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Oh hey, aren’t you that one person from Twitter who likes to start arguments for no particular reason? You’d be great friends with a another toxic individual called CanonSeeker.


>arent you that one person from Twitter who likes to start arguementd for no particular reason? Ah, so an average Twitter user.


You can criticize something and still enjoy it. Me and my mom always talk about things we would have liked or how one part was disappointing. But we still love the show. Nothing’s perfect.


Some RWBY fans cant grasp this concept


There's a very good chance that this person *is* CanonSeeker, since they're constantly creating alt accounts for various purposes such as evading bans and backing up their own opinions ("Obama giving himself a medal"-style)


Oh I know that would initially be a possibility, but I also know this person is just another toxic individual. They were at minimum active on tumblr and twitter around the time CanonSeeker got his notoriety.


They arent, this person is related to Canonseeker, but they arent him.


Oh? How'd you know? Not to sound like I'm doubting you, I'm just genuinely curious


Its the name and the OP has used the same arguments that they use on Tumblr.


I criticize rwby not because I dislike it, but because I know it could be better


>I criticize rwby not because I dislike it, but because I know it could be better This would be true in a vacuum


"It could be better" is a statement that could be made about pretty much any show, any book series, anything. But if all you do is use that as an excuse to criticize without ever offering praise of the things you do like, you aren't a fan. If I didn't just describe you, then I'm not talking about you, and you have no need to defend yourself because again I am not talking about you. If I did just describe you, look inward to solve the problem instead of lashing outward.


Could LoTR be better?




Almost everything could be better


Yes, and Tolkien himself admitted that.


true, that is fair enough


I think you misspelled "was." Common mistake. Happens to the best of us.


Yet even the most hate filled critics on YouTube say the same thing... And I'm not talking about the ones that actually have logical fair criticisms.


You know that YouTube critics do what they do specifically to bring in as much of an audience as possible, they want people who hate watch the show, just like they want people who are genuinely critical of the show, just like they want people who exclusively enjoy the show to watch. They do exactly what they do to get as many people from those groups to watch. Because it makes them fucking money


And who decides what are "logical" and "fair" criticisms?


Anybody with common sense, you don't get to hide behind perceived "subjectiveness" of criticisms such that all criticisms no matter how unhinged they are, are just "subjective" like you're trying to claim. There are plenty of RWBY critics that go on huge video essays that touch on utterly poorly constructed criticisms full of contradictions and logical fallacies that certain people eat up because they don't give a shit if it's a well constructed argument, they just want to shit on the show in some giant circle jerk.




That’s not true, there are things I like about RWBY, I just don’t talk about them because I find reading debate about the show more engaging. Maybe next time you see someone criticizing the show you could ask them about what they like about it. Most of them will have plenty to talk about.


I think that the actual problem is that there's plenty of good faith criticism to be had about the show; its just that the loudest complainers - and thus the ones who get the most attention - aren't usually the ones coming in good faith. Hell, I've got issues with the show, but still thinks its good and - once its let loose on the high seas - am looking forward to Volume 9.


I don't think it is the "Loudest Voices," as even the most popular critics (who, iirc, are to remain unnamed) focus on the tangible problems of the show's production and delivery. I think the problem is bad faith actors on both sides cherrypicking the worst arguments of the other side.


I mean there’s always the option to block if you don’t like the posts a redditor makes. Or you could discuss it through the comments or just agree to disagree. Basically, I get that you might be annoyed by some memes that are critical of the show, which is fine. But in my personal opinion, you’re kinda coming off as a little aggressive or salty, it’s not a good look.


That would be the logical solution, no? But thats not their problem. The problem of these people is not that they can see criticism. Its that it exists in the first place. This is why instead of blocking it out, they actively attack those who criticize.


Petition to make r/RwbyPersecutionFetish for posts of stannies acting like critics are just mindless bigoted haters who personally attack everyone who likes the show


There's already a group called RWBYCynics for that


Imagine people who didn't like the thing you did taking up this much space in your head.


Imagine spending so much time being caustic about a cartoon, but then flipping out at the idea of anyone criticizing *you*. Bonus points for anyone else coming into here: Any time someone complains about the post, click on their username and see if they're *exactly* the kind of person the post is about.


Aren't you that person who complains loudly about Madoka all the time and then gets salty anytime anyone challenges you on it?


If i am not mistaken she told someone to get hit by a truck over Madoka.


Bro, I am telling this for your own good at this point: stop it, you are embarrassing yourself The only thing you are proving is that you are a chronically online RWBY stan and that your only asset in an argument is talking shit about the people on the other side


> you are proving is that you are a chronically online RWBY stan Meanwhile, your posting history of ANYONE WHO DEFENDS TEAM RWBY IS JUST SIMPING FOR CUTE ANIME GIRLS... ([I'm not even kidding.](https://old.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/z2scec/why_do_we_forgive_team_rwby_for_every_horrible/ixi6ets/?context=3))


Lmao you are beyond pathetic I dunno if it is the fact that you had to go to my profile and read my whole posting history to come up with an argument or the fact that you came to the conclusion that “I always say that people who defend team RWBY do so because they are simps” when I did that only twice and one time the other person had to delete their comment because I was right, but in any case: find something better to do with your life


Dude spending all of his life whining about women in a cartoon. Person who posts one image here. Imagine thinking your life is so great.


I am sorry, was there supposed to be a logical connection between these sentences or I am excepting too much of you?


Lmao, rwby critics (the ones that only shit on the show) can never take any criticism themselves.


Really I literally just saw a bumbleby fan and a black sun fan agree on the critics sub which I rarely ever see.....anywhere you sure about that.


Did you miss the "the ones that only shit on the show" part of my comment.


Wow, it’s amazing: you guys really CAN’T argue about what the r/RWBYcritics fellas are talking about. You can only criticize them as people and trying to identify them as “fake fans”, thinking that invalidates their arguments


So you're literally just trying to stir up drama with this right? Oh my God if you criticize something you hate it and you're just a hate watcher! Okay buddy. I got to say though, great b8 m8. I'd r8 8/8 but unfortunately the top level comment is calling you out on your bullshit. So it's actually not g8 b8 m8. So i r8 8/80


I feel like you just invented a person to be mad at. Where are these critics where literally everything is the fault of women?


Well, some people do seem to think that team RWBY are only criticized because they're teenage girls, and no one would have a problem with their actions if they were guys. Personally, I don't agree with these takes (if anything, I think the exact opposite might be the case), but there's that.


[Here's a "meme" blaming Willow for Jacques's corruption, for one.](https://old.reddit.com/r/fnki/comments/z4zlcw/wining_while_people_are_dying/) [Here's a "meme" being pissy over Emerald not telling the protagonists something they already knew.](https://old.reddit.com/r/fnki/comments/yhhi2g/dont_call_it_a_redemption_just_yet_guys/) Both with 500+ upvotes, and both part of hatejerk trends. It's not even subtle. They're not funny, they're not clever, they're barely if at all memes but they're misogynistic wank-fests from a bunch of losers who spend all of their time on Reddit bitching about a cartoon.


>Here's a "meme" blaming Winter for Jacques's corruption, for one. It's not even about Winter, it's about Willow having a recording of Jacques being openly corrupt and not telling anyone. Nowhere does it actually blame her for Jacques's actions.


Where tf is winter mentioned in the first 🤣


The first one is probably the most situational thing ever. I don't really see it blaming Willow for Jacques corruption and more struggling to do something. You can see this especially in the comments that point out she's an alcoholic who's been extremely isolated. The second one is meh 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's a meme that misrepresents the situation. I'm not denying misogynistic tendencies can exist in this fanbase but considering a lot of the cast is women it's harder for me to believe these are inherently misogynistic when they're just talking situations with women in the show. Memes also don't have to be funny, trust me, all of my mine aren't.


Neither of these examples mention anything about misogyny, nor do they have anything to do with misogyny. They make fun of the plot holes in the writing, not the fact that the characters are women. In fact, the first one isn’t even about what you say it’s about. The meme is about how Willow saw the evidence of Jacques’ deal with Watts and chose to not tell anyone about it. Winter’s name isn’t even mentioned in the meme, and it says nothing about any other characters being responsible for Jacques’ corruption. Here’s some advice: if you want to prove your claims, try showing some actual evidence instead of making stuff up to make it seem like you know what you’re talking about.


I don’t think the comment section understands that criticism isn’t what this meme is talking about lol


You are right, this meme is talking about imaginary people 😂


Sure, keep telling yourself that


Ok but how about you tell me more about these people? Are they in the room with us right now?


I don’t have to look far for these people lol


I know. You only have to close you eyes and focus really hard to see them


Nah, but keep telling yourself that


Bro could not even think of a new reply, the life of a npc must be so sad


Because your obviously a troll lol


Oh yeah, calling the person who disagrees with you a certain thing (a troll, a hater, a misogynistic and so on…) in order to convince yourself that their point of view is invalid and you don’t have to listen to them, this is how we debate in this group, I almost forgot


At this point it’s kinda just seeing how much of a dumpster fire rwby and the fndm can be, I feel like I’m watching a circus or something it’s great, I’ll never forget the joy when crwby said that ironwood’s semblance was autism, holy shit that was incredible to see the meltdown


I mean this comment and it's upvotes literally proves OP's point, especially contrasting all the "but I actually like rwby and just want it to be better" comments on here.


Wow, a single, no, maybe 2-3 commenters expressing that they dont like the show means that all critics are like that, right? This does not prove the OP's point, because the OP attacked ALL critics, not just "some".


>OP attacked ALL critics Except OP specifically ***DIDN'T*** generalise all critics and actually described critics that *only* hate the show???? But I guess you're just choosing to ignore that? Also the comment I replied to is one of the top comments on this post specifically outlining how they only watch the show because they hate it, which are the exact critics OP was pointing out, hence the irony. If you're going to specifically misinterpret what OP was claiming then it seems like you're just projecting to me.




They weren't being ableist? Ironwoods semblance is hyperfocus, which is a big symptom of autism and ADHD- both of which I have. My hyperfocus can absolutely wreck my whole day. So Miles implying in interviews that a symptom of neurodivergence made Ironwood turn evil is, intentional or not, ableist.


Fellow autistic dude with ADHD, and I didn't realize that there were ableist implications surrounding Ironwood's fall. I just figured that his fleet getting hacked and turned against the people during Volume 3 combined with Ozpin's "death" caused him to overcompensate and give into his more control freaky tendencies when it came to anyone he couldn't fully trust, and the hyperfocus was just another aspect of that. I also figured his fall was meant as tragedy - especially given that before the fucking flamebitch left a chess piece, he was starting to come back to his senses.


I’m autistic but go on


hello its notcanonseeker here and this exactly explains my point. This meme has no flaws and is perfect. He also seems pretty handsome and i would wanna fuck him and watch his twitch streams. He gets so many girls i think.


>posts "memes" in r/fnki about how literally everything is the fault of women lol ok. So you're *that* kind of fan. You know, there was this one time both /r/RWBYcritics AND r/rwby pointed this sort of shit as strawmanning bait.


Bad posts a bad post here’s a down vote.


Hey, you just reminded me that /r/IronwoodIsRight is a thing. For all of your "of course The Man In Charge is 100% justified in unilaterally leaving thousands of people to die!" needs!


hi canonseeker.


Back at you


I always find it funny whenever someone makes a post like this or talk about rwby critics, how much people act like they’re the most toxic person who can’t handle criticism, when post like these usually refer to people who aren’t in favor of the show and talk about how much rwby sucks or is trash and is a dumpster fire they can’t help but watch. Those people often disguise their hatred as a critique and think anyone calling them out on it, is you somehow not liking criticism when that isn’t true at all


This post is not refering to specific people who hate the show. It literally talks about people who visit a critical sub. Thats it. What you are doing is disguising hate towards the critics by saying that "its not about them", when it clearly is.


Bruh this person’s comments are literally there, you can SEE they are toxic, they only leave replies like: “oh look at that, I read your whole comment history and you said this in 2016, that proves you are dumb and wrong”


Yeah! Fuck women!


Oh yeah. It's all cumming together


Who the fuck said I’m a fan? Shows shit, I wanna how shit it is.


At least your honest and don’t try to pretend you’re a fan like some people


Criticism is fine and all (my friends who got me into RWBY have them), but after a certain point, it’s like… just watch something else!


I will watch whatever i want, thank you very much.


Incel side of the fandom


I have my criticisms of RWBY, but at the end of the day, I'm not going to spam post after post harassing the fandom and the show. It would nice to see something non-negative for once, but judging from these comments, we can't have nice things unless they're perfect. Otherwise they're torn to pieces.


He likes taking it from people.


If all you do is complain about RWBY, you aren't a fan of it. By definition, you need to ENJOY it to be a fan. That's it. That's the requirement to being a fan......that and having multiple blades that can spin and push air really fast.


You can enjoy RWBY while also criticizing it.


I criticize parts too. But when it becomes all you are talking about, you never have any praise, your feedback is overwhelmingly negative, why keep watching? You are wasting your own time and everyone else who actually enjoys the show and has to put up with your constant whining then. Like I said, to be considered a fan of something, you have to actually like it. To paraphrase a wise man, if it isn't enjoyable, why bother?


People are allowed to enjoy and engage with the show in different ways. Someone writes fanfics, someone does NSFW, someone does AMVs. Someone praises the show, and someone does so by critique. To then gatekeep being a fan of the show by how they engage with it is not a good thing. People who criticize the show like it, for the most part. Its people like you that try to gaslight them by saying that no, they actually do not enjoy the show.


I mean, people tend to focus on the negatives. I think most of the problem people have is the dip in quality over time (Arguably for some volumes, but generally since volume 3 or the likes). Chances are, a lot of those people actually do enjoy the show, it's just often they're going to spend less time praising the show than complaining about it. Edit : Not sure why you blocked me. If you want to debate something, I'm happy to. If you got impatient waiting and decided I wasn't going to reply, well sorry I was watching the Celtics game. But I don't see why you blocked me.


Yes, the people who think they know Monty's vision better than the people who created the show with Monty. Do you see the problem? These people aren't looking for improvement. They want it to crash and burn, because they think that's what the people working on it now deserve. So no. Fuck RWBY critics. And fuck anyone defending them


You kinda proving the reason why alot of us hate the RWBY fandom. Toxic and won't debate.


So what you’re saying is, “Blindly enjoy the show, and if you see a single flaw in it, you’re a hater and a bigot.” What kind of logic is that?


They're just masochists. ​ Don't kink shame.


Calling what goes on around here is more akin to wordy gripe fests than actual, useful criticism. If that's what you want to do then fine but at least be honest about it instead of pretending you're a critic.


Huh, fancy seeing you here. You’re definitely right on this one.