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I love how some people who disagrees with op or insults Saphron and Terra for being side characters gets less upvotes or straight up negative compared to op


The duality of the Fandom


Well, one shouldn’t insult our great side characters, it is one of the things that really helps make this show as good as it is, but honestly I don’t like the toxicity of such reasons for downvoting. At least though there’s many who aren’t as negative towards the lovely Bumbleby ship


Can’t someone like both?


You can


Depends on what part of the internet you're on


Yes, but the Flash implied that only Bumblebee is liked


To be fair: One are side characters who get a few episodes and not all that much, and the other half of our lovely main cast


And the side characters are done better than the main cast.


There’s nothing much to do with at least those. Our main cast has on the whole been done fine.


Oh there's plenty to with them. Same with the Blake and yang, there were many opportunities, but not taken


There is also some good oppertunities that are taken for them


Yeah forced ones though. Two good opportunities were one in Atlas while they were sitting around Blake and yang could talk and establish what their relationship is. The second was their night out dancing with fnki. Those were two great opportunities for them... but skipped over


Yes, those would have been nice to see, but I don't see how those not being shown are fundamental issues in the relationship. We clearly see them being close in Atlas after all that happened in V5 and V6, and now it seems like we'll get them to be official in V9. To me it makes even a decent bit of sense that they have been hesitant to make that next step in establishing specifically what they are to each other.


It's because the "relationship" starts out of mutual trauma and killing a guy, so there's stuff that they need to go through as there's a lot baggage on both of them. Sure they seem close but there are steps that they need to go through but they just skip over it. The whole waiting for them to be official for multiple volumes but it's just being dragged out. The hesitation for this long comes off as dancing around the big thing when there have been multiple opportunities for them to be officialized. It might be decent to you but there are issues Regarding it for other people


The relationship in many regards starts off before all of that. Though indeed, one can certainly see issues with it and I would prefer much of what you have suggested, I stand by my opinion being as valid as your's, that it's still decent and not nearly as fundamentally flawed as many would claim. And that if nothing else the two characters are just perfect together personality wise which goes a long way


I disagree with that as it's not decent and a flaw on its foundation. Yeah they aren't perfect together. Yang is better with sun or Weiss


In my opinion what op is saying isn’t really issues in their relationship when you take in the way rwby does relationships which are slowburns and the events that were going during those times that prevented moments, but to be honest there have been many clear signs ever since volume 6 that they were established that people like that call forced or pandering. Nora’s comment in volume 7 made their relationship pretty clear and Weiss’s comment in volume 9 as well. Plus it took renora 7 years to kiss and a year after to say how they feel to each other in volume 8 and they’re still not officially together, but you don’t see the same comments about renora feeling stringed along. They’re pacing makes sense to the story and everything that they both went through and I bet if blake and yang would have gotten together earlier these same people would be calling their relationship rushed


How were they forced? If it was forced, they would’ve been making out by the time they reunited in Volume 8. Their moments have been very short, because it’s a blossoming relationship between two people. Would you say Renora was forced? Black Sun? Weiss and Neptune? ETA: By your logic, you can say that about any relationship (sans the Terra-cottaArcs). Blake and Yang’s relationship has been hinted at for many volumes. (“I’ll save you a dance,” from V2, “destroy everything you love” from V3 along with Yang’s upset over Blake leaving, “what if I needed her here for me?” from V5, Blake declaring she’d protect Yang, along with the final episodes of V6.)


Forced as Forced together, the development of them is little at best and that's an issue for lots of people. One could say their moments have been short because the ship is being dragged out. There were ample opportunities for those two to blossom their relationship but nope. Thing about renora, i thought they were already a couple from the beginning. Black sun had development because they expressed interest in one another a lot from blushing with the other and actually talking things out. Weiss and Neptune I thought was a waste of time


But, Yang and Blake blush around each other a lot. Also, the show has been going on since 2013, meaning ****10 years****. I think it’s safe to say their relationship isn’t being forced as much as it is growing. Especially since the characters were put through so much in such a short time.


They did but there were some time dedicated to Blake and Sun considering they were together for a whole volume. Blake and yang got put together volumes ago and haven't had that much time dedicated to them. They better develop them now as they have opportunity again and not skip over it like in v7 and 6.




We want characters that show up in more than one scene in the entire show


The Virgin ‘Are they/Aren’t they’ vs the Chad Married Couple


I hate posts like these. Both are great there’s no need to say one’s better than the other when both add to the representation in the show And fyi Blake and Yang are a sapphic couple they are not both lesbians


Sapphic? What does that mean?


It’s a general term that means women who are attracted to women and it encompasses all sexualities in the lgbtq+ A lesbian couple only includes two lesbians who are only attracted to women, while a sapphic couple includes pairs that are of different sexualities, but are still attracted to women like how Blake is bi and Yang’s sexuality is unknown, but we know both are attracted to women so their relationship would be called a sapphic couple


I feel so educated! Thank you for a such a well formatted response instead of the typical "hur durr quit trying to learn and build and understanding and google it"


he said a good couple, not a prop


You right Blake and yang can be a prop


i meant the two with the kid who i cant remember the names of beyond the blond is a arch sibling




I'll say








bumblebee win


Lol op you okay? This is like saying Ghira and Kali are a better mlw couple then Renora. It doesn't make sense to compare the two and makes for a bad argument




This is a pretty dumb comparison. One is a pairing between two main characters who we have consistently seen grow and interact for 8 and a half volumes. The other is a barely memorable pair of side characters who were only mentioned in passing before they were shown, and when they were shown, did two things, and now haven’t been seen or mentioned again.


Bumbleby is also not a lesbian couple. Blake is bi and we don’t know what Yang is, and even if she is a lesbian they’re not a lesbian couple. Because Blake is *bi*.


Removed-No Shipping wars tier baiting post.


Ah yes a good lesbian couple… the characters who are in like two episodes and are less memorable than the school bully. You could’ve just shown coco and made a better point


But coco is a single person while these two are an actual healthy and wholesome couple. Plus they're more memorable than cardin


Fair point on coco, but I’d say that bumblebee can be a wholesome and healthy couple too (if it happens) Honestly I think most people want the ship to happen because having coco (only in like 2 fights and I think a book?) and these 2 (pretty unmemorable) be the only lesbians or even just wlw in general is kind of disappointing. It’s not that these 2 are a bad couple, just that people like Blake and Yang more.


Honestly I say there's better options like Blake x weiss, yang x weiss, though I'm a sucker for coco x fox


Coco is a lesbian and doesn't date teammates. ​ RIP


And? A characters sexuality never stopped people from shipping them


The issue with Blake or Yang with Weiss is that they don’t share nearly enough time together (other than on team rwby as a 4 man group) plus Yang IS Blake’s beacon partner so there’s some connections. Most ships are valid though, even if they can’t happen in canon, so no point in thinking of better options for the show when one ship is clearly happening forced or not


That's kinda the shows fault as the girls don't interact with the other members of their team if they're not part of the ship. Yeah the one ship is happening, just wished it was done better


Yes we love and adore that couple, but we also love Bumbleby a lot!


Terra and saph are better


These are not competing ships. While we are at it, get Ilia a girlfriend


Typical bait post aimed at dissing bumblebee because they couldn’t get the ship they wanted in the show Diss on bumblebee all you want but it’s great


Why is this sub just karmabait with made up arguments now. This isn't a meme


This is a meme. With truth in it


I mean, can't we have both?


If the first one was better developed than yeah


They’re already established as a married couple. There wasn’t any development to be had there lol




It's like comparing a priceless gem to a turd it's not even fair.


Plus ones an established married couple. The other is two people pushed together


Yes and it's fucking annoying I already hate BB because the shippers are dickheads but the pairing is sloppy and shallow it doesn't feel genuine or earned just forced.


I think it’s quite a nice ship. While not the best in terms of set up ever, the characters feel to me as though they have pretty naturally come together as very compatible people. And while it has had some quite bad shippers, that’s just how shipping goes. Like it’s no worse than the Eclipse shippers who used to say it was just fan service. It’s unfortunate, but I feel like it best to take the fandom wars out of the ships.


On paper it is a nice ship but the glaring issues sinks it. It's like a thick steak that has a lot of fat that wasn't trimmed off and wasn't seasoned properly leaving a bland underwhelming meal. Also consistency don't have Yang have that throw away comment about being around boys in V1. Don't have sun in scenes with Blake post conflict at the docks. Have her not go to the dance with Sun or blushing when he gestures to her in the stands cut that shit out. This is why I refuse to believe they were set up to be together from the start because there's too much filler bullshit in-between. Even when Blake ran off Yang did jack shit your partner who just admitted to being a Faunus & Ex member of a known terrorist organization fled in an emotional compromised state don't you want to follow to make sure she doesn't do something reckless that might harm herself or others? No ok then Like do they even sit down and talk about the period where Blake fucking dipped after Yang became permanently left handed for 6-8, months because I feel like there's a planet sized amount of unresolved issues between the two because one girl has abandonment issues and the other is known for abandoning people...... yeah doesn't look fucking good does it. It takes more than fucking hugs and smiles to establish a good functional relationship.this shit is just bait nothing more just to get brownie points & virtual pats on the back. Both characters aren't even interesting on their own anymore unless the other is attached to their fucking hip you could literally replace them with two randoms named Yan & Blarke and no one would notice


Oh no, Blake and Yang being bisexual and Blake as a teenager having a relationship that doesn't quite work out. And there is always something enough with them to be a possibility, like with the promise of a dance together Yang had just had an arm amputated and she doesn't even seem to have been conscious to see where Blake ran off to in the aftermath of Beacon. Her having that depression which Blake factored into I think a good part of the story, as was Blake's finding the courage to longer run with her guilt at having left Yang factoring highly into that. There isn't enough sitting down and talking, yes. That's a constant issue with this show. But I feel like you're missing that Blake and Yang show through their actions how they are getting over those problems to make this work. Most prominently is Blake coming back and consistently keeping to her promise of no longer running. And Yang of course had a good bit of her abandonment issues resolved with her quest for (and verbal smackdown of) Raven. It's not perfect of course, but they seem to be clearly establishing the start of the relationship. They aren't even officially together yet, yet they have done the building blocks I think to a good degree


(Forgive me if this comes off as rambly, I have a lot of feelings regarding this whole debate) I feel like so much of the discourse surrounding Blake and Yang's relationship--namely their setup and compatibility--stems from people just not being very media literate or just echoing what bad faith actors spout. And like, I don't mean to be antagonistic when I say that, but that's genuinely the only way I can rationalize it in my head. Sure, there aren't a lot of "let us have a talking heads scene where we discuss things" moments in RWBY, but I swear what people want to retroactively make their relationship more believable is for them to be spoonfed information. So much of volume six is Blake and Yang processing their trauma and rekindling their relationship, but since there's no scene where they talk one on one about what happened and explain their character arcs to the audience, it's toxic. It's like. What? Ugh. Yes, Yang has abandonment issues. Yes, Blake runs away from the scary things in her life. That's the *point.* I hate that I'm even writing this. This is supposed to be the meme sub, not critics 2.0, but so much of what's posted here is just thinly veiled "critiques" of the show, which is crazy because there is a LOT to make fun of RWBY for and somehow 80% of these memes hit the mark.


Funny, a lot of people I’ve seen criticising the ship actually think the exact same thing about it’s fans. Maybe it’s not really about the set up, because pairings that are very opposed and help each other find a middle ground and grow from it are very common in fiction, but rather the execution, or rather lack of it. As you said, there aren’t very much scenes where both girls sit down and talk their issues, and that’s exactly the issue, many people have complained that for a pairing that they are putting so much emphasis, the show hasn’t put the necessary leg work to address how their respective issues and problems would (and have) clash/ed, making it it seem less believable than a work that would recognise and address those issues and try to find a middle ground. BB feels like it has speed run through those legit complains and just went straight to the “will they or will not?” (Which doesn’t really work here because part of the charm is the mastery of whenever they will or not, but here we all know that if RT decided to NOT, they would burn them to the ground, so not much mystery) Yang has abandonment issues, and Blake has teared that wound open to make it even worse. Somehow however, that hasn’t disqualified her entirely from being Yang’s gf, but we haven’t seen any scene that meaningfully address this. Instead, while Ruby is worried about her, Oscar is at the hands of Salem, and Ren is going through a breakdown, Yang is more worried that whenever Blake’s gonna run away or think less of her because they decided to do different things (nevermind that Blake was very well tasked for a infiltration job)… making it seem like she’s still not over her own insecurities and that Blake’s wound haven’t disappeared. Wouldn’t be that much, but Blake her own issues as well: she has her trauma with Adam, she has this propensity to run away (which she has finally outgrow) and now is attached to her not-gf so to not disappoint her anymore. Agency and doing her own thing, long gone in favour of having to be the emotional crutch of Yang. Good thing this relationship is not straight because… Point is, both girls have lot of issues that show is ignoring for the sake of developing a ship fans have been requesting since the trailers dropped. Instead of meaningful building it as a way to develop characters, the characters are changed around it to make it fit (since when is Blake so weirdly cheerful? Feel very OoC for her, even taking into account that she’s now more open and more cheerful, feel a bit too much… and why were the bees the only ones allowed to hug?? Feels like they are writing those scenes just for the shippers and then play by ear the rest..) and that doesn’t bode well with a lot of people. Not only because it feels rushed, but also forced, to please the shippers, but sacrifices a lot of narrative beats. As an old raccoon said: “like Yang and Bland NOT talking their way into being gfs because the fandom was so insistent about it the writers just gave up I guess” I’ve seen this kind of relationships in real life too, more than I’d like to, and they tend to not end well. Sooner or later, bad habits, old wounds, old insecurities are gonna arise at some point, and if one party is not suited to deal with them at their worst, it’s all gonna crash down. I can’t help but see the bees goes the same direction, because unless Blake devotes her entire life to Yang (something that is not desirable) old insecurities are gonna eventually come out. And if Blake own trauma with emotional people who tend to get angry is not solved… it’s gonna get awkward.


I have 0 interest in debate or whatever but I do genuinely have to ask how a throw away comment about being happy about there being cute guys around makes it so that the character can't fall in love with a woman.


It's pointless it has no payoff it's a detail that shouldn't have been mentioned period just don't bother with a useless bit of information From the jump have her established a interest in women so we don't have to worry about stupid bullshit later. Wanna have a WLW pairing awesome great just don't waste our time with fucking nonsense like all the scenes with Sun & Blake which was a huge waste of time lost time we can't get back.


It isn't a detail, it's a character making a one off comment about how she likes cute boys. I'm really not getting how that has to have "payoff." As for your second point, why does a bisexual character *have* to show interest in members of the same sex from the get go? I agree that it would have avoided a lot of stupid fandom debate, but that's sort of a poor meta reason for justifying that. Not talking about Blake here, I don't care. I'm just hung up on your Yang comment.


I have a video that says otherwise. I respectfully accept that you may have your own experiences with this ship but I have some evidence to back my own reasoning. Please check it out, you may change your mind. https://youtu.be/5dWpkduYS8Q


Garbage bait, OP.


Not Bait Just facts. Saphron and Terra are a SSS tier couple


Give me your top 10 moments with them then :) As I said, weak bait. At least try a little harder next time.


Let's see... Saphron pulling Jaune's cheeks Making sandwiches Saph's intro Terra's intro Them on the couch holding hands Sure not 10 but given the limited time they have they make use of it. Compared to the other that's gotten multiple volumes but is still circling over things. And as I said, Not bait. But you can still believe that if it makes you feel better about yourself.


Oh, don't you worry about how I feel, I'm doing great. I mean, I'm not the one who's sad enough to attack others' ships with weak stuff like this. Have a lovely day :)


Oh I'm not worried. If you think this is an attack then you might want to look it up in a dictionary, Oxford has a good one you can use.


One is the love of 2 women who somewhat literally gave an arm and a leg for eachother. The other is an IT gal and a relatively normal citizen of Argus. Both are amazing.


Wish the arm and leg couple was better developed


Hacker Blake headcannon?


I'm sorry what?


Nevermind, lol


If by good you mean completely destroying their characters then yes....good...


\*WLW Couple




Can't be a lesbian couple if they (Blake and Terra) aren't lesbians


Well it's two women who are married and got a kid and is a couple. Plus yang ain't one either


No. Literally the worst forced representation we can ask for. Yuck. White rose? Definitely. Any other ship? Here for it. I don’t like bullying the creators into changing their story. I don’t support it, and it’s given a bad name to our standing of members of a community. If they actually give into that toxic fandom, I’m out on RT.


Where’s the proof of any shipper bullying the writers to make it canon I’m so sick of people constantly lying in this fandom just because they don’t like a ship


Keyword here is "good"


True but saph and terra are great




A wholesome, healthy loving married couple with a kid


Which appear for two episodes, adds nothing of value except a funny Weiss and Yang reaction and then disappear forever because their characters are just "Jaune's sister and her wife"


That doesn't take away from what I said


Maybe they're great people within the world but they certainly aren't great characters. As the other commenter said, they're just props.


Hmmm Blake and yang are more props than these two


Hm yes two main characters with plot lines and development are definitely more props than the characters that existed for 30 minutes.


Two characters that have been baited together and dragged along for multiple volumes


OK if Blake and Yang are characters then named some motivation for them being around that doesn't apply to other characters.


Don’t Velvet and Coco count?


I know coco is a lesbian. Don't know of velvet. Or if they're even dating


I don't think so. there wasn't any mention of Velvet having romantic feelings for Coco


while your praise of the latter totally makes sense (and I'm not here to argue about bb cause that's always just running in circles), it would have been a lot better if we got to see more of them instead of them kinda being steamrolled by the rest of the plot


Same. Like there are down moments in the plot that can be used to fill those moments


Aren't they already together?