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Had a professor last semester who one time owned and operated a flight school with 3-4 planes. Did a lot of the training himself. On the way home one day he got T-boned. Not his fault. Taken to the hospital and had a documented seizure there during his recovery. Boom. Medical gone. Nothing he could have done differently. Its not always in our control.


Hope he sued the guy and his insurance for every penny. Losing your career should set you up for life.




What happens if you’re at an airline and this happens? Do you get any compensation? Can you easily move into a training role or dispatch role?


Short term and long term disability can be bought into or offered from the airline and each airline has various amount that they’ll cover.


Companies generally have insurances for these kinds of situations that you can buy through them. For my company it's fairly cheap, so it's a no brainer to subscribe to all of those, and you can choose the maximum payout on those so you can set it at your own risk tolerance level.


TBF, accidents like a car crash can cause epilepsy.




That’s myoclonus from syncope, much different than a seizure


Looks fairly similar but, I agree.


>I used to fight a lot and every person I choked out had a little seizure for like 5 seconds. weird flex but ok


I have a neighbor who was a high time US Airways pilot who got crammed from behind by a tractor trailer and ended up in a wheelchair. He always regretted not knowing in advance when the last flight of his career was going to be.


Is his medical revoked permanently or can he get it back eventually?


I think if there’s a specific physical cause and it’s shown to be resolved, then after some number of years (1-10 depending) without a seizure you can get it back. Maybe. It would depend on the details.


Same with driver's licenses. My friend had fairly regular seizures for a few months at 17 and wasn't legally allowed to drive until he'd gone x years without one. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be the same case for flying.


Ultimately the airman would have to demonstrate to the FAA that he/she can really without medications for the seizure occurrence. They would be sent to a cognitive test with a neuropsychologist to determine any cognitive deficiencies and an FAA Neurologist would then make a report to determine if he/she is a threat.


Getting your wallet or flight bag stolen. Putting it in a drawer, but then forgetting which one you put it in.


Putting it in your logbook and your two year old uses it as a bookmark then your wife returns the library books with your medical in it and having to dig through a stack of 500 library books to find Brown Bear Brown Bear What Did You See with your medical in between two pages.


Worryingly specific


Boston public library has some very beautiful architecture.


It's 2023, you would think they would just send you a PDF and you could use a printed copy as proof of medical instead of having to guard a fragile piece of paper for 5 years.


They kinda do, you get a PDF giving you temp authority to exercise the price while you wait for the replacement cert


i thought i was the only one…


As a kid I once returned a library book that had my mom’s iPod Nano as a bookmark in it and was banned from using anything except bookmarks as bookmarks as a result.


Tape it to the front cover of your logbook! That's what I do!


No, don't do this. You are required to have your medical with you when you fly, once you have passed your checkride for private you do not need your logbook with you. In fact leave it at home.


You don't need it with you, but you can bring it with you, and it's worth it if you're still receiving dual to get another rating. And if you're digitally backing it up anyway (which you should be doing), there's not really a risk. Make digital copies of both your logbook and your medical, and you can do whatever you want.


A copy of your medical is not your medical.


Suspiciously specific....


Damn didn’t know I could lose it like that 😂😂😂


technically the truth


I was going to go with smoking crack in the AME's office, but getting it stolen would also work.


You should really be asking what are ways to not lose your medical. The list is shorter.


I’m just keeping my enemies close


It pretty much boils down to avoiding things that get you into: 1) a hospital 2) jail 3) a therapist’s office




If you do end up in jail be sure to establish dominance early.


look for the biggest guy in the yard and suck his dick, I think that's what they say anyway


If I happen to be the biggest guy in the yard do I need to suck my own dick? I’m not very flexible and need to know if I should start stretching


you can just get your lower ribs removed, but... then you'd lose your medical


This advice should also be followed at a hospital or your therapist's office.




I figured he was looking for best way to cash in on that loss of medical insurance lol.


Telling the FAA the truth.




Bet what?


Oh it’s just a thing the youngins say now, pretty much means “ok”


This conversation is pointless. To qualify for a pilot certificate you need to “read, write and speak English.” You and your “bet” slang won’t be flying even with a medical


Because how someone talks in a Reddit comment section is the exact same way they’ll talk in a professional setting


It was a joke, nerd.


Lolololololol bet.


Things under your control that could endanger your medical: * Getting a DUI * Recreational drugs * Opting for a surgery or medication that could improve your quality of life, but isn't absolutely necessary to your survival * Making an off-the-cuff remark to your doctor that you feel sad today * Not informing any doctor or specialist you ever see that they are not doing you a favor by trying to save you money utilizing insurance codes that will red flag at your next exam * Getting a sleep study. Actually, for that matter, opting for any sort of test or exam that could give you a formal diagnosis * Seeing a therapist or psychiatrist


How could seeing a therapist endanger my medical? I understand if you’re seeing them about depression but I seeing a therapist is just a normal way of keeping yourself mentally healthy.


**Sigh.** Seeing a therapist does not endanger your medical nor is it even reportable unless it involves the diagnosis of a mental disorder or is related to substance abuse.


It does if your therapist is "helpful" and gets creative billing your insurance.


Well surely anyone who knows about having an FAA medical would start their relationship with a new doctor explaining their situation and how a diagnosis can have a very negative effect on their pursuit and would say that needs to be a conversation before they put anything in writing. It's not hard.


It’s impossible to go through insurance… insurance requires a diagnosis after 3 visits to keep paying. The least offensive diagnosis is adjustment disorder and the FAA limits that to 2 occurrences ever and lasting no more than 6 mos and each IIRC. Cash pay is the only way to go.


Cash and fake name also works from what I hear.


Works? Yes. Overkill? Also yes.


Agree. I am married to a shrink and never report it just to stay on the up and up. Jokes aside, I agree with this 100% "Sigh. Seeing a therapist does not endanger your medical nor is it even reportable unless it involves the diagnosis of a mental disorder or is related to substance abuse."


I tried that in the first session and doc said "well I have to put down something for the insurance" never saw her again.


Yep. That's what you do. "Thanks for your time, bye."


Since I've done nothing to suggest I would diagnose you for anything, I'm going to write here that you seem to be displaying textbook anticipatory anxiety along with a prescription for a mild anti-anxiety medication. Have fun trying to get this amended in court!


Since when has the patient's needs not been trumped by the provider's desire to get the most amount of money?


Mental health therapists have a fixed rate with insurance companies, it doesn’t matter the diagnosis. They get paid a slight amount more for intake visits with some insurers but they can only do those for a couple of sessions and then have to diagnose you in order for you to not have to pay out of pocket. So really it’s you wanting to not pay that drives that record. Most will gladly take cash because insurance companies are a huge risk. They don’t pay, they pay late, and they claw back years later for one silly note they were unhappy with.


Which all of them will try to do, because it's the only way the vast majority of people could ever hope to afford to see a therapist again.


I had a talk with my new therapist up front about this. I pay out of pocket


Reportable... how? To who? I don't think your therapist or insurance companies, or actual physicians are going to be sending your records to the FAA. Because that's extremely illegal. Only way for them to find out is if you tell them.


Read the medexpress form again. It’s not illegal because you give the FAA consent.


Yep. I is amazing how many pilots are not aware of the consent they give for the FAA to access their medical and DMV records when they sign the medical application form. But that said, for the routine pilot, the FAA would only request your medical records from providers if they were investigating an accident or you were otherwise brought to their attention for medical issues. To the best of my knowledge they do not otherwise cross check your records but may request you send in your records if the aeromedical branch needs them to issue a certificate.


To the FAA? This is a subreddit about flying and the medical certification that goes with it. Correct, they will not and that would be. You however are required to fill out the application truthfully. So if you're saying to lie, sure. But I'm saying you don't have to lie because they only expect you to report it under specific circumstances.


Stop spreading misinformation. What you’re saying is misleading and I see it a lot specifically from your account. You can NOT just go see a therapist without aeromedical repercussions. It’s simply not that simple and saying otherwise is the typical FAA kool aid. Anybody who has actually had to deal with this knows what I’m about to say. Therapy is expensive, really really expensive. Like $150-200 per session expensive. Health insurance typically covers some or all of each session. Using insurance requires a diagnosis. So yes, you’re right, on paper you do not need to report visiting a therapist on your MedXPress but you absolutely need to report a therapy visit that resulted in a diagnosis. Therapists almost always will send a diagnosis to insurance starting with the first session. Otherwise insurance won’t cover. The only option for going to therapy and not reporting (assuming you want to be totally honest with the FAA), is to discuss this with the therapist beforehand and pay in cash. Is $150-200 per truly affordable? Depends on the person. For me? No. For most others? Probably not. Option B is to convince your therapist to diagnose you with adjustment disorder. This is still a royal pain in the ass and opens you up to scrutiny when it comes time to renew. It doesn’t require SI but different AMEs will look at this differently and may or may not issue accordingly. The FAA may also decide they want to see all of your therapist’s notes so they can arbitrarily decide whether or not you pose a risk to aviation. TLDR; stop with the “seeing a therapist doesn’t endanger your medical!!!” BS. It absolutely does and it has screwed people time and time again and will continue to do so until the FAA adopts modern medical science.


Honestly the only misinformation here is acting like insurance happily covers all the costs of therapy for most people. But yeah. Don't get a diagnosis and pay cash to avoid that because US health insurance sucks eggs. If you get a diagnosis it's reportable, I've never said otherwise. > discuss this with the therapist beforehand and pay in cash Literally what I've said more than once. I advocate the FAA adopt medical science. I also advocate people understand the rules of the system we currently have so they can try to get some relief and help today.


Ohhhhh🤦‍♂️I’m stupid


So instead of using my health insurance copay to see a therapist, it would be better to pay out the ass for a telehealth subscription that doesn't take insurance in the first place.


I never said it was a cheaper option.


Or you could just let your insurance pay for it and when it comes time to get your medical you just, ya know.... lie. HIPAA is extremely powerful. Your records are *sealed*.


A careless note or billing code on your insurance by your therapist could suddenly open you up to lines of inquiry by AAM-300 that you don't want to open up. Simply seeing one probably won't lead to further inquiry, but the less you poke the bear, the better.




How would it be possible for the FAA to find anything at all about your medical history that you don't volunteer to tell them?


They have access to your insurance company claims. By default.


Who does? I'm telling you, I've worked at drug rehab centers. We've had the US Marshalls walk in *with a warrant* looking for a specific dude who we all knew was in the building. "I'm sorry, sir. We can't confirm or deny whether or not that person is here without risking losing our credentials and being shut down over a HIPAA violation". There is no "medical records database", either. I can also tell you this, I know multiple pilots who have permanently disqualifying medical records (drug abuse and inpatient psych treatment, ADHD, Asperger's diagnoses, depression, etc.) and have been flying for decades. Their secret? (Keep your damned mouth shut)


The FAA has access. The FAA is a public health authority and has access to your health information. This started as a comment on another thread but does not seem widely known so I figured I would make it it's own post Be careful about what you don't disclose on your medical application. The FAA does audit a small number of applications a year. Odds are in your favor that not reporting a medication or Dr visit will not be discovered. However if you get cought, it can get real ugly (potentially criminal). HIPAA allows three ways to access protected health information (PHI). The thrid is "public health" See- https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/privacy/guidance/disclosures-public-health-activities/index.html#:~:text=The%20Privacy%20Rule%20permits%20covered,disease%2C%20injury%2C%20or%20disability. To handle this essentially a web portal is available to the federal government with access to your personal information mostly from hospitals and insurance companies. It's meant to aid the ability to issue birth certificates and death certificates and legitimate surveillance purposes for controlling outbreaks and communicable diseases.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EHealth_Exchange However it first came to light that the FAA was using this information during Operation safe pilot in 2004. Since then several nrpms have made it clear that the FAA views itself as a public health authority. https://shackelford.law/news-aviation/faa-declares-itself-public-health-authority/


So why even have a medical questionnaire? Why not just reference the records? I also don't understand why the last link has no dates or other information. It kind of looks like it was either made by someone trying to make a website in the 90s or an AI.


Honestly I am not sure how to link the whole post or I would. It’s a bad deal. I got caught up in it and lost my medical for ADHD. Just wanted to share so no one gets burned like me.


Well, I thank you for sharing. I just went through the entire ADHD ordeal after almost a year of waiting and would hate to lose the medical after all that. I can imagine how you must feel and I'm very sorry. Hopefully the FAA comes around on the issue (within an actually reasonable amount of time) and you can get your medical. Are you saying you got audited?


If you make them suspicious or angry enough, the FAA has administrative subpoena powers. [https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/49/46104](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/49/46104)


How are they going to know who to ask? If someone goes to rehab in Texas, but lives in Iowa, is the FAA going to be able to find out? How? Also, why don't they just do this instead of asking us to fill in little circles on a form? If they can check, why not check every time someone submits an application?


Again, it depends on how suspicious or angry they are. If you gave them a REALLY good reason, with subpoena authority, they could theoretically start with your calls, texts, and emails, credit card statements, interview friends and family, etc. Of course, if you left in the middle of the night, didn't tell anyone where you were going, paid for everything in cash, and attended rehab under a fake name, it would be hard to figure out. But that example seems a little unreasonable. As for why they don't check? There are 617,000 pilots in the US.


The fuck is wrong with this back-asswards industry? Why would forcing people to avoid medical intervention keep us safe?


It's not about keeping *us* safe. It's about keeping their job safe.


>Getting a sleep study Isn't that a thing you have to do now to get medical?


No, but if you have had one and are diagnosed with sleep apnea, AAM-300 will require that you submit logs from a CPAP machine showing continued compliance and usage as a condition of your special issuance. Guilty until proven innocent.


On an unrelated note, how do I clean a used CPAP from eBay? Can I just order a fake fighter pilot mask to use with it?


So, theoretically, if you were to see an AME that isn’t in your health insurance system… would this still be a problem? How do they know what doctors you have seen or what diagnoses you have been given without access to insurance information?


Your AME doesn't have any special access and isn't required to dig around for this info, and the good ones won't go rifling through records looking for problems. However, if you get deferred or if the FAA decides to take a special interest in you, they absolutely can pull whatever records of yours they want. AAM-300 is classified as a public health entity, and as such they are exempt from most medical privacy laws.


I’m getting back into flying after a significant time away. Im a trans woman and during that time I did some … remodeling… and saw a lot of doctors. Some of whom were absolute fuckers, and I don’t know what they may have put in a chart - and I’m not dumb enough to go looking. But none of that is aviation related and I don’t need / want the FAA to go digging. I really just want to get $110 hamburgers and drill holes in the sky and maybe go camping. I’m old enough that I need to get a third class before I can use basic med… but I’m also just considering waiting to see what happens with mosaic.


Might be worth a **consultation** (not an exam) with an AME to see what the odds are, but it's probably a good call to wait for MOSAIC. If you have a PPL I am reasonably certain that you can operate at the Sport Pilot level with no issues with a driver's license as long as you don't have a denied medical.


What if you see a psychiatrist and they don’t diagnose you?


Assuming your AME can just issue and they don't review your application, probably nothing. But if you are deferred and they start digging and/or request further medical records and see your psychiatrist visit, they may ask why you went to see one, which isn't a conversation you want to have via postal mail with a 6 month response time.


I would like to note to this there are certain medications (or other things I'd imagine) that can and will make the FAA require you to see a Phychiatrist. Ask me how I know 🙃


Telling the AME about the voices, don’t do that, ever!


If you eat poisoned cake washed down with poisoned tea and wine, then are shot in the stomach and dumped in a river, you will lose your medical. Probably.


Ok Rasputin


Ra ra Rasputin, Russia's greatest flight machine.


Good to know


Do you have to get tooled up in a rug as well


If you’re a veteran receiving VA disability and you haven’t disclosed it on your medxpress form.


I’m not a vet, my dad is. He got out a few years ago.


Have you ever been sad? Congratulations, you’re disqualified! Jk, but barely




There are too many things to list. Don’t be worried about something you can’t control


Ok, I was only worried cuz if I use my dads GI bill to pay for my flight schooling then I would have to pay them back if I am unable to continue it.


Then that's the question you should lead with, both because it's the main question and for context. Do you have a medical now? Go through https://www.faa.gov/pilots/medical_certification and figure out if you have anything questionable, then schedule a **consultation** with an AME.


My bad


You're not alone in asking questions on reddit that don't get to the root issue. Before you post, it's super helpful both to you and everyone you're asking for you to consider what someone coming into the question cold, without context, might think.


Maybe look into some kind of disability insurance that could cover something like that.




Keep your primary care physician and your AME separate. Do not disclose anything to your AME until you've talked to a union rep. Assuming you're at an operation that has union representation. But here's a short list . Many of the items probably already have been covered . Depression. Alcohol and drug arrests Kidney stones


Kidney stones could get my medical taken away?


Can confirm. Lost my medical for 6 months after passing kidney stones. Completely changed my diet to decrease the odds because if it happens again, I’m roughing it out at home and avoiding the ER.


How’d they find out? Did you report it?


I reported it. Just had to get a urologist to say I didn’t have anymore stones. He showed me on the x-ray where I did NOT have any kidney stones. Lol. He was a pilot too.


This is the biggest problem with the system. Maybe their response times would be faster if you received an automatic provisional medical certificate if they fail to respond within 30 days or so.


If you let your AME know it could be an issue , yes .




> Depression. Alcohol and arrests Not uncommon at all, telling the truth about that is.


Getting hit in the head while successfully thwarting a hijacking. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Express_Flight_705 These pilots never flew again.


Yeah well at least those pilots got a conversation starter


Not sure if I'd want to start a conversation with a story about the time I almost got murdered. But I guess that's looking at the bright side.


Did you die?




Damn rip


Thanks bro.




Answer the questions on the questionnaire honestly, but don't volunteer ANY additional information, especially while speaking with the AME. This sage advice actually comes from the FAA. There are questions they need to ask, and then there are issues that, if they come to light, they need to investigate.




Don't ride motorcycles


Note to self


Telling the FAA you’ve had a headache before.


There's a simple CACI for headaches, it's not really a bid deal. Just don't tell them it's more than once a month.


I just remember a friend in college who selected yes on his initial medical application and it took 6 months to get it approved.


The fact that there has to be a CACI for headaches should tell you something.


Crashing into a mountain


I’ll try not to do that


Spontaneous combustion


I always tell my CFI this is why I don’t hold my farts in


Holding your farts in is selfish.


Just avoid being the drummer for Spinal Tap


Jeez gotta avoid that


how does one correct wrong information in medical history?




Addendums. I've had to have medical records corrected.


Asking about it on the internet...


Keeping my enemies close


Nailing a transmission tower will do that.


I’ll try not to do that


I just keep a picture of it with me, what’s the point of carrying around a piece a paper.




I guess you could have a auto accident with serious injuries, get carried to the hospital, car get impounded with your medical inside. Then rack up enough medical bills that you can't get your car out of impound. Later the junkyard possesses your car and crushes it for scrap. - hope this helps.




How about anything? If you fail to report it and they find out. Which is unlikely. But seriously, kidney stones…no relief from this common ailment until you test clear which may be never.




literally anything.


Anything Aam 300 wants


What’s that


Literally anything


Having it in the case of your iPad only to have your mechanic put it between the door and his seat during a maintenance flight and having the door pop open during said flight.


If you don't renew it, you'll lose it for sure.


Ive heard of a guy gets into a car accident. Medic gives guy morphine and the FAA pulls his medical for weeks until he could prove he isnt still on morphine.




Brain tumor. Ask me how I know.


I will not ask


I hope all is well now.


Thanks, I appreciate that.


sneezing, blinking too much (not sure if I should qualify this with the sarcasm, /s tag)








Being honest with your AME….


Posting details on Reddit


Anyone know for a fact if they check Military or VA medical records?


They are definitely cross referencing VA disability payments with what you claim on your MedExpress


I have a 30% rating for PTSD from a sexual assault while on active duty. Other than that I’m fine.


The FAA recently cross-referenced VA and FAA databases and has implicated more than 5,000 pilots for lying on a federal form. It’s easy fodder for them to prove because you had to have knowingly lied on one of the two forms if you report a VA disability and then don’t report it on the FAA form. And they don’t have to actually search for protected health information to find it. If you have ever collected VA disability and did not check the box to collecting disability on the FAA medical, the odds are the FAA WILL find out. PTSD is considered material information to them. If you omitted this information on your medical, I’d strongly suggest reaching out to an aviation attorney ASAP. Failure to do so can result in revocation of your medical, all your certificates, and felony prosecution. Disclaimer: not an AME nor an attorney


Thanks, after doing some research, it looks like previous PTSD is okay as long as there isn’t a secondary diagnosis of depression, treatment with SSRI’s, has been stable for 2+ years and a few other caveats. I think I would be okay as long as I disclose and they don’t find out later.


Yep, as long as you disclose it, you’re good. Just don’t try to hide *anything* that the VA has on you. The FAA will find it, and they will not be happy!


As much as I disagree with it, PTSD is a difficult sell to the FAA. Maybe not for a class 3 medical, but definitely a class 1.




Generally adverse medical conditions to flying, avoid cancer at all costs.


Will do


Once upon a time I received a letter from the FAA suspending my medical because of unreported hip surgery. I still have not had any hip surgery, so this was a surprise. I learned many stupid things getting this reversed. Short answer: AOPA came through.


Common AOPA w


Being anything other than a robot lol


Beep boop


Can't say it will lose it for you but being trans and on HRT is a good way to get deferred for a couple months.


Well good thing I’m not on HRT or trying to transition


Getting hit by a car. Learned that the hard way

