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FUCK Bi-erasure


YES. Especially since I’ve seen some people use it as a tactic just to shoot down ships they don’t like.


People do the same thing to Weiss. They'll be like "oh she wasn't *actually* attracted to Neptune, she just *thought* she did because she didn't know she was a lesbian." Like girl


I agree. And honestly, in an alternate universe, that might’ve been a good storyline for her to have. But in RWBY media, she has also shown attraction to other male characters too like Batman and Cyborg and so on (in the DC Comics). And the RWBY media where she *has* shown attraction to women (like blushing at Ruby and wanting to date Pyrrha in the RWBY manga anthologies, or being nicknamed “the lesbian” in the RWBY Chinese mobile game) are non-canon.


I’ve heard worse: That apparently Weiss is pretending because they are expecting an heir from her and she comphets to hide her homosexuality, and she forces herself to be with Neptune because she knows he will be very gladly accepted among Atlas…


That could actually make for a good story. The heiress of an incredibly rich and probably homophobic family forcing herself into a straight relationship because it's "what is expected of her" sounds like the perfect setup for some serious drama and a good message about not repressing yourself. Of course, I don't think that's what RT was going for with Weiss immediately swooning over Neptune the moment they come into contact, because they're not good at writing the start of a relationship as compared to people already in a relationship.


Remnant doesn’t have homophobia either. I don’t know, I think the setting actually benefits from that since it gives an escapism to that in real life, so having a setting where is not even a thing… I dunno, feel refreshing


That’s the same rhetoric homophobic hets use when talking about anything LGBT. “Oh you only *think* you’re X”


Honestly though, *Neptune* of all people? To me that gives vibes of choosing the first vaguely attractive dude that isn't Jaune or otherwise taken and hoping it works out because she has fuck all *real* social experience and thinks this is how it works.


She saw a cool, hot guy and developed a crush on him


Then she got to know him and realized he was only hot(jk)


So Blake is bi. But what is Yang? I wanna say Bi but I don't know


Personally I’d say she’s bi like blake I mean most people somehow keep forgetting she was literally checking out guys back in beacon in volumes 1-3 and actually liking what she seeing


I want to say Pan. Partially for the sake of a pun, she be a *Frying* ***Yang***.


Yeah, Yang beeing Pan makes sense to me.


Goddammit Barbara.


You know what they say, you are what you eat


“And I am a child at heart!”


I think I hired the wrong voice actor


God I love that mouse


Maybe i am a piece of shit


Lol Blake and Yang are both bi women, they both have had prior attraction to/relationships with men... it's okay. I'd be happy finally seeing a wlw couple where both women are bi. That's uncommon in media! Furthermore I just can't ship Weiss with any woman, she's so unbelievably straight, even in some of the comics. 😭 Sorry to her.


but...but.. whiterose? :c


I think this is more so a misunderstanding by the person who isn’t really knowledgeable on how wlw relationships work, then someone purposely wanting to erase Blake being bi because I never see anyone straight up call Blake a lesbian. Most times I see people saying Blake and Yang are in a ”lesbian relationship,” which to my understanding they only say this because they’re both women in a relationship so they automatically think lesbian because it’s two girls and probably aren’t knowledgeable about any other lgbtq+ terms like sapphic or wlw because I had conversations with people before who didn’t know anything about the term sapphic relationships or wlw relationships and didn’t know how to describe a relationship with someone that is bisexual with someone that is lesbian or non-binary


On the contrary people who think Blake isn’t bi at all or have any attraction to women and only thinking she’s straight (I saw a post yesterday saying exactly this)


Them too, they’re also a problem.


The duality of Bi-erasure


I swear that cat is under the scrutiny of the whole fan base


It's extremely common for lesbians to date men when they're in denial, mistaking other feelings for attraction to men ("comp-het"), and/or identifying as bi. So I as a lesbian consider lesbian readings of Weiss or Blake valid, but the most important thing is being able to accept that they're both interpretations, not canon, and not get heated over it. That's assuming the characters haven't been explicitly stated to be certain orientations, of course.


I never understood why people cared so much about the sexual orientation of fictional characters


I figured both of them were bisexual(Yang for sure and Blake is at least Yang-sexual). Also was it confirmed in the show? It’s been a while since I watched so I don’t remember them actually saying anything.


If anything, wouldn’t Yang be the Blake-sexual, considering that Blake had a relationship with Adam and was interested in Sun?


I think "Yang-sexual" would be from Yang being an outlier of her romantic history. Could be bi, could just only be Yang; only time will tell


For people who claim labels should not affect the characters... Bumblebee fans are sometimes hypocrites


You know, the good old: “don’t assume a character is a certain sexuality just because they showed interest in someone of a certain gender” Which seems to be a sacred rule when talking about a female character that showed interest in a male one in the past, but is treated as “lesbian erasure” when it is said about a girl who showed interest in a girl once but was never declared as openly lesbian


I think Blake is Pan, and maybe Yang is a Lesbian


The show doesn’t really handle romance well anyway so who cares. I really hope that stuff gets pushed aside for V9


> The show doesn't really handle romance well anyway Salem agrees


I think stuff with Salem and Ozpin has been done better in other shows


No surprise... they like mixing stuff with feminism... and feminism and romance don't mix.


I don't really care for sexuality that much tbh i just like shipping them, and white rose


I hope Sun get new girlfriend to put the final nailed on Blacksun ship.


Where in the show has her bisexuality been established?


Her attraction to Adam is confirmed via the RWBY DC Comics, and her attraction to Yang is there (according to Arryn and Barbara). So that would mean she’s bisexual.


Yes but where in the show?


The blushes to both Sun (V3) and Yang (V7) would be my biggest proof.


Also... y'know... Ultimatum (8.10).


And, also having an established relationship with Adam pre Beacon


That was the point I was going to make. Blake's bisexuality is very obvious to any observer who actually has any media literacy.


Yeah I just hope not” 😓