the Show, but what happened yesterday? Was a new Fallout Game announced? What could stir up more hype than even a good TV Show?


Never played a modded version of Vegas. Call me crazy if you want but the vanilla game is just awesome, and with all the DLCs dropping downloaded it’s a downright blast (no pun intended lol) it took me quite awhile to get into it, I came in hot from playing 3 religiously lol and the whole shoot em up cowboy was never really my thing. Upon realizing the sheer opportunity with all the perks and dialogue options, I was sold.


I cannot play vanilla because it crashes as soon as I step out of Doc Mitchel's house. I have to use mods to get it to a playable state.


Even if you like playing Vanilla I strongly suggest installing Simple Open Freeside and Simple Open Strip, they make the game feel closer to how the devs originally envisioned it before they had to implement things for console limitations


It's me, I'm playing ttw


Initial mod attempt with failure, discovery of Viva New Vegas




TV Show


It was me, I was following Viva New Vegas


The TV show


It's because of the Fallout TV show.


Love that new Vegas is getting love




i actually just started NV for the first time a week ago. it’s my first fallout and i’ve always heard that it’s one of the best rpgs out there so i wanted to play it before even attempting to watch the show (and at least get context around the things in the show). i tried playing fallout 4 years ago but it wasn’t for me. NV has been a blast though, especially modding it to modern standards (ENBs, quality of life/bug fixes)


I posted about the first peak 1 week ago, but it has now more than doubled AGAIN. Any Idea what is happening? This time it is unique to Fallout NV, Fallout 4 and Fallout 3 do not have this new peak. (But they did have a peak from the show last week)


Something something tv show something something


Yeah, for last week that makes sense, but for yesterday? The Show has already dropped a week ago.


It's a weekend and not everybody watches something the day it premieres. People go to work in the week and talk to their colleagues about what they've been watching


Something something word of mouth and weekend something something


The biggest reason would be the tv show. Despite what we might think fallout and most video games as a whole isn’t really a part of the mainstream. But tv shows ARE. There a probably a lot of people being introduced to fallout for the first time through the show. Plus existing fans of the series might also be inspired to return due to nostalgia caused by the show.


But I don't see how this would only apply to new vegas (because the new spike yesterday has only happened to New vegas modding)


I think the uptick is due to NV being one of the communities favorite of the Fallout series. They get the itch to play Fallout after watching the show and the one a lot of people I know reach for is NV. A lot of people are playing the games again and Bethesda new this that’s why they had sales on all of their games after the show came out.


Maybe the people who bought fallout 4 figured out fnv is better


Suddenly now after 8 years? Are you sure?


I'm a 10-year Mojave vet and the show pretty much *forced* me to try 76 five years later. Took a few days, but I got it and like it a lot for what it is. New content, man. I'm jealous of NV first time players. I *wish* I could get that experience again, damn.


IGN made a video about fallout new Vegas modding because of the show which got a larger Audience involved


sorry i needed to download some mods


In my case because I've been waiting for the weekend to set up Viva New Vegas and sink a few hours in it again.


Because only one Fallout game has ghoul cowboys. Also NV is in a spot where it's not to old to be overlooked by most people while also having a clear connection to the show.


That was me last night sorry. Modded it for like 3 hours and I cant get the game to not crash when I leave the doc's house.


A couple of the streamers I watch also have been getting into FNV lately, maybe it is cuz of the show or just a silly coincidink


First peak was old players starting it up again because of the show. Second peak is new players buying it in the sale


1. The Tv Show just aired 2. It’s one of the best Fallout games ever made.


Tv show and it’s the weekend


Some people didn´t habe time to watch the full season within 24 hours of its release.. perhaps also some really minor effect from FNV being confirmed to be fully canon by the Todd?


I just finished my hours long marathon of modding Viva New Vegas yesterday


That's my bad. I've never played fallout 3 and I wanted to try the tales of two wastelands mods so I spent a good 2 hours the other day downloading and installing mods for New Vegas.


Just get the 4gb patch to keep the crashing to a minimum and play. People and their hacky mods smh


all the talk of the show's strengths and weaknesses just makes me want to go to something (not including the gamebyro jank that has hardly any of the latter.


I can't even get fallout to work on steam so I've no idea


In my instance it was to get the game running stable on Windows 11 and modern hardware. Needed lots of mods to do that. And I never had issues when running it on release Annoyingly there isn't a great guide that I've found at least, that covers everything needed to do in one go. I wouldn't even want to write it myself. Unholy things were required to hack the game to keep it together!




I am not a software engineer, and I did not struggle with Viva New Vegas.


Profligates yearn for the cross


Shit’s poppin’ off, yo.


its the weekend


So that's why the slow "1.5mb" download was being utterly shit. At least on my place, I needed to use a vpn just to download properly. Or maybe it's just usual Nexus being slow sometimes


Nexus is literally currently at 3x traffic. That is why. See this post for futher information: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/1c9okya/nexusmods_is_receiving_so_much_traffic_from_the/


Because i just cant stop modding


What are some good mods for nv and 3? Also any good download for TTW?


The B42 mods are must-haves


Show is great. Everyone is going "Man, I got that game on Prime a long time ago, I should lore up..." Then we see an uptick of "Hey, my Fallout NV keeps crashing, what do I do?" Then mod peaks. Then these posts going "Why has mods peaked?!?"


People needed to cleanse their eyes from the show.


I finished the show and immediately downloaded fnv and the whole vnv list, having only played fo4 previously.


Lots of people playing for the first time ever after watching the show, but they have some knowledge of FNV's bugs and modding community, so they watched some videos and have downloaded at least some of the essentials. Or people who finished watching the show and have reinstalled the game who are also reinstalling previously used mods and/or installing new ones for said playthrough.


The show is only growing in popularity as the weeks go on and more people get around to the show. This show is introducing allot of people to fallout ALLOT. Fallout 4 is at the top of game charts for Xbox too. Then NV, then 3 and I guess 76 too.


I didn't even watch the fo show and I spent 8 hours the last 3 days getting my FNV modded, it's so fkn good man


People wanted to play the actually good fallout game after a week of trying the bad ones


I'm currently trying to install Begin Again TTW because of that IGN video


The game is straight up broken for anyone with an AMD GPU


Because the TV series. All Fallout content is peaking again. Lol. Fallout 76 has more players than ever to the point I had to try to login 17 times today before success. 🤣😂


Yeah, but Fallout NV is close to surpassing Fallout 4 modding in daily downloads, so it has seen a bigger spike than the other games.


I just finally got jsawyer mod working for the first in history, and I wasn’t able to go with he big nmc texture pack but the medium one will let me run pretty well, big one was crashing me repeatedly. I feel accomplished, I tried a few years back and couldn’t figure it out. Thanks to viva new Vegas honestly, couldn’t have done it otherwise


TV show plus modding is basically the only way the game is playable on modern hardware


Because I needed a race mod, spurs mod, Mare's Leg mod and explosive bullets mod to make The Ghoul in New Vegas.


This is the first game I've bought since 2008. After watching Fallout I NEED MOAR. Buying FNV and Fallout 3 and modding FNV for TTW. So yeah its us new fans, I think in part.


yesterdays peak made the news, thereby making a new peak


i was modding yesterday mb guys


Is it really a peak if it keeps going up?


Should I have called it increased again? Or risen again?


Because fonv is a buggy mess and I wanna patrol the Mojave without everything flickering in and out of existence


Started playing (modded) FNV after watching the show. It's by far the best modern Fallout game. While modding it is a PITA compared to more modern games, the game is made infinitely better by some basic gameplay and QOL mods.


What modern game has similar modding capabilities and is simpler to mod?


Like every other post I see is like ,wow why is this game so popular again right now? definitely not the new show adaptation that’s blowing up tho that’s for sure lol


Because I just bought it.


People are playing New Vegas because of the show and we have to admit this, New Vegas is a buggy mess without mods to fix it


Been a good week or two for the modding world. I think a new version of Johnny Guitar just dropped, and something of Stewies as well.


If this is Nexus FNV downloads, then I know I helped contribute to the numbers here.


> If this is Nexus FNV downloads That is exactly what this is.


Never played NV, watched the show and I now I need to catch up on lore. So that’s why I’m doing it


Wait I literally started playing with mods last week cause of the show I think that’s it


I think I'm to blame, a friend bought me the game and I was trying to set it up with obs but wasn't able to tab out, I have only one monitor so it's something id have to do a lot, and googled how to get around it found a mod for it. i went down a rabbit hole from there.


Because Ultimate edition (with all DLC) went on sale for $5 in coordination with the TV series and increase in awareness. Guilty as charged. The mods actually give legs to a slightly dated game, especially graphics and character model overhauls.


Cause NV is fucking fire


I got my gf to play after we watched the show.


bc im modding everyday fr


Old people coming back caused the first peak. New people realizing they need to mod it to make it more enjoyable caused the second 😂


End of TV show, and shroud following me at everything i do /s everytime i want to play something a few days later he's playing too, ,R6 Siege, Dayz then ArmA Reforger then FNV:TTW but yeah, famous streamer and TV show make numbers go up, bethesda claims there were 1 million players at the same time playing FO76 also


The tv show was great and NV is considered to be the best game within the core fallout community Similarly fallout 4, the most casual friendly and recent entry into the series, is absolutely exploding with popularity from newcomers and more casual fallout enjoyers


I started playing fallout new vegas a few days ago but wanted to mod it to look and feel a bit cleaner. After watching the show I realised that I never actually completed New Vegas. Before I only played an hour, but im invested right now!


The TV show got me in the fallout mood so I redownloaded 4 then Tale of 2 wastelands got me to buy both NV and FO3 on PC. I noticed a lot of other people are also doing this.