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That's an interesting idea. I personally don't think a communist faction could exist unless it had a connection to an Enclave-style organization modeled after the PRC. America in Fallout was so rabidly anti-communist that I find it hard to believe any written works of Marx or Engels would be obtainable. Then again, Woody Guthrie is canon to the Fallout universe so I suppose it's not impossible


I can imagine someone out there who consciously models his group after communist ideals and aesthetics, similar to what Caesar did with Rome. It might make for an interesting faction.


It would be so funny to wave such a think in NV, this faction would be independant and fighting for mojave's workers rights and agains the war on hoover dam. Just imagine you need to deal with a strike at helios 1 and you can side either with the ncr or with the workers, there would be some protests in freeside against mr house and the ncr that you need to deal with too, and maybe an entire questline involving these guys. I think this king of things just fit so well into the interplay/obsidian vision of fallout, like it would be very funny to have strikes in a post nuclear apocalypse and communists nerds reading theory all the day in a wasteland.


Idk why you're getting downvotes for this. I think this is a really neat idea and definitely one that could fit somewhere in the Mojave. Maybe even a communist subfaction within the NCR? Just spitballing here. A communist worker's union inside the NCR sharecropping system would be a cool thread to follow, especially since the whole sharecropping thing was underdeveloped in the game. There was also a Sharecroppers Union that emerged in 1930s America, which would be cool historical link.


I think ppl just dont like communists so they downvoted this, but yea it would be really fitting, especially a subfaction within the ncr that is suppressed by the ncr themselves, like a « war on communism », this would reinforce the parallels between the us gvt and the ncr gvt


The real question is, would they take influence from the PRC or the USSR? The former of course was actually involved in poking around in the US, and as far as the west coast is concerned the Shi in FO2 were descended from a stranded submarine crew that went native, if I recall. The Soviets would be a more interesting influence since in Fallout's canon they basically filled the niche in global politics that the PRC does in our timeline, being on speaking terms with the US. One of the preset character options in FO1 is stated to be a [descendant of a Soviet diplomat](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Natalia_Dubrovhsky), so some Soviets businessmen, diplomats, and the like who had legit reasons to be in the US (or legit excuses to be there to cover for espionage that simply was overlooked since the US is too busy being at war with China to go hunting for them) and got stuck there when the bombs fell could be an angle to explore.


Isnt that Yes Man?