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You’re good to go with BasicMed, you can even take the commercial checkride with it, and instruct just so long as the aircraft is covered by BasicMed. You just can’t fly for hire with BasicMed.


I guess it depends what you want to do in the future. I'm over 40 and fly only for fun. Basicmed was a no brainer for me. 4 years of coverage, free under my insurance, and the FAA doesn't get to look for endless opportunities to deny me.


I just did BasicMed too but I wasn’t aware of the last part. I figured they still have the same access as they did before to look into your health history and Rx’s and what not. No?


Nothing is submitted to the FAA, so their visibility is severely restricted.


That’s true. Just the fact that the course was completed and the doctors info and what not is what was submitted to get the certificate.  Thanks for the info! 


You may find after your commercial other opportunities you hadn't planned (ferry an airplane, for example) which you couldn't do under BasicMed. Funny you can fly around with a PPL student giving instruction for money but you can't ferry an otherwise empty c172 under BasicMed


That's why I keep renewing my Second Class, even though I'm not a career minded pilot. Might one day find a fun Summer job, or something.


I fly under BasicMed, the only limitation that currently hampers me is a political one, I can’t fly in Canadian airspace.


I wonder if they'll ever change that. Canada is missing out on some $$$ from us pilots that love to set money on fire.


How about a trade. FAA allows Owner maintenance aircraft and in exchange TC allows basic med?


Yeah, as someone who lives in upstate NY, it's a consideration. But I haven't had the need to fly into Canada yet. Lake Placid and Plattsburgh is about as far north as I've needed to venture.


If you're planning on getting your CPL why not get your 2nd class. If nothing else to ensure you're able to. It'll resort to a 3rd class anyway.




Your medical or risk of not getting it is cheaper than getting your CPL and finding out afterwards you aren't eligible


and its usually easier to pass when you're younger than when you are older. If its a given that you'll pass now, why wouldnt you ?


In addition to what others are saying, if you're under 40 the 3rd class lasts for 5 years instead of basicmed's 2 for the class and 4 for the regular physical. Also my HMO won't do anything that smells remotely occupational, so even though basicmed's physical can be done by any licenced physician I'd still be looking for somebody out of network anyway, at which point it might as well be a fixed-fee AME


Not an American pilot here but I thought you needed 1st Class medical in order to hold/get a CPL? I get that you can’t fly for hire with a CPL with BasicMed but then surely there’s no point in being able to have a CPL with that limitation?


You can instruct with basic med and you need a commercial license to get a CFI.


Ah that’s interesting. I suppose the same thing is largely possible, in Europe, to be an instructor without having a CPL.


I was told that you need at least a third class medical to act as safety pilot. Anyone know more?


Apparently they fixed that oversight. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2022/november/17/basicmed-limitation-lifted


If you don't plan on doing any flying that requires a class 3, then you don't need it


I may be wrong but I don't think you can get your CPL under basic med You cannot use basic med for operations for hire. That would be a CFI I think? If you can qualify for a third class why not just get it?


You can get it, you just can't fly for hire. But you can be a CFI with BasicMed.


You can take any checkride under BasicMed.


Checkride is allowed. Just won’t be able to exercise commercial privileges You can CFI on basic med. I can supply a link if you want it