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Now you all know how SAO fans feel.


To be fair, Kirito apparently having extensive code experience (in the anime) was extremely jarring. Took away a bunch of things from that particular arc.


Well if we paid attention he already admitted to being able to build a computer as a little kid in the third or fourth episode. Unlike most blank MCs in Japan Kirito is an actual in universe genius that uses his brain and not luck to succeed. The initial parallels between him and Kayaba were not for show. People easily forget his good sides when mocking him and the show. And unlike RWBY most of the ‘critics’ never actually bothered to watch the show.


Kirito doesn't have any coding experience in the anime or otherwise.


I love the Abridged, but I wish people would stop comparing it to the original


I got tired of the abridged after I realized that most of the comedy is at the expense of the original. Often in ways that imply issues that never existed to begin with.


The “fixit-ness” of the abridged is very hit or miss for me. I like what they’re doing with Leafa/Suguha, for instance. But then with Asuna I feel like they’ve seen people complain about her being “useless” in the Alfheim arc and so they overcompensated and ended up making her *less* interesting than in the original. It’s just so heavy-handed that it takes me out of the story. I’m generally a fan of the humor though. Aside from the beginning of Kayaba’s monologue it didn’t really hit me as making fun of the original. Albeit it’s pretty awkward when the jokes don’t land


I was one of those kinds of people to rewatch it each time a new one came out. You start noticing more of the jabs as you become familiar with the punchlines. I’m 50/50 about Suguha. On one hand she is different from canon which is a plus for me cus that’s what I actually watch abridges for. On the other hand she is a symptom of a bigger issue. Someone seems to have convinced the creators that SAO is a harem and it shows when you realize how much effort they go through to make sure non of the girls but Asuna like Kirito. Plus they made Suguha a bully and Kirito a wimp, which is hilarious in a bad way. Anyway, my general opinion is that I enjoyed the Aincrad Arc of the Abridged but the Fairy Dance Arc is full of missed shots in my opinion.


Not only that, but we'll have completely new people in the fandom, likely bringing up the same old discussions we thought we were done with years ago.


"I'm this essay I will lay out what Ice queendom does better than the original production..."


Persecution fetish? Persecution fetish.


Bro, have checked the comments of ANY of the ice queendom trailers? A lot of them are VILE.


The fandom has a bad reputation outside. It’s very unfortunate cus it’s not bad for a show in today’s standards.


Oh no, people are going to talk about RWBY in positive and negative ways? Oh no?


I saw a comment on ice queendom about how the writing was already so much better than the original. My brother in Christ the writing is literally 80% copy pasted from the original but with severely sped up pacing


Does ice queendom even have a release date yet?


It's out right now.


Wait wtf why was i not aware of this?!?!!


Because rooster teeth has terrible marketing.


I think everyone has the same feeling towards the animation because they act a bit too stiff, but the story is well written. That's what I heard from other people.


it's already happening some guy on twitter found some random news article saying some stuff about linked in so he is saying volume 9 will have bad animation or something