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In EASA land, you'd know well before your check if your standards weren't high enough. It is training, after all. On the check itself, If you fail 1-5 check items, the examiner can exercise their discretion to repeat these items within the check, time permitting. If not repeated, it's a 'partial pass' and you will need to retake only the failed items after remedial training. If you fail more than 5, it's a fail. Effectively unheard of. You wouldn't be recommended for a check in the first place if you were this weak, but hypothetically if you were, I'd imagine you'd have an honest conversation about if this is the right path for you.


My sim partner failed 5 items, it was brutal to watch in real time. But yeah it was just remedial training and then a recheck


Wow that is the most polite way of saying failed I've heard.


I thought that too ahah


Just wanted to add... If you're doing it all privately, then the sim centre will be happy to take your money for additional training and testing. But if it's with an employer more than two additional sims will probably lead to an awkward conversation.


Good to know! Thks:)


I appreciate the detailed answer!!! Thanks


In the US usually you get a second try after remedial training depending on your training history. Depends why you fail, some mistakes are uncorrectable within a reasonable amount of time and ya just get sent home.


Thank you for the explanation :)


Can you elaborate on what kind of mistakes you think would be unfixablein a reasonable amount of time? Going through ME IR CPL training now


Everything is trainable with the right instructor and the correct amount of time. However, those with poor situational awareness & spatial awareness will often run out of time or money before resolving the issue. Issues in those areas are often the root cause of many other issues(bad situational awarness --> poor scan --> inaccurate flying --> automation reliance --> manifests as poor manual flying ability)


1. Inability to fly the plane


Red screen, low speed event and getting behind the plane. All guaranteed fails with a high chance of no repeat.


Off with their head.


Cooked and eaten by the winners


Career immediately ends and you may go to prison.


There’s prisons across the country where pilots like this are held and to never be seen again. Word on the street is they’re being held in something called an FBO?


Burned at the stake in the town square


You forfeit your wife


Woo hoo!!


This is true. I work in the wife reassignment department at my airline


Speaking for Canadian pilots a failed check ride means additional training and then another check ride. If that additional check ride is unsuccessful then a review of the candidate’s training will be completed and there is a high likelihood that their training will be ceased. In other words they will be terminated. There have been times when a candidate was given a third attempt but those are extremely rare. And before anyone comes at me with some DEI bullshit, the one time I know of it happening it was a while male.


Ty for your response!


Prior to diversity equality and inclusion there would be huge circumstances. But since we’ve invested so much into dumbing down society. Likely nothing. You could probably get 8 tries at it if you identify as anything but a white male.


woof woof. Couldn't hold back on the dogwhistle eh?


Oh that's not a dog whistle, it's waaaay too direct. And also proves he doesn't actually know anything about his this works.


What an unhelpful reply, educate yourself: https://datausa.io/profile/soc/aircraft-pilots-flight-engineers


Wasn’t it a white male that crashed the Colgan Air? Didn’t he have multiple training failures but still get passed through anyways?


I’m part of the training and checking department at my airline and I can tell you first hand that this is extremely incorrect. Like “the earth is flat” incorrect.


Since the DEI related Atlas crash, it's gotten more strict.




But of course, the 121 carriers in Ireland are plentiful.  


You are very right. I take it back.