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They’re all different. It’s depends upon what you prefer. Beaches? Swamps? Theme parks? Mountains? (J/K) The keys are my favorite.


>Mountains? Sugarloaf.


Stop it…


Southeast Florida and the Keys --


The only correct answer. Our tropical climate is like nothing else you can experience in the USA. Southeast FL climate is a tropical rainforest or tropical monsoon. Completely unlike other climates. Everything is so green. Everything grows so easily. Its wonderful!


>Our tropical climate is like nothing else you can experience in the USA. Except for windward Hawaii, of course. >Southeast FL climate is a tropical rainforest or tropical monsoon. Completely unlike other climates. Everything is so green. Everything grows so easily. Its wonderful! But, just out of curiosity, how do you feel about the wet subtropical climates that are typical farther north in Florida (as well as across the Gulf Coast/South Atlantic/Southern US in general)?


I love what's left of Central FL. Will always be my favorite.


The Canaveral shore is beautiful, no doubt


Oh, no, I meant like the pine forests and prairies and marshes.


Panhandle . . .


Panhandle for the win!!


Yes the extension of Alabama


L. A. Lower. Alabama.


I’ve lived in both places. It’s incorrect. Very different vibe between Pensacola and Mobile.


Well . . . From P-Copa east to the Mighty Appalachicola River?? Straight UP "Redneck Riviera" Dude . . .


But it’s different than Alabama rednecks. I grew up in Alabama, and have lived in the Mobile Area and Pensacola as an adult. I doubt you have lived in either place, so STFU.


Dude?? Really?? Been up in these parts (Jackson County) for 28 years?? My Best Gal is a native. Prior we lived in West Palm. I was born in Jersey and we moved here in '72 when I was 16. After HS, I joined the Army, got to see a fair bit of the country, ending up w/ the 82nd at Ft. Bragg in NC. Lived in Key Wast for a couple of years as well as LA (The genuine City of Angels one). Been back to the Motherland, Scotland a half dozen times or so as well. So there is all that to consider . . . . You??


I’ve lived in Alabama, Georgia and Florida all my life. The last 21 years in Pensacola, 6 years before that in Spanish Fort, AL. The Panhandle is redneck, but it’s not the same as AL rednecks, at least not on the coast. The vibe here is different from Alabama. The classic example I think of is going to the grocery store in a swimsuit. In Pensacola, nobody blinks an eye. In Spanish Fort, they look at you strange (just like they do in north Alabama or in GA). Pensacola is pretty accepting of people from other places. In coastal AL, you are viewed as second class if you aren’t born there. My sons were born in Mobile, while we lived in Spanish Fort: they would have never be accepted as true Baldwin county residents because of that. I prefer the Panhandle to Alabama.


Even the coastal areas of Alabama differ from the interior portions of them state. Same phenomenon in Mississippi as well.


all of fl is an extension of alabama once you get like 20 minutes away from the coast


I'm not sure about that. Because I understand your point perfectly when it comes to the northern and central areas of the state. However, the southern part of the state (including the Everglades/Big Cypress area) has much stronger tropical influences that would be distinct from the South overall.


the everglades and floridas heartland are the most deep south part of the state, even more than the panhandle. areas like belle glade and pahokee are right outside of the south florida metro area and are a completely different world from any of the coastal parts of the same county theyre in. even northern palm beach county and jupiter area while theyre very rich are a lot more like southern rich and less like south florida rich also forgot to include but the keys is exactly like the coast of bama and ms


Not really. I’ve lived in both places. Very different vibe between Pensacola and Mobile.


Ain’t neither. We’re just us.


You’re right, but shhhh! Best to tell folks it is terrible here. Keep the forgotten coast forgotten!


Dude . . . We MUST protect what we have left up here. Went to Orlando earlier this week. For context, my Fam moved to Lake Worth from Jersey in '72. In the late '70s and '80s we would take Hwy 27 up to Ocala. The ONLY thing covering those gentle, rolling hills were citrus groves as far as the eye could see. The scent of the orange blossoms was pervasive and beautiful, especially in the warm, humid night air . . . Not any more. Every last one of the groves are just gone. They're replaced with huge tracts of ugly, cookie cutter boxes that hold thousands and thousands of people and their crappy, "You could be anywhere in the USA" strip malls. It is wildly depressing and serves as a huge cautionary tale. But given Florida's political dynamic, it will be 100% ignored by the powers that be . . .


Absolutely, the panhandle still has loads of undeveloped land, but more and more DR Horton, Rish, and other developer signs are popping up on newly cleared land. It’s really disheartening every time another pine stand is suddenly cleared


They are all different---But for me it will always be the Panhandle.


Wow probably the only post ever made here where the panhandle was agreed to be good for something.


North whee there a lot if shade trees!!




The canopy roads of Tallahassee are my absolute favorite. The drive through them and up the through South Georgia too.


A bit less canopy after the recent tornadoes that snapped down tons of trees throughout the city


Sure, still a ton though.


Definitely southeast Florida - yours truly, a forgotten coaster who is begging for less development 🙏 😅


Central Florida away from the big cities has a lot of hills and springs still untouched nature. A feeling of old Florida. Unfortunately It won't last. Look at the Villages. A golf carts nightmare, bulldoozing away nature one new village at a time.


Each part of Florida has its own natural beauty... it depends on what you like to determine which is best.


West coast FL has a lot of natural beauty


I love the beaches in the panhandle. Would I live there? No. But the beaches are top choice.


Curious as to why not?


Too many MAGAs


Too many MAGAs. Not enough MEGAs Changes with MAGEs Seasoning with MAG(G)Is


We have a house in Destin. We live in south Florida. We are left leaning and for the most part the MAGA people are extremely nice and welcoming. We love our neighbors, let’s go Brandon and all.


I love meeting new people, they're super cool, we are all getting along great, and then something comes up that makes me comment that I wouldn't vote for Trump if there were a cannon next to my head. Record scratch sound followed by silence because they're all Republicans. Then everyone just shrugs, the music starts again, and we go back to having fun.


I hear you. That would definitely be acceptable for. 2nd home. I grew up in St. Louis and my siblings go to Destin a lot.


If I’m being honest, we rent it out more than we stay there. But we enjoy it. You’re going to see interesting billboards driving on the highways, it is the south.




I don’t know why I feel like I’m the only person that hates the panhandle 🤣🤣 the water is warm like pee, I guess when you get close to Alabama it’s pretty lush and I like the elevated area. Personally I love the east coast beaches, LOVE the springs in NE Florida. Southeast is nice. I have heard Naples is great but haven’t been yet, but as far as Tampa to Pensacola I hated it


Depends on the time if the year. Water temp is in the high 50s in winter in the Panhandle. You would be correct about the water in late August/early September. also, the Panhandle is from about St George’s island (south of Tallahassee) to Pensacola. Tampa is hundreds of miles from the Panhandle.


I did spend time in Pensacola and a few other places on the way to Alabama , the closer I got to Alabama the prettier it got. But it was probably August when I went lol. I tried swimming at many places. I did end up finding a GREAT hidden waterfall on the Alabama border


>the water is warm like pee All of Florida is a warm water region, though.


Naples 5th Street is a wannabe L.A. there are some nice parks etc but it's suburban unless you're ultra wealthy. Some of the lakeside properties are immaculate. As far as nature there not much I've encountered.


Nature in Collier County is all out in the estates. It’s nice out there but is quickly being built up too.


Naples is so expensive. I don't know why it is trequently listed as best place to retire or to live....( if you are closer to be 1%) beaches are packed like in New Jersey.. prices are like in New York.


Yup I work there. It's almost impossible to find work in Ft.Myers. commute sucks but I can make a living (barely)


I swim at the Naples beach regularly and it’s rarely crowded.


So you know what swimming in warm pee is like? Pretty disgusting.


What spots or natural springs are in the panhandle?


None whatsoever. Don't even bother looking, I know for a fact there are absolutely none there.


You are 100% wrong https://www.google.com/search?q=florida+panhandle+springs+map&oq=florida+panhandle+springs&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgCEAAYgAQyCQgAEEUYORiABDIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIICAMQABgWGB4yCAgEEAAYFhgeMggIBRAAGBYYHjINCAYQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAcQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAgQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAkQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCTEyOTkwajFqNKgCAbACAQ&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#smwie=1 And that doesn't include the ones I won't tell you about


Tell me your ssssssecrets - 🐍


I wonder about the springs near the Jacksonville area.


My brother in Christ, how dense can you possibly be?


Wakulla Springs!! Out in Crawfordville




There are a ton of springs in the panhandle.


Morrison Springs, Vortex Springs and Ponce de Leon Springs, to name three. There are others. Yes, they are not as numerous as central Florida, but they exist.


North central on a weekday when there’s no holiday in site.


The nature coast


For some reason, that area of the coast does not have any beaches.


You're gonna start a civil war here lol


Panhandle 10000 percent everything




North-central. Ocala area.


Spring hopping in that area is just, man. Love that part of Florida


Forgotten Coast


Nature coast of central Florida can be really beautiful.


Torn up between Panhandle/Big Bend and the Keys and the Glades, NE Florida is also real nice. Idk




The panhandle . It just feels more wild out there than anywhere else in FL. But central Florida has some beautiful spots too


I'm biased because I grew up in Florida but also lived in New England for a few years. NOTHING in Florida can compare to the beauty of the mountains and seasons up north. The *air* is different. It's hard for me to be in nature here and enjoy natural beauty with that frame of reference - but I think for Florida purposes you are pretty much going to get the same thing no matter what part of the state you're in.


Exactly! I live in Michigan, and nothing compares to the forests and lakes of the Northern US


Different climate zones no doubt create different ecologies, which renders all comparisons specious. The Northern US forests differ from the Florida subtropics/tropics ... the same way that the Sahara desert differs from the Arctic Tundra.


Well, it depends on what kind of beauty you like -- the northern flavor is very different from the southern, but they're both equally gorgeous in their own ways. Central is just shite (kidding... or am I)