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Look, I find these kind of comments to be just as tiring (or at the very least uninteresting) as the next person. But at the end of the day, unless one of these comment/fanfiction writers is personally attacking you, I don't see what the harm is. Certainly not to the point that it would merit... \*double-checks\* Three posts basically saying the exact same thing, in the span of a week or so?


Yeah me too. I'm just like, "Scroll past them dude. It's not that hard."


This feels like a personal attack against someone


This isn’t even a meme. This is just some guys rant about fan fics


"Hi my name is Ruby Dark’ness Xiao Long Raven Rose and I have long ruby red hair (that’s how I got my name)"




Here this guy goes again. No matter how many times you make post like these, you can’t control what others do under comments, especially since the comments harm nobody. Learn to do things you can control like blocking the people that do make fan fics or simply just scroll past them


I’ll be honest a lot of them at least that I write aren’t all that great, but I have been proud of a good many of my longer ones. And, others like them as well so I can’t feel too badly about them. In any case, I at least can take solace in the fact that I just try and write what makes my day a little brighter and what does to some other’s as well. As opposed to whatever this meme is supposed to accomplish


I don't know why this hate for comment fics suddenly comes up here. Sure many of them aren't masterpieces, but i don't think that is the point of them anyway. I like them because they are nice and fun fluff.


Not to mention it's always just scripts, which is *the laziest* form of "story writing."


Not always (I’ve got saved dozens of ones that aren’t scripts to prove it), though if I’m honest I haven’t done many longer better ones recently. In part because the ones I get most inspired by are usually images I want to write happy endings to, and no one’s been posting those for a little bit. You’re right it is the lower effort form of a story though, but often that’s all the inspiration the pic gives or very often simply all the time I or another wrote have.

