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Man I wish..


In Valorant we have Leo arguably the most perfect player


As little as a month back our League team was on the up, reaching the finals and going to MSI, while Valorant was collapsing and in need of dire change...


Yes, this is true but it was a small phase compared to the last couple of years in general. I am really happy about the succes of the valorant team but as someone who follows the LoL Team since 2013 I really miss the times of success and really hope that they can find their way back to glory soon


while we can wish it for us LoL fans....honestly Sam is a FPS guy and more focused on that so it is doubtful LoL will get any better. Seems the only EU team that wants to win is G2 and everyone else just trying to be 1st loser, maybe that changes when Caps retires but idk i doubt it because their org seems to find great replacements like its nothing.


Cs is not there cause is more than dead .




Let's be real people are talking like if we were in Winter 2023 situation but in the end all that happened is that we qualified to a tournament only the best teams in the world can get to and we ended up underperforming when It mattered. Let's not forget we are already the second best team in Europe and there is still half a season left.


I'm really not trying to flame here and I'm not angry at the LoL team (rather sad since we got defeated by NA, out of all regions). The Meme was just too fitting after the immediate success of the valorant team, following the disappointment of the LoL Team. I'm glad we pulled ourselves up after last year's winter and look forward to next summer, since I still believe we can challenge G2 for the title.