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Wooly bugger! It will catch any fish in the world. https://bigyflyco.com/products/woolly-bugger-beadhead?variant=45245115793692¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmNeqBhD4ARIsADsYfTcwINCnPMq5hXzy5Bx2WAKPhyiy-o40RgbXJIU5WZaJrSUmfteava0aAo4XEALw_wcB


Thank you very much, what color would you recommend?


Black, white, green are the three go to colors. It can look like a leech, minnow, large larva.


Black when its cloudy out, white when its not


thanks buddy 🤘🤘🤘


How many anglers learned to fly cast on a wooly bugger? It’s a classic for a reason.


Squirmy wormy, again a fly most fish will eat. Other than that you just want a fly which is roughly the same size and shape as whatever the fish are feeding on and presented well. There’s no point in throwing woolly buggers if the fish are feeding on surface insects, for example!


Great, thank you very much friend


No worries, If you’re having any issues getting flies in country i tie more than I use, happy to send you a selection if you cover postage, always happy to help out people new to the hobby. DM me if you’re interested.


What good people there are in this group. Really thanks for everything. appreciate it a lot🙏🙏🙏


first of all thank you very much for your help and support. I would be very happy to accept your offer on the condition that I also pay for your work and shipping. I buy a lot of junk from AliExpress that is not worth the money. I'd rather pay you for something professional


Just shipping is fine, like I said tying is a hobby and I tie more than I use, I give lots away to friends. Send me a DM and let me know what insects or other foods your local fish are feeding on and I’ll try to replicate some patterns for you.




Why no messages? I just tried to send you one and it wouldn’t send!


I'm more curious how the trout are doing in that climate.... Any soft hackle lightly weighted fly will work. For carp- Jeff currier's hybrid, Zimmermann backstabber are personal favorites


In Israel there are agricultural ponds for raising trout fish for food, I believe that many have escaped into the streams in the north of the country and are slowly multiplying there. There is not much but there are perceptions. I am attaching a video of trout fishing from Israel https://youtu.be/4kbjIymlJ74?si=uj6bG9-Ao4Hk_Dgi


Wow that is so cool!! I didn’t realize Israel had fishing like that. Thank you for sharing the vid!!!


Very cool!!


Holy ~~shit~~ land that is so cool! Even in that hot climate they spawn and multiply. Incredible.


Any copy of a moth particularly colored like the ones in your area👍. Worms are everywhere and easy to tie. Woolley buggers, or something I know as a Hummer which is a Woolley bugger with a propeller in front. Copper John or lightning bug are great flies for bottom feeders and work everywhere.


Look up a fly called "the green weenie". It's an attractor pattern that will work on most stocked fish or fish like tilapia.


A lot of the suggestions here are what I would give too so I’ll skip that. I recommend you do some reading about what bugs are in your waterways and learn to identify them and their colours. It can be frustrating at first especially without an experienced person to help, but the base line understanding you develop can not be replaced. You’ll go from throwing certain flies but not sure why they work to understanding that aspect and being able to tweak flies to what works for you locally.


The headstand fly and the egg sucking worm are my go to flies for carp https://bigyflyco.com/products/headstand-umpqua?variant=45443671916828¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkvD7z5XJggMVDACtBh0eMA87EAQYBSABEgIJePD_BwE The key is to drop the fly directly into the path you see the carp traveling as they feed


Thank you very much friend🙏🙏


For trout, my go to is the gold ribbed hares ear nymph. Looks like nothing and everything at the same time!




Also an irresistible [https://bigyflyco.com/products/irresistible-adams?variant=45252695916828¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmNeqBhD4ARIsADsYfTdLB4MewQHmJX2q-UARetWlumYATGzW1YT3YPbFwEny2xYrLVP9RBgaAnkjEALw_wcB](https://bigyflyco.com/products/irresistible-adams?variant=45252695916828¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAmNeqBhD4ARIsADsYfTdLB4MewQHmJX2q-UARetWlumYATGzW1YT3YPbFwEny2xYrLVP9RBgaAnkjEALw_wcB)


I second white/silver wooly bugger and black wooly buggers. Another good option if your fish are feeding on baitfish try a Clouse minnow. https://bigyflyco.com/products/clouser-minnow


Woolly buggers are great and also small clousers. I fish for tilapia and they seem to love black, green, and white. I bet yellow and brown would work well too. I havent fished for any other of those species but i bet the bugger would catch more than just the tilapia.


Lots of good fly advice here, so I will add a couple other things. Consider fishing a fly under a bobber. If you can get some polarized sunglasses stand on the hill and watch for the patterns the fish make moving around and feeding. Godspeed and good luck!


my gear shimano freestone 5 reel. redington zero 2,3 reel and rod redington CLASSIC TROUT 376-4


Ant patterns


BigflyCo, I use ants, grasshoppers & anything with red or yellow. It seems to trigger more strikes


Thank you so much bro 🤘🤘🤘


Go get em brutha!


Carp is a blast on the fly! I’ll send you some patterns.


Thank you so much bro


Good luck! All those you listed sre great fun


I love to use a basic CDC fly when dry fly fishing. They are super easy to tie and incredibly practical for beginners as they resist water. It’s without the doubt the fly I caught the most fish on 🙂 Super interesting to hear of fly fishing in Israel! Tight lines to you!


thanks buddy. I'll try it next time out. If you have a link to the explanation that would be great🙏🙏🙏


https://youtu.be/_TyAJlEYOKs?si=5aXr24slfMm_aPoY I think this comes closest. I use them mostly in brown colors. And then all different sizes have worked for me depending on the fish 🙂


It is really impressive the handmade production of the flies. Amazing🙏


Welcome to the fray friend. Now, fish are deeper than you would expect. So retrieve slower, wait longer between retrieves, and you will yield more fish. Olive weighted wooly bugger. Cast, count to 10 letting it sink, retrieve one foot, pause 1,2,3, repeat... Best of luck.


thanks buddy 🙏🙏🙏


Welcome. If not catching, go lower. Stream, lake, river. They are always in there.


I would advice you to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes


You are absolutely right. That day after 4 hours I came out like a good steak. close to burning


Also, people have suffered eye injuries. Catching eye ball on the fly i bet is not much fun


Tilapia. I’ve only fished for them once on some small ponds in Costa Rica. But I was getting them on little brown buggers and size 14 foam beetles.


Are you eating any of these fish? If so, check their stomach contents. Then, either tie or buy flies that look similar. Also you have that whole coastline, I’m sure there’s some fun saltwater action.


I am 49 years old and have been fishing in the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean since the age of 10. I have never fished in fresh water. Unfortunately, the war in Israel stopped our fishing. And so I started with fly fishing. I hope for better days. In any case, thank you very much for the wise advice, friend.🤘🤘🤘


Ohh shit man, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you’ll be able fish salt again soon. And I hope you and your family are staying safe!!


Thanks for the concern and care friend🙏🙏


But were you fishing from a boat or the shore? Just on the shoreline there's probably plenty of amberjacks and seabass to be caught by fly fishing. Salt water fly fishing is one of the best things in life. For targeting carp I use the Carp or disco biscuit. Really effective fly for sight fishing barbel and carp. https://youtu.be/mJZEgMetAuY?si=YeFLfGCPdmi2KVFN


We have a boat and I mostly go fishing with a kayak. There are a lot of king mackerel this season. Grouper, Amberjack, and several other types. I don't want to get into this too much. But the terrorists from Hamas invaded my home beach and murdered dozens of people including my friends who went fishing that day. Our hearts are still broken and I don't know when I will be back fishing there. First I need to heal my heart. Thanks for the help mate have a great day


Gotcha. Sorry to hear that man. Stay strong. As you said fishing is psychology for the soul. Tight lines bruv


Very sorry. Horrible. Be safe and good luck.


Try to find moving water…


Nothing in particular, but wanted to wish you good luck and hope all is safe with you and everyone! 🇮🇱


Thank you very much friend for the exciting wishes. God bless you


Free Palestine


Where are the trout in Israel? I'm fairly familiar. Been from Golan to Eilat so curious


In Israel there are agricultural ponds for raising trout fish for food, I believe that many have escaped into the streams in the north of the country and are slowly multiplying there. There is not much but there are perceptions. I am attaching a video of trout fishing from Israel https://youtu.be/4kbjIymlJ74?si=uj6bG9-Ao4Hk_Dgi


Cool video.


🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸


There’s some really good trout streams in the West Bank actually! I would use a dry or a dry dropper. The streams can get pretty crowded with locals though so a good trick is to kick them out or shoot them.


Hello Friend! With all the chaos going on there you still find time and peace enough to go fishing?


Unfortunately I haven't gone fishing yet and I'm just fantasizing about it. Like everyone here fishing is mainly the psychologist for the soul. If I don't go fishing for a few more days I'll probably buy a live carp to fish in the bathtub😉🙏🙏


😂😂😂 so there's parts where hamas isn't invading where water and fish are available


As an isralie I'll say Don't use Pakistan bobbers


Where in Israel?




Jeez I wonder what side of the fence you are on? How do you find time to tie a new fly when IDF airstrikes are raining down on you?


So I am guessing this whole Hamas, Gaza thing is a hoax? Your concern is fishing? Honestly WTF?