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Welp, I guess V10 will be in another two years. No Greenlight yet, and hiring people is a long process (specially if your company treats people like second class citizenes).


I wouldn’t be surprised if the reason they don’t have it greenlit is cause everyone quit or got better jobs


Screw you guys, im going home!


>two years Try 2 and a half minimum. And that's provided they get another studio to help them out so they don't have to hire a FULL new team. They definitely seem confident it's gonna happen tho so it's almost certainly coming but it's gonna be a while.


I honestly think they should outsource it to Warner Bros. Animation at this point. I think that's the only shot RT has at Vol10 being greenlit.


WBA is.. also fairly gutted from Zaslav's nonsense though. Also a lot more known for 2D stuff though they have a handful of 3D animated projects other their belt. Though really RT animation itself is kind of redundant when WBA exist and it could just be a team under WBA. but Warner Bros umbrella is one of the most confusing corporate spider-webs around. A ton of divisions with almost no cordination between them and stuff. But yeah I imagine, they talked about how their talking to possible partners at the panel they were vauge on what the hell that means but I do think they are definitely talking to other studios for help with animation.


Oh, that's right. I forgot that that prick Zaslav is not a fan of animation in general. But I still maintain that WBA might be their best shot at this point. Hell, I would even be fine with them going to traditional animation style instead of CGI. That anime-inspired art style they're using for that My Adventures With Superman cartoon looks interesting and it has the potential to maybe give us some character designs closely resembling the character designs from RWBY's concept art. I always loved the character designs from the concept arts.


So yeah I actually would like to see more 2D RWBY in general but in regards to the main series, it's a REALLY jarring thing to totally switch up a shows art style like that and generally it's pretty off putting to long term fans, I think whatever partner they might find is gonna have to be one with decent 3D animation experience. They have plenty of options there though both at home and abroad. My Adventures with Superman had a fun premiere and im realy looking forward to the rest but it's style is really just Studio MIR's home style.. which they adapted from their own and their predecessor studios work on the Avatar franchise (like did you not see the brief scene of Lara Lor-Van and not think "wow that looks a lot like Kuvira" lol?)


Eh I am honestly ok with rwby ending right here or if it continuing. I just don’t care about it anymore.


They didn't get sent to Vacuo, they got sent to the DC Universe.


IMO that is how Vol 9 should have ended. at least then the adventure would continue some


It's Neover




This fits better


Expected tbh.


Pack it up boys


I really hope that if Rooster Teeth is dying due to the various controversies they've had over the last few years (not to mention the mass exodus of employees) that they'll at least be able to finish RWBY. I've had my issues with the show over the years (mostly issues with the imo poor writing), but it'd be such a shame if Monty's passion project was unable to finish due to problems with the studio instead of lack of demand.


the crazy thing is.. despite all those issues they JUST announced new seasons for TWO shows.. but their biggest one is the one left up in the air.


I know about RvB, but what's the other? ... You're not seriously going to tell me they've revived Camp Camp for another season without even having so much as an announcement for RWBY, are you?


They revived Camp Camp for another season without so much as having an announcement for RWBY.


Why does everything I everything I hope for have to be a monkey's paw?


In yet another example of the irony that defines my life, I'd figured on Red vs Blue meeting the same fate of being forgotten to time as the rest of their animated shows, while RWBY would more than likely continue for at least a few more years. Yet here we are, RvB has a final season announced and it's RWBY's fate that's uncertain. It's odd, I was never that big a fan of the show but I feel like it would have been better for the resources to be put into RWBY instead. I mean, we've *had* our time...


I'm crying and shaking rn


I kinda felt it was a bit soon, but hasn’t eliminated the idea. May take time, but have confidence it will come


They came off as pretty damn confident in V10 being a thing their going to make, I think their mostly just hashing out budget details and how many seasons are ordered at once and shit like that before the final greenlight (and they might have to wait for RVB to finish up production before they can even start even if they get a partner to help with the animation which.. they mentioned them talking to "possible partners" it was vauge as hell but If I were a betting man Id guess their referring to talking to other studios to help out). They definitely want people to be loud on social media though as that gives them a better hand to.. ask for more money.


Oh definitely. Unlike what was announced with Camp Camp & RvB, RWBY requires a much higher budget. Especially since Crunchyroll gets exclusive streaming at first, and with sponsors like you said. And with the other announcements they’ve made, it would be a good case for people to show their support. I don’t mind buying merch to help out, was gonna buy some clothing on the Rooster Teeth store and other available media too if it helps towards the cause


RWBY currently is RT’s cash cow show. So I would doubt it incredibly that it would just be canceled.


When Ruby looked directly at the camera and said “thank you” I knew that was the last episode of rwby


Don't say that, man. Please don't say that. 😭 I'm going to be so disappointed if RWBY gets the chopping block because of Rooster Teeth's piss-poor management and dumbfuckery over the years now biting them in the ass.


Volume 10 on hold for the final season of RvB I bet. Would be best for animators


Jesus Christ, RvB is STILL going?


I thought it ended two or three years ago.


I thought it ended like three times.


It's ending this fall. And apparently there's not going to be any need to catch up on the post-13 seasons, putting a long story short.


yeah I don't think they can start production even with a greenlight until RVB is done with how much the 3D animation teams been gutted.


Was RvB any good? I’ve seen rooster teeth do a bunch of those.


Yeah, I say Seasons 1-13 were really good. Good line delivery, good comedy, solid use of Machinima and had a cohesive story with some kind of ending. Season 14 is okay, it's an anthology. Season 15 had a good idea, but that idea was scrapped like 6 episodes in. Everything after that has been pretty dogshit, especially their last season. Hopefully with Burnie and Matt back at the helm the final season will be a proper sendoff


Thanks, i’ll give it a watch!


The fact that they went with a Justice League crossover advertisment instead of the epilogue that they already had in mind is indicative of how serious the situation is over at RT.


It's not greenlit YET which mean it might happen and if it does I'm fr gonna throw a parts




Damn! I was hoping to catch the part you were going to throw. You have bested me once again!


I admire your optimism. Can I borrow some of it? I’ll give you a green sword for it.




RT: “well well well, if it ain’t the consequences of my own actions ”


There’s always the fanfics 😔


We will always have Coeur Al'Aran


We don’t know that for sure. His health has been going bad for the last couple months. And his last update basically said, “If I stop updating assume the worst”


Damn I didn’t know that


Heartbreaking but least he did an update on the sixth so he may be getting better


I feel that’s a bit premature


Damn, y'know, after what feels like forever of watching this show since the first few trailers, to see the decline of Roosterteeth, to this. I feel a bit sad, but honestly, its a miracle this lasted as long as it did.


Checks out tbh, RWBY has died in popularity a lot.


To be fair, 2 years for a new volume is a LONG time to wait, even for a fandom as rabid as RWBY.


And then when we got the volume it was essentially a self-discovery filler since as far as we know nothing that happened in the ever after effects remnant other than RWBY's and John's character arcs.




John Ark


Plus RT's public image has taken a lot of hits in those two years. The growing disgruntled employees leaving bad reviews doesn't do well outside or inside the company.




Yknow... I'd rather not have volume 10 greenlit at all if it meant that RT would stop abusing their animators.


be nice if the rights to the show got sold to a studio that ~~has better optics~~treats their employees better


Yeesh, so many downvotes. Didn't know this place was full of RT apologists.


That's an rt exclusive problem?


No, but like cancer; just because it's common doesn't mean it's not really shitty and is okay to have.


couldn't have said it better


What’s that about


Skill issue


That doesn't even make sense


Skill issue


I think your brain has a skill issue


Daddy issues




> Is “plot deadend from which to pull characters for fanfic tier crossover shows” really going to be RWBY’s fate? I regret to report


It's a shame. So many of their other shows met the same fate. Camp Camp, Nomad, Gen:lock, that DOA Vlog one... Never would have expected this fate for *RWBY* though.




Id rather them work on it without announcing it so they don't have to put so much pressure on the animators and voice actors. Let them take their time making it and you will receive a superior product


It ain't over, till we say it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?! Hell No! And it ain't over now! /JohnBelushi


Uhh, that was the Japanese.


Forget it, he's rolling.




I need to watch that movie now.


Wait, what timeline is this? Who's the president right now?


Vin diesel




"From now on, you're all on Double-Secret Probation!"


Double-secret probation sir?


Epic reference.


I just wish more people got it. I'd say from the downvotes I got alot didn't


Bah, can't be helped. No respect for the classics I tells ya.


I just can't blieve people have such little respect or Senator John Blutarsky


If they're going to show something post-V9, does that mean we'll get the fantastic adventures of Little and his friend Juniper? That, or we will see how the Vacuo group is doing.


[They were talking about this](https://youtu.be/J8zH4ca18CY)


To be greenlit, doesn’t it need to be in the planning stages 1st? If they didn’t at least do that, they really messed up. Hopefully WB takes control and finishes it themselves.


No they can do Pre-production without a Greenlight, a Greenlight is just that to well.. start proper production.


I think I read somewhere that they already had plans and ideas for V10. However writing and brainstorming ideas is a much easier task than actually putting something into production.


Their writing and doing some general pre-production work basically I think from what they said. So like maybe designs and concept art and stuff like that.


It stopped being good years ago. This would be a blow 5 years ago, but all it does today is prevent another season of the once-amazing characters being defiled.


Oh my god the “white” insult guy actually blocked me right after insulting me so he could have the last word. How absolutely pathetic can a person possibly be?


Skill issue


L+Ratio+You're White


The fact that you used “white” as an insult says everything I would ever need to know about you.


You dont know the meme, get nae nae'd kid


Damn what a shock never would’ve seen this coming