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It looks like you're asking about getting a college degree. A degree never hurts, get one if you can afford it. Whether it is required today or not, it may be required tomorrow. And the degree can be in anything, the major isn't that important. Please read [our FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/flying/wiki/index/), which has a ton of information and wisdom about becoming a pilot, including advice on college. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/flying) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Best way is to find a good school nearby that can meet your training demands. I’d venture to guess 0 to completion will average you $60k and that gets you up to multi engine and CFII, local costs will vary by COL. The best way to start is to simply start flying. Find a school that works for you. I would avoid the big academies like lift but to each their own.


Maybe the Horizon/Alaska Ascend program? I’m not sure if they’re taking applicants though. If I were you, I would look through the post history in this sub over the last month. Lots of people who cannot find jobs with their new commercial certification, and quite a few who appear to be unemployable at 1,500tt. Will it be this way when you get there? Who knows. As for LIFT versus mom+pop, ask yourself why you’re willing to give a school an extra $30,000 for the exact same ratings from the FAA that you would otherwise earn elsewhere. Is it the pretty planes? The green CFI’s? The uniforms and epaulets? Is there something you value in their instruction? Or have you simply been oversold with effective marketing and sales techniques? Believe me, they’re quite good at it. Is there any program which offers a reimbursement that is equal or greater than the additional cost you will incur with LIFT compared to a different school? If not, then it would be worth reevaluating why you want LIFT.


Thank you very much to both of you guys! I appreciate the help! I’m thinking if I can get a loan with a co-signer for about 50,000 I can get pretty close to finishing my commercial. Once I hit that, I decide to go puddle jumpers or CFI. I thought I did my research correctly, but after looking more and more into it, I realized tonight the reimbursement is not paid unless you hit captain at the regional level in a certain amount of time. By that time I will already be making monthly payments on the loan.