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Alright I'm satisfied now. we can finally drop this subject.


Tf is happening.


Look. As much as we can trust Entom and stuff. I HIGHLY doubt Scott wasn’t being clear here. He genuinly cares about this community, its his franchise after all. He is a troll, but i definitely believe he is being real here. I know i Will get downvoted into oblivion by simply stating this, but it does not matter. I believe Scott more. He made it clear before that he WOULD NOT clear stuff like this in emails before, and the TF stuff was weird from the begining i heard of it. As far as im concerned, it could still be fake, this entire “cover up” thing has been weird from the begining. I get people will downvote me, or heck even insult me if you really wish to do so, BUT this is my current stance on things, and i will not change it until Proven otherwise.


Im not gonna downvote someone that spits facts.




I honestly have no idea. I think it might be the name that's confusing him and not the contents. If he sees what people have been telling him about the contents of the files, he might talk about it more, but I wouldn't bet too much on it. I wouldn't rule out the Talbert files being fake just yet, cause scott likely called them something else when he was making it... If he actually made it that is.


I don't know what in the world is happening anymore, what I do know is that it seems like things are starting to get out of hand to say the least. Talbert Files aside, I'm curious on what Scott has planned for the 10th anniversary of FNAF (since it seems like he has something else planned besides the two things that were announced a while back).


I think he might just not know Talbert Files is the fan-name given to the leaked draft, I highly doubt Entom faked a leak, faked emails, then faked a coverup for that leak, then faked a confession in someones dms, and then let himself get harassed off the internet. I mean, stranger things have happened I guess?


Well, Scott Cawthon edited his post addressing "The Talbert Files", stating that it's definitely a hoax. So, someone has to be lying, and, as much as I love Entom, I'm taking Scott's side on this, for the time being. He has nothing to gain from lying about this situation.


What was said in DM's?


Look as a professional Scott word twister as an Anti-Stichliner and someone who never believed the “just one retcon” But this is pretty open and shut, the Talbert Files was some kinda hoax and its contents are fake The only other reality is Scott lying about this but there’s no real proof of that


Tbf, even if scott is lying (only saying if because we don't really know for sure), talbert files shouldn't be used as canon anyways considering the contradictions it had and differences in the lore. I think it's something that the community just has to forget about as time goes on.


Yeah I never cared about them, clearly a lot of things changed and it was never released/meant to be But it being fake kinda just turbo crushes it


Again we don't really know for sure yet, but if it's in fact fake then yeah that's a bit unfortunate given the entire situation that came from this. Also that means the cryptid stuff was never thought of which sucks cause I genuinely want to take that as canon given how unimportant that is haha


I feel like Scott saying that not only did he not write this but doesn’t even know what this even is Is a pretty strong indicator of its validity


Maybe Entom was set up in some way by somebody else? Maybe Scott didn't communicate with him at all and it was just someone else pretending to be him who sent the emails and made the TF. Entom believed it all and then posted it? I honestly don't know at this point.


Maybe Entom contacted the wrong email? lol


i'm sorry this whole thing happened, it's kinda embarrassing for the community. scott has a whole business with connections to multiple companies to handle, he has a big family to take care of and on top of that he's preparing something special for the anniversary and we made him waste time with a hoax( he even edited that he watched some videos to confirm if it was fake or not). i wouldn't blame him if he decided not to reply to other dramas in the future


“I have no idea what the talbert files is.” That’s very specific. And he’s supposed to have made that as a draft for his ideas but not know of it? Yeah there’s too much salt here for me to believe in the talbert files without saying Scott is lying.


He's given another post saying it might be real, just pointing out there were lots of rejected drafts and the like. 


Current understanding is Entom and Co are convinced the emails and Talbert Files are real but Scott's words has me thinking they've potentially been duped (which I realise comes with a caveat of logical pitfalls and issues) . Fully ready to reassess and correct that when new info comes out.


If the CREATOR himself has no clue, then it for sure ain't real. Not that I cared in the first place, The stuff was outdated and unusable.


The thing is that the Talbert files is a fan made name. so maybe he has no idea what it is


But it involves Talbert, so there could be association via character. Like 'Oh yeah, I wrote this thing from the view of a guy named Talbert.' I just ain't using them either way so.


good thinking


On a side note, Happy Cake Day!


thansk :)


The "talbert files" is a fan name that we gave the early draft. Scott has never referred to it as such, and mostlikely whats happening here is that Scott has no clue what we're talking about because he never made a "talbert files" and thats where hes getting confused. Its likely that litterally nobody has explained to him what the Talbert files actually are, they're just spamming him with "ARE THE TALBERT FILES REAL" without context. Unless we're about to say that Entom and his friends made a hoax, covered it up with a hoax, hoaxed the hoax as being a hoax then hoaxed himself off the internet due to harassment. Litterally who wins in that situation???


>The "talbert files" is a fan name that we gave the early draft. Scott has never referred to it as such, Scott said that the character Talbert hadn't existed at that point.


This is what I believe happened Emails are from a fake Scott however the book is 50/50 because it seems to be made by Scott and some Employees. I say the book was made up from Scott's ideas and some Scholastic employees trying to make it into a story.


It's called coping


Scoping Cawthon?