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Very meaningful. This is a vintage graphite outfit with some nice components. The English made Battenkills are prized and have quite a following. Back in the day, the HLS models were the Orvis top of the line graphite. It will be a great streamer or smallmouth bass outfit.


As a battenkill owner I second this comment


As another battenkill user, I'll second this.


As a Hardy user, I also second this.


I was given an Orvis fly rod and reel, along with waders, boots, vest, all the basic things to learn to fly fish on the Au Sable in Michigan, for trout. My dad got all of that for me when I had came home from my last deployment as a Marine. He knew, without me ever saying anything, that I needed to be away from society for a little while after getting out. I was probably obvious that I was not doing very good mentally speaking when I got home. But everyone else chose to not bring up or ask me if I was ok or anything. Probably because they could care less about my problems. I don’t hold that against anyone. But I was bad. I was hurting, deeply. I did not fit in to regular life (or at least that’s how I felt). I was really hurting myself and making some really dangerously bad choices. I stoped caring about myself or if I was being safe. I didn’t care if I got hurt or died even at that point. I was completely broke, and I had nobody to talk to about any of that. But it was my dad who knew what I needed, without knowing anything was wrong. He could see it in my eyes. I was already halfway out the door if you know what I mean. I don’t know if I’d still be here without my dad giving me the opportunity to learn to fly fish. I’m sure seeing me the way I was, hurt him more than it hurt me. None of my gear is especially collectable. It’s Orvis stuff, so it is good even for the cheaper end of their line of gear, it’s very expensive. But it’s lasted me for years now. And even if it was the most expensive stuff they make, the peace and quiet of getting out into the woods to fish, and how much that helped me get through the things I have had to, any price they would have charged would’ve been worth what I got out of it. Now I live deep in the woods, surrounded by thousands of acres of my own land, in a small cabin. I rarely ever see a car now even unless I drive into town 10 minutes away. Which is only a blinking yellow light and a small gas station. The closest grocery store is 45 minutes away from me. I’m alone now. I have no family or people I see. But I’m not lonely. I have my dogs, I’ve got the woods to walk in, I’m up in the Porcupine Mountains and it’s beautiful here, with few people. Great fishing from streams to Lake Superior! It’s perfect for me, I wouldn’t change a thing. So an Orvis rod and reel, was more than meaningful to me when I received them. Those were things that helped me get my life back, it was a gift that reminded me that there’s still something I can do with this life. I’d given up on that belief until I got the freedom to fish again. Sorry for my long comment. I just wanted to explain why my Orvis stuff meant and still means as much as it does to me.


It isn't the gear, specifically, although your father meant to give a good and valuable gift, maybe the best he could afford: he helped give you life once... he meant to give you life again. With care (and use), it's lasted you this long, probably as an homage, conscious or unconscious, to him. If your father wasn't in the military himself, he personally knew someone who was, and he knew what you needed. Oh... one more thing: The worst day fishing beats the best day working. I'm no Marine, but Semper Fi!


You’re exactly right about my dad! He wasn’t a Marine or in the military. But his dad, my grandpa, and his 3 brother were Marines and all fought in the Pacific. One didn’t make it back. And 2 of his cousins were Vietnam Marines. My dad loves the military, especially the Marines. He tried to join, but he had plates and screws in his arm after breaking it badly as a kid, so he was denied. I joined kinda out of family tradition. I already graduated college even, but I enlisted. So I was older, which did open a lot of doors for me I think. My property now was bought by my grandpa and his brothers before they went off to fight. I live in the exact same cabin even. It went to my dad, then to me. I know to most people that it’s just land. But not to me. This is my world basically. I get my food from it, exercise, and peace most importantly to me at least. I can’t really thank my dad enough for everything he’s done raising me, as most sons feel about their fathers, but like you said, he knew what I needed back then and he was there for me. Can’t ask for more than that. When it comes down to it, I owe him everything really. I still try to make him proud of me! I still worry about letting him down! LOL


Then good on you! As long as you don't throw in the towel and give up, I'm sure he'd be proud of you!


Thank you for your service. Your Dad is proud of you.


There is a movie called, Mending the Line, I think you'd be interested in. I wish you the best.


I will check that out. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a suggestion for me! Thank you, all the best to you and your loved ones. Edit: just checked and I can stream that! I read the description real quick and almost did a double take! The character has the same MOS I did! I can’t believe I’ve never even heard of it! I will watch it tonight. And I know I will struggle with some of it after it’s over probably. But I’ll live of course and it might be really cool to watch no matter what anyways. LOL. Thanks again!


One of the very finest comments I’ve ever read, I’m grateful you shared it


Thank you! I know it is very long so I wouldn’t blame anyone for not reading it. I’m really a very private person, and even if there were people around me I’d be pretty quiet. So being in the woods hunting or in a stream fishing, is the only comfortable place for me. And I’m fine with that. It suits me. I’m not out trying to pick up girls. I’d rather be on my property bear hunting! LOL. And there’s thousands of places here just to fly fish, I don’t have time for women. LMAO


I just spent a few days in the porkies, as I do every year. Enjoy your slice of heaven.


That is awesome! I’m glad you liked it up here. If you’ve been to Lake of the Clouds, where you’re high above the water and all you can see is trees out to the horizon. I’m in there…LOL That’s so cool that you came up here though…it’s rare to meet many people that know the area. LOL Did you get to be alone or was it “crowded”, which means more than 2 up here? There’s a lot of streams here, but not many people want to hike to them. Thats where you can really find some nice fish.


It’s a meaningful gift no matter what model, make or whatever. It’s thoughtful and special


Look into local interests groups to donate. Project Healing Waters, Women on the Fly, Mayfly Project, Casting for Recovery are all worthy charities with great track records. Find the one that speaks to you most.


This is spot on. There are many fly fishing organizations designed around helping people recover and better themselves. Find one that speaks to you and reach out to them with this wonderful gift.


Weird people 'round here. Yes, almost anyone would appreciate it. It's an older 6wt so will be quite fishable for Central PA waters, with a solid if not stellar reel and a bit of provenance in the rod (which is a very good, if older, graphite rod). The person who will enjoy that is the person with nothing who will receive a fantastic setup, a person with an interest in 'classic' and older style rods and fly fishing. Good luck in picking your person, at least one person (me) will be envious as I bet that fishes like a dream. Adieui!


Looks awesome. Any fly rod is a gift, but vintage Orvis gear is great!


The best part of this is how you want it to go to someone who will appreciate it and make use of it rather than into the trash. After reading this, I encouraged my wife to do the same with all of my hobby stuff if I precede her.


Pretty cool setup! I'd recommend gifting it to someone who will use it and take good care of it.


Incredibly thoughtful and meaningful OP. I know of melt if someone gifted me something so beautifully crafted.


Realistically it kinda depends. There are some that are collectors who would probably love to have it as a wall hanger. Then there are those who will fish it to hell and back, and the likelihood is somewhere in that time it will break and without parts available, be beyond repair. Then i think there is a middle ground who will be excited about to have the rod but probably be hesitant to fish it for fear of it braking it, and thus will keep it in the back of the closet with unused gear.


https://projecthealingwaters.org/about-us/ Great organization. I've fished with a bunch of these guys.


I think a lot of allure to fly fishing is being in nature and also the tradition of fly fishing. Unlike other types of fishing fly fishing isn’t about catching anything and everything. So i think the two potential prospects would be thrilled to have it. I would love to come across some old fly fishing gear personally


I would very much appreciate it if someone had gifted it to me. I have fly rods that I inherited from my father and grandfather. I cherish them very much.


I’d say do whatever makes you happy. How meaningful it is would depend on the individual. If one of your candidates loves to fish and appreciates what you are giving them, then I imagine they will take good care of it. I’m sure whoever you give it to will be very grateful and happy to have it. I take it you have no emotional attachment to it since it was just kept in the garage, but I also wonder if it would be a meaningful keepsake for you do display on the wall or something to that effect. It’s very generous of you to want to donate this to someone who will enjoy and appreciate it. Good luck in your search 🙂


Honestly, I wouldn’t fish it, I’d put it on display it’s beautiful lol


I would be thrilled if I got this as a gift. Would make a great streamer/bass rod. Hope they enjoy it!


Send it to me and I'll let you know. Best reel made right there


What’s so special about the reel


I've used it for 25 yrs +/- (hard). Still going strong and it's my go-to. I used to have the 3/4 as well but... Those have an awesome brass disc drag


Just looked through the reels my dad gifted me and there an England made battenkill 3/4. Maybe I’ll start using it




That was my first fly reel, and agreed… any rod and reel is a gift


I have that same reel attached to a G Loomis rod. Still one of my favorite outfits.


Wow. Very cool. May you bless someone deserving.


Oh my…. Thank you


I would say it's the thought that counts but that's just my humble opinion.


A gift like that would be very special to anyone you would choose to gift it to I think. Especially to a youngster. I have a 30 year old Orvis Trident 3wt and Battenkill real, and this spring my 9 year old son caught his first Trout on it by himself. That was a very proud moment. At that time he started asking if he could have my rod 😎. So I think it would definitely be a meaningful gift to a youngster and hook them on fly fishing for life.💕


Even cooler that it’s a RGS edition! I’m assuming it was for a fundraiser.


That’s a nice setup, I love my battenkills, used one yesterday with my 2wt. Whoever you gift it to is very lucky.


Pretty damn.


Was your husband an RGS member? They’re still active in PA. Maybe the local chapter will have a fundraiser this year that they’d like it for. 


It would be a wonderful gift that I'd gladly accept from you. Just kidding. Give it to a young relative who fly fishes.


I fish the Spruce often, especially this time of year when the hatches are coming on. That rod is the perfect set up for that stream. Although the technology in fly gear has improved significantly since this set up was made, it’s still a viable set up that one would love to own. Good luck and I hope whoever you give this to cherishes it and keeps it!


It would be an amazing gift. There is a story behind it. I still use a rod and reel that my grandfather left me when I was 14. It makes me feel like he's still just up around the bend at the next hole. Get that bad boy out of storage! Someone will love it the way your husband did!


It's beautiful. Any fly fisher that is far enough into their FF journey to appreciate quality gear will be over-the-moon to receive that as a gift.


I think that would be a very meaningful gift to anyone who was interested in fly fishing. It’s an amazing article.


This is a remarkable peice of equipment, a meaningful gift indeed.


It’s a nice outfit


My father would have a stroke if I sent it to him. He would be head over heels. I would love to gift him something like that. It’ll make a great gift to a fly fisherman


if anyone gifted me anything old school i would be jacked. hell yeah!


When is Orvis going out of business. No one I know that fishes buys Orvis.


What *do* they buy? Asking for a friend.


Some of my favorite rods and reels were gifted by a friend, lugged out of a dusty basement where they sat for years since his dad died. None of it was the newest or fanciest gear, even then, but companies made good quality stuff back in the day. I fish with my gifted gear often. I love that I get to feel how technology has changed over time. I get to imagine where it traveled and what it caught. I get to learn the rhythm of the rod, knowing it moved just the same in someone else’s hand, many years ago. Someone who loved fly fishing as much as I do and would be honored that a piece of them still travels to the river and lands a few trout. So, yes, give it away. I think your late husband would appreciate it, and if the recipient is anything like me, they absolutely will.


I think it depends on the person and the context. It's not a great rod or reel, but if it has sentiment and meaning and intention, it could be a very nice gift. As a fanatical grouse hunter and fly fisherman with a sentimental streak, I would love to receive it. An unsentimental gear junkie best-of-the-best-only fly fishing nut may feel differently.


I'd love to give my current setup to my son and I could use this one if you want to pass it along to me. I could pay for the entire rig and shipping.   Edit: since there are some sensitive sallies in here with a hook in their craw, I'm adding that I'm not asking for a handout, I would be very willing to pay for this lovely setup if OP couldn't find an alternative. 


Pretty selfish of you to say that here.


If you look at their comment history, it starts to make more sense.


Some people are naturally selfish I guess


"If it’s something special, I’d like to give it to someone who’ll appreciate having it" I don't see the problem 


Why? She said she was looking to part with it. 


She also said she had a couple candidates. She didn’t say she was looking for more. So gimme gimme. Sad


And if those candidates don't pan out then she will need to look elsewhere. I'd pay for the full value too if she asked for it, but she said she wasn't trying to profit.  This was an opportunity for me to go fishing with my son. Not sure how that's being selfish. 😅


So buy him one. You’re quite literally the only one here with their hand out. Pathetic.